Scenic road trip in the American West 美國西部公路自駕 (Part 1)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2023
  • come with us~ Part 1
    This is the first installment of our roadtrip from the Antelope Valley in California to our destination, Lake Irwin, Gunnison National Forest, Colorado. This video includes scenery from California to Nevada, Arizona and Utah.
    We stayed at Virgin River Casino Hotel one night in Mesquite, Nevada after 6 hours driving. The next morning, after breakfast, we headed to Utah for another 9 hours roadtrip...
    *May this film bring you some joy*
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    Thank you for watching and see you in the next video!
    這是我們從加利福尼亞州羚羊谷到目的地科羅拉多州甘尼森國家森林歐文湖的公路旅行的第一部分。視頻中紀錄了從加利福尼亞州到內華達州、亞利桑那州和猶他州的風景。車行約7 個小時後我們在內華達州的維京河賭場酒店(梅斯基特)住了一晚。次日用完酒店的自助早餐後,繼續前往猶他州方向。沿途風景壯麗,直到夕陽西下尋找下個歇腳酒店.......

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