The Marder was originaly designed as a Tank destroyer? Thats completely new to me. Development of the Marder started in 1959 as a accompanying IFV for the Leopard 1. It has nothing to do with the Marder Tank destroyer family of WW2
Yeah.. 'the Marder was also equipped with an anti-tank gun...'' - that refers to the 20mm gun. Alas for the video maker, the Germans never thought that as an 'anti-tank gun' but purely for support of infantery and against vehicles with very little or no armour. Somewhere the WW2 Marder, the tank destroyer, has been mixed up with the 1960's Marder, the IFV. Rather dump mistake. As others note, not the only mistake in this video!
This is completely wrong. The Marder was designed originally as an IFV. In german: SPZ, Schützenpanzer. After the German HS30 and the soviet BMP it was the third IFV worldwide.
The have no clue about tanks. WIth the "anti-tank" reference they constantly mix up the WW2 vehicle with the Bundeswehr IFV from the 1960s. Pretty bad mistake.
Neither was the Marder fielded in the Gulf War, nor was it developed as or on the basis of a tank destroyer, nor is it based on the chassis of the Leopard 2 Tank. The Marder has it's propulsion in the front of the vehicle, while the Leopard has its on the rear end. This video is crab!
The Marder was never designed as an Antitank-vehicle and it had nothing to do with the WW2 Marder. It was designed to fight together with the Leopard as an Infantry Fighting Vehicle/ Schützenpanzer. It was part of the special German Panzergrenadier concept.
Falsch The Panzerjäger I is considered to be the first specialized tank destroyer of the German Wehrmacht. It was created out of the need to develop a mobile and effective anti-tank weapon that the Wehrmacht could use against the more heavily armored Allied tanks. As the war progressed, more complex and better-armored tank destroyers were developed, including the Marder series vehicles mentioned above, as well as later, heavier models such as the Jagdpanther and the Elefant.
There is so much misinformation about the marder Ifv in this Video. The tank destroyer from WW2 has nothing to do with the Ifv from the 1960. And its designt as an Ifv from the get go, to work thogeter with the Leopard 1 Tanks. Thers no parts from the Leopard 1 Tank, everything is new designt. Topspeed is about 47mph or 75kmh. And the 1960 marder never intended to be a Tank destroyer.
The Panzerjäger I is considered to be the first specialized tank destroyer of the German Wehrmacht. It was created out of the need to develop a mobile and effective anti-tank weapon that the Wehrmacht could use against the more heavily armored Allied tanks. As the war progressed, more complex and better-armored tank destroyers were developed, including the Marder series vehicles mentioned above, as well as later, heavier models such as the Jagdpanther and the Elefant.
The main role of the Marder is and always has been to accompany the Leopard tanks with mechanized infantry. I mean it is kind of in the name "infantry fighting vehicle" or german "Schützenpanzer". A Marder is a small weasel like animal. Quick, nimble and hard to catch. It's main role never was to be a tank destroyer. The Leopards favorite prey are soviet tanks. They are the tank destroyers. Though some Marders are equipped with anti tank missiles. And there are many specialised versions. But it is mainly used by the Panzergrendiere, specialised infantry that accompanies, protects and fights besides our tanks. They are equipped with anti tank weapons like the Panzerfaust. That is part of the german mechanized war doctrine since WW2. The Wehmacht mainly used different half tracked vehicles, the Bundeswehr the Marder and since a few years the Puma.
Marders can carry the MILAN 3 which is more or less the same as TOW 2 though lacking a top attack warhead its does have a tandem warhead. It's wire guided so Marder must be stationary. So they should be able to destroy most Russia MBT except the T90 from the front (maybe).
@@williamzk9083 Exactly. Like i said some of them are equipped with anti tank weapons. But tank destroying never was it's main role like the video claims.
US Marines do not use the Bradley... And the chassis is separate from the M113. Where are you getting the marder being a tank destroyer stuff from? This video seems like it's got some factual problems
Ya sometimes I notice that. I don't want to be too hard on him. It's clear he is not an expert just someone who is interested. That's fine & people can contribute in that way. Bradley isn't amphibious. Maybe he meant its fording capability. And the Marder, maybe he meant originally? That's the most generous interpretation I can come up with.
The video is full of errors. The IFV Marder was never a tank destroyer and also not in WW2. In WW2 there were tanks / tank destroyers named Marder I, II and III, but they have nothing in common except the name. Unfortantely the history as "tank destroyer" seems to make it much worse in it's role as an IFV 🙂 Marder is about as big as the Bradley, but much more heavy -> armor. The armor is about the same quality, Marder perhaps better at the sides, Bradley at the top and against RPGs. Was this video done automatically by AI?
