  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • Kui hakati ehitama uut talu, ehitati kõigepealt valmis suitsusaun, seejärel laut ja alles siis elumaja. Muidugi oli saun koht, kus ennast pesta, kuid samas raviti seal ka haigeid ja sünnitati lapsi. Suitsul oli puhastav toime -- see hävitas baktereid. Kui inimene suri, siis viidi ta samuti sauna, et keha puhtaks pesta enne viimset teekonda. Elu algas ja lõppes saunas. Mõnikord elas saunas veel ka saunik -- taluelanik, kel muud suuremat elamist polnud.
    Suitsusaun on koht, kus saab puhtaks ihu ja hinge. Iga saun on omamoodi, võõras selle kütmisega hakkama ei saa. Aega võtab see alati oma 6 -- 7 tundi ja vahepeal jõuab saunas teha ka suitsuliha. Suitsusaunal on eriline hingus. Seepärast öeldakse peale saunaskäiku aitüma sauna ehitajale, veevedajale, saunakütjale.
    Mustjõe SUITSUSAUN on oma praeguses asukohas möödunud sajandi 70ndate aastate algusest. Sauna palgid ja laelauad on üle saja aasta vanad ja on ümber laotud. Sauna juures on veel PÕRGUKATEL, kuhu väiksem seltskond kenasti korraga sisse mahub, senine rekord on 16 inimest korraga. Sauna kõrval on DUŠITÜNN, kus saab end pärast suitsusauna puhtamaks pesta.
    © MTÜ KULG
    When construction was started on a new farm, first built was the smoke sauna, the barn, and finally the dwelling house. Of course, a sauna was the place to wash, but it was also used in the treatment of sick children and a place to give birth. The vapours have a cleansing effect that also kills bacteria. When a person died the sauna was used to wash the body before the last journey. Life began and ended in a sauna. Sometimes, people lived in the sauna, poor farmers with no other living space.
    The smoke sauna is a place where you can clean the body and soul. Each sauna is unique and a stranger may not be able to fire it up. It takes 6-7 hours to fire up the sauna and this time can be used to smoke and cure meats. Use of the smoke sauna has health giving effects. In addition, it is said u have to thank the sauna builder, the water carrier and the fire stoker after a visit to it.
    Mustjõe smoke sauna was first built over 120 years ago and moved to its present location in the early 1970`s, all the original logs and ceiling joists were transported an reused. Next to the smoke sauna is the "Hell`s Cauldron" where a number of people can fit in comfortably, but to this day record stands at 16 people in the cauldron. Next to the sauna is the Shower barrel where u can have a cleansing wash after using the smoke sauna.

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