Every time I hear this sermon. I think of how blessed I am that I listened to the holy spirit and accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. Hell is not a place I want to be. But Jesus changed that at the age of 8. The best decision I made in my life was to follow him.
I keep reading comments of people writing ‘we need people to preach messages like this in our churches!’ Well, what’s stopping you? If you’re qualified as per the requirements of the bible, ask the Holy Spirit to equip and give you the words He wants you to give his sheep. As Jesus told Peter, feed my sheep - well the sheep are still hungry my friends.
@@emekaumeano9672 i mean i wouldn’t suppose to them coming back by any means. It would be super cool haha. All jokes aside though, Brent really does have a great point. We can bring back this style of preaching on our own at (personal) ease, our culture would just be even more so combative over it. Gotta do what ya gotta do though.
Preaching like this is what brought revival to the nation. We need it now instead of the cowardly prosperity gospel.The preachers today are afraid to offend anyone or afraid to lose their tax exempt status. This is what made America great. Forgive me LORD JESUS, I need YOU.
Funny thing is, religious organizations are inherently tax exempt, so they don’t even need to 501c3. I just wanted to let you know your comment was accurate.
My son's public school English class read this today, but it wasn't for Biblical teaching. I pray that the spirit that prompted this sermon would minister to each of them and any evil agenda would backfire and souls will be saved in Jesus name.
We studied it in HS in our Advanced English Senior Course. I'm not a Christian, butt here are so many priceless,spotless Masterpieces like these that need to be saved and shared.
This nation and churches of this nation need a spiritual awakening; Let a revival start with in me, let a revival start in you, O LORD let a revival be now, is my prayer.
When I was in Bible College, this was one of my favorite Sermons and remains so today. I recommend Pastors, Sinners and Students of God's Word... Not only read this sermon...studybit and Pastor's preach it, word for word in their Churches. Christian...search a study guide online...read the sermon a few times, then work through the study guide or create your own. Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.“
Everyone needs this message. Share it everywhere. Even to the death. You want to feel the power of God. Prove to yourself of his power. Shout the name Jesus. Be of much faith. Every conversation opens the opportunity to say the name Jesus. Have no fear.
Amen, we need this sermon preached again in every church in this country. We need hell and brimstone preached again from pulpits again, instead of people pleasing services. Hell is real, and every Christian should have a burden for the lost again.
@@wserthmar8908 God praise brother in Christ The kingdom of God is at the door Be strong Sudden destruction will fall When everybody will say peace and safety Like the days of Noah Only God can deliver save for eternity In the Kingdom of Heaven Amen
Man, ain’t god supposed to love not hate you? And compare you to a worm? If humans are supposedly created in gods image, than why are we being compared to worms? Screw this sermon.
If anyone hears this and doesn't respond and receive Jesus. I can't understand it. All though I was saved at eight years old. Watching one of the late Billy Graham's crusades on tv. This sermon makes me even want God's forgiveness for the mistakes I still make even now.
@@jm4509God never leaves or betrays anyone, you need to change your thinking. I don't know anything about your life, so I don't want to be rude but please change your thinking. Nothing evil comes from God, nor will God tempt any man or woman, please know this. God may test us but he never brings calamity or destruction. Bad things might happen but it shouldn't be held against God, we should always thank Him and never be angry at him.
This preaching is dreadfully lacking today. Most is, love, peace and safety milk-toast preaching. Oh how this message is needed today! O Lord, raise up pastors and teachers who will preach the whole counsel of Almighty God!
There are still some preachers who don't sugarcoat, and they're not well known. Most preachers that are well known today are those who share sugarcoat preaching and only what people wants to hear. As mentioned in this verse: 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
This brings my heart back to the days my youth, and how my Daddy preached. Oh how I long for those days. I remember a small church Dad pastored in the mid 80's. There were over 60 professions of faith in Jesus Christ in a very short time. WoW, I remember many time, before heading to school, walking over to the church to tell dad bye, before school, and walking in and watching from the back of the church, my Daddy on his face before God Almighty pleading for the souls if his congregation and community. Man those days are long passed, and Daddy is home with Jesus. Oh how I long for those days. Please don't put off accepting Jesus, as your Lord and Savior. God made it all so simple, that even a child can understand that they are in need of Jesus. I pray, if you do not know Jesus personally as your Lord and Savior, that you would ask him now and believe upon his finished work on the cross, before you read the next comment. Jesus truly saves.
Far too much unsound doctrine in today’s church. Beyond the osteens and furticks, I think I’m most disturbed by the virulently ant-Calvinist Arminians - they basically reject the gospel in their eagerness to denounce Calvinism. It is a travesty in the church.
The last great evangelist that I can remember was David Wilkerson. Our country needs an evangelist like this today more than ever. If our current government was exposed to a sermon like this the preacher would be locked up for hate speech. This sermon is the true definition of Love, if you care for someone you would want them to escape the agonies and eternal torment of hell.
David Wilkerson had a heart like few others. And I agree with the above statement ☝️ Paul Washer is incredible. Hands down my favorite man of God of my generation.
@@nickrandles1102 I agree! One of the sermons he did when she was younger (he references Britney Spears in that one) was a life changing sermon for me! I trust his teaching and feel convicted every time I listen to one
I saw Wilkerson preach in his church in Times Square in 1992. It was disturbing. Wilkerson was an angry, judgemental & hyper-religious legalist. A New Testament Pharisee. He hated sin much more that he loved the sinner. That sermon in 92 was the last time I listened to him preach. So disappointing.
This sermon made me realize how important it is to tell people about God. It’s terrifying so many people we know and see everyday will experience the torture and misery of hell
I agree and that's why it's so important to show them the power of our salvation. The freedom from sin in Christ. How sin no longer has dominion over us. It's the hope for those who call on His name and are saved.
Italian soldier: what you have said is not biblical at all. It is appointed onto man once to live and after that the judgment. Eternity is forever and ever, whether in God's presence or suffering eternal damnation.
@italiansoldierfromww2460 where do you find that in the Bible? That's a catholic belief and sadly a false one that will damn a lot of people for eternity.
