Thank you for including some links to the original content creator. Other channels don't do that. Still can't watch the full process, but at least we now have an idea of who, what, when, why and how. Thank you also for your subtitles and explanation of the work. I"m glad I watched your version ☺️
My hometown is here, my parents' cave house has been vacant for a long time, the economic conditions here are poor, there's a huge loss of population, and my friends call me a modern caveman, which I find fitting as much as I can! LOL
Стены просто на песок возводят... В Турции наверное также дома строили, которые разрушились во время землятрясения. Столько труда физического в этом видео и так мало труда интелликтуального...
блин, как хорошо не знать английский... Когда я прочитал 1:56 "or the cave could collapse" я уж было подумал, что там на самом деле всё так опасно, но когда увидел как работяги в пол кирпича арку потолочную сделали то тревогу как ветром сдуло...
are you crazy? Where is amazing project? Although, okay, let them live there, there are already too many Chinese on earth... Is that what you think, praising this?
The creativity is so inspiring! I am intrigued by how it looks in a few years- once it starts to blend back in with the environment it's been built into!
@@rafikkandxorov3668, я тоже смотрела и думала , сколько труда и средств вложено, а не лучше ли было построить более надёжный дом , ведь гора истончилась от всех этих копаний , даст трещину и всё кердык . Может быть красиво и загадочно , но не разумно .
Wow! One of the most interesting natural home builds I've seen. I can see the remainder of the "roof" covered in low-growing perennials (clover and such) for a green roof. I don't suppose that a leaky roof would EVER be a problem! Very impressive!
Clover needs water to grow you know. They don't have any. If they ever get any they will be in big trouble because their houses are made out of instant mudslide!
Лучше, чем в перенаселенных городах. Чистый воздух.главное трудиться и обеспечить себя всем необходимым. Лишнего не надо. Руки есть голова думающая на плечах, что человеку надо. Молодец.
Ему деньги некуда девать. С жиру бесится. Лучше бы для людей что-нибудь полезное построил, школу или мост. Эта бесполезная хибара все равно разрушится после первого же дождя. Мог бы хотя бы с геологами посоветоваться. Когда деньги не заработаны честным трудом всегда так. Государство должно запрещать такое сумасшествие
Das ist echt perfekt. In so einer Wohnung bzw Haus möchte ich gerne bleiben 😊. Sollen andere auch darüber schimpfen und meckern, denn das hier ist mitten drin in der Natur. Hochhäuser können ebenso kaputt gehen durch Naturgewalt, Bomben, Katastrophen usw. Doch hier auch. Aber es ist trotzdem einfach wunderschön! Liebe Bauarbeiter, ihr habt das toll gemacht! 💚
Ich find das auch nicht schlecht, aber ich glaube die Plastikvertäfelung macht die Raumluft sinnlos unangenehm. Der ganze Berg begrünt fetzt sicher sehr. Schade, dass es nicht aktuell ist.
Wow! One of the most interesting natural home builds I've seen. I can see the remainder of the "roof" covered in low-growing perennials (clover and such) for a green roof. I don't suppose that a leaky roof would EVER be a problem! Very impressive!
Здравейте, гледах клипа Адмирации. Реализирал си мечта , Браво ! но се натъжих от поста под клипа, да сравняваш цитирайки, Божието Слово! та нали всичко на земята е, направено от прах и пепел. Ние сме, Простосмъртни! а Божието слово е за Век и Веков ! Пожелавам ви, да се радвате Вие, и вашите поколения !
Что значит "цитирайки"? Все. Перевел "Привет, я посмотрел клип с восхищением. Вы осуществили мечту, Браво! но меня огорчил пост под клипом, для сравнения цитирую Слово Божье: "все на земле сделано из праха и пепла." Мы, простые смертные! А слово Божие вечно! Желаю вам и вашим потомкам счастья!"
Was there a geological study done before this project started? It looks like the dirt of the mountains is very loose,the reinforcement that were being used are not strong enough to fight again erosion. Besides what is the point to spend so much money and effort to build such structure in the middle of nowhere?