The Marder was designed as a infantry fighting vehicle. Not to be confused with the WW2 tank destroyer. They have nothing to do with each other. You also confuse numbers regarding to speed between the WW2 Marder and the modern IFV Marder. The Marder was designed for the same role as the Bradley. They can carry the same number of crew and "passengers". The Marder is the faster and more agile, with more range than the Bradley. It was supposed to keep up with the very fast Leopard 1. If you want to compare Bradley with the Marder today, that means in the case of Ukraine the 1A3. The 1A3 has improved armour, that gives comparable or better protection than the Bradley. The 1A3 has a comprehensive electronic suit. The most modern IFV in Ukraine is, I suppose, the CV 90 from Sweden.
You mix up the Marder of Wehrmacht in WWII, which was a kind of tank destroyer with the Marder of Bundeswehr of the 1960s up to today, which is an IFV. Definitely, the Marder of Bundeswehr was never designed as a tank destroyer, but as a IFV or Schützenpanzer in German.
There are wrong grafics used. The front view of the Marder in desert color is the front view of the Jaguar (Jagdpanzer). The Marder was never designed to be a tank hunter. A variation of the Marder chassis with Leopard 1 turret was sold to Argentina. Jagspanzer (8 cylinder 500HP) and Leopard1 (10 cylinder 830 HP) have rear engines and gearing, the Marder has front engine (6 cylinder 600 HP) and gearing.
A poorly researched video. The Marder was developed as a successor to the completely miserable HS30 (Schützenpanzer, lang), which was completely unsuitable and was only procured through corruption and bribes and which also led to one of the biggest arms scandals and a committee of inquiry from which of course nothing came out, except that one Pawn Sacrifice was murdered and two arrested and has nothing to do with the Marder tank destroyer. The tank destroyer was called Jaguar. HS30 was the successor to the Sd.Kfz. 251. In between there was the M39 and the M113. The fact that the chassis have similar components is due to a Bundeswehr concept of using as many uniform parts as possible. For example, the tank engines from MTU are all basically identical in construction. They are available as V6, V8, V10 and V12 but in principle they are identical. A cylinder head from the Marder also fits a Leopard 1, fits a Jaguar tank destroyer. What is also left out here is that the Marder at 1977 equipped with the MILAN or MELLS guided missile, which means it already has considerable firepower against armored targets. What is also left out here is that the Marder can be equipped with the MILAN or MELLS guided missile, which means it already has considerable firepower against armored targets. Since 1984 they have had thermal imaging devices, since 2002 they have had mine protection, additional armor (which eliminated the side ball mounts for rifflemen), and since 2010 they have had air conditioning, jammers, and multispectral camouflage equipment. I still think the Bradley is superior, but not as superior as it seems in the video. In addition, the war in Ukraine shows how quickly completely outdated or cheap devices suddenly become very interesting and important. If someone had told me before that you could decimate a tank brigade with DJI drones for 1000 bucks, I would have thought you were crazy.
The Bradley is obviously a bit better since it's almost 2 decades newer. However I can imagine that having a very low profile can be a huge advantage on the relatively flat battlefield terrain in Ukraine.
Omar Bradley was the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the last Five Star General/General of the Army in the United States. He was also a commander of the US Army Infantry School and commanded the largest unit of American soldiers ever - 1.3M in the 12th Army Group.
The Marder was limited in power, aka two of its cylinders were capped to save fuel. I can tell you 60 miles per hour on a freeway we’re not pushing this vehicle and on frozen terrain you better we’re sitting down and get buckled. Thus the speed was to protect the crew, not the vehicle.
bradley is obviously newer and superior to marder. the cv90 is newer than both and effective targeting, but if bradley is fitted with ERA, it has better survivability.
Germany has been replacing its Marders with Puma IFV. The Puma is an excellent IFV with almost invincible Armour and able to be transported on a A400M. It's a little small. Its had some problems with is complex networking software (Link 16?) which allowed no only Marder to share sensors with each other and situational awareness but dismounted soldiers but I have no doubt it will be solved. There is the fairly successful Lynx IFV, much larger than Marder, but not yet ordered by Germany Army. It is being used in several countries.
It is newer. If it is superior is questionable. Not only the Bradley was upgraded, the Marder was too over its life time. The Marder has MILAN as anti-tank rocket system (the most modern versions of Marder use the more modern MELLS/Spike), and the smaller bore of the main gun is compensated by its fire rate of 1000 rpm. In 2011 a Marder was ambushed in Afghanistan. A 200kg IED exploded next to it. The Marder was totally wrecked, the crew survived, except the driver. Three were seriously injured, two were slightly injured. The drivers seat was not decoupled from the base plate of the vehicle. Usually in mine protected vehicles the seats are suspended from the ceiling. High firepower, reliable and good armour. The original design even had embrasures on the sides, so soldiers were able to use their weapons from the inside of the Marder to fight enemies outside of the Marder. These were no longer available after an armour upgrade. The machine gun was originally not coaxial, it was on a separate smaller "turret", operated independantly from the 20mm gun. The American military also looked at the Marder in the 1970s and considered its adoption. But they wanted their own design, and that took its time. That's the reason the Bradley is so much newer. The Marder was a completely new concept back then.