If heaven is a place of eternal bliss, how could you ever be happy in heaven knowing people you love are in hell forever? I would always be pretty miserable knowing that someone I care about is in hell forever. Any Christian person could not truly be happy knowing this. Find even one Christian who has an unsaved loved one and they will either be going to heaven without true happiness or hell doesn't exist. I don't see how the traditional western concepts of heaven and hell can coexist. I don't believe in hell, hellfire, annihilation, or outer darkness. Most religions control people with two doctrines: reward and retributions. If you look for "hell" in the Bible, you're in for a long, fruitless search for facts, definitions, and explanations. Why? Because the Hebrew prophets never mentioned a place where human beings would wither in eternal torment, gnashing their teeth forever. Nor did the Hebrew prophets ever mention even the possibility of suffering after death. "hell" is used by charlatans to fleece the gullible. The Greek philosopher Celsus pointed out to Origen and other early Christians that the Greeks had invented "hell" to control the masses. Celsus also pointed out that no wise man believed in "hell." Should Christians be as gullible and undiscerning as the dupes of Celsus's day? For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those that believe. Scriptures: Most of the language used to describe hell in the new testament ("Gehenna" in greek) most likely refers to a finite place of purification. However, Romans 5:18;1 Corinthians 15:22 1 Timothy 2:3:Titus 2:11 2 Corinthians 5:19;John 12:32 John 12:47;Luke 16:16 1 John 2:2;Colossians 1:19-20 John 3:17;Philippians 2:9-11 Matthew 18:14;2 Peter 3:9;Hebrews 2:9
@@jamesmccluskey391 is very easy. The word said that our mind will be erase from this world. Another thing is if you tell your family every day, every time that is better be with God than without and they choose not too. Is like telling a drogadict or a drunker to stop that the way they are living is not good but they still do it and one day die. What are going to do stop living? And you still living your everyday in this earth. So even if you don't believe in hell, or in the moon that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Reality doesn't matter if we believe it or not still Reality.
As a sinner finding faith I wish these sermons were present in the church of today this hit me harder than any sermon i’ve physically attended which is sad when you think about it . The Gate is narrow and the path be long . God bless
Hanging by a thread, surrounded by an all consuming fire. But God, by HIS abundant grace and HIS great mercy called me and brought me out of the broad way of wickedness and into HIS marvelous light. All praise blessings honor glory and power to God Almighty - Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Dear brothers and sisters, I praise God for a man like Jonathan Edwards, I need your help, I am struggling with sin and need a brother or sister to help me, anyone willing to help out there? may God bless!!
A very timeless message! Where are the Jonathan Edwards of our day? Dear God, help me to fast and pray for a great revival to breakout in our nation! Amen.
You be one in this day. How often have you used this message, this audio message to open a mind that is so closed that the words you can only hope to contrive will not come? And how many times does this message get ignored? Personally, I share this often. In every battle where I recognize when I speak the name of Jesus Christ it brings on an instant attack. It is true, that when Jesus stands with you, nothing can stand against you. I'm proof. Associate everything with Jesus Christ. You'll Join the battlefield.
@@miketwiddy3783 God does not hold sins against us anymore. Scripture furthermore says we are all born of God. So, if we are born of God. Then upon death, we become acquainted with sin- Romans 6:23. Then how are we judged by sin. When scripture clearly states we are judged by our works! Why "magistrate according to a person works" if they are already been assigned to hell"? Scripture clearly says we are judged by our works, and gives many warnings (from Jesus too) about sinning, especially when we know the truth. non-believers don't read the bible, its warnings are for those whose eyes have been opened. Your works are PROOF that you are saved, NOT the other way around. When a person has TRULY accepted Christ, their way of thinking and behaving is TRANSFORMED (Not all at once - It CAN, take time) and this is EVIDENCE that they had received SALVATION. And how much OBEDIENCE you display after being saved is used as the measure of your REWARD in Heaven. Matter 24:13;Matter 10:22 The dead are judged by what is written in the book, i.e., according to their works. Scripture repeatedly says that judgment will be according to works (Ps. 62:12; Prov. 24:12; Jer. 17:10; 32:19; Matt. 16:27; Rom. 2:6; 14:12; Rev. 2:23; 22:12).
@@jamesmccluskey391 2nd paragraph, one can fall from grace at any time. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. I give praise to him everytime he saves my life, again and again. It not anymore complicated then that to me.
@@jamesmccluskey391 3rd paragraph. I know liars, cheaters, coerers, colluders, sale drugs and destroy lives everyday, hustlers, they touch the Bible everyday. Is it God or satan that can make one virtuous? Sayan can make one a wealthy man. Matt 19:24 "It's easier for a Camel to slip though the eye of a needle then it is for a rich man to get to heaven."
No we don’t, and Christians wonder why there’s so many atheists. You chase people away with lunatic messages like this. This is a MANS OPINIONS supported by nit picked quotes of the OLD TESTAMENT. Jesus literally preaches the exact opposite
"your earthly possessions and your purses of silver and gold and all your righteousness would have no more influence to uphold you and keep you out of hell than a spider's web would have to stop a falling rock"
The wrath of God...none can fathom, nor can anyone bear it - yet it is the judgement set, ready to be implemented unto those who rebel against God... What a weighty & heavy sermon, yet truthful - I too...like him, would shed tears while sharing this.
'God Awakening heart searching powerful message. St John 10:26-30 Matthew 7: 21-23❤ Father God help me to continue growing in your grace resting in your mercy in Jesus name amen 🙏🏼💒💌
So many of us have received many a mixed message regarding these things! I can't help but to fall in the words of the psalmist in psalm 51. May our repentance be true and acceptable before God!
GOD is LOVE full of Mercy Grace HE is full of compassion forgiveness gentleness tender mercies HE is so GOOD Thanks you Father that you are not like man .
We studied this sermon both in our history class,and our literature class..i loved it then,but hearing the deliverance of this sermon by such a powerful interpreter is a 'whole 'nuther' '. Wow.
Thing is, nobody is reformed anymore. They all love their congregation and don’t want attendance to go down, Jesus would preach the truth weather it emptied the room or filled it.
We were blessed to study this in American literature when I was in school. How different things might be if this were still allowed to be studied in depth
My God, what a magnificent production. Leave the other versions with background music and flat studio reverb. This is a professional presentation that makes all the others pale.
Just imagine what these men would say about our top educational institutions now. The utter depravity that has been permitted to fester there is unbelievable.
I think they would possibly be at a loss for words... I don't think they could have imagined the depth of filth and insanity that would engulf the institutions.
