@@alfalldoot6715 Was drawing some C thulu type beat and named one of my "bosses" this.4 small warriors with hands for heads and various proportion.Each had a glaring weakness that you can abuse,but doing so summons the others 1 by 1 to compensate.at a certain point they form the "Omni present assignment" and just blitzes you while draining the health bar by 1 percent per second,so you either punish or pray to got you can avoid damage.So anyway the names all yours!^w^
@@soundwave8560 tbf giving how lorewise these were the beta-versions of the celestials emisaries and that was just a put-off to surprise you with Ebritas, It makes sense that these guys are the same for Maria
Even such failed beings, pooled together, can achieve a single moment of true greatness, of divine cosmic power. That is what I have always taken from this theme, and the "oh shit!" moment in the fight that fully justifies it.
BABE WAKE UP CTHULHUSEEKER DROPPED LIVING FAILURES Edit: 3:14 you've done it my friend, you've perfected my favorite part of a Soulsborne song. You are the goat fr bro
@@GodOfRestroom yeah his Abyss Watchers remix is great and so was his Radagon remix, also loved the work he did on Atomic Heart, while CthulhuSeeker scratches my synth itch, Geoff scratches my metal mix lol
Be it the original soundtrack or this arrangement, 2:42 never disappoints. On my first playthrough when I saw the meteors falling when the music changed I almost fell out of my chair.
This is the most mindblowing arrangement you've done so far. The original track was already immaculate, and then you took it OUT OF THIS WORLD. Exactly as a space emissary would have wanted it.
i think this is your best one yet. the beginning is amazing with the pulsing rhythmic style of the opening beats and OH MY GOODNESS the background sound at 3:15 is amazing. it gives a space vibe that totally matches the song.
Oh my gosh it sounds amazing. I would love to hear Orphan of Kos, and literally every other track. But if I had 1 guaranteed option for any Souls game to hear remade like this, it'd be Artorias the Abysswalker.
Ave Ave Stellar Aquae Requiem Futurum Ah Dominus Sanctus LOve you for this Cthulhu, Living Failures if by far my fav song in the OST and you just doubled it!
Finally the day has come, it is hard to choose one but Living failures OST is definitely my most replayed Bloodborne favourite, thank you so much for this excellent work, the track is really great mate!🔥
They keep getting better everytime, I'm starting to believe that you have some weird things in your Blood... just don't turn into a beast, we need more
Honestly your best work yet and that's saying something given how absolutely phenomenal your Laurence, Fortissax, and Mohg covers were - keep up the great work! I'd love to see gascoigne or cleric beast if u feel like it
Automatically a great day when ya wake up to a new CthulhuSeeker drop! I would love to see some Zelda mixes, but honestly, I'll listen to whatever comes next~ :D
Shhhh lisent closely, and you heard the drips ~ and splash... Ahhhhh grand us eye's GRAND US EYE'S to Accent from our Beastly Stupidity. Great song as always. i feels like someone should animated this song making the failures doing DJ dance
I opened this not expecting much, just disorientated because I just woke up. then I get THE MOST CRAZIEST BESTEST HARDEST HITTING SONG OF THE CENTURY AT FULL VOLUME.I was not ready for it! It didn't stop! I had to pause. I had to pause because my body can't handle this.
CthulhuSeeker, you never cease to amaze. My favourite track after Lady Maria, but in a very complex arrangement like yours. P.S. To all those who are amazed by the work of this man, I advise you to listen to the most original composition, with which, as it seems to me, the whole path of this composition began. "Gustav Holst - Mars"
This song isn't a living failure. It's a deceased success.
First person to create an original joke about the Living Failures
@@blueblaze5160 It feels good to be the only original Bloodborne fan
holy shit, a bloodborne joke about a certain boss that isnt some overrated use of it's name?? How rare!
@@blueblaze5160 He really is a living success
@@alfalldoot6715 Was drawing some C thulu type beat and named one of my "bosses" this.4 small warriors with hands for heads and various proportion.Each had a glaring weakness that you can abuse,but doing so summons the others 1 by 1 to compensate.at a certain point they form the "Omni present assignment" and just blitzes you while draining the health bar by 1 percent per second,so you either punish or pray to got you can avoid damage.So anyway the names all yours!^w^
I never understood why they gave them one of the best boss themes I ever heard, but it gave us this banger, so not complaining!
