A Guide to Ritual in Buddhist Practice with Bodhidasa

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ส.ค. 2024
  • Dhammamegha speaks to Bodhidasa in Sydney, Australia, about his upcoming book Approaching Enlightenment: A Guidebook for Buddhist Ritual (www.windhorsep...) . The conversation covers:
    • Bodhidasa as a practitioner, teacher, and self-declared geek. We’ll hear about his interests in magic, games, popular culture, and literature, and how these are part of his practice and the book.

    • How ritual, archetypes, and myth enable a connection with transpersonal and enlightened qualities and potentials.

    • Different approaches to Buddhist practice - from ascetic and austere approaches on the one hand, to those drawn to objects, worldly activities, and emotions of devotion, joy, and integration.

    • Cultural tensions between secular life and ritual practices, and the Buddhist tradition’s own relationships with ritual-as a fetter and as a path.

    • How ritual opens us up to something inconvenient-the possibility that there is more in you and others than the limits we impose.

    • Bodhidasa’s own integration of elements of ritual into his day-through offering, worship, going for refuge, confession, and rejoicing.

    Useful Links:
    PUJA: The Triratna Book of Buddhist Devotional Texts (www.windhorsep...) .
    Creative Symbols of Tantric Buddhism (www.windhorsep...) is available in Volume 13 of the Complete Works of Sangharakshita (www.windhorsep...)
    FutureDharma Fund (futuredharma.org/) .
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