came on Take That you can do this for me if you can do of me Kerrie Ann masterton xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx I Love you so much xxx
We was at the AO arena. Been a Take That fan from the beginning but will be honest was slightly disappointed with the production. Usually theirs are this huge show, with dancers and the like. Still enjoyed the music and experience 😀 Good video
Thanks for the Video. Greetings from Gwermany..
Kerrie Ann play Lists vide
go Take That you can do this
came on Take That you can do this for me if you can do of me Kerrie Ann masterton xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx I Love you so much xxx
So funny. Hahaha
We was at the AO arena. Been a Take That fan from the beginning but will be honest was slightly disappointed with the production. Usually theirs are this huge show, with dancers and the like. Still enjoyed the music and experience 😀 Good video
This one was meant to be very stripped back, with more focus on just them and their music
@@jayodonnell4387I still loved it and will be there next time too x