香港真是受不了,常常有很大的壓迫感,常常都強迫人做這做那,又常常不給人機會,什麼都不行,又常常催促人,尤其是吃飯時,常常都說“快啲食,快啲食,快啲食快啲食快吃快快快快快快快快快”,就算不是in a hurry 也月強迫人什麼都快快快快快快快快快快,在芬蘭就不會強迫人什麼都快快快,是多麼的逍遙,難怪連香港天文臺的台長也愛去芬蘭
Just reading your last sentence can already immediately discredit your entire comment. Finland's current unemployment rate is around 8%. That is the highest unemployment rate IN THE WORLD? What does "your world" consist of? The Finns are "lazy"? Maybe it's because they have a different attitude towards life and living. Life is not just about accummulation of wealth and money, something that most people in Mainland China now are exclusively focusing on - trying to get rich as quickly as one can, and once one does that, trying to consume as much as one can. If you think that's your life, then good for you, go for it. But don't condemn a whole nation of people who care about something else. Since you write in simplified Chinese, of course I can guess your background. Your pro-USSR and anti-Western attitude are both deeply ingrained in you. Finland has a diversified economy, unlike what you biasedly describe. Just a few years ago, Nokia, a Finnish company, was the world's leading cell phone manufacturer. For a country with a population of only about 5 million, that wasn't such a bad record. I don't know what your experience was when you were in Finland. You are probably like a lot of the Mainland Chinese people I know of when they live abroad - only hanging out with other Chinese, eating Chinese food, doing Chinese things, refusing to learn the local language properly, constantly criticizing what's different and refusing to adopt to a new attitude and new mentality. You probably do not know others who have integrated successfully and adore their new home because you don't and can't interact with them. Hence a completely biased view. I have lived in four different countries, and I KNOW a lot of people like you. It's fine for you to stick with what you feel is the best for you, but don't you dare denigrating other countries and their people, distorting facts, and providing biased information, based on the colored spectacles and the ignorance of your small world.
香港讀書讀到班小朋友跳樓自殺!留在芬蘭係good choice!
EI GK 你快D跳
@@Vince764 有病?
@@Vince764 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Lam Joe on撚鳩 你係咪係度教唆他人自殺?
香港真是受不了,常常有很大的壓迫感,常常都強迫人做這做那,又常常不給人機會,什麼都不行,又常常催促人,尤其是吃飯時,常常都說“快啲食,快啲食,快啲食快啲食快吃快快快快快快快快快”,就算不是in a hurry 也月強迫人什麼都快快快快快快快快快快,在芬蘭就不會強迫人什麼都快快快,是多麼的逍遙,難怪連香港天文臺的台長也愛去芬蘭
快 快 快 就黎快到歸西
屌 香港人真系慘 走佬啦齊齊 ❤
Good that the kids know how to speak Cantonese.
從地獄走到天堂係咪好開心呢? 小朋友都健康啲啊
:D oha herkesten beklerdim ama hadiseden beklemezdim ifşasını yayınlamışlar bakın
Just reading your last sentence can already immediately discredit your entire comment. Finland's current unemployment rate is around 8%. That is the highest unemployment rate IN THE WORLD? What does "your world" consist of? The Finns are "lazy"? Maybe it's because they have a different attitude towards life and living. Life is not just about accummulation of wealth and money, something that most people in Mainland China now are exclusively focusing on - trying to get rich as quickly as one can, and once one does that, trying to consume as much as one can. If you think that's your life, then good for you, go for it. But don't condemn a whole nation of people who care about something else. Since you write in simplified Chinese, of course I can guess your background. Your pro-USSR and anti-Western attitude are both deeply ingrained in you. Finland has a diversified economy, unlike what you biasedly describe. Just a few years ago, Nokia, a Finnish company, was the world's leading cell phone manufacturer. For a country with a population of only about 5 million, that wasn't such a bad record. I don't know what your experience was when you were in Finland. You are probably like a lot of the Mainland Chinese people I know of when they live abroad - only hanging out with other Chinese, eating Chinese food, doing Chinese things, refusing to learn the local language properly, constantly criticizing what's different and refusing to adopt to a new attitude and new mentality. You probably do not know others who have integrated successfully and adore their new home because you don't and can't interact with them. Hence a completely biased view. I have lived in four different countries, and I KNOW a lot of people like you. It's fine for you to stick with what you feel is the best for you, but don't you dare denigrating other countries and their people, distorting facts, and providing biased information, based on the colored spectacles and the ignorance of your small world.
flyingzone Well-said!!!totally agree with you
多菜少肉 如果沒有很多大陸人下來,可能會少很多人住劏房
WAIKIT CHEANG 講得好,擺明條友連女都無囡媾,唔抵得
Unreachable grapes are sour to your sorry ass
海雪深 唔使自我介紹