This was a HARD Minecraft Challenge. I almost wanted to just replace the last message with a dumb, easy one but I'm no coward! The list was finished as god intended.
I’m waiting for pt 3 here’s what you should do 1. Iro Was Killed (using /kill) 2. [Intentional Game Design] (again and use a respawn anchor) 3. Iro Was Slain By Bee 4. Iro was slain by afk
There is also an older player that spend years streaming him walking to the farmlands wia overworld in an old version. (There was no sprinting or nether)
You haven't seen anything yet if you think that last one was hard! Try dying by being in the exact same spot a Nether Portal Frame generates in when someone lights an unpaired portal from the other side of the dimensional boundary. Yes, you'll need help for that one.
They have an 8% chance of actually dropping a Trident, iro! +battle for dream island is a very good show +zombies can't jump over azalea leaves and dripleaf
There is a way to die that the devs didn't think was even possible so you won't see a death message. If someone builds a nether portal in the nether on the exact same spot you are standing in the overworld. It will spawn and crush you. No death message cause that death was never thought of.
One Of My Favirate time when somone one died Was when I Was Playing Xbox Minecraft turtioal word I Ask him you need? Some armor the brother: Nah I Dont do need it' so Affer a tiny bit of Exploading an dieding in lava (By digging staright down I Know Bad habit) so i ask my brother to come back he did an the game that had a bulding so he couldent see me on screen and then affer when the game was ready A CHANGED Crepper Inv Slowely Creep up on my brother An Blow Him Up We where Laughing So hard Saying "Maybe you sould got some armor" is was a really funny momment
I heard the hardest death message is "left the confines of this world while fighting Ender Dragon"
To get it, you have to fight the ender dragon and let it attack you then teleport past the world border
I thought it was “left confines of this world while fighting shulker
@@yoshie007xt2 what
no way only 800 likes!? u deserve more for ur patience!
I’m waiting for pt 3 here’s what you should do
1. Iro Was Killed (using /kill)
2. [Intentional Game Design] (again and use a respawn anchor)
3. Iro Was Slain By Bee
4. Iro was slain by afk
I like no 1
ok when are you gonna make pt 3
this is insane, ur underrated my friend
iro2016 left the confines of this world while escaping charged creeper 😂 🚧🏃
Really bro you just spent so much time to make this video hats off man...
Love your video so much ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks a lot uchiha
there is many people who have gone to the border, but it's still cracy impresive
Who else did? (Other than bacon waffles)
There are many, but that I remember now is, SB737, LockDownLife, Duckio...
There is also an older player that spend years streaming him walking to the farmlands wia overworld in an old version. (There was no sprinting or nether)
@iroplaysminecraftsorry for not remembering more right now
You haven't seen anything yet if you think that last one was hard!
Try dying by being in the exact same spot a Nether Portal Frame generates in when someone lights an unpaired portal from the other side of the dimensional boundary.
Yes, you'll need help for that one.
This is nearly impossible: Rio truer break gravity by following isaac newton ruled
iro was doomed to fall by [gravity]
Why is this so well made in hilarious
Bros patience level: 📈📈📈
Nice dragon ball reference with Cell, too
onion man died oh dehydration (dolphin out of water)
Dam the dedication on this is crazy
3:12 looooool😂
They have an 8% chance of actually dropping a Trident, iro!
+battle for dream island is a very good show
+zombies can't jump over azalea leaves and dripleaf
Iro was froze to death by a haudenosaunee player
"Iro was Squashed by bee villager"
iro drowned while trying to escape [oxeygene]
Paul is the Goat 🐐!!!!!!
There is a way to die that the devs didn't think was even possible so you won't see a death message. If someone builds a nether portal in the nether on the exact same spot you are standing in the overworld. It will spawn and crush you. No death message cause that death was never thought of.
I must try it lol
@iroplaysminecraft I hope to see the video 🙂
No way bro used gravity falls in the beggining!
He postedddddd lets gooo
Hello Iro Nice to see you uploaded another video
"Iro was fireballed by Iro" This one is extremely difficult.
What the-
He could put it on lan and then make a account named iro2025 and put it in the lan world! And then fireball him selfs
paul is the goat!!!
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂funny video
iro died from falling while trying to escape [high cliff, kinda dumb]
10:28 you Rick rolled us!
F they sent my way hard
0:01 gravity falls 👑
5:57 why is the enderdragon farting everywhere 💀😆
Ring a ring around
1:28 just a normal sentence
the trump picture:
He says that too
better say "Dumb ways to die"
Use a mending book!
I noticed if you touch a respawn anchor the death message is iro was killed by [intentional game design]
Ira was slain By Ender Dragon using magic
Do "iro was blown up by [eating too much kfc]"
Do iro died to a chicken just name a zombie “a chicken” and die to it
I got the Triton like first try
thanks paul
There is an easier one "player left the confines of world while fighting the ender dragon "
Yeah fr
i also found first one but in bedrock edition i put ender pearl into respawn anchor
Use keep inventory in the world you never lose your item😅
That makes everything too easy
believe in GOD
I do
Piss off
how about iro whithered away while fighting whither
4:26 Iro was squashed by bee? Nahh, its Iro was squashed by bee villager
did you mean "beelligar"?
(this comment is not funny)
Do iro was killed by trying to survive (just name a mob that)
*Comment gets 12 million likes*
probably never gonna happen tho
If it beco a meme, maybe
One Of My Favirate time when somone one died Was when I Was Playing Xbox Minecraft turtioal word I Ask him you need? Some armor the brother: Nah I Dont do need it' so Affer a tiny bit of Exploading an dieding in lava (By digging staright down I Know Bad habit) so i ask my brother to come back he did an the game that had a bulding so he couldent see me on screen and then affer when the game was ready A CHANGED Crepper Inv Slowely Creep up on my brother An Blow Him Up We where Laughing So hard Saying "Maybe you sould got some armor" is was a really funny momment
Lol. Creepers are always the ones to end runs
@iroplaysminecraft Well True But that was a very Blowing Momment No pun inteaded🤣
Underrated... Wanna be friends? Im Marcus btw
Sure, I'm iro but I think you already know that
Very unique and cool name. Very cool
14:05 how fast summer break goes
Good one
@ omg iro replied to my comment 😱😱🫦🫦✅✅🙂🙃🙂🙃
Do iro walked into the danger zone because of your wife
7:12 weren't you just in the end?
Bro this is asmone
do it in hardcore
4:15 Curious George Trains?
Much higher chance to get a tridant in bedrock😂
Squid game bang bang bang
Hello iroplayz
Hello athar
@iroplaysminecrabs hi
@iroplaysminecraft hi
@@dianwidiyanti2516 hi
yay i thought you quitted youtube
Hell naw
@iroplaysminecraft yeah its been time scince you posted your video 1 month ago
why do people only comment once
@helper7355Idk idk
Huh wth is going on 0:39
What ?
iro eat to much sigma🤫🤫🤫💀👻
Dude heve you lost your mind
1:58 It Said Iro Died While Trying to Hurt Villager Not Hurt A Villager
Its the same thing
Do you died from pooping
i love your content 😃😃, can i please have a like?
Hi iro
Hi iro
Hi iro
Hi iro
Hi iro
Anyone who came for the thumbnail
Me ;)
Hey man, please check your emails :)
You meano
Why ?
You say ugly mama 😅