Amen and the habitual, willful sin they live in while claiming the name of Christ! If a church ISNT preaching against sin, and you don’t feel convicted ever, that church is apostate and leading many down the broad road to destruction!
This is good for the regenerate man who is in Christ. The sher apathy towards the lost we show is horrendous. Do we not care what happens to our brothers and sisters?
Oh Lord Jesus!!!!!! All my desire is before thee!!!!! Unto thee do I lift up my soul!!!!! My soul followeth hard after thee!!!!! In thy light shall we see light!!!! Say unto my soul, "I am thy salvation"!!!!
Probably the moat powerful and necessary sermon ever preached outside the Bible. It shook me and I burst into tears hearing it. "What must I do to be saved?" "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved " And yes this message needs to gp up and down the world. How many souls have been brought to repentance from this message?
I've listened to this sermon over 100 in the last several years. Theres something different. It ain't me. The power in the voice is mussing , there are words I don't recall hearing. Thank you Jesus. Again Again, and Again.
A message which was preached in centuries before us but speaks of today's life No need of sermon after sermon, series after series,but a LIVE BREATHED VOICE FROM THE THRONE OF GOD,****
A message which was preached in centuries before us but speaks of today's life No need of sermon after sermon, series after series,but a LIVE BREATHED VOICE FROM THE THRONE OF GOD,** THERE IS MORE WISDOM IN THIS ONE COMMENT THAN MOST ANYTHING ELSE ON THE INTERNET.
@davisturkey6919 I think we have enough preachers that talk about the love of God and mercy, and not enough that talk about Him as the Holy, Holy, Holy, and Righteous Judge that He is.
It reminds me of when Ezra brought the book of the law and read to the people and they wept so loudly he had to ask them to stop. "Do not weep for this day is holy to the Lord". Johathan Edwards had to do the same. Imagine that in a modern day church!
Can you imagine in our culture if a preacher did a sermon on this or preached the message to his congregation? Most people would be aghast because it shows mankind for who we really are. Oh how great of a salvation is Jesus! Wow
It does indeed show man, it shows a man who screams and makes people fearful. This is the exact type of man that caused the Salem witch trials, the ones that costed many young woman, men, and older peoples lives. Puritanism is a cult. A cult in which you can not have fun. A cult in which you are compared to a god damned worm, in which you are told your supposedly forgiving God hates you! I am not religious, but I have met many kind and forgiving Christian’s who made me think of converting. You wanna know what doesn’t? A screaming lunatic. This gets none of your messages to people, all it does is turn them away from your message. And that preacher is a evil man.
You are right, it does show mankind for who we are, but it gravely misrepresents God. This "sermon" posits that God and Satan are co-conspirators and that he personally sends people to hell.
One of the best things I’ve heard. The energy and background noise really brought this to life. Usually I’m dying to stay awake. Saving this for a few more run throughs. Loved the line where sinners standing on rotten wood over the pit. Wow, don’t we need this to open the minds of Christianity and then the youth.
@@storba3860it doesn’t mean anything to those not following God. You missed the point that it’s only by God’s goodness we aren’t thrown into Hell this second. Jesus Christ made the way to freedom. Believe and repent.
@@storba3860 how do you not understand that God gave us free will and we are the ones making things shity. God told us and showed us the right way and we ignore the one who made all things. I can tell you that the more I learn, the more I’m sad for people not following and seeking after God. You have to seek Him with all your heart and mind. He’s there for people if we are humble. You’ll see Him working in your life. The only way to understand is to read and study God’s word. He speaks to everyone, we just don’t listen for the noise. 1Ki 19:9 And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the LORD came to him, and he said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah? 1Ki 19:10 And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword: and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away. 1Ki 19:11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 1Ki 19:12 and after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. 1Ki 19:13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah? 1Ki 19:14 And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
To the believer, you’re at peace with God ( Romans 5:1 ) Salvation is a free gift to be received by faith in the blood of Christ. God has already completed the work on a persons behalf. All God is asking is for you to change your mind about him. You go from unbelief in Christ to belief on Christ, placing your trust in what he has done for you. The gospel is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. This message of Sinners in the hands of an angry God really helps to understand just how God truly feels about sin. May we understand God’s heart and why the need for Jesus, the blood of Christ is so important. Thank you God for the blood of Christ, the forgiveness of sins and the promise of a dwelling in your presence, with you for all eternity Amen.
This was undoubtedly and by far was one of the best sermons I have ever heard delivered by the voice of a man..At the end.. brother Jonathan was straight outta there! As he galloped off into Glory!! Well Done! I must say again..Well Done! 👑📖🧎♂️👑📖🧎♂️👑📖🧎♂️👑📖🧎♂️
Truly an incredible sermon. While, as a Catholic, I find the doctrine espoused within it to be questionable, I greatly admire the eloquence and verbiage he utilizes, which is seldom found in the modern preacher or priest.
This generation needs to hear to hear this.May God visit me cause revival in all areas of my life.Please Lord receive me and recreate me.Let me your true instrument to shine my light. I don't know how to pray but I believe you know what is good for me.Holy Spirit am sorry for grieving you....Amen
Tengo que concluir diciendo lo que el pastor Jhon macartur dijo si América Latina tuviera un tan solo pastor con tan alto disernimiento de la palabra como estos hombres las iglesias prsucieran buenos frutos estos hombres como el pastor Jhonathan sacuden y aflijen el espíritu sin acer espectáculos sin gritar sin fantasía ni buscando su propia gloria sin decir mil pasajes bíblicos sin disernimiento martilla al pecador y sacude al cristiano desnuda el alma y la hace quedar en vergüenza cambia la vida del que oye y reconoce la palabra De Dios amén
Yes, this kind of HOLY SPIRIT filled, soul stirring, and heart conviction type preaching NEED to be preached today. We are so “milk toast” when it comes to sharing the gospel with the lost. We’re always telling them that JESUS loves them, and HE do/does love them but we must also share with them that HE is coming back again as JUDGE and HE is going to deal with HIS enemies ( all who are rebellious, stouthearted and hardheaded and disobedient) TO THEIR FACE. GOD IS LOVE but HE ALSO IS HOLY and that will not excuse those who are reprobate....GOD is the GOD of wrath and is angry with wicked everyday. HE has appointed a day when HE will judge the world in justice & righteousness.
