Excellent presentation. My respects to the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. Tēna Koe. Ko Ko te Tau Ihu tokū iwi Aotearoa. Very important and interesting data for Turtle peoples. Very alarming and similar data is reflected in Aotearoa New Zealand with our tangāta whenua, Māori. Thank you for access to this presentation. The welcome ceremony was very powerful and honouring. Ngā mihi nui tatou.
Thank you!
Excellent presentation. My respects to the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. Tēna Koe. Ko Ko te Tau Ihu tokū iwi Aotearoa. Very important and interesting data for Turtle peoples. Very alarming and similar data is reflected in Aotearoa New Zealand with our tangāta whenua, Māori. Thank you for access to this presentation. The welcome ceremony was very powerful and honouring. Ngā mihi nui tatou.
Great thoughts - from Borneo
lets get into it ladies