其實買乜都係,應該以Total Cost of Ownership/Operation 嘅概念嚟計,lease嘅話因為有特定年期,所以容易掌握到落地到還車之間要付出幾多。但係供或者買嘅話,除非你買埋extended warranty,否則過咗warranty之後維修費就唔知幾多,容易失預算。另外而家好興加錢可以包埋maintenance,甚至包埋所有damage同wear and tear items,放埋落張invoice度係貴啲,但係就容易預算好多。It's all about TCO and risk management.
3 ways 1) trade in (as Dennis said), appraised value vs buyout value, you might need to pay a little, but will usually be less than remaining payments 2) buyback and resell privately, however you will lose on taxes and need to have cash on hand (or line up a buyer first) 3) lease takeover, find someone to takeover the lease, there is usually a minimum term remaining dictated by manufacturer. There are services like LeaseBusters that help pair people.
In this day and age, with information so readily available, if an sales person is still going old school and giving you the 4 square payment only quote, you should turn around and walk out immediately indeed!
That is true, just like if you are renting a car at the airport. However there are usually an excess wear and use insurance to cover non collision issues that you can purchase to mitigate that.
@@svaltair yes, but this was not mentioned in the video. I have never owned a BMW so it is probably different with them. They cover the maintenance too as I know, which wasn't mentioned either.
I didn't have time to mention excess wear since there was so much to cover and the video was getting long :D. Each manufacturer's lease return policy is different, consumers should understand what the terms are prior to purchase of course.
其實買乜都係,應該以Total Cost of Ownership/Operation 嘅概念嚟計,lease嘅話因為有特定年期,所以容易掌握到落地到還車之間要付出幾多。但係供或者買嘅話,除非你買埋extended warranty,否則過咗warranty之後維修費就唔知幾多,容易失預算。另外而家好興加錢可以包埋maintenance,甚至包埋所有damage同wear and tear items,放埋落張invoice度係貴啲,但係就容易預算好多。It's all about TCO and risk management.
Cost to drive and risk management is king! :) but ... when you want that newest model, common sense usually goes out the windows ;)
80 年代我 land 嗰陣,係香港銀行換定帶過嚟嘅加幣裡面就有一張一千加幣。我懵下懵下以為好似香港咁一千蚊好普通,走去買錄影機個陣用鬼咗,除咗班 sales 未見過,仲搞咗半個鐘頭先確認張銀紙係可以用,之後咁多年都無再見過。呢個面值傳聞喺出面唔正式流通,係銀行之間嘅交收用,唔知堅唔堅。
想請教下呢, 如果我一落地係國際牌, 仲可唔可以LEASING? 謝.
I realize Im pretty off topic but does anybody know of a good site to watch newly released tv shows online ?
back then there was 5000 in a bill
3 ways
1) trade in (as Dennis said), appraised value vs buyout value, you might need to pay a little, but will usually be less than remaining payments
2) buyback and resell privately, however you will lose on taxes and need to have cash on hand (or line up a buyer first)
3) lease takeover, find someone to takeover the lease, there is usually a minimum term remaining dictated by manufacturer. There are services like LeaseBusters that help pair people.
$1,000 but discontinued.
想問leasing 包唔包定期保養?
It depends on the manufacturer. BMW and MINI does.
Sales won't tell you all the secrets
In this day and age, with information so readily available, if an sales person is still going old school and giving you the 4 square payment only quote, you should turn around and walk out immediately indeed!
航拍機好似吾過特定重量可以飛,好似係 ^_^
There maybe additional charges when you return a damaged car at lease end. Terms vary by manufacturer and dealer
That is true, just like if you are renting a car at the airport. However there are usually an excess wear and use insurance to cover non collision issues that you can purchase to mitigate that.
@@svaltair yes, but this was not mentioned in the video. I have never owned a BMW so it is probably different with them. They cover the maintenance too as I know, which wasn't mentioned either.
I didn't have time to mention excess wear since there was so much to cover and the video was getting long :D. Each manufacturer's lease return policy is different, consumers should understand what the terms are prior to purchase of course.
👉👉👉🤔Good for sharing!!西方五眼联盟的国土原屬土著, 🙏👍所以任何一个人都可移居这些地方找尋美好生活, 每个人在这些地方法律地位都是人人平等, 若作為在外地的新移民, 除非你自己不願振作努力從頭做起拼博找生活, 那麼切不要妄自菲薄对號入座地持自悲心能以為自己在外地人屬二等公民而自暴自棄, 你若有此狹窄自悲的思維那麼你便切勿搅移民去浪費青春时間!!!