@@heisenberg9306 Yes, i know. it's just that i like how roomie is trying to make people triggered by saying things and doing things that davie504 fans does not approve
Hold up, Davie has an Argentinian passport, he's from Italy, and he's an elitist... Davie confirmed hiding in Argentina for his war crimes between 1939 and 1945.
*EPIC MEMES BATTLES* Lyrics: 5:45 *MUSIC INTENSIFIES* “What is Love? Baby don’t hurt me.” “Don’t hurt me. No more.” “What is Love? Baby don’t hurt me.” “Don’t hurt me. No mo-oh-OH- *OOH!”* *(NYAN CAT INTENSIFIES)* “It’s gonna take a lot to drag me awaaay from yoouuu.” “There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do, yeaah!” “I bless the rains down in Africaaa.” “Gonna take some time to do the things we never hAAaaaAAAAAaaAAaaaad.” *(CRAB RAVE INTENSIFIES)* “Maybe I’ll be Tracer.” (I’m already Tracer) “What about Widowmaker?” (I’m already Widowmaker) “I’ll be Bastion.” (Nerf Bastion) “You’re right, so Winston.” (I wanna be Winston) “I wanna be Genji.” (I’m already Genji) “Then I’ll pick McCree” (I already chose McCree) “I have an idea!” (What’s you’re idea.) “You should be *MeeEERCYYYYY!”* *(MEGALOVANIA INTENSIFIES)* 7:18 *(MEGALOVANIA IMPACT ALERT)* 7:25 *(MEGALOVANIA EPIC BASS SOLO DROP)* 7:33 *(ULTIMATE MEMELOVANIA)* “PEN PINEAPPLE APPLE *PAIR!”* *(BASS SOLO INTENSIFIES)* “SPOOKY SCARY *SKELETOOooo-“* *(SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS INTENSIFIES)* “PEN PINEAPPLE APPLE *PEN!”* *(BASS SOLO V2 INTENSIFIES)* “SPOOKY SCARY *SKELETEEEeeEEeeEEeeEEeeEEeee.”* *(SHOOTING STAR INTENSIFIES)* “Gave my love to a shooting star.” “But she moves so fast, “that I can’t keep up,” “I’m chasing!” “I’m in love with the shooting star.” “But she moves so fast,” “When she falls then I’ll, be waiting.” *(BASS V1)* *”WOOOOOooooo-WOAH!”* *(BASS V2)* “wwooOOOAAAAA- *AAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”* a like would be appreciated :) -sans
This has to be one of my favorite videos. I am not sure how the hell you got started, you play a badass bass but did you ever play in a band or just play the bass. This challenge shows you and the boy wonder actually sounded pretty good together, but now you done slapped the taste out of his mouth and right off the planet. Your like Batman Pow, Zing, Bam (SLAP) Be careful with that this, it's loaded and it a lethal weapon. Slap On Davie504 with 2 eyes like me. "Are we related?" Naaaa!
Valentino Chavez, wth? Why would you dislike another youtuber because he is acting mean in the video?? Use your common sense. This video is comedy not to be taken serious with.
Nah, he said they're gonna get married, but didn't say they're gonna get married to each other. Hope Davie marries his gf soon so he can do a wife reveal!
He was one of my best childhood friend :( very sad times
Thats really sad
Slap like now🤬
Sad indeed
Seeing the red and black chair in the thumbnail, I knew it was roomie good thumbnail 😊
Reply to me my slapper :(
the collab nobody asked for, but everybody wanted
Once the fake rivalry betrayal exposition ended, it was all *EPIC*
Hahahahah xD
@Dimi it was in my heart the whole time, i didn't even know about it.
2019: PewDiePie vs. T-Series
2020: Davie504 vs. RomieOfficial
The difference is that T-series and CopyOfficial had no chances from the beginning.
Who is RomieOfficial?
That right
ROOmieofficial not ROMIE but yeah funny comment
@@あさぎりあや T-series has more than 127M subs and PewDiePie is not even 105M
Chackmate PewDiePie
7:25 Petition for davie to make a whole full bass solo on his EPICO BASS SKILL
In discription he says that "roomie betrayed him" but below that "subscribe to roomie official"
Wait how'd you figure it out
Nah Jk Mate
Bruuh. Davie and roomie are gays
He used a pick to play his vocal cords
Worse. He used autotune.
Very true, that is not epic
someone call the police *n o w*
That someone is myself
Stand Name: [HOLY BASS]
Stand User: [DAVIE504]
Stand Power: Removes enemy from existence.
