Great to see so many aspects of this comprehensive design innovation. Leaving the rough surfaces as they are, in contrast to new construction, is a wonderful aspect of the design. That, to me, is a typical part of the European aesthetic. In the US a deliberate cosmetic sensibility would have ordained resurfacing everything to look brand new. We seem to be terrified of anything that hasn't been given a pretty face.
God info video👍
Great to see so many aspects of this comprehensive design innovation. Leaving the rough surfaces as they are, in contrast to new construction, is a wonderful aspect of the design. That, to me, is a typical part of the European aesthetic. In the US a deliberate cosmetic sensibility would have ordained resurfacing everything to look brand new. We seem to be terrified of anything that hasn't been given a pretty face.
Kan altså ikke la' vær med at synes at navnet M/S Museet for Søfart lyder lidt som navnet på en gammel storebæltsfærge. Så er det sagt.
Hvorfor skal byggeriet være så frastødende og grimt?