Thanks for posting this. Very good production and reenactment of Jonathan Edwards' most famous sermon. Heart moving and convicting. Gave me the sense that I was right there when he preached it.
One of the most powerful sermons ever recorded! Thank God for men like this that lead sinners like me to repentance through..”the washing of water by the word.”
Such a powerful message inspired by the holy spirit. I pray that we might hear it again and heed its warning. May our nation repent before it is too late.
I have spent my 37 years in church and the past 10 have been studying more and more the meat of theology and church history, and this is such a convicting message. The sad thing about it is I dont know if the unrepentant man will heed these words and turn from his rightful place in hell. Its funny this morning I read Hebrew 5-10 and it triggered me to listen to this message again
Yes and in those 37 years have you heard your pastor preach against habitual willful sin!? And how it will lead a man to hell.?Most do not….. if you don’t walk out of church convicted, there’s a Big red flag
Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” - John 18:37
26:14 two things. I agree with the notion that the good things God gave us are not for us to use for evil, however I would like to point out that God sends sun and rain and earth's increase on both the rightous and the wicked out of love.
The gospel is that God loves us and came down and suffered and died for us so that we can partake in Union with the father son and holy Spirit forever. God's not up there on his throne with an arrow on his quiver ready to shoot you and soak his arrow with blood because he's so angry with you. This is crappy preaching and all the people here that are giving it a thumbs up need to repent, change their mind towards god, and believe that he loves us and that he is not angry with us
Wow, this is really clear! As in, I was wondering what birds were freaking out about at 3:30 in the morning😁 Obviously, the message is important. I love this sermon💝
Wow that bird sounded so real at the very beginning I actually looked outside my door both ways 😳 these headphones are better than I thought they were lol
This is so sad this is not a message from the holy spirit. God is good and his mercy endures forever. I feel sorry for people who sees God in a sight of Hate. This is a hate message that's motivated by controlling people and degrading others.😢
John speaks of assurance. This wrath is not for us believers. Perfect love casts out fear. Learn to love Jesus perfectly. Jesus was 100% successful on the cross. This is a great sermon for false converts and unbelievers but we won't see damnation who are in christ.
This is the greatest sermon I have ever heard.
Me too. This one as well as
Paul Washer - 2016 Shepherd's Conference
Voddie Bauchum's - Brokenness
John MacArthur - The Suffering Servant
Every time I hear this sermon. I think of how blessed I am that I listened to the holy spirit and accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. Hell is not a place I want to be. But Jesus changed that at the age of 8. The best decision I made in my life was to follow him.
Amen! God bless you my brother in Christ.
Hell isn't real, and Jesus isn't real. Engage with reality.
I keep reading comments of people writing ‘we need people to preach messages like this in our churches!’ Well, what’s stopping you? If you’re qualified as per the requirements of the bible, ask the Holy Spirit to equip and give you the words He wants you to give his sheep. As Jesus told Peter, feed my sheep - well the sheep are still hungry my friends.
I really wonder if some wants the dead to come back and preach.
@@emekaumeano9672 i mean i wouldn’t suppose to them coming back by any means. It would be super cool haha.
All jokes aside though, Brent really does have a great point. We can bring back this style of preaching on our own at (personal) ease, our culture would just be even more so combative over it. Gotta do what ya gotta do though.
@@ianhastie5785 I concur!
Brent Valente- I totally agree with you, that the sheep are still hungry and need the word of God more than ever!
So happy to be saved❤🎉
I tell you of the love of JESUS!
It's your choice Heaven or Hell, Christ Jesus or the devil! Believe or unbelief!
I chose Christ Jesus my Lord and Savior Amen 🙏
You didn't choose God. He has CHOSEN His Church before the foundation of the world. You were in darkness before He chose you.
This is the type of sermon that people need to hear today.
Preaching like this is what brought revival to the nation. We need it now instead of the cowardly prosperity gospel.The preachers today are afraid to offend anyone or afraid to lose their tax exempt status. This is what made America great. Forgive me LORD JESUS, I need YOU.
You should watch Solomon Kane! This sermon reminds me a little of that movie
Funny thing is, religious organizations are inherently tax exempt, so they don’t even need to 501c3. I just wanted to let you know your comment was accurate.
AMEN and AMEN!! We need HELL FIRE / FIRE and BRIMSTONE preaching back in our pulpits TODAY !!
It beats the limp-wristed messages we hear from most pussy willow, spineless preachers
You're absolutely right.
My son's public school English class read this today, but it wasn't for Biblical teaching. I pray that the spirit that prompted this sermon would minister to each of them and any evil agenda would backfire and souls will be saved in Jesus name.
That’s amazing! amen
Where are you located I’m in Illinois west from Chicago like an hour
Would love to know what school!
We studied it in HS in our Advanced English Senior Course. I'm not a Christian, butt here are so many priceless,spotless Masterpieces like these that need to be saved and shared.
@@proud2bpagan you have high praise for something that condemns your unbelief. Do you think God can be flattered?
What a great mind. Evidence of America’s heritage. Thanks 🙏
This nation and churches of this nation need a spiritual awakening; Let a revival start with in me, let a revival start in you,
O LORD let a revival be now, is my prayer.
This prayer was answered.
it is answered mate. May the Lord Bless You
I revived in your mom.
AMEN! It starts within us. We are without excuse ❤️👍
There - but for - the grace of God - go I
Thank you God for having mercy on me, a horrible sinner. I am worthy of nothing but condemnation.
When I was in Bible College, this was one of my favorite Sermons and remains so today.
I recommend Pastors, Sinners and Students of God's Word... Not only read this sermon...studybit and Pastor's preach it, word for word in their Churches.
Christian...search a study guide online...read the sermon a few times, then work through the study guide or create your own.
Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.“
Sermon starts at 3:19
Thank you
Thank you
The church needs this message
Everyone needs this message. Share it everywhere. Even to the death. You want to feel the power of God. Prove to yourself of his power. Shout the name Jesus.
Be of much faith. Every conversation opens the opportunity to say the name Jesus. Have no fear.
No. The church needs the Bible. This message is devoid of Bible. Its a man on a rant with hardly a mention of Gods word.
@@jeffallanday He literally quoted Bible verses…
@@jeffallanday it's okay I'll take this message any day over the contents candy watered down messages of today!!