Stand power: slap enemy's out of existence
Yare yare daze
Best stand
Is this a Jojo reference?!
7:19 just sounds so frickin good I pushed my earphones deeper in my eardrums that I even wanted it to get damaged lmao, AMAZING really.
"So Davie, are you italian or swedish?"
Pizza Meatball time
His nationality is BASS, as stated in his passport at 1:22
Spaghetti with meatballs
if you ask to a programer he will say you is right the afirmation
@@vitoravila9908 that's his Sex, Nationality is empty. Davie has no nationality, omg. Nationality reveal?
Nationality reveal at 7M subs.
he’s slowly eliminating youtubers, getting stronger every death
So he went for the genocide route then
Is this a fuckin' Jojo reference ?
Except they come back to life stronger than before...
@@HamishGarland They live in symbiosis, he makes them stronger & becomes stronger himself
You cannot heal yourself by hurting oth...
Everyone: "Endgame is the best Crossover ever"
Davie; "Hold my BASS"
"oh, wait, i need it back"
@3miTM your english is bad
Hold my holy slapp
Geju main
Jutinato I’ve never watched endgame honestly bc i don’t like those movies
Not only is seth everman an epico pianist, he is also a doctor, an astronaut, a teacher, and a master of 69 other professions.
Mad respect.
Davie : Bassist
Roomie : Singer
PewDiePie : Guitarist
Jacksepticeye : Drums
Twosetviolin: Orchestral arrangements
I demand a band reveal.
Vintheiro : pianist
And, I am the violinist, my dear.
"He has two eyes like me"
Everyone: *gasps*
"He has two eyes like me"
Roomie : ...
me : ...
@@gamerrace6909 everyone has 2 eyes lol
@@ptatodeathp8999 omfg u didnt get the meme ,
@@Rlisfun69 ? I know it was a joke-
I want this battle on spotify.
Naruto, cause im a big ass fan of your show i will make a petition on making the battle a spotify song
@@kms.4mr thanks mate. I'll make you the next hokage :)
Hell yeah, the solo after he played the Megalovania was just amazing, and the whole thing is just amazing, i would be glad @Davie504
whomst is spotify
I thought Naruto's last name was Shippuden. 🤣🤣
I love both of these guys, this truly does bring a smile to my face LOL
"He has two eyes like me"
And a nose like me
And He copying Hair
@@nakulkrejimon Davie's Italian lol
And he was born like me
and he is breathing like me
*O M G.*
"6M subscribers"
You owe us a headphone takeoff reveal and pineapple pizza eating reveal.
EDIT: Pineapple Pizza eating reveal is done.
Yes he is at 6000001. he out waited his stay and can never take them off again! Checkmate davie504
@@badral6788 already revealed at 4m subs
History teacher: what was the most important battle in history?
Me: battle of Davie504 and RoomieOfficial
Wrong !
This battle may be very important but not as much as the PewDiePie vs Tseries who provoked the WW3!
@@yurijia1894 that's right!
Better than Naruto Vs Sasuke
Davie vs setheverman
pewdiepie vs t-series
"I has two eyes like me" hit me so hard
"There is one style of music that me and you really, really like...
*_h e n t a i_* I mean, M E M E S"
-Davie504 (before 6M subs), 2020
How do YOU get the hearted comment?!??!?
I mean... I really, really like both...
Flying Fire i have a solution for that, quote funniest things Davie said and here u go.
Oh yeah, because Davie504 is a bassist and he slaps everyone with love because he loves people who... Uh nevermind
How u do italic?
"And there's one type of music that we both really like"
Oh cool they like the same music
Well that's something everyone can enchoy
Best kind of music
everyone like hentai
Davie with all his enthusiasm: “slap like if you’re excited”
Sooo uuuh any of you 482 people excited for doom eternal?
7:26 *omg this should reach 1 billion views*
7:24 Dude, what was that solo?!? FULL VERSION NOW!! I already Slapped like
That was Beautiful
I feel like there’s one rlly naive eight year old who believes all this and is crying on their bed because their favorite youtubers are fighting
probably not because they wouldn't find this humor funny
Wait they aren’t really fighting?
Of course they ain't fighting... Maybe ? Right..?
His monotone is more expressive than anyone else's yelling
This'is bad time
@@OrleanX quite true
Roomie just standing there lifeless before the second phone call 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I was lookin for this comment 😂😂😂😂😂
i like how roomie is trying to make everyone pissed
The problem is he succeeded and now people are hating on him...
