Assalamualaikum. I have something to say. Allah swt show me something. True things. Rasulullah saw ummah that guided by Allah swt to see with their heart know exactly time is ticking and heart is beating fast because they know Allah swt show them exactly whats going to happen next. And we Rasulullah saw ummah are damn scared because we know Allah swt is not playing around when Allah swt said "Kun Fayakuun" . This is the most scary and dangerous time at this very second. I can't tell whats going to happen next because Allah swt lock my heart from saying it but I cry everyday because Allah swt is watching and forbid me from telling it. And I'm damn scared of Allah swt The Almighty, My King Allah swt The Most Promising One that NEVER NEGLECTED EVEN ONE PROMISE WHEN HE ALLAH SWT PROMISE.
Waalaikummussalam wrh wbt ustaz
Semoga ustaz selalu dlm lindungan ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALLA.
Saya selalu mengikuti kajian ustaz.
Salam dr Indonesia 🇮🇩
Assalamualaikum wbt...
Allahumma sholli ‘ala saidina Muhammad wa ‘ala ali saidina Muhammad...
Allahu Akbar...
Syukran ust...
Assalamualaikum salam Ustaz Wadi salam mesra Di Alam Maya. Terima kasih banyak2 memberi nasihat kpd hamba2 Allah. Aaminn yaa robbal allammin.
Saya shaer ya ustaz
Assalamualaikum. I have something to say. Allah swt show me something. True things. Rasulullah saw ummah that guided by Allah swt to see with their heart know exactly time is ticking and heart is beating fast because they know Allah swt show them exactly whats going to happen next. And we Rasulullah saw ummah are damn scared because we know Allah swt is not playing around when Allah swt said "Kun Fayakuun" . This is the most scary and dangerous time at this very second. I can't tell whats going to happen next because Allah swt lock my heart from saying it but I cry everyday because Allah swt is watching and forbid me from telling it. And I'm damn scared of Allah swt The Almighty, My King Allah swt The Most Promising One that NEVER NEGLECTED EVEN ONE PROMISE WHEN HE ALLAH SWT PROMISE.