You are wonderful. I enjoy your videos and creativity. I hope you are well and your health is better. You definitely have the biggest collection of cool pedals I have seen.
As a fellow talk box user with the same talk box to!! 😁 i never thought I would see someone use one on a harp?!? Very nice!! the possibilities are endless!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Many years ago when I was a young man in high school 70's, a friend had one, cannot remember the setup exactly, but mike, guitar and wah wah, he was a big Frampton fan, and all I remember is lot and lots of electric shocks, and not small ones, very memorable.
Musical alchemist with a generous dose of humor and childlike enthusiasm! "That's why it's called PLAYING music, not WORKING music!" -- Approximation of a quote from Les Paul.
What about "Bliss in Harmony"? It sounds amazing! I remember when I was a kid, there was an electric harp at a science museum somewhere in Maryland, where it used lasers instead of strings. Being a guitarist, along with appreciating great music, the effects used on the harp give it a more mystical, relaxing feel. Lo-fi music with a harp? Hmm...
Reading out mean comments through a talkbox would make an interesting short
Second this, would be a good laugh
Yesss this would be perfect!
That would be absolutely hilarious
Agreed. Go for it!!
I bump this shit when I'm feeling like my name is Emily 💪😤
I genuinely just cried laughing at this comment
Thank you for this comment 😅
This song inspires me to become my very own Emily.
Lyrically gifted. Truely, the deepest song of our time.
She's basically Leonard Cohen.
"My name is EMILY" 🗣️🗣️ 🔥🔥
"M Y N A M E I S E M I L Y" 🤖
Kraftwerk's newest hit
Ah, the eternal conundrum of “I can say anything. What am I gonna say?”
Audio engineer's default is "what did you have for breakfast?"
Hello world!
You should see what else she says on the full video.
First verse: “My name is Emily”
Second verse: “I look nothing like Goth Egg.”
But even better since you can’t read the sluttiness in her eyes.
I see what you did here
The first bit where you went foO0k! Was hilarious😂
Woulda been hilarious over the beats lol
That was so funny ngl
Alright I'm gonna need a full version ASAP!
It’s on streaming services now!
Dave the diver ass music lmao I love it
oh my god i love dave the diver
_"Domo Arigato, Emily Roboto!"_ 😅
The talk box video and the whopper pedal are my favorite videos!!!! Keep going. Be safe and stay positive.
Thanks so much! A lot more fun stuff coming soon 😊
“My Name is Emily,” is definitely a banger!
Now that's gonna be stuck in my head all day again 😆
You’re welcome 😂
God I hope not.. still there damn.. 😒
If it gets stuck in your head long enough is there a risk you'll start to believe your name is Emily, even if it's not? 😂
This one can be a really sic track, it sounds weird yet fascinating. So happy to see you healthy and back to playing
Do “The Distance” by Cake. The intro “reluctantly crouched at the starting line” would be killer with that effect 😂
I'll like and comment on all your stuff that comes up just because I love your musical talent and how happy it seems to make you.
Thanks so much! 🥰
If you make a 3 and a half minutes version of this, I'd play it on spotify on repeat for sure 👌🏾
I love Emily so much.
What a treasure of a human being. ❤😊
Mane I watched this episode 5 times!! The nostril flares show the dedication 💪🏾💪🏾
Dude I love your style. You always look stylin as hell
You are wonderful. I enjoy your videos and creativity. I hope you are well and your health is better. You definitely have the biggest collection of cool pedals I have seen.
The vibe is almost like a robot trying to urge that they are a person by saying their name
It's trying to cry (but can't) while trying to pass a captcha (but can't)
Some real Daft Punk vibes with the talk box.
Emily, you're the COOLEST!!! Hope you're resting and recovering smoothly! Have a great week! 🥰 Sending vibes to YOU!!!
Missed opportunity to ask the ultimate question through the talk box--Do You Feel like I do?
I'm so glad that your experimenting and making interesting & awesome music. Innovation doesn't happen when you remain in a box
I have no clue about harps or pedals but you make it interesting, i love your vibe and smile.
"...please leave a message after the beep"
Brilliant lyrics. The voice of our generation.
Emily your sense of style is really flattering for you.
This is amazing. I love this style of music. It sounds like something out of Silent Hill. 👏🏻
So freakin talented and absolutely gorgeous
I’m not even kidding I wasn’t looking at my screen and I heard the lyric as “MY NAME IS GOTHIC EGG”
Amazing musical talent and beauty you are absolutely my favorite person on the internet
Beautiful song, 🙏👍😃 it,.. Love Cheers 💕🙏
As a fellow talk box user with the same talk box to!! 😁 i never thought I would see someone use one on a harp?!? Very nice!! the possibilities are endless!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
She has the body of a goddess 😩😭
Most definitely!
