"OK, so, Douglas shunted the coach by mistake, and if found out, worries he'll be sent away by The Fat Controller. So instead of Donald take the rap, the two decided to switch tenders for some God forsaken reason, and Donald leaves the Yard with Douglas's Tender. So now Douglas is in the yard, pretending to be Donald, and plays dumb when The Fat Controller questions him." - The Unlucky Tug.
"OK, so, Douglas shunted the coach by mistake, and if found out, worries he'll be sent away by The Fat Controller. So instead of Donald take the rap, the two decided to switch tenders for some God forsaken reason, and Donald leaves the Yard with Douglas's Tender. So now Douglas is in the yard, pretending to be Donald, and plays dumb when The Fat Controller questions him." - The Unlucky Tug.
BTW what a nice remake!
What church building is that called at 0:59? I made my own Tidmouth and I'd like to use that one.
Hey you could do the Break van episode and how it would have started if The missing coach had not being cancelled
Jetour And GMC And Tahoe And Renault And Ford And BMW And Chevy And Datsun
Are this models from sodor island 3d?