So, as someone who's fiddled around with RPG Maker in the past I have a decent idea of how they're pulling off this rather interesting event because I used to use a similar trick for tracking hacked level ups. There's likely a variable tied to the event in which you are given a Black Prism, which will tick a variable by +1 each time you get one. If your file had 3 legitimate black prisms at any time, then this likely ticked the value up and there may be a missing part of the event for Mr. Luck that is supposed to subtract x from this variable when they're spent. Usually a simple conditional branch at the redeem that is looking for if the item is in the inventory, then comparing the number in your inventory against the number of the "earned" variable. If the earned variable is not equal to or greater than the number in inventory, it triggers this event. Or it could just be a bait event all together.
I think its a bait event cuz I couldnt find any switches or variables in the debug menu that messed with it, which evidently they would want to have to actually, yknow, test the event
So spoilers (maybe) The contract is actually not bait. There seems to be some sort of hidden event switch that counts the amount of prisms you legitimately obtain (I have a theory that I’m gonna test now actually) but there is a legitimate reward for this. Not gonna say *what* that reward is, but it’s pretty neat! Edit from 2 hours later: I think I figured it out. Because there’s a way to cheat all the black prisms and not get got by Doxie. But I’m not going to say it yet because it’s super scummy. in theory if someone found a legitimate cloning method through the pc like in say the emerald battle frontier glitch, Jan could not stop you. *remembers the old shadow pokemon purification chamber* ... ... hm... i wonder if it's still in the code-
You must own RPG Maker XP and run the game from within the engine itself. There is another way to do it by editing the games scripts manually, but the devs don't like it when you do that cuz then you can just distribute those scripts freely, which makes bugfixing much harder in the long run
your character isnt one of the original sprites made by the devs, ive seen a few other players using original or new sprites for characters, did you make it? if so then how?
Technically this is an old design from early versions of the game. You can unlock the legacy character sprites with Mr. Luck's legacy contract. Incidentally, it's the same sprite Luck turns you into before you get his first prism. It's different for every character.
For some reason, I got the actual reward after I beat doxie (just randomly found it in my room in rhodea's penthouse, didnt think id get it). Not sure if that's intended but im not complaining
i can confirm it is possible to beat doxie as i did it with a combination of toxic, clear smog and general PP stall, from what ive seen nothing seems to happen.......... mr luck will call you out (not our character, he just straight up breaks the 4th wall and calls US THE PLAYER) out and states that there isnt a need for using mr luck's services since debug does everything he can provide
@@BalmoraBlue fair enough, gives some insight for those that are curious............... if its any help to speed up the process, its possible to PP stall them just gotta be careful as its holding a leppa berry and it gets it back every shield that gets broken
So, as someone who's fiddled around with RPG Maker in the past I have a decent idea of how they're pulling off this rather interesting event because I used to use a similar trick for tracking hacked level ups.
There's likely a variable tied to the event in which you are given a Black Prism, which will tick a variable by +1 each time you get one. If your file had 3 legitimate black prisms at any time, then this likely ticked the value up and there may be a missing part of the event for Mr. Luck that is supposed to subtract x from this variable when they're spent.
Usually a simple conditional branch at the redeem that is looking for if the item is in the inventory, then comparing the number in your inventory against the number of the "earned" variable. If the earned variable is not equal to or greater than the number in inventory, it triggers this event.
Or it could just be a bait event all together.
I think its a bait event cuz I couldnt find any switches or variables in the debug menu that messed with it, which evidently they would want to have to actually, yknow, test the event
So spoilers (maybe)
The contract is actually not bait. There seems to be some sort of hidden event switch that counts the amount of prisms you legitimately obtain (I have a theory that I’m gonna test now actually) but there is a legitimate reward for this.
Not gonna say *what* that reward is, but it’s pretty neat!
Edit from 2 hours later: I think I figured it out.
Because there’s a way to cheat all the black prisms and not get got by Doxie. But I’m not going to say it yet because it’s super scummy. in theory if someone found a legitimate cloning method through the pc like in say the emerald battle frontier glitch, Jan could not stop you. *remembers the old shadow pokemon purification chamber* ...
... hm... i wonder if it's still in the code-
Very interesting. Off of sheer wonder, how would one come into possession of this debug menu?
You must own RPG Maker XP and run the game from within the engine itself. There is another way to do it by editing the games scripts manually, but the devs don't like it when you do that cuz then you can just distribute those scripts freely, which makes bugfixing much harder in the long run
your character isnt one of the original sprites made by the devs, ive seen a few other players using original or new sprites for characters, did you make it? if so then how?
Technically this is an old design from early versions of the game. You can unlock the legacy character sprites with Mr. Luck's legacy contract. Incidentally, it's the same sprite Luck turns you into before you get his first prism. It's different for every character.
For some reason, I got the actual reward after I beat doxie (just randomly found it in my room in rhodea's penthouse, didnt think id get it). Not sure if that's intended but im not complaining
yea u stilol get the reward appperently
u just get locked out of luck forever and he calls u out by your windows login name
Is it possible to beat Doxie and what happens if you do
i can confirm it is possible to beat doxie as i did it with a combination of toxic, clear smog and general PP stall, from what ive seen nothing seems to happen.......... mr luck will call you out (not our character, he just straight up breaks the 4th wall and calls US THE PLAYER) out and states that there isnt a need for using mr luck's services since debug does everything he can provide
This is really cool. I'll try to beat Doxie once I've beaten the game completely and upload what happens@@ARCEUS493ZELDA
@@BalmoraBluesadly nothing happens.......... luck just breaks the 4th wall and resets the game on you after..... that's literally it
I know but its still worth making a follow up on lol@@ARCEUS493ZELDA
@@BalmoraBlue fair enough, gives some insight for those that are curious............... if its any help to speed up the process, its possible to PP stall them just gotta be careful as its holding a leppa berry and it gets it back every shield that gets broken
Any help on getting debug mode on?
how did u obtain musdale?
The earliest you can obtain it is Valor Mountain.
@@BalmoraBlue but the first time I played this game , I had it before the third gym
@@alexothnielkonan1024 The encounters must have been changed around in v13.5
@@BalmoraBlue no it was a NPC who gave it to me
@@alexothnielkonan1024 It's been a minute since I've played. I'll check my save pretty soon