@@williamzk9083 But due to issues with the Puma, the Marder will remain longer in service as anticipated. So several units will be upgraded to A5A1. That upgrade includes the replacement of the 600 hp engine with a 750 hp one. But even without that upgrade the Marder is slightly faster than the Bradley. You can see that the Marder gained weight through its armour upgrades over time. Originally it was 72 kph, now it's only 65 kph. They even had to reinforce to the suspension due to the gain of weight.
Auf Grund des Altersunterschied und des Verwendungszweck, der nie als "Jagdpanzer" vorgesehen war (schlecht recherschiert!), schneidet der ältere Schützenpanzer Marder doch recht gut, oder sogar gleich ab! ABER, auf Grund der Medien, soll der Bradley sich im Ruhm der Beiträge sonnen und die Aufmerksamkeit der Russen auf sich lenken, somit bleiben die Marder unbehelligt und können besser ihre Aufgaben erledigen!
Bradley is vastly superior and quite comfy for the driver except it’s loud in the driver seat. 1/4 inch of removable steel separates you from the engine. Before they installed cameras for the driver to watch, night driving was horrible. A single removable night vision periscope was used.
my goodness...where do you got your information from?? Yes, they both have a cannon, yes both are running on tracks, and yes, they are both carrying infantry... that´s it. The German Marder is NO tank destroyer... it´s developed along sie the German Infantry doctrine reaching back in the early 20th century! ...Infantry always fighting along tanks called the "Panzergrenadiere" supported and based on armoured vehicles for keeping the pace of the tanks. pls take some time and do some research. Pls renew this vieo asap to get ri of this BS about German Marder IFV
you compare the german tank, developed in the late 1960s with the Bradley, 20 years later. Is this true, fair? Compare the Bradley with the German Puma, who works together in big network teams, it's the same and wrong!
At 1:40, I realised that this guy was talking nonsense. He's confusing two different vehicles that have nothing in common except the name. The WWII Marder was a tank destroyer and the post-war Marder is an armoured personnel carrier/IFV. Technically, they are not related, they just have the same name.
Instead of the TOW, the Marder has the Milan with 4 Rokets on board. I was a Marder Platoon leader, all the tanks in our Bataillon went better than 70 kmh. They are very reliable. You just have to know how to service the 20mm canon. In heavy terrain we had problems keeping up with the Leopards who are more powerful and have a better suspension. The Marder is okay and reliable. 77
Sorry, but the marder is more importent. Germany do more protection. So go with the bradley but you are more protected with the marder. Than you can Service.
The earlier Marder version 1A1 reached a top speed of 80 mh. However, this significantly reduced the service life of the gearbox. This is why this speed was limited to 60 mh in later versions.
Come on.... The Marder is NOT a tank destroyer.... It's an IFV similar to the BMP (and the Bradley). The Marder fights in combo with tanks (Leopard 1/2) called the "Verbund der Waffen". The Marder has anti-tank capabilities (Milan/Mellls) - but thats not his primary role.
Experience from the Second World War showed that the german mechanized infantry ( Panzergrenadiere ) preferred to fight mounted from the SdKfz infantry fighting vehicle. The Marder was designed based of this requirementsGood armor, ABC Protection, and enough space for the infantry to fight mounted. The Bradley was designed in a similar way, model was the Marder with some modifications and vehicle parts made in USA. Wich IFV is better ? My opinion its a draw. I drove the Marder 81-82 and had a chance to take place in a Bradley at the Grafenwoehr Training Area.
i would take the marten in ukraine because the main fights here are against soldiers. the 20mm cannon is the better choice because the marten has a lot more ammunition with it
The Bradley's 25mm rounds are nearly twice the size of the Marder/Marten's 20mm. 300 ready rounds vs 500 ready rounds. Bradley is marginally better off.
@@Netzjargon What? why? Autocannons are not used to target visible soldiers - that's what coaxial machine guns are for. The autocannon is to engage vehicles with AP(FSDS) and the HE rounds can be used to fire into buildings, knock down walls, or spread shrapnel on area targets, targets in woods etc. They're not generally going to be trying to his soldiers directly with autocannon fire.
Marder a tankdestroyer??? Max speed 30 mph??? Range 125 miles??? Obviously the Marder of WW2 was mixed up whith the modern AFV. Another AI generated rubbisch. I recommend delet this.
Well, after 1200 hits with sub-caliber ammunition, an MBT also looks different than before. But of course it is not an AT-gun as claimed in the video. It is used to provide fire support for the infantry. The cannon can easily remove a wall or a floor of a house. I've already seen it in nature.