I can't tell if you're serious bc the whole thing is a joke
@@heisenberg9306 Yes, i know. it's just that i like how roomie is trying to make people triggered by saying things and doing things that davie504 fans does not approve
The bass win every time, no bass no song no world
7:12 we need a full version of this, it's so good
Undertale meets BASS
Totally agree!
6:23 not gonna lie... Joel should make a full version of that cover
"He said what's up like me" , "he has two eyes like me", "he's swedish LIKE ME"
BUT he dont *S L A P P* Enough
Passport and picture killed me.
Firstname: Davy Lastname: 504
Passport No: 42069 Sex: BASS
Birthdate: 69/420/1969
Well played.
Did you notice about the passport's nacionality?
republica argentina L M A O 😂
I will slap like to the comentary to see how many angentinian persons see davie504
Pd:im argentinian
After I saw this comment I am now scrolling through the video to find that part
Now that I found it I wondered why the signature is not a drawing of a bass
I can't believe people in the comments actually believe they are mad at each other in any way
they are so stupid
I don't think anyone actually believes that but okay
Literally No one has written a comment to that
It’s kid-friendly content so yeah
This is one of the best duo I've ever seen
7:23 thats the best thing i've ever heard.
I want to hit like on this but then i would ruin the perfect 69 likes comment :(
@@Chambalaya22 oh shit I just unliked... And realized what happened, phew.
Let's make this 96 boiis
Now it's 200th..let's make it 696
You Russian boy
Roomie didn’t survive. And now he can’t pay his water bills. Very sad times
I hate roomie
@@NotAMathGuy I hate haters hating haters who hate haters that hate haters.
@@NoName-wl5uo i hate people who say hate the haters
Davie: Speaks on the phone with headphones on
lol true
lol true
lol true
lol true
lol true
1 year later they are now happily married 😂
6 Million subsrcibers.
Subscribers: The curse has been lifted
69 likes lmao
@@Mountaindew0413 70 now thanks me haha
@@thereysupremo Not EPICCCC!
Headphone takes off r e v e a l
Davie: if I n roomie get 6M subs we're getting married
Davies's gf: HOLY SLAAP
They didn't say that they will get married on each other, no gae pp hentai pls
Oh god
@@player1GR marrying on each other is actually pretty hot tho 😳
"Avengers Infinity war is the most ambitious crossover in history"
Me, an intellectual:
7:10 epic part
7:11 everybody gangsta 'till Davie504 starts playing Megalovania with his epic bass
_you're gunna have a bad time..._
"epico b-ass"
7 11? Coincidence? I say NOT!!
Brae Jordan G-CDJK you’re gonna have a 🅱️ASS Time
I like how davie talks to phone while wearing headphone
Lol ikr
i was just gonna say the same! i literally scrolled down the comment section just to see who noticed it.
@@JadeHarvey HAHAHA glad you saw this comment
at first i did not notice that one but the second i did i cracked so hard
I like how it hadn't even dialed anything
I love how his passport says his gender is “bass”
I define myself like gender fluid cis passive bass sexual 👌
i love how your profile picture is gerard
Lol that was great joke
Yea he is the one with the bass
wait am i seeing gerard?
1:22 I'm just laughing so hard at the passport
There's a difference between "best friend" and "bassfriend".
Underrated comment
Woman dont understand
Or women
Joel: "I cHaLleNGE yOu tO A BaSS bAttLe"
*5 Months Later
Joel & Davie : *Gets Married
Time flies so fast, *e p i c o*
I wanted to like your comment but u have 69 likes so i am not liking for the sake of balance
Such a tsuandre move
It's already 3 weeks?? OMG 😂
Hold up, Davie has an Argentinian passport, he's from Italy, and he's an elitist... Davie confirmed hiding in Argentina for his war crimes between 1939 and 1945.
that's the joke lmao
@@zenmembrane yeah i get it lol but like wtf men
Re piola
All things considered, I enjoy Roomie's technique in his vocals. Great control and vocal clarity.
WW3: *cancelled*
Davie504: *Fine, I'll do it myself*
Hhhhh lol
Davie 504 : Exists
Roomie (Unofficial) : He is copying me.
davie at 4:11: “he is swedish, like me”
me: *w h a t ?*
And the passport says that he is from Argentina lol
Real nationality reveal at 7 million subs.
I lemaoed so hard!
