Getting mad at someone in chat: 10:00 , Longsword13, Sejun Park's Pachirisu was a calculated metagame call that won him worlds, it was not a case of bringing your favorites
Once this build has brooch, its probably better to replace parasma with Eblade as Ethereal gives huge magic damage amp (by way of reducing magic resist) and that amp is probably more damage than Parasma. Alternately, your only big attacking threat here is prophet- slardar isn't super attack damage oriented in this lobby and LD relies on bears you can't disarm all of- so replacing halberd with Eblade would be a good idea too.
I can't believe Baumi won't show us him teaming up with Straca.
why does this sound like Yuji teaming up with Sukuna
Getting mad at someone in chat: 10:00 , Longsword13, Sejun Park's Pachirisu was a calculated metagame call that won him worlds, it was not a case of bringing your favorites
37:11 i love how he replies to the hero
37:50 then it's confirmed
Magical bear mauls competition
Judges are in shock
Baumi can say he will quit, but he will come back for WOD Kez update, thats too much temptation
Damn, that Magic winning trick must've felt like real life YuGiOh. Stuff like that is why people enjoy card games.
I'm glad that Boomy started making videos about MTG on this channel! I don't know why there is a video sequence with Dota here. HEAVY ON SARCASM
Once this build has brooch, its probably better to replace parasma with Eblade as Ethereal gives huge magic damage amp (by way of reducing magic resist) and that amp is probably more damage than Parasma. Alternately, your only big attacking threat here is prophet- slardar isn't super attack damage oriented in this lobby and LD relies on bears you can't disarm all of- so replacing halberd with Eblade would be a good idea too.
Great video Baumi
Baumi thanks for another Vid🎉
4:06 Yooo. Congrats on your win man, i would be smug too if that happened to me xd
Why baumi no longer play 1x6?
Duuude i could say that how you excited for playing int ursa from your eyes. I love your sincerety you the bestt!!
I like getting atos storm and meteor lens with this build
High quality video right here
Ultimate bear showdown
I once played Duos against SB and Slardar, me and my teammate got second being perma-stunned for the whole game
Magic bear is good! GG
Dedicated bigger maps for duos
Damn this build is sick
Like this comment to get a Duo with Straca in World of Dota
Magic bear goes hard
Actually really FUN game
Poor death prophet 😭😭😭
Lol sladar vs dp slardar caste spell and run while dp chase for sladar
Dang, 2 am here
Warlock Int plsss
Rawr rawr
Woah 1st.