This is a sparkling performance! Had we heard this on classical FM radio and not known which orchestra was performing, we would have thought this was a major adult ensemble. From what we observe in this video, a highly talented orchestra of young people delivered a top-notch rendition of Beethoven's First Symphony. Parabens a todos!
YES! All their videos are great. Excellent performances and sound quality. Very impressive. Unfortunately the text is not in English, so I don't know who they are (and I'm too lazy to have it translated).
[日程] 2025/2/24(月祝) 13:30開演
[場所] 横浜みなとみらいホール 大ホール
[指揮] 松本 宗利音
ワーグナー / 楽劇『トリスタンとイゾルデ』 より前奏曲と愛の死
ブルックナー / 交響曲第8番 ハ短調 WAB108
[チケット] 全席指定1,000円
This is a sparkling performance! Had we heard this on classical FM radio and not known which orchestra was performing, we would have thought this was a major adult ensemble. From what we observe in this video, a highly talented orchestra of young people delivered a top-notch rendition of Beethoven's First Symphony. Parabens a todos!
YES! All their videos are great. Excellent performances and sound quality. Very impressive. Unfortunately the text is not in English, so I don't know who they are (and I'm too lazy to have it translated).