Lore wise the theme is perfect but as a boss fight, yea it's a bit lacking but for good reason.
I mean, failure is in their name.
@@soundwave8560 tbf giving how lorewise these were the beta-versions of the celestials emisaries and that was just a put-off to surprise you with Ebritas, It makes sense that these guys are the same for Maria
@@martinmelanopaz6925 Yea I agree.
Even such failed beings, pooled together, can achieve a single moment of true greatness, of divine cosmic power. That is what I have always taken from this theme, and the "oh shit!" moment in the fight that fully justifies it.
As a living failure myself I have always felt a uncanny kinship with this boss. Thank you
Man, being paid about $0 an hour is made tolerable when I get home and see a new Cthulhu Seeker cover. Brings a tear to my eye
Bro are u a slave?? 😭
bros a slave 💀💀
@@matteopeslier no. Third world worker
@@user-zp8kj2cl9g Yes, that's what he said, lackey.
You already know the moment I got the notification I opened my drawer, picked up a hammer and smashed my screen so hard my phone broke in haf
Living Failures was always one of the best ost, but this just reaches a whole new plane of existence
Edit: 3:14 you've done it my friend, you've perfected my favorite part of a Soulsborne song. You are the goat fr bro
totally agree, on that note- have u ever listened to geoffplaysguitar's souls covers?
@@GodOfRestroom yeah his Abyss Watchers remix is great and so was his Radagon remix, also loved the work he did on Atomic Heart, while CthulhuSeeker scratches my synth itch, Geoff scratches my metal mix lol
Be it the original soundtrack or this arrangement, 2:42 never disappoints. On my first playthrough when I saw the meteors falling when the music changed I almost fell out of my chair.
NO WAY, dude I literally just binged all of your fromsoft synthwave just for this to come out right after.
Edit: it's awesome
That cover art goes hard ngl🔥
I think this remix really emphasizes the “oh sh$&” moment when they start raining down the sky on you. Killer mix mate…
Thank you father for feeding us today
Oh boy, new Cthulhu arrangement, let's go
This is the most mindblowing arrangement you've done so far. The original track was already immaculate, and then you took it OUT OF THIS WORLD. Exactly as a space emissary would have wanted it.
"Living Failure" was my nickname as a kid!
i think this is your best one yet. the beginning is amazing with the pulsing rhythmic style of the opening beats and OH MY GOODNESS the background sound at 3:15 is amazing. it gives a space vibe that totally matches the song.
Oh my gosh it sounds amazing. I would love to hear Orphan of Kos, and literally every other track. But if I had 1 guaranteed option for any Souls game to hear remade like this, it'd be Artorias the Abysswalker.
I wasn't even that big a fan of the original score. But this, this is 🔥!!!
Ur channel goated
I swear the last minute of this absolute god tier rendition granted me eyes
He's done it again
The phase transition hit new heights \o/
Ave Ave Stellar
Aquae Requiem Futurum
Ah Dominus Sanctus
LOve you for this Cthulhu, Living Failures if by far my fav song in the OST and you just doubled it!
I can't wait for a Synthwave arrangement of Orphan of Kos. Blasphemous Beats, Blood-craven Synths...
This song gave me the exact same thought as entering this fog gate for the first time... Why does this go so hard ?
Finally the day has come, it is hard to choose one but Living failures OST is definitely my most replayed Bloodborne favourite, thank you so much for this excellent work, the track is really great mate!🔥
I have been waiting for this since the Maria one and omg I love it
This is pure gold and gonna be my perma ost for the next 3 months
Okay that ending is absolutely insane. Honestly wouldn't mind a full song modelled after that lmao
My brother in Christ, that transition remixed made me shiver my timbers for real, your work never cease to amaze me
bumping tunes
Finally... Our theme became synthwave, thanks cthulu seeker for this piece of art
Weirdly the synthwave arrangement almost feels like it's brought out the classical inspiration of the music more directly than before. Very cool!
This song actually makes the boss harder, since you'll be distracted by such tasty jams.
They keep getting better everytime, I'm starting to believe that you have some weird things in your Blood... just don't turn into a beast, we need more
The Vibing Failures
The holy grail of BB boss themes. It almost feels too good to be true. Thank you for this gift. Umbasa
I think Synthborne should be an official genre, now. Very well, freakin, done.
why, just why is it so good.
