Still alive (until further notice)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024
  • And people say I can't have fun on weekends... I guess that depends on the definition of "fun." The video still doesn't make sense in certain parts but you can ignore them. Or the whole video. Or my existance in general. As long as you're having fun yourself.

ความคิดเห็น • 20

  • @sonicgalaxy27
    @sonicgalaxy27 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @aVeryBubblySting
    @aVeryBubblySting 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I sincerely hope your situation turns around eventually.

  • @l1t00sav5
    @l1t00sav5 ปีที่แล้ว

    People still need you

  • @kyodemer2590
    @kyodemer2590 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello Sam.... It's been a long time. A couple of years. I don't know if you even remember me or not. We used to talk a lot back in the day. We met when I 16. I'll be 22 this year! Crazy, right? I was rummaging through videos I used to like and comment and I found your channel again and all the memories came back. How I made online friends and how much fun I had talking to all of them, you and Puku and Teresa and the others. I tried to reach out to them also, but I don't think they use those accounts anymore. We all drifted apart, and they are living their own lives. How are you doing? I hope you're doing wonderfully, because I know for a fact you deserve happiness. It would be great to catch up. Your channel was a nostalgic trip!

    • @seriousspikesam7770
      @seriousspikesam7770  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Honestly, I don't know what has taken me this long to reply to you... I saw your this message long ago but I couldn't get myself to reply to it... still the usual coward I guess.
      I guess it's time to correct that mistake.
      Where to begin? That the summers are hot, the days are long and the quarantine is driving people nuts. Honestly, the first few weeks were actually pretty exciting, but the excitement quickly wore off. Finland hasn't been hit that hard on that department (even though there are always some boneheads who like to party or join events without any sort of common sense.) I've managed to stay out of the line for now, but I still have to wear safety mask at work and wait for the vaccines to arrive. Being an introvert has its benefits.
      Oh right, I've been semi-working for the past year or so. Well, rehab work, whatever. I have worked on a local recycling center sorting out old books, videos, DVD's ; anything that comes in or goes out. My other choice was a kindergarden, but that didn't seem like a good choice during epidemic. I wish I could tell more stories about that, but I'd be here for hours. Let's just say that people keep (and donate) all sorts of items (that they may or may not want back the next day/week.) And despite the ongoing renovation and all the safety rules I've mostly enjoyed my time there. Even though I do sometimes wish to leave my workshop (it sounds better than a corner surrounded by bookcases) and do something else with my time... or just leave altogether. Sometimes I still have "darker times" when I believe there is no future and I'm just wasting my time chasing dreams. They are not as common as before, but they are still here to stay. At least until I figure out what I want to do with my life.
      Speaking of hard times... I took a look at Keno's profile. Well, the January 2021 post to be specific. It... it broke me. I feel like I have not been there for her when she needed me. Now more than ever... I guess that can go both ways. My old email expired a long time ago (as did my DA account tied to it) so I couldn't reach her... and after a while I didn't feel like I needed to.
      I have made a new account on DA and I will write her as soon as I am done with this message... she deserves to hear from me again, as do you.
      I guess one good news is that my sister and her boyfriend got a golden retriever puppy last Christmas... he has been the joy for the whole family. "Uuno" as they call him. I met him when a boot-sized furball. When a creature like that comes up to you and demands cuddles... there truly is something wonderful about dogs. Or animal babies in general.
      I have also become semi-friends with the "guard dog" of the recycling center (1-year old Finnish spitz) who likes to bark at the customers. She mostly barks at me before taking a sniff or two. And when she thinks she hasn't received enough petting from me.
      I still keep some hopes of making sprite videos or my video games. I figured that my problem is always "dreaming of making them" rather than actually trying and working on them. I bought a pixel game development tool and looked up a few tutorials, but my brain started to hurt. Again. I guess I should start on something smaller... maybe an RPG maker project? Or a new sprite video, just to wrap things up? I still have the ideas and sprites... I'm just not sure if I have the patience.
      Anyhow... I hope this helps you to catch up with my news. I'll try not to get sick and I'll keep doing whatever I do (even if it feels pointless at times.) I still have a pile of books to read through before the summer is over... I need another drink.
      Take care, little Kyo. I hope you and your friends are making the best out of the situation.

    • @kyodemer2590
      @kyodemer2590 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@seriousspikesam7770 omg hi! Gosh has it really been a year since I reached out? I was afraid I made you uncomfortable. But no hard feelings! I get it. :)
      I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better. 5 years is a long time.
      Ah yes. The virus that shall not be named. Quarantine was terrible for me! My life fell apart. I got covid and was fired because I didn’t want to go back to my job knowing they were not following the proper safety guidelines. But things are much better now. I’m waiting to get vaccinated.
      Oh that sounds like an interesting job! Like you’re a treasure hunter rummaging through antiques, finding value in things that were abandoned by their owners. I don’t mind listening to your work stories. (Or reading them ahah)
      Funny thing you mention a kindergarten, I actually worked at a school, mostly in the kindergarten part of the school from 2019 to late 2020. I needed money to pay for tuition as I am still studying part time. I loved the children and they always made my day brighter. But my coworkers were a nightmare. Eventually I got covid there because they were careless and I refused to go back. Now I work for an app as a social media manager. It’s a very adult job!
      I relate to that feeling. That crushing doubt and existential dread. Makes us wonder if we are on the right path. If we made the right choices. If anyone around us even loves us for real.
      But we can’t listen to those thoughts! Negativity feeds depression.
      Did something happen to Keno????! I lost touch with her but occasionally checked her art on deviantart from time to time. I don’t see anything on her profile. Can you tell me what happened?
      Yes dogs are amazing! My good old buddy Labrador retriever is 10 years old now. He’s getting old so I must relish in the time we still have together. Uuno sounds cute! Feed him a treat for me will you?
      I would love to see how you have improved with your video making skills! Do you still keep up with the sonic fandom? I took a long break from fandoms because of uni, but sonic was a big part of my childhood so I found myself coming back. There’s tons of news for the new games and I’m hyped. But then again after the disappointment that was sonic forces I’m not gonna get my hopes up too high.
      Anyway good to hear back from you! Unfortunately I haven’t talked to Puku and the others for years. I think they don’t use their accounts anymore. Last time we talked was around the same time I lost touch with you as well. I have tried to talk to them again but still no answer. I guess they moved on with their lives. I wish them the best. Puku was closer to Nyan than me.
      Edit: I’m sorry I missed it the first time I read your reply, what do you mean by rehab work? Is it alright if I asked about that?