Kaphizmey [aka DJ Fork] nani !
@@shayanmoosavi9139 haha we need this xD
"...Seth Everman..."*Shows picture of Jhonny Sins*
Ah, i see you are a man of culture as well
5:44 AYO- the best part, xD
Fr tho, this should be an actual song---
It is a mix of real songs
@@samsayss.uhhmmm Yes
Davie should use his holy slap to get rid of the coronavirus
When roomie sings more in davies channel than in his own
best comment yet
All memes:-
5:52 - What is Love
6:08 - Nyan Cat
6:23 - Toto - Africa
6:40 - Crab Rave
6:55 - No Mercy - The Living Tombstone
7:11 - Undertale - Megalovania
7:40 - Pen Pineapple Apple Pen
7:44 - Spooky Scary Skeletons
7:48 - Pen Pineapple Apple Pen
7:52 - Spooky Scary Skeletons
7:56 - Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars
Thx man
Crab or undertake for sure
Very noice thank u 🍍
Ik I’m 2 years late but 7:25 this part slapped harder than your bass.
the beginning of the video: our friendship is over, its canceled.
the middle of video: collab
end of video: roomie is over, he's canceled.
no. end of video : they'll got merried.
I wonder if Davie ever accidentally slapped his camera on his outros
What means outros? My english is poor and i ser this word every time.
Zaiba rspn opposite of introduction. The end when he says “slap like now” and then swings at his camera.
just before he stops recording
Haha you have me curious now lol
“What is Love? Baby don’t hurt me.”
“Don’t hurt me. No more.”
“What is Love? Baby don’t hurt me.”
“Don’t hurt me. No mo-oh-OH- *OOH!”*
“It’s gonna take a lot to drag me awaaay from yoouuu.”
“There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do, yeaah!”
“I bless the rains down in Africaaa.”
“Gonna take some time to do the things we never hAAaaaAAAAAaaAAaaaad.”
“Maybe I’ll be Tracer.”
(I’m already Tracer)
“What about Widowmaker?”
(I’m already Widowmaker)
“I’ll be Bastion.”
(Nerf Bastion)
“You’re right, so Winston.”
(I wanna be Winston)
“I wanna be Genji.”
(I’m already Genji)
“Then I’ll pick McCree”
(I already chose McCree)
“I have an idea!”
(What’s you’re idea.)
“You should be *MeeEERCYYYYY!”*
“Gave my love to a shooting star.”
“But she moves so fast,
“that I can’t keep up,”
“I’m chasing!”
“I’m in love with the shooting star.”
“But she moves so fast,”
“When she falls then I’ll, be waiting.”
*(BASS V1)*
*(BASS V2)*
a like would be appreciated :)
68 likes you need 1 more
Hah I gave the 69th like
The fact that I'm Italian and I live in Sweden is just 👌
Why can't roomie ever win? He can't sing Megalovania.
Man on the internet: Hold my voice
Isnogood12 can’t sing crab rave
Roomie don't play bass 25h in one day
RoomieOfficial: Holy slapped.
Next: Pewdiepie.
You had 420 likes lmao
Roomie came first: **has 5.6M subs**
Davie exists: **6M subs**
MacN Chee2 roomie came first: 5.6M subs
PewDiePie: 103M
It’s 6 million subs now babeh
we're at 6M
6M rn
MacN Chee2 he has 6M now lol
06:40 Oh man, this is freaking EPIC
7:26 at this exact moment Davie won
There is no way megalovonia well not win
Way before that in my opinion haha
It hits different lmao
“There is one style of music that me and you really really like”
*TH-cam ad starts*
Ja *penis*
More like Penis Music
Thank God I use youtube premium
Danisha Ragay you've missed the best part
@@leftright6054 Are you single?
This is probably one of the coolest collabs/versus ever.
checkmate other collabs
*B A S S*
7:10 I always come back to this video for this part
For fuck's sake, that's one of the best things I've ever heard
Same :) cant get over it
RoomieOfficial:*also exists*
Also Roomie: HE COPIED ME!!
Basically just every TH-camr but Davie
5:21 what roomie does when not working on a video
Yeah it soo wired XD
im the 69th like B^
Wowww trueeeee lolllllllllll.
1:22 As an Argentinian, I confirm this looks absolutely legit
Confirmo flaco
Re si bldo
De una
I watched 22 of your vids in one day, you are now my favorite youtuber ( and bassist )
Friend: So, what’s your favorite song?