@@PropperNaughtyGeezer Definitely useful against infantry and light cover. We used to have two distinct SPAAGs during the Yugoslav Wars, one with triple 20mm, the other with double 30mm autocannon and both were preferred in that role over MBT 100mm and 125mm cannon.
Lol, the marder being a tank destroyer? really? besides, the bradley came intro production in 1981 and the marder in 1959, that's a huge time gap to claim it's better because superior american engineers designed it, they weren't even designed for the same purpose, it's like comparing a colt 1911 with a toaster.
The CV90 is a great IFV, but your comparing it to both countries old tech. The German Puma is just as good if not better than the CV90 and the US has a new IFV coming out to replace the Bradley.
sadly a video with many mistakes. I dont think the marder was designed as a tankdestroyer at All. its more a 70ties ifv with some capabilitys to fight the tanks of that time. Thats why it has its engine at the front, to protect the crew and soldiers. And there are also wrong things in this video concerning the bradley.
That's weird - 2:19 - Germany did not participate in Gulf War, you mixed smth up. Tank destroyer 3:47 - again weird. Light 5:04 ?? Don't make videos drunk. Allied tanks 5:27??? What a horror. Maybe simple AI has created this video?
Sry but this video wasnt good... 20mm 4 tank destroying lol. And comparing Tanks from different times didnt make sense. The Bradly was designed 20 years later and naturally it has a better gun, better ammonnition and electronics. Next Video: Leopard 1 (1959) vs M1 Abrams (1976)....... In Real: M60 1957 and he had the M48 as a template
How ironic you mention recycling as that is exactly what Ukraine found out early on with all the scap metal from russians. But russians believed that these are tanks and armor vehicles, that would protect them. I would think that nobody would want to use the recycled metal for any building of tanks in the future, knowing the country that donated them to Ukraine. Maybe they will be used make farm equipment that the russians stole from innocent civilians and farmers.
Lol good luck. They AFVs are FAR SUPERIOR than there Russian counterparts. The Bradley’s absolutely DESTROYED Russian tanks in Iraq and the Ukrainians will once again put them to good use against Russian armor.
The Marder was originaly designed as a Tank destroyer? Thats completely new to me. Development of the Marder started in 1959 as a accompanying IFV for the Leopard 1. It has nothing to do with the Marder Tank destroyer family of WW2
Yeah.. 'the Marder was also equipped with an anti-tank gun...'' - that refers to the 20mm gun. Alas for the video maker, the Germans never thought that as an 'anti-tank gun' but purely for support of infantery and against vehicles with very little or no armour. Somewhere the WW2 Marder, the tank destroyer, has been mixed up with the 1960's Marder, the IFV. Rather dump mistake. As others note, not the only mistake in this video!
Every time I hear dingus here say "designed as tank destoyer"...I feel like slapping his face
This is completely wrong. The Marder was designed originally as an IFV. In german: SPZ, Schützenpanzer. After the German HS30 and the soviet BMP it was the third IFV worldwide.
The have no clue about tanks. WIth the "anti-tank" reference they constantly mix up the WW2 vehicle with the Bundeswehr IFV from the 1960s. Pretty bad mistake.
The author obviously doesn't know what does schutzenpanzer mean
Neither was the Marder fielded in the Gulf War, nor was it developed as or on the basis of a tank destroyer, nor is it based on the chassis of the Leopard 2 Tank. The Marder has it's propulsion in the front of the vehicle, while the Leopard has its on the rear end. This video is crab!
The Marder was never designed as an Antitank-vehicle and it had nothing to do with the WW2 Marder. It was designed to fight together with the Leopard as an Infantry Fighting Vehicle/ Schützenpanzer. It was part of the special German Panzergrenadier concept.
The Panzerjäger I is considered to be the first specialized tank destroyer of the German Wehrmacht. It was created out of the need to develop a mobile and effective anti-tank weapon that the Wehrmacht could use against the more heavily armored Allied tanks.
As the war progressed, more complex and better-armored tank destroyers were developed, including the Marder series vehicles mentioned above, as well as later, heavier models such as the Jagdpanther and the Elefant.
@@AcidGubbaare you actually this illiterate
@@AcidGubbahow do you mess up the two marders you tool
There is so much misinformation about the marder Ifv in this Video.
The tank destroyer from WW2 has nothing to do with the Ifv from the 1960.
And its designt as an Ifv from the get go, to work thogeter with the Leopard 1 Tanks.
Thers no parts from the Leopard 1 Tank, everything is new designt.
Topspeed is about 47mph or 75kmh.
And the 1960 marder never intended to be a Tank destroyer.
I think he got confused with the ww2 Marder while reaserching for this video
The Panzerjäger I is considered to be the first specialized tank destroyer of the German Wehrmacht. It was created out of the need to develop a mobile and effective anti-tank weapon that the Wehrmacht could use against the more heavily armored Allied tanks.
