Bridges got swag bridges got swag hard in the paint and I’m dunking and they mad because they wanna be like me qjb. Bridges got a swag that’s how it’s gonna be
I love ur videos im also fanatic fans of nba2k24 and i have not experience yet to play like that i have no money .to buy that y using dis mobile phone to watch all of my life .....goodluck buddy .more videos .
Bridges got swag bridges got swag hard in the paint and I’m dunking and they mad because they wanna be like me qjb. Bridges got a swag that’s how it’s gonna be
yesss he backkkkk
I love your vids! Keep up the good work!
LeBron looking at his old team mate thanos O’Neal and knew it was over
I’m in season 5 in my career I took a break from NBA 2K24 2 weeks ago. I’m thinking about coming back probably next week
That was a steal QJB
Let’s gooo 🔥🔥🔥
this beat gets me hyped up
Keep up the good work QJB! Much love to you !
Always man! Thanks
You could achieve more if you set the time per quarter to 12 minutes
I have been watching yt since i was young and i noticed my favorite youtubers stop posting constantly.
Thanos went into BEAST Mode in from of the 🐐 Lebron James 🔥
The 🐐QJB is here
The 🐐is here
Told her that in popular that I drive a lambo...
I haven't played 2k in years and your vids are making me want to buy it just so I can build a centre
lol center is fun
This is crazy
The clean shave look clean 🧼 ❤
QJB it’s funny how i also did this with the Rockets and I did it against the suns 😂😂😂
And still got A- grade - grading system is messed up...
Ive never got to max overall on 2k but for thid nba im trying to its just hard, anyone tryna squad up and play?
what build is this?
What jumpshot is that?
I love ur videos im also fanatic fans of nba2k24 and i have not experience yet to play like that i have no money .to buy that y using dis mobile phone to watch all of my life .....goodluck buddy .more videos .
My team playing great they number one in the east
Bro Q you gotta go back to fortnite for a least a couple of games. It’s OG szn
go to the spurs
Upload the play now game when I whooped you 😂My gamer tag ImLulSaintCuhh