How did our volunteers see hope amidst challenges in Sri Lanka back in 2016? 2016年,在斯里兰卡,如何在挑战中看见希望?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • 2004年南亚大海啸,开启了新加坡慈济与斯里兰卡的缘分,往后多年志工持续往返两地付出,面对灾难,面对贫苦,没有国界,也没有种族之分。在陌生的国度里,无论是面对政府的限制,还是灾情的严峻,志工始终心系灾民,他们克服重重挑战和困难,只为把爱送达每一位需要的灾民手中。
    The Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 had forged the affinity between Tzu Chi Singapore and Sri Lanka. For many years, Tzu Chi Singapore volunteers have been traveling between the two places, confronting disasters and poverty with no regard for national boundaries or racial distinctions. In an unfamiliar territory, regardless of government restrictions or the severity of the disaster, the volunteers remained focused on relieving the victims. They overcame numerous challenges and difficulties with the aim of delivering love to every individual in need.

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