With due respect to all concerned who have expressed their practical concerns about various aspects, I still find this conceptualisation & meticulous execution very commendable. I would love to do something like this had I had enough funds.. Great work, Take care! God bless all..
I could only stay for 2 minutes, but if we can't hear original audio, that was an excellent choice of music. 12M members would expect that quality, but there are SO many that are just unwatch/listenable. Thanks Quantum.
Yea, I’m pretty much blown away by this. It’s such a labor intensive project and the masonry going on is substantial for the amount of workers I see. I don’t know what sort of extraordinary kind of residential building projects American builders may have going on but I’m guessing it’s probably not as ambitious as this. Somebody let me know if I’m wrong. The Chinese are not afraid of hard work that’s obvious to me.
What absolutely phenomenally ambitious project this is! Utterly remarkable in every respect, I was fascinated, amazed and in awe at what was being achieved. This is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! Subscribed!
They are growing at such a pace because they skip all the structural steps needed to make such a beautiful building stand . It's superficial/smoke and mirrors.
Я видела ,как люди строят дома в лесу не силивая ни одного дерева и накапливая используя дождевую воду.вот это класса!!!!!! Как всегда -внедрение,жестокое в природу.чего вы хотите в ответ?????
I think this is pretty awesome and it may not be perfect by todays standards but people used to live in far less sound structures of all kinds for thousands of years. Proper building by American standards are largely over regulated set of rules and I’m no expert but it’s just a way to soak someone for an extra buck. Naysayers are addicted to their negativity. It gets old.
Yep, caves carved into silt/dust, the softest rock imaginable and still be called that, 'stabilized' by an eggshell layer of only a few millimeters of concrete 'strengthened' by straw? Then above that, several tons more of the same, then build heavy brick structures on top of that? I'm thinking the entire hillside will collapse with how the caves have weakened it, and those apartments will be down with the livestock, collapsed under the tons of silt currently above them.
@@小熊克林 it is called the same thing in the USA. It can also be called a subterranean home, or an alternative living space, as well as mountain home, survival home, etc.
Ці гори з однорідною породою глини, я впевнена, що це відходи від якоїсь порди яку добували люди загинувшої цивілізації. Судячи по розміру гір, ці люди були високими, а можливо веліканами. А тепер ці гори відходів люди ростом не великого так злагоджено використовують для житла, це фантастично!!! Робота одночасно ведеться як зовні так і в середині цієї споруди уже. Людство мудре і прекрасне!!!
What Country? Sure is dry & desolate! Could not give it to me! No beauty! But as is said, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I wish the person to reside here much happiness!🤗🙏
@@Vile_Entity_3545 salty of what? If they had any concern for human decency a real home would have been constructed for the human that are going to be staying there, this is nothing else then a corral for animals but if I own animals I would not put them in there for their own safety.
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان ربي العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته 🌹سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان ربي العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته 🌹
No reinforcements, like rebar, were my concerns too, plus the Clay substraight, and then when it rains everything runs down behind the brick facade, the whole face of the mountain
I think a housing crash will happen because all those people who bought homes over asking price, although it was at a low interest rate, they are over their heads. They have no equity if the housing prices continue to go down, and if for whatever reason they cannot afford the house anymore and it goes into foreclosure because even if they try to sell, they will not make any money. I think this will happen to a lot of people especially with the massive layoff predicted for the future and the cost of living rising at a high speed.
You are right! I have diversified my 450K portfolio across various market with the aid of an investment coach, I have been able to generate a little bit above $830k in net profit across high dividend yield stocks, ETF and bonds.
@@marcelrobert9569 Do you mind sharing info on the adviser who assisted you? been saving for pension since age 18 - company scheme. along the way I hit higher tax, so I added to my company pension with a SIPP (tax benefits) I'm 50 now and would love to grow my finance more aggressively, there are a few cars I still wish to drive, a few mega holidays, etc.
@@charlotteflair1043 Julie Anne Hoover is the coach that guides me, She has years of financial market experience, you can use something else but for me her strategy works hence my result. She provides entry and exit point for the securities I focus on.