As the war progressed, more complex and better-armored tank destroyers were developed, including the Marder series vehicles mentioned above, as well as later, heavier models such as the Jagdpanther and the Elefant.
The main role of the Marder is and always has been to accompany the Leopard tanks with mechanized infantry. I mean it is kind of in the name "infantry fighting vehicle" or german "Schützenpanzer". A Marder is a small weasel like animal. Quick, nimble and hard to catch. It's main role never was to be a tank destroyer. The Leopards favorite prey are soviet tanks. They are the tank destroyers. Though some Marders are equipped with anti tank missiles. And there are many specialised versions. But it is mainly used by the Panzergrendiere, specialised infantry that accompanies, protects and fights besides our tanks. They are equipped with anti tank weapons like the Panzerfaust. That is part of the german mechanized war doctrine since WW2. The Wehmacht mainly used different half tracked vehicles, the Bundeswehr the Marder and since a few years the Puma.
Marders can carry the MILAN 3 which is more or less the same as TOW 2 though lacking a top attack warhead its does have a tandem warhead. It's wire guided so Marder must be stationary. So they should be able to destroy most Russia MBT except the T90 from the front (maybe).
@@williamzk9083 Exactly. Like i said some of them are equipped with anti tank weapons. But tank destroying never was it's main role like the video claims.
US Marines do not use the Bradley...
And the chassis is separate from the M113.
Where are you getting the marder being a tank destroyer stuff from?
This video seems like it's got some factual problems
Ya sometimes I notice that. I don't want to be too hard on him. It's clear he is not an expert just someone who is interested. That's fine & people can contribute in that way. Bradley isn't amphibious. Maybe he meant its fording capability. And the Marder, maybe he meant originally? That's the most generous interpretation I can come up with.
The Bradley and AAV RAM-RS have the same suspension
Just because there was a "tank destroyer" with the same name in WW2 doesn't mean the modern one was designed as such. That's complete nonsense
The video is full of errors. The IFV Marder was never a tank destroyer and also not in WW2. In WW2 there were tanks / tank destroyers named Marder I, II and III, but they have nothing in common except the name. Unfortantely the history as "tank destroyer" seems to make it much worse in it's role as an IFV 🙂
Marder is about as big as the Bradley, but much more heavy -> armor.
The armor is about the same quality, Marder perhaps better at the sides, Bradley at the top and against RPGs.
Was this video done automatically by AI?
The Marder has not the chassis of the Leopard 1.
It was a completely new design for the Marder and then for the Roland anti-aircraft missile tank.
The Marder was designed as a infantry fighting vehicle. Not to be confused with the WW2 tank destroyer. They have nothing to do with each other. You also confuse numbers regarding to speed between the WW2 Marder and the modern IFV Marder. The Marder was designed for the same role as the Bradley. They can carry the same number of crew and "passengers".
The Marder is the faster and more agile, with more range than the Bradley. It was supposed to keep up with the very fast Leopard 1.
If you want to compare Bradley with the Marder today, that means in the case of Ukraine the 1A3. The 1A3 has improved armour, that gives comparable or better protection than the Bradley. The 1A3 has a comprehensive electronic suit.
The most modern IFV in Ukraine is, I suppose, the CV 90 from Sweden.
Poor research. Too many errors.
Probably asked ChatGPT lol…
The Marder was a tank destroyer? 😂😂
The Bradley is not amphibious. It can ford water but it's not like a BMP or original LAVs.
You mix up the Marder of Wehrmacht in WWII, which was a kind of tank destroyer with the Marder of Bundeswehr of the 1960s up to today, which is an IFV. Definitely, the Marder of Bundeswehr was never designed as a tank destroyer, but as a IFV or Schützenpanzer in German.
Both can be effective and successful when military commanders plan their strategy properly and deploy them in areas where they are most effective.
There are wrong grafics used. The front view of the Marder in desert color is the front view of the Jaguar (Jagdpanzer). The Marder was never designed to be a tank hunter. A variation of the Marder chassis with Leopard 1 turret was sold to Argentina. Jagspanzer (8 cylinder 500HP) and Leopard1 (10 cylinder 830 HP) have rear engines and gearing, the Marder has front engine (6 cylinder 600 HP) and gearing.
A poorly researched video.
The Marder was developed as a successor to the completely miserable HS30 (Schützenpanzer, lang), which was completely unsuitable and was only procured through corruption and bribes and which also led to one of the biggest arms scandals and a committee of inquiry from which of course nothing came out, except that one Pawn Sacrifice was murdered and two arrested and has nothing to do with the Marder tank destroyer. The tank destroyer was called Jaguar. HS30 was the successor to the Sd.Kfz. 251. In between there was the M39 and the M113.
The fact that the chassis have similar components is due to a Bundeswehr concept of using as many uniform parts as possible. For example, the tank engines from MTU are all basically identical in construction. They are available as V6, V8, V10 and V12 but in principle they are identical. A cylinder head from the Marder also fits a Leopard 1, fits a Jaguar tank destroyer.
