You should definitely start your own reaction channel. If you decide to take this approach, then you could probably start off with something humorous but lighthearted, like funny fail videos. if you don’t know already, these videos can contain some pretty hilarious content. From people slipping, and sliding in the weirdest places, To people trying out a surfboard for the first time, and then falling off of it, to even the funniest instant regret moments. These funny fail videos are guaranteed to give you a good laugh. Whatever you want to react to it on that channel if you do make a reaction channel is entirely up to you. You can name it something like “Bloba’s World Reacts”
a few of my classmates from my online school subscribed
You should definitely start your own reaction channel. If you decide to take this approach, then you could probably start off with something humorous but lighthearted, like funny fail videos. if you don’t know already, these videos can contain some pretty hilarious content. From people slipping, and sliding in the weirdest places, To people trying out a surfboard for the first time, and then falling off of it, to even the funniest instant regret moments. These funny fail videos are guaranteed to give you a good laugh. Whatever you want to react to it on that channel if you do make a reaction channel is entirely up to you. You can name it something like “Bloba’s World Reacts”
pooky mahnth
@@Blobasworld spooooky