Me: It’s complicated
@James Bond ?
@Cool Bottle ?
@Cool Bottle ...............................
@@bran2kya ?? He is happy that he is supporting his guys. You don't support your guys? Smol PP
7:24 is orgasmic, can we have a full version of this PLEAAASE. ps: new ringtone
Yeah David went unnecessarily hard there I was destroying my Popeyes chicken and had to pause for a fat second because I nearly shit my pants
@@GATORBUBS .... what?
True bro
@@daniellehall2765 Megalovania power....I guess.
I hope he....DO IT NOW.
Best thing since Roomie and Daniel Thrasher. Now we need Daniel and Davie.
david i have a challenge for you to play "eruption" on the bass
yes please
@@ce7702 let's make this challenge get to him
88 strings bass can't help Daniel, ya know.
This has to be one of my favorite videos. I am not sure how the hell you got started, you play a badass bass but did you ever play in a band or just play the bass. This challenge shows you and the boy wonder actually sounded pretty good together, but now you done slapped the taste out of his mouth and right off the planet. Your like Batman Pow, Zing, Bam (SLAP) Be careful with that this, it's loaded and it a lethal weapon. Slap On Davie504 with 2 eyes like me. "Are we related?" Naaaa!
7:26 is one of the coolest bass lines I’ve heard Davie play
Yup that was sick
@@notonlyhuman6073 lmao N I C E quote
This whole video is just a summary of how Naruto and Sasuke met and fought.
Except that one of them has his name on the anime series and the other guy is just his foil.
Question tho is who is the main character
so true
Omg that’s a meme is Korea!! Xd The fight of Naruto and Sasuke.. How coincidental!!
@@brawlyman7188 davie definitely
Roomie: Davie504? Not even a real name
Davie: *exposes passport*
Roomie: *triggered*
Andreea Azamfirei when?
@@ornvimol6329 1:13
Valentino Chavez, wth? Why would you dislike another youtuber because he is acting mean in the video?? Use your common sense. This video is comedy not to be taken serious with.
@Valentino Chavez We're not on reddit
Apparently he's not only Italian, he's from the whole world.
Davie: my favorite Swedish TH-camr
Me: pewdiepie!! Pewdiepie!!!
Davie: IKEA
lol you got me
Davie: calls while keeping his phone over noise cancelling headphones
Yeah I was like wtf ?
Thats true
That's the power of B A S S
I smiled the whole way through the “battle”
7:25 I love this part of the video.
1:22 Pasaporte Argentino: ÉPICO
Estaba buscando este comentario
@@juanjosecamarero2052 x2 :V
Te juro que no me habia dado cuenta..jaja
Te juro que não havia dado conta haha
Infinity war is the most ambitious crossover ever
Roomvie: im going to singbass
Hey you had a fight with Levi right how did it go
Helo micheal bieber.
This seems _COLLAB_ more than _BATTLE_
Not shit
Big brain
You must be funny at parties
Davie504 you have a lot of enemies it makes me feel like you're the main character to defeat them all.
9:27 Davie: 7.37 mil subs (11/7)
Roomie: 6.22 mil subs (11/7)
(wedding march plays)
Roomie is taking a break nown
SLAPP THIS BASS DO IT NOW ik he deserves it, hes done so much for us, we are grateful
davie : 69/420
Davie: When me and Roomie get both 6 million subs we'll get married
Davie's subs: 5.99 Million
Roomie's subs: 5.52 Million
Me: Wheres the venue?
The problem is that Roomie will never reach 6m.. CHECKMATE @Kari Seishin
@@あさぎりあや CHECKMATE
Davie504: if me and Roomie gets 6 million subscribers we are gonna get married
Davie504 on 5.98 million subs.
Roomie: on 5,5 million subs
A true girlfriend reveal teased about!
I was like WTF
sono l'unico italiano qua stronzi
This Collab cured my sad times.....
Very happy times
Do you even have sad times?
@@SlopingPoem yea when my parents always fights infront of me and my siblings.
Wait all your family fights except for you?
*If me and Roomie both get 6 million subs, we're gonna get married.* 😂 This got me.
Nah, he said they're gonna get married, but didn't say they're gonna get married to each other. Hope Davie marries his gf soon so he can do a wife reveal!
@@otterflipsnorock *bruh moment.*
7:10 i need full version "NOW!"
Louii Vee r/facepalm
@@a_mouthful yep 😂
7:02 the whole build up was pretty sick