Honestly your best work yet and that's saying something given how absolutely phenomenal your Laurence, Fortissax, and Mohg covers were - keep up the great work! I'd love to see gascoigne or cleric beast if u feel like it
Oh dear lord I'm gonna enjoy this a lot.
So sad Cthulhu seeker insulted his audience, making a song about us **living failures** 😢
damn 😔
My friend that isn’t an insult, this beautiful music is a tribute in spite of us being living failures.
STOP MAKING THIS "JOKE"! It was overused the first time.
@@garrettv.2632 pp
@@arobotwithepilepsie6053 found the dead failure
By all that is unholy, I LOVE that new CthulhuSeeker Logo.
And ofc that track slaps.
Bloodborne fans on their way to make the same joke about this boss for the millionth time
been playing your bloodborne arrangements on repeat as I do homework. I would inject this into my blood if I could
This is one of your best yet!!! Love this, as always
Utterly pinnacle. The title relates so much to me
I’m glad you kept the allusion to Holst, though sped up to work with the rest of the piece. Awesome, detailed work!
he snuck in some more vocals lets gooo
Man this sounds amazing!
Fantastic work as usual. Excellently done.
I'm waiting to play this until my drive to work tomorrow but I already know its gonna be a banger, keep the the good work CS
one of my favorite fucking themes LETS GOOOOOOOOO
Like I've said before, banger after banger after banger! Awesome job on this arrangement!
Perfect soundtrack for the buds and I to admire our perfectly normal garden to
Hallelujah!!! FINALLY!!! This is one of my favorite Bloodborne themes!
Ooo he’s back with the soulslikes, art is beautiful, music is phenomenal 😩😩
Gonna set this as my alarm
the living failures was always my favorite OST. thanks so much.
Automatically a great day when ya wake up to a new CthulhuSeeker drop!
I would love to see some Zelda mixes, but honestly, I'll listen to whatever comes next~ :D
Hell yeah!
my GOD, this has to be some of your best work
That opening is great. Crunchy
Damn, that hits hard. Going straight into my deezer playlist as soon as it's available. Thank you for the awesome work 🤌🤌
Shhhh lisent closely, and you heard the drips ~ and splash... Ahhhhh grand us eye's GRAND US EYE'S to Accent from our Beastly Stupidity. Great song as always. i feels like someone should animated this song making the failures doing DJ dance
Instantly saved to music playlist, no questions asked.
Oh finally i've been waiting for this banger to drop, and the wait was definitely worth it!
i hit that like before i even pressed play because i already knew i was going to love it. (and i was right).
Huh, glad to see this just before break, made the work night man. Thanks, keep it up!
This is something I have needed all my life but never knew until I received it. GOTH SYNTH!
yet another banger LETS GOOOO
I came home and found another Cthulhuseeker song has come out. I have been blessed with a beautiful experience every time!
W track as always Cthulhu
You did it. You did it! YOU. DID. IT!!!!!
Happy to see you continuing on! ^_^
Amazing work as always.
Masterful work as usual, amazing job!!!! 💜
he just dont miss, thanks for another banger cthulhuseeker!
oh shir*** this is AMAZING
oh man just as i thought the living failures theme couldnt be more epic! love this! wish more people would see this masterpiece
Waited a lot for this one
Excellent delivery!
this sounds so fucking amazing
The wait was well worth the results, absolutely stellar.
Always loved the cosmic/alien sound of the original, this dials it up to 11 to create a whole new banger.
I opened this not expecting much, just disorientated because I just woke up.
I had to pause. I had to pause because my body can't handle this.
I was just looking for a track like this for my TTRPG game. So good!
I was hooked by the first second. Amazing work 👏🏻
this is gold
The most underrated OST in soulsborne series fr
Good to see you back man, been missing your music 🎶
Let's fucking the goooo!
Absolute banger!
CthulhuSeeker, you never cease to amaze. My favourite track after Lady Maria, but in a very complex arrangement like yours.
P.S. To all those who are amazed by the work of this man, I advise you to listen to the most original composition, with which, as it seems to me, the whole path of this composition began. "Gustav Holst - Mars"
Great work !
Edit: holy fucking god, the end goes so fucking hard. Amazing job.
Absolutely incredible! I've been waiting for this!!!