Глинозём... - после дождя там сплошное месиво, подъездная дорога как масло. Электричество - от солнечных панелей. Канализация - септик. Водоснабжение - Вопрос!
не завидую тем, кто окажется внутри этой пирамиды хеопса в период катаклизма... да и без катаклизма спать на бетонной кровати и иметь ванную комнату без ванны с входом через шкаф так себе удовольствие.
И давно ли мещане аристократами стали.? Ей ванная не понраву. А где гарантия, что там где вы сейчас живёте, вас катаклизмы не затронут. Цивилизация испортила человека. Ждут все готовое. Труд не ценится, все халяву ищут. Вам там жить не предлагают. Смотрите, завидуйте молча. Получайте удовольствие от чужого труда.
Thank you for including some links to the original content creator. Other channels don't do that. Still can't watch the full process, but at least we now have an idea of who, what, when, why and how. Thank you also for your subtitles and explanation of the work. I"m glad I watched your version ☺️
My hometown is here, my parents' cave house has been vacant for a long time, the economic conditions here are poor, there's a huge loss of population, and my friends call me a modern caveman, which I find fitting as much as I can! LOL
I can't stop smiling after seeing this. It's the little things that make life so wonderful.
Không lo về chiến tranh. Xây cất kiên cố, nguy nga tuyệt vời. Sẽ nổi tiếng trên thế giới...? Cám ơn đã chia sẻ công trình vĩ đại.
Nuostabus darbas 👍👍👍
Linkėjimai iš Lietuvos 🇱🇹
Просто КРУТО , и это еще МЯГКО СКАЗАНО , КОСМОС ......!!! Но САМОЕ ИНТЕРЕСНОЕ , что строили они БЕЗ ФУНДАМЕНТА МАТЬ ВАШУ ..... 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Чисто Китай
I can't believe I watched the whole thing. Very interesting project
Стены просто на песок возводят... В Турции наверное также дома строили, которые разрушились во время землятрясения.
Столько труда физического в этом видео и так мало труда интелликтуального...
Тоже так подумал когда увидел стены, сразу мысль а где фундамент
блин, как хорошо не знать английский... Когда я прочитал 1:56 "or the cave could collapse" я уж было подумал, что там на самом деле всё так опасно, но когда увидел как работяги в пол кирпича арку потолочную сделали то тревогу как ветром сдуло...
@@Veyron104А что пол кирпича под давлением такой массы песка спасут?????????
@@leljasim6743 это был сарказм...
А зачем там фундамент нужен? Египетские пирамиды тоже без фундамента строили.
Well I have watched every second of this amazing project. It was amazing mind blowing. Congratulations.
Very impressive! Getting the most from much smaller lots, efficent, beautifull Archutecture. Throughly enjoyed seeing this Video! Thank You!
I can't believe I watched the whole thing. Very interesting project
Phản hồi
Incredible imagination…science and ingenuity…a lot of hard work…well done…brilliant…continue on
Thank you so much for the English subtitles. What an amazing project!
Это не дешовое строительство, а очень затратное и трудоемкое. Нужно много сил, энергии, денег.
are you crazy? Where is amazing project?
Although, okay, let them live there, there are already too many Chinese on earth... Is that what you think, praising this?
are you mad, its a death trap
Сумашедше сказочный проект. Человек придумал и воплотил свою мечту в жизнь. Достойно уважения!!! 👍👍👍
Severe environmental destruction is occurring in wastelands where humans cannot survive.
Это дурь!
The creativity is so inspiring! I am intrigued by how it looks in a few years- once it starts to blend back in with the environment it's been built into!
@@onedaydayde ¹0
Well the entire environment is dirt I don't see any Greenland so it will take a long time
Всё обвалится после нескольких дождей. Строители либо болваны, либо специально так сделали чтобы глупый богач остался в дураках
@@rafikkandxorov3668, я тоже смотрела и думала , сколько труда и средств вложено, а не лучше ли было построить более надёжный дом , ведь гора истончилась от всех этих копаний , даст трещину и всё кердык . Может быть красиво и загадочно , но не разумно .