    • @seriousspikesam7770
      @seriousspikesam7770  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kyodemer2590 There is always some uncomfort (that's a word now) facing your past, but sometimes you have to let it in to know who you are. Even if it's a little. And my memories of you girls are mostly positive regardless. I mean, who wouldn't want to dream of beautiful Portuguese (and German) girls every now and then... okay, maybe I'll just move on.
      Yes, there truly are some treasure troves to be uncovered. Whether it's literature dating back to 1800's (mainly biblical nature) or vintage books and toys you haven't seen since your own childhood. I even discovered a book written by the students of my home town back in 1995. Even funnier was that the book was signed by my old school principal.
      Obviously I don't have any memories at the time (I was born in -93) but seeing how my mother was (and still is) a teacher she might recognize a bunch of names; possibly even know how to contact them. I would love to see their faces when reading said book and what they wrote decades earlier.
      I actually gave Uuno a bunch of treats when I first met him, but he was too young to safely enjoy them. My sister promised to give them to him later. He has probably eaten them all by now. He is a big boy who loves to run around my grandparents' house and then lie on a couch when he's out of energy. Silly goose.
      Ah yes... there actually was a virus case on my workplace at one point. They had ordered some construction workers to work on our yard (dusty in sun, muddy in rain) and one of the workers was later confirmed to be a carrier... thankfully I was out of work that day. Still, seeing how the vaccine form shows fuckall (pardon my French) for weeks or months, I'd rather get my first shot sooner than later. Some places have gotten both shots already.
      Keno... she has had terrible time. I didn't want to say it here but since it is her public post from last January... Her pet died, her mother died, she crashed her car and had a concussion... I can't even imagine how she must feel right now. Partly because it has been half a year, but also because I wasn't there for her. She hasn't replied to my chat either... I really hope she is doing ok.
      And don't worry. "Rehab" on my part means that I am obligated to work certain hours and days a week to "help me gain confidence, learn new skills, test my limits, aim for the future goals..." that sort of thing. The other option would be to stay as unemployed, fill out forms for applications (that I'd never take) or take courses in weaving classes or something... or lose some of my benefits and do nothing at all. Sometimes that feels like the better option.
      I'll try to get in touch with Keno one way or another. I had her phone number at one point (it was required to send her a present) but I probably deleted it after I got a new phone. Or maybe it would be too personal. I don't know. I just want to know that she is ok. Uncertainty is driving me crazy in these things.
      I think that is enough for today... try not to spend all your time in Farmville. That is still a thing people play, right?

    • @seriousspikesam7770
      @seriousspikesam7770  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Okay, I didn't want to say this but I've tried contacting Keno in various ways and heard nothing at all... I am getting kind of worried on that note.
      Also, are there any updates on your behalf? Nothing much has happened here... more virus (not on me thankfully), work and the fall is setting in. Maybe I'll talk more later.

    • @kyodemer2590
      @kyodemer2590 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@seriousspikesam7770 I was sure I had written a reply but I must have misclicked! No wonder I didn’t hear anything back. I’m sorry Sam! I’ll take the L on this one ahah
      Poor Keno! She has been going through a lot.
      I remember talking with her at some point but not as much as you did. She was really sweet.
      I hope she gets back to you soon so you can get an update on her situation. In times like that people need support, even if it is from online friends. People underestimate internet friendships. Even if they live far away from each other, they are still there for you and care just as much as irl friends. I felt down after loosing touch with Puku and the others, but after Google + disappeared we all went out separate ways. Wherever they are I hope they are doing ok.
      It’s good to have goals. I hope you are doing better. When we drifted apart and stopped talking I would remember you from time to time and wondered if you were okay. You have a very interesting job so enjoy it! Life is great. Not as great as it could be considering the chaos that the pandemic brought, but there are still things we can take pleasure from here and there.

  • @shawnjones5332
    @shawnjones5332 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi my friend, how are you doing?

    • @seriousspikesam7770
      @seriousspikesam7770  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Still alive, believe it or not... still trying to find a way ahead or something.

    • @shawnjones5332
      @shawnjones5332 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I see

    • @shawnjones5332
      @shawnjones5332 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@seriousspikesam7770 How are you doing my friend?

    • @seriousspikesam7770
      @seriousspikesam7770  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@shawnjones5332 Still alive.

    • @shawnjones5332
      @shawnjones5332 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@seriousspikesam7770 That's good