Hi kelliej211, prices vary depending on the company. We also often put on sales so sometimes the prices might be incorrect at certain times. In addition, we have viewers from different countries so our prices wouldn't match what companies near them would be selling it for. However, we can look into a compromise for future videos, thank you for your feedback.
Beautiful thing, my friend
Do you have a review for the and chef 200 w 5.2 chute model?
You shud display model names on teh screen with the product
Hey catluvindian, thanks for the suggestion. We will keep that in mind when it comes to our next list of juicers.
I have one like the shine. Little workhorse.
Is this a budget juicer?
Give the guy a break
Why not give the price ranges of the juicers
Not really helpful
Hi kelliej211, prices vary depending on the company. We also often put on sales so sometimes the prices might be incorrect at certain times. In addition, we have viewers from different countries so our prices wouldn't match what companies near them would be selling it for. However, we can look into a compromise for future videos, thank you for your feedback.
You must be joking!