As beautiful as this is, I can't stop thinking about landslide with all the dirt hills surrounding this gorgeous work of art.
Я о том же подумал 😢
Agree, but. Terraced hills are pretty stable. Still couldn't pay me to live there, and I like caves.
Just a small rain will wash dirt away🤣
@@spankthemonkey3437 They've been living in such dwellings for thousands of years. Many homes, few hundreds years still exist till now.
@@jacku8304 look at way California hills wash away i know this would easily🤷🤦🏼🤣
Wow! One of the most interesting natural home builds I've seen. I can see the remainder of the "roof" covered in low-growing perennials (clover and such) for a green roof. I don't suppose that a leaky roof would EVER be a problem! Very impressive!
Clover needs water to grow you know. They don't have any. If they ever get any they will be in big trouble because their houses are made out of instant mudslide!
@@detrechratsthey have water... From the well they dug...
Severe environmental destruction is occurring in wastelands where humans cannot survive.
wrong its been there through many snowstorms now its still fine @@detrechrats
That is absolutely astounding. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Лучше, чем в перенаселенных городах. Чистый воздух.главное трудиться и обеспечить себя всем необходимым. Лишнего не надо. Руки есть голова думающая на плечах, что человеку надо. Молодец.
Ему деньги некуда девать. С жиру бесится. Лучше бы для людей что-нибудь полезное построил, школу или мост. Эта бесполезная хибара все равно разрушится после первого же дождя. Мог бы хотя бы с геологами посоветоваться. Когда деньги не заработаны честным трудом всегда так. Государство должно запрещать такое сумасшествие
Das ist echt perfekt. In so einer Wohnung bzw Haus möchte ich gerne bleiben 😊. Sollen andere auch darüber schimpfen und meckern, denn das hier ist mitten drin in der Natur. Hochhäuser können ebenso kaputt gehen durch Naturgewalt, Bomben, Katastrophen usw. Doch hier auch. Aber es ist trotzdem einfach wunderschön! Liebe Bauarbeiter, ihr habt das toll gemacht! 💚
Ich find das auch nicht schlecht, aber ich glaube die Plastikvertäfelung macht die Raumluft sinnlos unangenehm. Der ganze Berg begrünt fetzt sicher sehr. Schade, dass es nicht aktuell ist.
Wow! One of the most interesting natural home builds I've seen. I can see the remainder of the "roof" covered in low-growing perennials (clover and such) for a green roof. I don't suppose that a leaky roof would EVER be a problem! Very impressive!
Здравейте, гледах клипа Адмирации. Реализирал си мечта , Браво ! но се натъжих от поста под клипа, да сравняваш цитирайки, Божието Слово! та нали всичко на земята е, направено от прах и пепел. Ние сме, Простосмъртни! а Божието слово е за Век и Веков ! Пожелавам ви, да се радвате Вие, и вашите поколения !
Что значит "цитирайки"?
Все. Перевел
"Привет, я посмотрел клип с восхищением. Вы осуществили мечту, Браво! но меня огорчил пост под клипом, для сравнения цитирую Слово Божье: "все на земле сделано из праха и пепла." Мы, простые смертные! А слово Божие вечно! Желаю вам и вашим потомкам счастья!"
Also, What a Wonderful, Great Crew of Workers, They Work Together ❤️ So Very, Very WELL 😊❤❤
안녕하세요. 먼저 구독 좋아요 부터 누르고 감상 할께요. 대단한 프로젝트 입니다. 발상도 대단하고 추진력 또한 귿입니다.
Absolutely amazing and beautiful. Thank you for uploading and's greatly appreciated!!
Beautiful.... but not for long Just like putting a dress on a pig.
ancient and modern combination 😍 love from Nepal🇳🇵🇳🇵
Hello friend how is everyone in Nepal 🇳🇵my self I'm in the city of Leicester in uk 🇬🇧
Un ejemplo maravilloso de viviendas... estará protegido contra ciclones, nevadas y tornados... ¡Perfect!