@@jeffallanday nope. It’s in line with Scripture. Soft, feel good “Christianity” is a doctrine of demons.
Amen, we need this sermon preached again in every church in this country. We need hell and brimstone preached again from pulpits again, instead of people pleasing services. Hell is real, and every Christian should have a burden for the lost again.
Whole world is a mist
Only Jesus is Truth
Keep Faith as God
God bless you. Praise Jesus
@@wserthmar8908 God praise brother in Christ
The kingdom of God is at the door
Be strong
Sudden destruction will fall
When everybody will say peace and safety
Like the days of Noah
Only God can deliver save for eternity
In the Kingdom of Heaven
"Oh Lord you are so big. So positively huge."
My 4th time listening to this.
Soul shaking gut wrenching sermon. If this doesn't rattle your cage, nothing will.
I was terrified when I first listened this
I'm saved, and this still terrified me. Where has the backbone of the churches went...Amen Lord Jesus our Savior.
Man, ain’t god supposed to love not hate you? And compare you to a worm? If humans are supposedly created in gods image, than why are we being compared to worms? Screw this sermon.
I woke up in the middle of nap and was half asleep it scared me something fierce.
@@RichardTClark396 same
If anyone hears this and doesn't respond and receive Jesus. I can't understand it. All though I was saved at eight years old. Watching one of the late Billy Graham's crusades on tv. This sermon makes me even want God's forgiveness for the mistakes I still make even now.
Continually repent as you live for Christ. Stay fessed up with Him! As you fail, confess. Be free!!
I want god but he keeps leaving and betraying me
@@jm4509God never leaves or betrays anyone, you need to change your thinking. I don't know anything about your life, so I don't want to be rude but please change your thinking. Nothing evil comes from God, nor will God tempt any man or woman, please know this. God may test us but he never brings calamity or destruction. Bad things might happen but it shouldn't be held against God, we should always thank Him and never be angry at him.
Thats not the God of the Bible...@@jm4509, I'm sorry to inform you but you may be worshipping the god of this world sir.
Even if you are saved.. why would you not repent for your so called mistakes?
Those mistakes are sin, please run to the cross!
This preaching is dreadfully lacking today. Most is, love, peace and safety milk-toast preaching.
Oh how this message is needed today! O Lord, raise up pastors and teachers who will preach the whole counsel of Almighty God!
There are still some preachers who don't sugarcoat, and they're not well known. Most preachers that are well known today are those who share sugarcoat preaching and only what people wants to hear.
As mentioned in this verse:
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
This brings my heart back to the days my youth, and how my Daddy preached. Oh how I long for those days. I remember a small church Dad pastored in the mid 80's. There were over 60 professions of faith in Jesus Christ in a very short time. WoW, I remember many time, before heading to school, walking over to the church to tell dad bye, before school, and walking in and watching from the back of the church, my Daddy on his face before God Almighty pleading for the souls if his congregation and community. Man those days are long passed, and Daddy is home with Jesus. Oh how I long for those days. Please don't put off accepting Jesus, as your Lord and Savior. God made it all so simple, that even a child can understand that they are in need of Jesus. I pray, if you do not know Jesus personally as your Lord and Savior, that you would ask him now and believe upon his finished work on the cross, before you read the next comment. Jesus truly saves.
the proper word that you actually meant is "milquetoast" NOT "milk-toast" -- just sayin'
THING God we can still listen to Good preaching
Far too much unsound doctrine in today’s church. Beyond the osteens and furticks, I think I’m most disturbed by the virulently ant-Calvinist Arminians - they basically reject the gospel in their eagerness to denounce Calvinism. It is a travesty in the church.
The last great evangelist that I can remember was David Wilkerson. Our country needs an evangelist like this today more than ever. If our current government was exposed to a sermon like this the preacher would be locked up for hate speech. This sermon is the true definition of Love, if you care for someone you would want them to escape the agonies and eternal torment of hell.
Paul Washer- shocking sermon is 🔥 also Derrick Prince is 🔥
David Wilkerson had a heart like few others. And I agree with the above statement ☝️ Paul Washer is incredible. Hands down my favorite man of God of my generation.
@@nickrandles1102 I agree! One of the sermons he did when she was younger (he references Britney Spears in that one) was a life changing sermon for me! I trust his teaching and feel convicted every time I listen to one
I saw Wilkerson preach in his church in Times Square in 1992. It was disturbing.
Wilkerson was an angry, judgemental & hyper-religious legalist. A New Testament Pharisee. He hated sin much more that he loved the sinner. That sermon in 92 was the last time I listened to him preach. So disappointing.
This sermon made me realize how important it is to tell people about God. It’s terrifying so many people we know and see everyday will experience the torture and misery of hell
I agree and that's why it's so important to show them the power of our salvation. The freedom from sin in Christ. How sin no longer has dominion over us. It's the hope for those who call on His name and are saved.
For most people hell will not be eternal, and most will receive a measure of salvation
Italian soldier: what you have said is not biblical at all. It is appointed onto man once to live and after that the judgment. Eternity is forever and ever, whether in God's presence or suffering eternal damnation.
@italiansoldierfromww2460 where do you find that in the Bible? That's a catholic belief and sadly a false one that will damn a lot of people for eternity.
You couldn't be more wrong.
We need more preaching like this ones. The churches need to stop accommodations and speak the Truth from the Bible.
If heaven is a place of eternal bliss, how could you ever be happy in heaven knowing people you love are in hell forever?
I would always be pretty miserable knowing that someone I care about is in hell forever. Any Christian person could not truly be happy knowing this.
Find even one Christian who has an unsaved loved one and they will either be going to heaven without true happiness or hell doesn't exist.
I don't see how the traditional western concepts of heaven and hell can coexist.
I don't believe in hell, hellfire, annihilation, or outer darkness. Most religions control people with two doctrines: reward and retributions.
If you look for "hell" in the Bible, you're in for a long, fruitless search for facts, definitions, and explanations. Why?
Because the Hebrew prophets never mentioned a place where human beings would wither in eternal torment, gnashing their teeth forever.
Nor did the Hebrew prophets ever mention even the possibility of suffering after death. "hell" is used by charlatans to fleece the gullible.
The Greek philosopher Celsus pointed out to Origen and other early Christians that the Greeks had invented "hell" to control the masses.
Celsus also pointed out that no wise man believed in "hell." Should Christians be as gullible and undiscerning as the dupes of Celsus's day?