What is also left out here is that the Marder at 1977 equipped with the MILAN or MELLS guided missile, which means it already has considerable firepower against armored targets.
What is also left out here is that the Marder can be equipped with the MILAN or MELLS guided missile, which means it already has considerable firepower against armored targets. Since 1984 they have had thermal imaging devices, since 2002 they have had mine protection, additional armor (which eliminated the side ball mounts for rifflemen), and since 2010 they have had air conditioning, jammers, and multispectral camouflage equipment.
I still think the Bradley is superior, but not as superior as it seems in the video. In addition, the war in Ukraine shows how quickly completely outdated or cheap devices suddenly become very interesting and important. If someone had told me before that you could decimate a tank brigade with DJI drones for 1000 bucks, I would have thought you were crazy.
For our (all) best, there is no US vs Germany anymore. We are brothers (at least for me)
The Bradley is obviously a bit better since it's almost 2 decades newer. However I can imagine that having a very low profile can be a huge advantage on the relatively flat battlefield terrain in Ukraine.
So Manny glaringly Wrong facts in this video that its not worth watching... it will just confuse you.
1:33 the Marder is old, but not THAT old XD
Omar Bradley was the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the last Five Star General/General of the Army in the United States.
He was also a commander of the US Army Infantry School and commanded the largest unit of American soldiers ever - 1.3M in the 12th Army Group.
Tank destroyer? Bullshit. It s a Personal carrier...
The Marder was limited in power, aka two of its cylinders were capped to save fuel. I can tell you 60 miles per hour on a freeway we’re not pushing this vehicle and on frozen terrain you better we’re sitting down and get buckled. Thus the speed was to protect the crew, not the vehicle.
bradley is obviously newer and superior to marder. the cv90 is newer than both and effective targeting, but if bradley is fitted with ERA, it has better survivability.
Germany has been replacing its Marders with Puma IFV. The Puma is an excellent IFV with almost invincible Armour and able to be transported on a A400M. It's a little small. Its had some problems with is complex networking software (Link 16?) which allowed no only Marder to share sensors with each other and situational awareness but dismounted soldiers but I have no doubt it will be solved. There is the fairly successful Lynx IFV, much larger than Marder, but not yet ordered by Germany Army. It is being used in several countries.
It is newer. If it is superior is questionable. Not only the Bradley was upgraded, the Marder was too over its life time. The Marder has MILAN as anti-tank rocket system (the most modern versions of Marder use the more modern MELLS/Spike), and the smaller bore of the main gun is compensated by its fire rate of 1000 rpm.
In 2011 a Marder was ambushed in Afghanistan. A 200kg IED exploded next to it. The Marder was totally wrecked, the crew survived, except the driver. Three were seriously injured, two were slightly injured. The drivers seat was not decoupled from the base plate of the vehicle. Usually in mine protected vehicles the seats are suspended from the ceiling.
High firepower, reliable and good armour. The original design even had embrasures on the sides, so soldiers were able to use their weapons from the inside of the Marder to fight enemies outside of the Marder. These were no longer available after an armour upgrade.
The machine gun was originally not coaxial, it was on a separate smaller "turret", operated independantly from the 20mm gun.
The American military also looked at the Marder in the 1970s and considered its adoption. But they wanted their own design, and that took its time. That's the reason the Bradley is so much newer. The Marder was a completely new concept back then.
@@williamzk9083 But due to issues with the Puma, the Marder will remain longer in service as anticipated. So several units will be upgraded to A5A1. That upgrade includes the replacement of the 600 hp engine with a 750 hp one.
But even without that upgrade the Marder is slightly faster than the Bradley. You can see that the Marder gained weight through its armour upgrades over time. Originally it was 72 kph, now it's only 65 kph. They even had to reinforce to the suspension due to the gain of weight.
What happened to the 7.62mm MG that the early Marder had on the roof of the troop compartment?
@@matovicmmilan Was moved into the turret next to the 20mm gun.
Auf Grund des Altersunterschied und des Verwendungszweck, der nie als "Jagdpanzer" vorgesehen war (schlecht recherschiert!), schneidet der ältere Schützenpanzer Marder doch recht gut, oder sogar gleich ab!
ABER, auf Grund der Medien, soll der Bradley sich im Ruhm der Beiträge sonnen und die Aufmerksamkeit der Russen auf sich lenken, somit bleiben die Marder unbehelligt und können besser ihre Aufgaben erledigen!
This video confuses the Marders of the Wehrmacht with those of the Bundeswehr.
Both seem to be effective.
Bradley is vastly superior and quite comfy for the driver except it’s loud in the driver seat. 1/4 inch of removable steel separates you from the engine. Before they installed cameras for the driver to watch, night driving was horrible. A single removable night vision periscope was used.
my goodness...where do you got your information from??
