2 type of player hunting leviathan💀 | Doge Gaming Tham gia làm hội viên của kênh này để được hưởng đặc quyền: / @dogego117 #bloxfruit #bloxfruits #dogechoigame #roblox
Когда мне нужен был Терра шарик он нифига не спавнился а когда мне нужны были sea beast мне за 2 часа попался только вот это вот называется неудача Ой забыл сказать когда я фармил сказать когда я фармил sea beast мне попалась Нет не пять и даже не 10 Шарков мне попались 20 Терра Шарков
lucky 0% , no leviathan
Ты мне поможешь?
sea beast can farm 🤣
Bro when I was do hunt levi the volcano island. Spawn 3 times
Plz draco 🙏🏻🙏🏻 it's my nik arsik12312
Ts is so annoying
I've also experienced something like that, when looking for Leviathan it took quite a long time💀
Yeah I’m still trying to get sanguine
It's a glitch for a hunt fast
They swim to 99999m and no leviathan💀And dragon just get them to leviathan plus destroy him and they easily get leviathan heart for sanguine art💀
How does that fly even work?
Nice tip:if you got 12 people in your shep you may get the leviathan even before 6 danger i have tried it
They removed it
bro really has 100 overlays. Bro got cooked but at least this is such a fire video. 10/10
Indra should make Frozen dimension and Volcanic island easier to find, right everyone?
Imagine ♾ meters and no leviathan 💀
Im remember when we easily find dragon without information and no boat with 5 players only :/
1% hunt Leviathan
99% copyright
As a professional P2W and Dragon user,I can confirm this💀😂
Dang that's sick vid🎉
Tui biết nè có đứa trên tàu nó bật haki quan sát Á bọn tui bị rồi tắt đi một lúc sau là ra 😂😂😂
lucky 0%=no Frozen dimension
my luck💀
My friend's luck🗿
Good dragon 😂❤
Gas fruit vs dragon pls
Ohhhh 🌋💀!
When I first killed the leviothan, we were carrying the heart to ticks, and in the end, some toxic sank our ship😢
Who wait for king of spam part 9 comment 👇
That’s how Not
blocks fruits work ☠️
Đảo bí ẩm kìa
I'm back _😊_
I got Levi and they said they going to hydra but they betrayed me and went to tiki😢
tìm đảo rồng gần 15km 💀
we spawned levi even though we're only four, like BRO ITS HARD AS HELL!💀
Dark blade + T-rex
Bro i thought the dragon was going to kiss leviathan
Dark blade +dragon pls
I like vibeo
bua này vẫn làm được à anh
Dragon east vs leviathan ☠️
Dark blade+celepstial fruit
Dark blade + gas pls 🙏🙏🙏
Draco and ghoul😱🤨
Bro tên gì brooo
Video rework
Привет снова🎉
meanwhile luck=100/100
Leo + Love fruit pls
I spend 6k frag for bribe thin server shutdown😂
Bro i remenber how painful it was to get leviantan like y was im the Game for about 14hours and no leviatan spauned
I’m so unlucky I’m still looking for leviathan for sanguine
У нас друзья как только зашли в 6 зону сразу нашли ледяной домен
its me with draco race
Leviathan bro got cook
My life is same no luck ;(
tui đánh đc nhưng tim bị tan
Me pasó básicamente eso mismo
1 mirage
3 volcano island
i be laik:-999000 bounty
the first one me an the boys
bro you my join boat Tayo go to 9999m
What the name apk you use?
Dragon west its the goat!
King of spam9?
First dog is mewing
im the one who is unlucky ive travelled 40028M and i havent found mirage :(
Bruh piraha boss
2 prehistóric island Cant spawn
i lost 4 Leviathan heart😢
passed leviathan
I am the second type
I have perm t rex
What does Levithian guve you?
I found leviathan in 12 min why do ppl say its hard to find i fiund in 3000m
Когда мне нужен был Терра шарик он нифига не спавнился а когда мне нужны были sea beast мне за 2 часа попался только вот это вот называется неудача Ой забыл сказать когда я фармил сказать когда я фармил sea beast мне попалась Нет не пять и даже не 10 Шарков мне попались 20 Терра Шарков
My is 2 team
Yeti fruit + Dark blade
My lucky : 100%
1 is me
A mí me pasó es
Blox trip
Ksksks e vem isso mesmo
Me is 3km2
im number 4 can i get pin
Luck -1
Please give me permanent Buddha and dragon I am your best subscriber
Im the first one 10000000000%
who can give me gas for dough name younes_pro6
😢😢é meu sonho ganhar Dragon. rosa_melano