For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those that believe.
Most of the language used to describe hell in the new testament ("Gehenna" in greek) most likely refers to a finite place of purification. However,
Romans 5:18;1 Corinthians 15:22
1 Timothy 2:3:Titus 2:11
2 Corinthians 5:19;John 12:32
John 12:47;Luke 16:16
1 John 2:2;Colossians 1:19-20
John 3:17;Philippians 2:9-11
Matthew 18:14;2 Peter 3:9;Hebrews 2:9
@@jamesmccluskey391 Luke 16:19-31
@@jamesmccluskey391 is very easy. The word said that our mind will be erase from this world. Another thing is if you tell your family every day, every time that is better be with God than without and they choose not too. Is like telling a drogadict or a drunker to stop that the way they are living is not good but they still do it and one day die. What are going to do stop living? And you still living your everyday in this earth. So even if you don't believe in hell, or in the moon that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Reality doesn't matter if we believe it or not still Reality.
Yep Yep Yep!!! 😎👍🏻😎👍🏻🙏🏻
As a sinner finding faith I wish these sermons were present in the church of today this hit me harder than any sermon i’ve physically attended which is sad when you think about it . The Gate is narrow and the path be long . God bless
I think John MacArthur is the closest modern preacher to this type of preaching today. You should check him out.
@LarryNathanielPhoto Allister Begg is another good preacher who has similar style.
Hanging by a thread, surrounded by an all consuming fire. But God, by HIS abundant grace and HIS great mercy called me and brought me out of the broad way of wickedness and into HIS marvelous light. All praise blessings honor glory and power to God Almighty - Father Son and Holy Spirit.
All glory , praise and honor to Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb
Dear brothers and sisters, I praise God for a man like Jonathan Edwards, I need your help, I am struggling with sin and need a brother or sister to help me, anyone willing to help out there? may God bless!!
Jesus is there with you right now. He is the great mediator. Talk to Him...
A very timeless message! Where are the Jonathan Edwards of our day? Dear God, help me to fast and pray for a great revival to breakout in our nation! Amen.
You be one in this day. How often have you used this message, this audio message to open a mind that is so closed that the words you can only hope to contrive will not come?
And how many times does this message get ignored?
Personally, I share this often. In every battle where I recognize when I speak the name of Jesus Christ it brings on an instant attack.
It is true, that when Jesus stands with you, nothing can stand against you.
I'm proof.
Associate everything with Jesus Christ. You'll Join the battlefield.
@@miketwiddy3783 God does not hold sins against us anymore. Scripture furthermore says we are all born of God. So, if we are born of God. Then upon death, we become acquainted with sin- Romans 6:23. Then how are we judged by sin. When scripture clearly states we are judged by our works!
Why "magistrate according to a person works" if they are already been assigned to hell"?
Scripture clearly says we are judged by our works, and gives many warnings (from Jesus too) about sinning, especially when we know the truth. non-believers don't read the bible, its warnings are for those whose eyes have been opened.
Your works are PROOF that you are saved, NOT the other way around. When a person has TRULY accepted Christ, their way of thinking and behaving is TRANSFORMED (Not all at once - It CAN, take time) and this is EVIDENCE that they had received SALVATION. And how much OBEDIENCE you display after being saved is used as the measure of your REWARD in Heaven.
Matter 24:13;Matter 10:22
The dead are judged by what is written in the book, i.e., according to their works.
Scripture repeatedly says that judgment will be according to works (Ps. 62:12; Prov. 24:12; Jer. 17:10; 32:19; Matt. 16:27; Rom. 2:6; 14:12; Rev. 2:23; 22:12).
To address the first paragraph, wouldn't "no works" be a sin?
2nd paragraph, one can fall from grace at any time. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
I give praise to him everytime he saves my life, again and again.
It not anymore complicated then that to me.
3rd paragraph. I know liars, cheaters, coerers, colluders, sale drugs and destroy lives everyday, hustlers, they touch the Bible everyday.
Is it God or satan that can make one virtuous?
Sayan can make one a wealthy man.
Matt 19:24
"It's easier for a Camel to slip though the eye of a needle then it is for a rich man to get to heaven."
My God... We need you in our nation Lord .. HELP! ❤
Wow... The Fear of the Lord is a fountain of Life, that will turn one soul from the snares of death! Proverbs 14:27
This slaps my face into the reality of the seriousness of God's wrath at the time of judgment
We definitely need this type of preaching in today's society.
Our generation need this message more than then.
prophets are made in this way. we se today the judgement of God on all who hate Him and His Christ. may he shield us in his grace
The book of Galatians proclaims from Jesus, that he, "I will send no prophets."
No we don’t, and Christians wonder why there’s so many atheists. You chase people away with lunatic messages like this. This is a MANS OPINIONS supported by nit picked quotes of the OLD TESTAMENT. Jesus literally preaches the exact opposite
This is without doubt the mother of all sermons!
"your earthly possessions and your purses of silver and gold and all your righteousness would have no more influence to uphold you and keep you out of hell than a spider's web would have to stop a falling rock"
The wrath of God...none can fathom, nor can anyone bear it - yet it is the judgement set, ready to be implemented unto those who rebel against God... What a weighty & heavy sermon, yet truthful - I too...like him, would shed tears while sharing this.
The wrath of God IS REVEALED FROM HEAVEN against ALL unrighteousness of men. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God!
One of the best sermons for spiritual awakening that will bring a change in our lives.May God touch us and bring this kind of revival
'God Awakening heart searching powerful message. St John 10:26-30 Matthew 7: 21-23❤ Father God help me to continue growing in your grace resting in your mercy in Jesus name amen 🙏🏼💒💌
So many of us have received many a mixed message regarding these things! I can't help but to fall in the words of the psalmist in psalm 51. May our repentance be true and acceptable before God!
GOD is LOVE full of Mercy Grace HE is full of compassion forgiveness gentleness tender mercies HE is so GOOD Thanks you Father that you are not like man .
Praise the Lord for the saints that by faith opened the hearts of our forefathers, that we might hear the Word in our time, that we may believe.
We studied this sermon both in our history class,and our literature class..i loved it then,but hearing the deliverance of this sermon by such a powerful interpreter is a 'whole 'nuther' '. Wow.
