Sadhguru -Do This and even the source of creation cannot deny it to you!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
  • Once we believed that “Once we take care of our survival everything is going to be fine.”
    -survival process is not good enough
    -need to do something more
    -In the name of religion, in the name of belief we have broken humanity into so many pieces
    that we can never fix it;
    -spiritual process is a deeper involvement with life,much deeper than people would ever imagine.
    -Not just living the surface, living the core.
    -you cannot go to the core of life unless you are willing to pay attention to the detail of life.
    -Nothing in the existence will yield to you unless you pay attention to it
    -The creation and the Creator has to yield to you if you pay substantial attention to it.
    -Sadhguru about Andrew Carnegie
    -secret of Andrew Carnegie
    -keep your mind focused on something
    -Nothing yields unless you pay enough attention
    -there is nothing in the existence which cannot yield
    if you pay enough attention to it.
    -taking attention deeper and deeper
    where not just the creation
    the very source of creation becomes a living reality for you,
    even the source of creation has to yield.
    -if human consciousness is substantially focused
    even the source of creation cannot deny it to you,
    even that has to yield.
    -this is a choice we have
    either to exist here just as flesh and bone,
    as a piece of creation
    or as the Creator himself;
    this is the choice we have.
    An aspiration is not a good thing at the closing point.
    Closing point should be realization.
    Beginning point is aspiration
    Intro-autro song : kaalo na jaanaati chant by Sadhguru
    Sadhguru's books:
    Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga:
    A Yogi's Guide to Joy:
    with English subtitles (@For many people its the way to better understand the teachings, with great love #OnePath @)
    Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.
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