Vdgjgtdgjagjj hgdd fyeehgwuus
This is awesome cant wait to look this place up in 20 years and see all the other nearby mountains turned into apartments!
What you will find in 20 years is a pile of dirt. Erosion! This project was a colossal waste of time money and effort!
I live in Karachi Pakistan and I like your comment
or it collapsed and no one did the same mistake again
@@damysticalone87 ok I’ll check it out. Thanks
Was there a geological study done before this project started? It looks like the dirt of the mountains is very loose,the reinforcement that were being used are not strong enough to fight again erosion. Besides what is the point to spend so much money and effort to build such structure in the middle of nowhere?
The structural bracing in each unit is impressive. Designed like the Roman Architecture that continues to hold bridges and buildings today.
Vao fantasztikus szép munka ! ❤
This is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
With due respect to all concerned who have expressed their practical concerns about various aspects, I still find this conceptualisation & meticulous execution very commendable. I would love to do something like this had I had enough funds.. Great work, Take care! God bless all..
I totally agree with you. I would love to have a place similar to this, only on a much smaller scale. only the first two levels.
@@dawnamorgan7364 Amen 😊
Этого песочный дом.
I could only stay for 2 minutes, but if we can't hear original audio, that was an excellent choice of music. 12M members would expect that quality, but there are SO many that are just unwatch/listenable. Thanks Quantum.
Türkiye den selamlar,harika bir iş çıktı ortaya, Tebrikler.
Yea, I’m pretty much blown away by this. It’s such a labor intensive project and the masonry going on is substantial for the amount of workers I see. I don’t know what sort of extraordinary kind of residential building projects American builders may have going on but I’m guessing it’s probably not as ambitious as this. Somebody let me know if I’m wrong. The Chinese are not afraid of hard work that’s obvious to me.
Is it safe in the rainy season ? The soil looks fragile.
A criatividade não tem limites.
@Lâmpada para os pés concordo
It is really special what you have done. Keep up the good work.😄
You jentilman realy.. jasim from iraq 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Excellent program as usual!
who wants to sleep there if rainy season
maybe dig to bedrock
❤تذ دتنمم. .ك. م
Chinese are building it ,so it's a big no for me just going in one during any season.
Orang orang cina memang berbakat...dalam bidang ini buktinya banyak seperti benteng tembok terpanjang d dunia adanya d china.
Seems cool. I would personally have liked to keep the brick walls and ceiling without the white covering
What absolutely phenomenally ambitious project this is!
Utterly remarkable in every respect, I was fascinated, amazed and in awe at what was being achieved.
This is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! Subscribed!
Now there will be more people who will understand why China is growing at such pace…
They are growing at such a pace because they skip all the structural steps needed to make such a beautiful building stand . It's superficial/smoke and mirrors.
Я видела ,как люди строят дома в лесу не силивая ни одного дерева и накапливая используя дождевую воду.вот это класса!!!!!!
Как всегда -внедрение,жестокое в природу.чего вы хотите в ответ?????
I think this is pretty awesome and it may not be perfect by todays standards but people used to live in far less sound structures of all kinds for thousands of years. Proper building by American standards are largely over regulated set of rules and I’m no expert but it’s just a way to soak someone for an extra buck. Naysayers are addicted to their negativity. It gets old.
Finished viewing, it looks good so far. 😎🌻🌼🌷🌹
Next video: watch as an unstable mud ball collapses from the first heavy rain. You couldn't pay me enough to live in a death trap like that.
Yep, caves carved into silt/dust, the softest rock imaginable and still be called that, 'stabilized' by an eggshell layer of only a few millimeters of concrete 'strengthened' by straw? Then above that, several tons more of the same, then build heavy brick structures on top of that? I'm thinking the entire hillside will collapse with how the caves have weakened it, and those apartments will be down with the livestock, collapsed under the tons of silt currently above them.
@@张帝星 it does not matter if it never usually day it might rain and then the stupid structure fails
This is a very interesting construction, thank you for sharing.
Congratulations !!! Félicitations pour cette construction magnifique. Un exemple pour la terre entière à imiter.