Yes, they both have a cannon, yes both are running on tracks, and yes, they are both carrying infantry... that´s it.
The German Marder is NO tank destroyer... it´s developed along sie the German Infantry doctrine reaching back in the early 20th century! ...Infantry always fighting along tanks called the "Panzergrenadiere" supported and based on armoured vehicles for keeping the pace of the tanks.
pls take some time and do some research.
Pls renew this vieo asap to get ri of this BS about German Marder IFV
you compare the german tank, developed in the late 1960s with the Bradley, 20 years later. Is this true, fair?
Compare the Bradley with the German Puma, who works together in big network teams, it's the same and wrong!
At 1:40, I realised that this guy was talking nonsense. He's confusing two different vehicles that have nothing in common except the name. The WWII Marder was a tank destroyer and the post-war Marder is an armoured personnel carrier/IFV. Technically, they are not related, they just have the same name.
Instead of the TOW, the Marder has the Milan with 4 Rokets on board.
I was a Marder Platoon leader, all the tanks in our Bataillon went better than 70 kmh.
They are very reliable. You just have to know how to service the 20mm canon. In heavy terrain we had problems keeping up with the Leopards who are more powerful and have a better suspension.
The Marder is okay and reliable.
USA has about 4300 Bradly's in their stockpiles
Sorry, but the marder is more importent. Germany do more protection. So go with the bradley but you are more protected with the marder. Than you can Service.
The earlier Marder version 1A1 reached a top speed of 80 mh. However, this significantly reduced the service life of the gearbox. This is why this speed was limited to 60 mh in later versions.
Come on.... The Marder is NOT a tank destroyer.... It's an IFV similar to the BMP (and the Bradley). The Marder fights in combo with tanks (Leopard 1/2) called the "Verbund der Waffen". The Marder has anti-tank capabilities (Milan/Mellls) - but thats not his primary role.
the ww2 marder tank destroyer has nothing to do with the marder IFV
Experience from the Second World War showed that the german mechanized infantry ( Panzergrenadiere ) preferred to fight mounted from the SdKfz infantry fighting vehicle. The Marder was designed based of this requirementsGood armor, ABC Protection, and enough space for the infantry to fight mounted.
The Bradley was designed in a similar way, model was the Marder with some modifications and vehicle parts made in USA.
Wich IFV is better ?
My opinion its a draw. I drove the Marder 81-82 and had a chance to take place in a Bradley at the Grafenwoehr Training Area.
i would take the marten in ukraine because the main fights here are against soldiers. the 20mm cannon is the better choice because the marten has a lot more ammunition with it
The Bradley's 25mm rounds are nearly twice the size of the Marder/Marten's 20mm. 300 ready rounds vs 500 ready rounds. Bradley is marginally better off.
@@robertsandiford6223 not against soldiers
@@Netzjargon What? why?
Autocannons are not used to target visible soldiers - that's what coaxial machine guns are for.
The autocannon is to engage vehicles with AP(FSDS) and the HE rounds can be used to fire into buildings, knock down walls, or spread shrapnel on area targets, targets in woods etc. They're not generally going to be trying to his soldiers directly with autocannon fire.
yes yes but not in ukraine! since such weapons are used directly against soldiers
🇨🇱 Chile got the Marder,next to the 🐆 Leopard2A4 ChL,ready to kick communists asses.
Like comparing an apple vs orange. Possibly made by an arms manufacturer?
If you want to learn more about the Bradley development watch the movie "The Pentagon Wars" from 1998.
Almost everything said about the Marder in this Video is complete BS.
Marder a tankdestroyer???
Max speed 30 mph??? Range 125 miles???
Obviously the Marder of WW2 was mixed up whith the modern AFV.
Another AI generated rubbisch.
I recommend delet this.
Why didn't you compare the Bradley with the newer Puma?
This is like comparing the old Leopard I with the Abrams.
5:25 Wow, that 20mm on the Marder must have nuclear rounds in order to take out a MBT.
....cough...... *Milan* ......cough
The older BMTs can be penetrated by a 14.5 machine gun. Also for this case the marder have sub caliber ammo.
Well, after 1200 hits with sub-caliber ammunition, an MBT also looks different than before. But of course it is not an AT-gun as claimed in the video. It is used to provide fire support for the infantry. The cannon can easily remove a wall or a floor of a house. I've already seen it in nature.
Definitely useful against infantry and light cover. We used to have two distinct SPAAGs during the Yugoslav Wars, one with triple 20mm, the other with double 30mm autocannon and both were preferred in that role over MBT 100mm and 125mm cannon.
it was designed to fight againt russian bmt tanks not to fight against russian mbt. but the version with the milan tow can destroy mbts as well
I believe that the marders gun is not stabilized which makes a huge difference
the visuals need metric convertions.
