The animation at the beginning is most likely taken without permission (aka. stolen) from an animator named kimo. Go give them support instead. Same for Man on the Internet actually. Their QnA says it's fine to use their covers, but proper credit has to be given, which is not the case here. Heck, the original mod is not theirs either. It's a One-Shot created by Mr Pixel Productions, but of course there's no credit to them here. This person is blantantly taking other people's creations and reuploading them to their channel with absolutely no credit given, just take a look at the other videos on their channel. Well don't watch them, that would give them support, but you don't need to in order to figure out it's stolen. Don't like this person's videos, don't subscribe to them. Just go support the original creators.
Bowser and Dark Bowser's vocals are FANTASTIC!!!
The animation at the beginning is most likely taken without permission (aka. stolen) from an animator named kimo. Go give them support instead.
Same for Man on the Internet actually. Their QnA says it's fine to use their covers, but proper credit has to be given, which is not the case here.
Heck, the original mod is not theirs either. It's a One-Shot created by Mr Pixel Productions, but of course there's no credit to them here.
This person is blantantly taking other people's creations and reuploading them to their channel with absolutely no credit given, just take a look at the other videos on their channel.
Well don't watch them, that would give them support, but you don't need to in order to figure out it's stolen. Don't like this person's videos, don't subscribe to them. Just go support the original creators.
Is that Man On The Internet??
That is my friend
of course