Wow they turned out so nice very beautiful
@@小熊克林 it is called the same thing in the USA. It can also be called a subterranean home, or an alternative living space, as well as mountain home, survival home, etc.
Fascinating, but definitely not for me! I very much enjoyed the video & how skilled the workers were! Thank you for sharing!🤗👏
No steel beams and just a light arch support a recipe for disaster but as a content it is very satisfying and amazing to watch🆗👏👏
Thank you for the video!😜👍❤
Очень экономичный! Древняя технология строительства. Великая стена на том же принципе построена.
Excellent idea and workers are exceptional also.
WONDERFUL! How do they ventilate the house and the bathroom?
Wow does that look safe??? Dug a bunch of caves in the dirt, with nothing keeping them from collapsing but a 1/2 inch layer of concrete.
А крышу не нужно было обложить хотя бы черепицей, чтобы при дожде не размыло
Они солому замешивают в глину, получается саман, солнце обожжет конструкцию и на века домишка.
В крепости этого сооружения не сомневайтесь!
А отсутствие фундамента вас не смущает?)))
Ці гори з однорідною породою глини, я впевнена, що це відходи від якоїсь порди яку добували люди загинувшої цивілізації. Судячи по розміру гір, ці люди були високими, а можливо веліканами. А тепер ці гори відходів люди ростом не великого так злагоджено використовують для житла, це фантастично!!! Робота одночасно ведеться як зовні так і в середині цієї споруди уже. Людство мудре і прекрасне!!!
Не хватает долгого проливного дождя!
Видно, же , что это насыпная и утрамбованная временем глина .
Это не жильё, а 4 будки какие то)
Это великий Китай, как и стена !!!📌
А, не парашка😂
@@dzhobiden9064 эк тя поволокло стена не китайская она против китайцев вашето возведена!!!
Doamne ajută 🌹😘😘👏🙏😍😇🥰🦊👏🌹👏🙏😇😇🥰👏👏👏😘👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏😇🙏😍🥰🙏😇😍🙏
What a WAIST of time, effort and person (man) power!
What Country? Sure is dry & desolate! Could not give it to me! No beauty! But as is said, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I wish the person to reside here much happiness!🤗🙏
I wanna move there. This is exactly what my husband and I wanna build. We wanna build into the mountain/hill
Wow; amazing and beautifull! 👏👏👏
My safety concerns 📈📈📈👀
No structural support or foundations!!!That mountain is a burial ready to happen
I hope it's just an image film for the Chinese government.
I would not live there even if they pay me to.
What a waste of time, labor, and money. A propaganda film.
@@blessed1sj ooh you are very salty aren’t you?
@@Vile_Entity_3545 salty of what? If they had any concern for human decency a real home would have been constructed for the human that are going to be staying there, this is nothing else then a corral for animals but if I own animals I would not put them in there for their own safety.
저기는 비가 안오나보네..비오면 흙이 흘러 내릴것 같은데..
그러게요 포크레인으로도 쉽게 퍼지는 흙인데
비 많이 오면..... ㄷㄷㄷ
생각만해도 아찔아찔..
мне показалось или под заборами никакого фундамента нет? полгода дождей и все покосятся
Да вообще бредятина а не дом
This is fantastic and looks very nice ! Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful. Away from everything. ❤❤❤
Wow, never knew the mountain could also be as soft as soil at the bottom on the surface.
I enjoyed again all this excellent work.
Это не квартира, а целый город! Кто-бы не критиковал, а это прекрасная идея!
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان ربي العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته 🌹سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان ربي العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته 🌹
Просто, шедевр. Столько идей в одном видео.
So well done and thought out!
Bence evin duvarlarını plastik kaplama yerine tuğla örgü bırakılsa daha doğal ve sağlıklı olurdu
Asian are so smart I do admire them. 🥺
I would love to see comments from some USA licensed building engineers. This thing is a death trap.
The ceiling is already failing @30:15 of the animal caves.......
Reading the comments to see if there were any construction or farmers watching this disaster
Incredible and beautiful achievement 🌞
27:45 Бетон на землю без подложки и арматуры. Ну, такое себе...