Those fucking mocs look killer. That shirt moc combo is killer
In my head i have a series: Emily reads mean comments from reddiit - talkbox edition.
Domo arigato for an amusing short. 😂
Love the experimental nature of your channel!
Many years ago when I was a young man in high school 70's, a friend had one, cannot remember the setup exactly, but mike, guitar and wah wah, he was a big Frampton fan, and all I remember is lot and lots of electric shocks, and not small ones, very memorable.
A full record of this chill vibe stuff with quiet vocoder vocals would be kind of a nice thing.
if i owned a label i would pay this woman a lot of money to help make records. this sounds really good
Always great shorts! Thanks.
It would be fun for you to do a mini-series of this- responding to comments but don’t tell people what you’re saying with captions 😂
Emily, I love your posts! Please continue to share super fun effects!
I love how your shirt matches your harp.
Watching your vids give me inspiration to get back to making music.
Awesome sound! Love it LOL
But Ahhhgh, killing me how cute that outfit is.
The Harp is beautiful sounding and doesn't need talking or even singing added to it.
Pre-talkbox I could imagine this in something like Minecraft as the middle of a song etc.
This slaps! I feel like my name is Emily now, too
Im in love with Your music!!
Your Proportions are phenom.
Harp feeding tube funny moments
Poly blue makes it sound like every lofi song I've ever listened to
That lyric where you went “my name is harp lady” really hit!
The talk box is goofy, but the combination of the other effects sounds fantastic.
That was cool, you have serious talent with picking up new instruments.
Ok, hear me out... chill mood harp techno!
Your shoes are Dope! And they go great with that shirt! You're Cute AF and have a really cool sense of style.....just so you know
That sounds so dope, I wonder if you can do the talkbox part from Bruno Mars' 24k with that talkbox harp setup. 😅
SHE'S BACK!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤
Emily always looks just happy to be here
You're amazing. I hope your heart is OK.
As a person who has a difficulty focusing while listening to music, I would 100% study to this
Why do i get samurai jack vibes from this? So cool
shes awsome. love this person❤❤❤❤
Coolest female musician on TH-cam,
In my own humble opinion.
you can hear Emma yelling at her from the basement
...F*CK. 🤣👍
@@ponaboy *HE'LL YE'AH BORTHER*
The voice of an angel. A harp playing robot angel. 😇
Now only your music can heal me
When you're happy, you heard music. When you're sad, you understand the lyrics
Peter Frampton would be proud!
is that Peter from the Muppet Framptons or the Fraggle Rock Framtpons?
Musical alchemist with a generous dose of humor and childlike enthusiasm! "That's why it's called PLAYING music, not WORKING music!" -- Approximation of a quote from Les Paul.
Daft Punk aproves It! Haha
When you sing seems to me like: "my name is JAVALI" LOL
"Do You Feel...Like I Do!".😎🎵✌
when my friend got his talk box he let us all try it, so instinctively I played my bass and repeated "IM A CAT IM A CAT"
Half of the YT is in love with you Em. Especially the guitarists. Including me.
Should’ve said “my name is harp lady”
Same number of syllables
This is amazing and goes hard for no reason ❤
Clicked the video cuz I knew I'd get to hear you say "tawk bawx." ❤
The brief cut to her going “FUCK FUCK” had me dying omg
New acquaintance: So, whats your name
Chesty Harp Girl:
What about "Bliss in Harmony"? It sounds amazing! I remember when I was a kid, there was an electric harp at a science museum somewhere in Maryland, where it used lasers instead of strings. Being a guitarist, along with appreciating great music, the effects used on the harp give it a more mystical, relaxing feel. Lo-fi music with a harp? Hmm...
Please do more of this!!! Sooooo cool!!!! ❤
I was entirely anticipating "my name jeff"
Is there full song version? I heckin vibe with this!
Ayyye finally a pedal that i actually have. Love the polly blue
It’s so good!
+1, +2, octave above and below plus fuzz PLUS modulation. Such a versatile pedal
Vocals sound like Thom Yorke on Kid A, really cool!
When she said 'my name is emily' i felt that.
You should listen to Zapp. They were a funk group that used the talk box like no one else.
Gotta do a Zapp cover in honor of Roger Troutman preferably Computer Love
"i like the way the party is currently going"
Seeing a talk box reminded me of 90% of Mexican rappers back in the early 2000s
What a beautiful human being all around
Its a lot easier to do this if you attach it to something stationary so you dont have to focus as much with trying to hold it with your teeth🫡👌🏾