So realistic it’s unbelievable. That Malibu boat looks so good. Great job👏 . Kind of surprised you didn’t add the 2016 f150 to your poll of trucks. I understand though, it’s your dads so sentimental.
Home owner series are my fav rp series besides dairy in fs19 and i love not always having to much but having some mildly expensive items that you enjoy
I feel you on that one bud. There’s a reason I haven’t swapped any of my series‘s to a new map😂 too much work put into this one to just up and leave it
8:46 let the sean paul vibes gooooo
Dont get to drunk and get on that jet boat LOL, Happy memorial day buch!!!!
I’m possibly sellin the Yamaha in the series soooooo 😂
@@RentalManBuch oh, so you pick on the gang for not having a jet boat, and you're selling yours 😂
Ima pontoon guy now jet boats can go bye bye 😂
@@RentalManBuch can I dm you something on discord? I know you will like it
So realistic it’s unbelievable. That Malibu boat looks so good. Great job👏 . Kind of surprised you didn’t add the 2016 f150 to your poll of trucks. I understand though, it’s your dads so sentimental.
Drunk buch is legendary
Home owner series are my fav rp series besides dairy in fs19 and i love not always having to much but having some mildly expensive items that you enjoy
This is honestly the best series ever. This man literally made an entire mod for a Yeti cooler
The big mulibu goo too see it
Good song when you do cinematics
That was a COO l video i want to see more
Where on earth did you get that little stuff
Like ys cooler bag beer gas tank
8:15 link the boat???????
Yes the Budweiser 😂😂😂
Love it good work buch
What map is this I would absolutely love it
Ya me to
And me
me too
How do you get the Malibu?
I like this map as well
Nice vid
I kinda want this save now that I watch you more
I feel you on that one bud. There’s a reason I haven’t swapped any of my series‘s to a new map😂 too much work put into this one to just up and leave it
Did you make the whole camp ground and boat ramp?
With the landscape tool and a handful of mod hub placeables yes
What is the map called I have always wanted a boat and a boat ramp 😊
#RentalManBuch #FS19 #HomeOwner
Good video
Love the videos buck
It's not buck it's buch
Likely autocorrect Heather that tends to happen a lot when I even type my name
Sweet buch!
Like the ranchero Buch,where can i get the mod?
It’s on mod network by okusedmods
@@jacksonburgett483 ok thanks
Hey buch love the vid
What map is it
Nice intro
Hey buch do you take mod suggestions? I could not find if so i enjoyed the video.
What map is this buch?
Pinewood farms
how do i get beer
What map is this
PineWood Farms
i thought your name was Buck?
It is but it’s spelled Buch
You’re name is Buch because you make big bucks
What is the map name
whats the map?
If anyone has the link to this map can you reply it to me
Map name?? If it is public
Pinewood farms
@@jacobb4619 no
@@cipher8612 bro this comment is from 4 months ago and what do you mean no
@@jacobb4619 no
@@cipher8612 thanks for specifying
Oh i thought it was with a k at the end sorry
What is the intro song called?
Behind the line by Tigerblood Jewel
will you relsae the cooler the ice the freezer and the bud
Don’t ask and learn how to spell
@@coopergosnell4564 ok?
@@Kade-l6e just saying ok?
What’s the map called
Pinewood farms
@@jacobb4619 no its not
Its a modified version of Pinewood. The original version has no campground because Buch landscaped it all.
buch you must have mailed my invitation to the wrong house?
What map is this
What map