No reinforcements, like rebar, were my concerns too, plus the Clay substraight, and then when it rains everything runs down behind the brick facade, the whole face of the mountain
Cuando el hombre constrye es bello es grandioso la obra divina gadta el vielo sonrie y da calor
I think a housing crash will happen because all those people who bought homes over asking price, although it was at a low interest rate, they are over their heads. They have no equity if the housing prices continue to go down, and if for whatever reason they cannot afford the house anymore and it goes into foreclosure because even if they try to sell, they will not make any money. I think this will happen to a lot of people especially with the massive layoff predicted for the future and the cost of living rising at a high speed.
You are right! I have diversified my 450K portfolio across various market with the aid of an investment coach, I have been able to generate a little bit above $830k in net profit across high dividend yield stocks, ETF and bonds.
@@marcelrobert9569 Do you mind sharing info on the adviser who assisted you? been saving for pension since age 18 - company scheme. along the way I hit higher tax, so I added to my company pension with a SIPP (tax benefits) I'm 50 now and would love to grow my finance more aggressively, there are a few cars I still wish to drive, a few mega holidays, etc.
@@charlotteflair1043 Julie Anne Hoover is the coach that guides me, She has years of financial market experience, you can use something else but for me her strategy works hence my result. She provides entry and exit point for the securities I focus on.
Theres 5 billion buildings on the planet already..
ماشاء الله بيت الاحلام بوكت جهودكم اناس بارعون
Глинозём... - после дождя там сплошное месиво, подъездная дорога как масло. Электричество - от солнечных панелей. Канализация - септик. Водоснабжение - Вопрос!
Meu Deus!!!!! Que obra maravilhosa!!!!!
Parabéns é lindo
Mas eu não me atreveria de viver aí
Very Good. 👍👍👍👍👍
Да это писец, на какой такой случай)))
Да, там сразу их и похоронит.
Just a wonderful Job done ✅
Lindo, moderno, singular e muito seguro. Parabéns!!! Pena que os povos dos países que colonizaram estejam passando fome.
Amazing and Brite minds. God grant you much more wisdom for now and the future. Amen
Сказать, что я в шоке??! Это ничего не сказать! У меня просто нет слов...!
А где это ?
Это традиционные жилища в Китае, называется яодун.
One quake could spell catastrophe for it!
Даа очень красиво! Есть люди которые себе дом построить сил и средств не могут найти, а некоторые не знают на что деньги тратить.😢
Ты попался дорогой теперь тебе не отвертеться от налога и штрафа нынче такой закон везде земля принадлежит властям даже кладбище.
Это не мужчина это алигарх.
Very nice project but I did not see aeration or vmc to evacuate moisture from the bathroom
не завидую тем, кто окажется внутри этой пирамиды хеопса в период катаклизма... да и без катаклизма спать на бетонной кровати и иметь ванную комнату без ванны с входом через шкаф так себе удовольствие.
Завидуешь? У тебя наверное туалет до сих пор на улице
@@boomduum940 дурилка) у тебя толчек засорился и ты в ютуб попердываешь?
Кирпичная стена без фундамента это мечта
И давно ли мещане аристократами стали.? Ей ванная не понраву. А где гарантия, что там где вы сейчас живёте, вас катаклизмы не затронут. Цивилизация испортила человека. Ждут все готовое. Труд не ценится, все халяву ищут. Вам там жить не предлагают. Смотрите, завидуйте молча. Получайте удовольствие от чужого труда.
@@svetlanamammadova2178 по вашему требование к наличию ванны это признак аристократизма? в каком свинарнике вы живете?
Sin palabras lo mejor que he visto en arquitectura natural
Что вы потом хотите от Матушки -природы???
Лучше смотреть ,как строят экологичные дома.
Beautiful. What special skills.
Soetwas , ! Ist nur in CHINA möglich , MEIN Draumland !!! Absolute Spitzenklasse !!!❤💪🍀
Красота зато подальше от соседей и плюс свежий воздух..
Sem palavras exelente,