Thing is, nobody is reformed anymore. They all love their congregation and don’t want attendance to go down, Jesus would preach the truth weather it emptied the room or filled it.
We were blessed to study this in American literature when I was in school. How different things might be if this were still allowed to be studied in depth
My God, what a magnificent production. Leave the other versions with background music and flat studio reverb. This is a professional presentation that makes all the others pale.
Just imagine what these men would say about our top educational institutions now. The utter depravity that has been permitted to fester there is unbelievable.
Very true. God help us.
I think they would possibly be at a loss for words... I don't think they could have imagined the depth of filth and insanity that would engulf the institutions.
If this sermon doesn't change you then nothing will!!
As I heard a great Minister say recently. Maybe that's why we're not experiencing a revival these days, because no one is preaching on HELL.
Amen and the habitual, willful sin they live in while claiming the name of Christ! If a church ISNT preaching against sin, and you don’t feel convicted ever, that church is apostate and leading many down the broad road to destruction!
This is good for the regenerate man who is in Christ. The sher apathy towards the lost we show is horrendous. Do we not care what happens to our brothers and sisters?
Paul himself said he could wish himself accursed from Christ for the sake of my brethren, that they might be saved.
@Joe Black You need therapy.
Oh Lord Jesus!!!!!! All my desire is before thee!!!!! Unto thee do I lift up my soul!!!!! My soul followeth hard after thee!!!!! In thy light shall we see light!!!! Say unto my soul, "I am thy salvation"!!!!
May God raise up preachers like this in these perilous times who will stand with a back like a railroad tie and preach hell hot and heaven sweet!!
Well said Charles, Amen brother!
Oh Lord, have mercy!
And this wrath Christ bore in full, so that all who truly believe may stand faultless before Him with exceeding joy! What a Savior!!!
Probably the moat powerful and necessary sermon ever preached outside the Bible. It shook me and I burst into tears hearing it. "What must I do to be saved?"
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved "
And yes this message needs to gp up and down the world. How many souls have been brought to repentance from this message?
this is not ''outside the Bible'' though..
@@-BigIi- what? Well OF COURSE it's outside the Bible. Unless there's been an extra book 'Sinners in the hands of an angry God' been added to it.
I've listened to this sermon over 100 in the last several years. Theres something different. It ain't me. The power in the voice is mussing , there are words I don't recall hearing.
Thank you Jesus. Again Again, and Again.
My God help me!! To not forget the mercy and grace you have shown me!! Blessed be The Holy Name of my Lord and King Yahshua!!!
This is the most powerful recording of this sermon that I've ever heard.....the energy to follow through with the Great Commission is powerful
Yes it is for sure.
A message which was preached in centuries before us but speaks of today's life
No need of sermon after sermon, series after series,but a LIVE BREATHED VOICE FROM THE THRONE OF GOD,****
A message which was preached in centuries before us but speaks of today's life
Jonathan Edwards was a beast. We need more preachers like him in our day. Fearing God and unafraid to speak the truth.
He was not a beast, but I think he talked too much about hell and too little about the love of God..
@davisturkey6919 I think we have enough preachers that talk about the love of God and mercy, and not enough that talk about Him as the Holy, Holy, Holy, and Righteous Judge that He is.
It reminds me of when Ezra brought the book of the law and read to the people and they wept so loudly he had to ask them to stop. "Do not weep for this day is holy to the Lord". Johathan Edwards had to do the same. Imagine that in a modern day church!
Can you imagine in our culture if a preacher did a sermon on this or preached the message to his congregation? Most people would be aghast because it shows mankind for who we really are. Oh how great of a salvation is Jesus! Wow
It does indeed show man, it shows a man who screams and makes people fearful. This is the exact type of man that caused the Salem witch trials, the ones that costed many young woman, men, and older peoples lives. Puritanism is a cult. A cult in which you can not have fun. A cult in which you are compared to a god damned worm, in which you are told your supposedly forgiving God hates you! I am not religious, but I have met many kind and forgiving Christian’s who made me think of converting. You wanna know what doesn’t? A screaming lunatic. This gets none of your messages to people, all it does is turn them away from your message. And that preacher is a evil man.
You are right, it does show mankind for who we are, but it gravely misrepresents God. This "sermon" posits that God and Satan are co-conspirators and that he personally sends people to hell.
Thanks for the comment. I don’t understand what you mean by he personally sends them to hell? Do you mean God?
I keep having to listen to this sermon over and over again. I wonder how powerful was the great awakening?
Holy Spirit carried it 15years I think he said at the beginning \O/ 29:52
One of the best things I’ve heard. The energy and background noise really brought this to life. Usually I’m dying to stay awake. Saving this for a few more run throughs. Loved the line where sinners standing on rotten wood over the pit. Wow, don’t we need this to open the minds of Christianity and then the youth.
Amen! 3rd time in a row. Still riveted & gleaning ❤️
I guess "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" doesn't actually mean anything.
@@storba3860it doesn’t mean anything to those not following God. You missed the point that it’s only by God’s goodness we aren’t thrown into Hell this second. Jesus Christ made the way to freedom. Believe and repent.
@@rosstemple7617 A shitty creation implies a shitty creator. How do you not understand that?
@@storba3860 how do you not understand that God gave us free will and we are the ones making things shity.
God told us and showed us the right way and we ignore the one who made all things. I can tell you that the more I learn, the more I’m sad for people not following and seeking after God. You have to seek Him with all your heart and mind. He’s there for people if we are humble. You’ll see Him working in your life. The only way to understand is to read and study God’s word. He speaks to everyone, we just don’t listen for the noise.
1Ki 19:9 And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the LORD came to him, and he said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah?
1Ki 19:10 And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword: and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
1Ki 19:11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
1Ki 19:12 and after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
1Ki 19:13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?
1Ki 19:14 And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
I have never heard such preaching - this world sorely needs this message!!
To the believer, you’re at peace with God ( Romans 5:1 )
Salvation is a free gift to be received by faith in the blood of Christ. God has already completed the work on a persons behalf. All God is asking is for you to change your mind about him. You go from unbelief in Christ to belief on Christ, placing your trust in what he has done for you.
The gospel is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
This message of Sinners in the hands of an angry God really helps to understand just how God truly feels about sin. May we understand God’s heart and why the need for Jesus, the blood of Christ is so important.
