No Pauses Now, We Have Made the First Tangible Step Towards Peace

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 มิ.ย. 2024
  • I held a meeting today to discuss the results of the Peace Summit and to prepare our next steps. No pauses now. We have made the first tangible step towards peace - in the unprecedented unity of the countries worldwide. This is Ukraine's success that for the first time in our history so many leaders and states have gathered for the sake of Ukraine and for the sake of peace. I thank everyone who was represented at the Summit. But peace is always the path. New steps are needed. And they will be taken. We are already preparing them. I am grateful to our team. We are preparing the accession of states to the final Communiqué of the Summit. We are preparing the work of groups on the points of the Peace Formula so that states can unite for the sake of clear specifics, decisions and action plans that will actually restore security.
    Actually, we already have a preliminary work schedule for the summer months. We will not slow down. We will keep our communication with our partners as active as before. Ukraine never wanted this war, and naturally, it wants a just peace the most. And we see that it is possible. We are bringing peace closer.
    I thank everyone in the world who helps us. And I am proud of each and every one who is fighting for Ukraine, who is defending Ukraine at the front, who is working for our country and people. This extraordinary courage and loyalty allow us to work with completely different partners in conditions of equal respect for the just interests of Ukraine. Ukraine now has its own strong agency.

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