Lol, the marder being a tank destroyer? really? besides, the bradley came intro production in 1981 and the marder in 1959, that's a huge time gap to claim it's better because superior american engineers designed it, they weren't even designed for the same purpose, it's like comparing a colt 1911 with a toaster.
Haven’t seen so much bs in one video
Marder got replaced by Puma, much more modern IFV even then Bradley
This is nonsense the Marder was never a Tank destroyer
The Marder was ever an IFV the Tankdestroyer was an plan also in the Family in the Chassis
R.I.P logic and facts 🥲
What about anti tank mines?
Doesn`t say how many soldiers fit in these IFVs. Main things are just wrong.
Wrong the USMC doesn’t have this vehicle.
THE SWEDISH. cv90 smash them both.
Without a doubt, even against drones and helicopters..
The CV90 is a great IFV, but your comparing it to both countries old tech. The German Puma is just as good if not better than the CV90 and the US has a new IFV coming out to replace the Bradley.
That armor on Bradley paid off. Takes rpg hits in Ukraine. Nothing happens.... Its a turtle shell.
wich Nation used the Marder in the Golf War? germany dident sent troops as far as i know
But the Canadiens brought their Marders to Irak.
sadly a video with many mistakes. I dont think the marder was designed as a tankdestroyer at All. its more a 70ties ifv with some capabilitys to fight the tanks of that time. Thats why it has its engine at the front, to protect the crew and soldiers. And there are also wrong things in this video concerning the bradley.
Sooo much wrong in this one 😂
The amphibious Bradley... Hm...
That's weird - 2:19 - Germany did not participate in Gulf War, you mixed smth up. Tank destroyer 3:47 - again weird. Light 5:04 ?? Don't make videos drunk. Allied tanks 5:27??? What a horror. Maybe simple AI has created this video?
The Marder is also equipped with with Milan anti tank misseles and never had been a "tank destroyer". Complete nonsense this video.
Marder a tank destroyer?
Yeah, whatever…
das kommt dabei raus, wenn man chatgpt als verlässliche quelle nutzt, ohne etwas abzugleichen
The of today was never intended to be a tank destroyer - you are mixing up todays Marder with the Marder of the Wehrmacht in worldwar II
really M2 is used by USMC?
Do your research man, so many things that aren’t just true
Bradley can withstand high caliber rounds
This email is factually wrong on so many levels.
Bradley was never in the Marines!!
Лартака сток бунданка рок 👍 фияркута бонза бугазотка тутка сияние бухта
Both are going to cause severe problems for the RuZZians. 🇺🇸🤝🇩🇪🇺🇦
Music is annoying!!!!!!
Not a very informed episode. Tank destroyer? Is the obviously error among others.
Send them the puma
Sry but this video wasnt good... 20mm 4 tank destroying lol. And comparing Tanks from different times didnt make sense.
The Bradly was designed 20 years later and naturally it has a better gun, better ammonnition and electronics.
Next Video: Leopard 1 (1959) vs M1 Abrams (1976)....... In Real: M60 1957 and he had the M48 as a template
We'll see.
both now part of Russia's collection set.
Дранкта гулизгат кадраскта гублана лугарот бензикта кугланкта лигазот трикдрастка
countless errors in this video...
Каркустка страктакта барзактория бакраска бурструкт фиграния фидачкот...
So many misinformation, waste of time
marder is an ive bradeley is an ive crasy guy thelling the story
Well maybe if they changed the spelling to MURDER who knows it may have been fiercer and more effective in the battlefield lol
all Fake....In this video
It will be a huge business for the Russians to export and recycle all this waste iron, the BRICS states are looking for gigantic mountains of money.
Yes all these destroyed BMPs will make a lot of money as scrap metal
How ironic you mention recycling as that is exactly what Ukraine found out early on with all the scap metal from russians. But russians believed that these are tanks and armor vehicles, that would protect them. I would think that nobody would want to use the recycled metal for any building of tanks in the future, knowing the country that donated them to Ukraine. Maybe they will be used make farm equipment that the russians stole from innocent civilians and farmers.
Sadly, although all the scrap metal is Russian, it is scrapped by the Ukrainians in Ukraine. Russians will be lucky if they escape with a toilet.
Sure mate 🤣
Lol good luck. They AFVs are FAR SUPERIOR than there Russian counterparts. The Bradley’s absolutely DESTROYED Russian tanks in Iraq and the Ukrainians will once again put them to good use against Russian armor.
The cheap Lancet will probably destroy them...
The Lancet even doesn't destroy the turret of a Gepard.
@@olivermeineke9707 So they don't mind getting hit by Lancet? Mor0n!
@@matali6067 Gepard shot it down befor it can hit.
Many gepards have been destroyed by Lancet. Those gepards are pathetic analog controlled piece of crap. @@chriv8429
You want to go to today's war with analog circuits? Are you stoopid or what? @@chriv8429
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