Thank you God for the blood of Christ, the forgiveness of sins and the promise of a dwelling in your presence, with you for all eternity Amen.
Thanks for getting the Gospel correct. Many people now are muddling up the Gospel by adding things to it!
@@ryanolson2976 Yep, you have to be careful, especially nowadays. God bless you 😊
wow perfect thank GOD for these men that we can still listen to GOD BLESS whosoever brought this sermon to the youtube
Don't let it stop with you. You too have avenues of distribution.
@@miketwiddy4428 done👍
This was undoubtedly and by far was one of the best sermons I have ever heard delivered by the voice of a man..At the end.. brother Jonathan was straight outta there! As he galloped off into Glory!! Well Done! I must say again..Well Done! 👑📖🧎♂️👑📖🧎♂️👑📖🧎♂️👑📖🧎♂️
Truly an incredible sermon. While, as a Catholic, I find the doctrine espoused within it to be questionable, I greatly admire the eloquence and verbiage he utilizes, which is seldom found in the modern preacher or priest.
This generation needs to hear to hear this.May God visit me cause revival in all areas of my life.Please Lord receive me and recreate me.Let me your true instrument to shine my light.
I don't know how to pray but I believe you know what is good for me.Holy Spirit am sorry for grieving you....Amen
Tengo que concluir diciendo lo que el pastor Jhon macartur dijo si América Latina tuviera un tan solo pastor con tan alto disernimiento de la palabra como estos hombres las iglesias prsucieran buenos frutos estos hombres como el pastor Jhonathan sacuden y aflijen el espíritu sin acer espectáculos sin gritar sin fantasía ni buscando su propia gloria sin decir mil pasajes bíblicos sin disernimiento martilla al pecador y sacude al cristiano desnuda el alma y la hace quedar en vergüenza cambia la vida del que oye y reconoce la palabra De Dios amén
Yes, this kind of HOLY SPIRIT filled, soul stirring, and heart conviction type preaching NEED to be preached today. We are so “milk toast” when it comes to sharing the gospel with the lost. We’re always telling them that JESUS loves them, and HE do/does love them but we must also share with them that HE is coming back again as JUDGE and HE is going to deal with HIS enemies ( all who are rebellious, stouthearted and hardheaded and disobedient) TO THEIR FACE. GOD IS LOVE but HE ALSO IS HOLY and that will not excuse those who are reprobate....GOD is the GOD of wrath and is angry with wicked everyday. HE has appointed a day when HE will judge the world in justice & righteousness.
I think you are the one who is lost here :D Religious stupidity.
Thank you, so powerful and merciful messenger
Thanks for posting this. Very good production and reenactment of Jonathan Edwards' most famous sermon. Heart moving and convicting. Gave me the sense that I was right there when he preached it.
Wow just wow! What a sermon!
this is spot on preaching...real vivid..
I read this in high school and we'll I have lots to say but I'll stay grounded today
Take note of the moment when the sermon changes it's focus to the listener directly. Wow...
One of the most powerful sermons ever recorded! Thank God for men like this that lead sinners like me to repentance through..”the washing of water by the word.”
where does it say that at?
@@angelinaaltick683 In Social Studies-
Incredible! America needs more of this, especially in 2020!
And even more in 2024.
Such a powerful message inspired by the holy spirit. I pray that we might hear it again and heed its warning. May our nation repent before it is too late.
What a beautiful sermon, it sure keeps me on track
Who is the person reading this? He is quite an exceptional and powerful speaker. Just wow!
I have spent my 37 years in church and the past 10 have been studying more and more the meat of theology and church history, and this is such a convicting message. The sad thing about it is I dont know if the unrepentant man will heed these words and turn from his rightful place in hell. Its funny this morning I read Hebrew 5-10 and it triggered me to listen to this message again
Yes and in those 37 years have you heard your pastor preach against habitual willful sin!? And how it will lead a man to hell.?Most do not….. if you don’t walk out of church convicted, there’s a
Big red flag
Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”
- John 18:37
What truly blessed and very strong doctrine.
Thank you Dearest heavenly Father, for this wonderful sermon.
For GOD alone is GOOD, Alleluia!!
26:14 two things. I agree with the notion that the good things God gave us are not for us to use for evil, however I would like to point out that God sends sun and rain and earth's increase on both the rightous and the wicked out of love.
That's what we need to hear today
Theirs only one reason a person would not want to hear this, cos they're going to hell. Sad but true.
@Кристиан Бек people don't like to be reminded they're going to hell. That is the truth.
@Кристиан Бек You sound like one of them. You know, someone that doesn't like to be reminded about hell.
@Кристиан Бек and I'm just reminding you of your eternal destination. Outta the great state of Texas. Dumbass.
very helpful in my research paper. a good toe stepper. much needed for the church today
The gospel is that God loves us and came down and suffered and died for us so that we can partake in Union with the father son and holy Spirit forever. God's not up there on his throne with an arrow on his quiver ready to shoot you and soak his arrow with blood because he's so angry with you. This is crappy preaching and all the people here that are giving it a thumbs up need to repent, change their mind towards god, and believe that he loves us and that he is not angry with us
@Joe Black read your NEW COVENANT
@Joe Black His
@Joe Black God, if you will, chose masculine pronouns
This is by far the best version of the sermon on youtube. Thank you.
Wow, this is really clear! As in, I was wondering what birds were freaking out about at 3:30 in the morning😁 Obviously, the message is important. I love this sermon💝
Wow that bird sounded so real at the very beginning I actually looked outside my door both ways 😳 these headphones are better than I thought they were lol
Wow hits my soul and spirit deeper then deep because I don’t want to be in hell oh how I thank my Heavenly Father for His Son my Savior Jesus Christ
This is so sad this is not a message from the holy spirit. God is good and his mercy endures forever. I feel sorry for people who sees God in a sight of Hate. This is a hate message that's motivated by controlling people and degrading others.😢
Modern Christianity is all Mercy and no Judgement, all flesh and no spine. Without this balance the West shall surely fall.
John speaks of assurance. This wrath is not for us believers. Perfect love casts out fear. Learn to love Jesus perfectly. Jesus was 100% successful on the cross. This is a great sermon for false converts and unbelievers but we won't see damnation who are in christ.
THIS IS EXCELLENT!! Better quality than i ever thought it would be!
Me too. I thank the guy who shared this with me. Moved
AMEN!!! great sermon!