Vinaka kevaka o ni tukuna ni tu ivei na kalou na gauna e liu nira se veivaluvaluti ka veikanikani tiko o ira na Noda qase, kena balebale e a Sega ni tu vata kei ira na noda Qase na Kalou na gauna ya ko vuni kena caka tu nai tovo ni Valu, na veikanikani. Ia vacava na gauna qo ni sa tiko na Lotu, sa qai levu na kisi ni kucu, na laba, na dau yalewa, na dautagane, na lasa, na viavialevu. Na taro ga. E cava e sa tiko vata kei keda na kalou na gauna qo se a Sega mai na gauna ya ka Sega talega na gauna qo.
By indoctrinating the Fijian with a British religion and history, the British produced obedient little Pacific islanders subjected to the Queen and worshipping her version of God including that of the Pope. Methodism is a British religion and a classic example of a church (Wesleyan) started by an Englishman John Wesley who never set foot in Fiji and died in 1871. Joseph Smith (1805) was an American religious leader, was the founder of a unique American sect, the Mormons, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This religion was associated with polygamy (many wives) and he was assassinated in 1844. Around this time, Ellen G White and her band of Millerites were involved in the Advent religion and later founded the SDA church, she died in 1915. The early twentieth century was when modern Pentecostalism began on January 1, 1901 when the first recorded modern person to speak in tongues, Agnes Ozman, a student at Charles F. Parham's Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas. She spoke in tongues (actually, the story is that she spoke in "Chinese", and did not speak English again for several days). The Assemblies of God churches find their origins from the Azusa Street revival meetings that took place in Los Angeles, California as late as 1922. It was led by William J. Seymour, an African-American preacher. Muhammad was a man born in Mecca and died in AD632 . Most of his early life was spent as a merchant and at age 40, he began to have revelations from Allah that became the basis for the Koran and the foundation of Islam. Siddhartha Gautama later known as The Buddha was born around BC483 in India, a philosopher, mendicant, meditator, spiritual teacher, and religious leader who as the founder of the world religion of Buddhism died aged 80. He was most famous for introducing vegetarianism into the diets of Indians but was believed to have died eating is his favorite pork belly dish to prove to followers the evils of meat-eating. Na Qase Levu's explanation of the Vanua is correct and spirituality was the center of our grandfathers' existence. The British Empire knew that by crushing the religion of indigenous peoples in countries like Fiji, they could dominate them and then assume their lands and resources. The evidence is in all the former colonies today. Na ivalu ni lotu that occurred in Fiji after 1874 at the start of British colonialism is just a varnished term of describing the cultural genocide imposed by colonial military forces on itaukei tribes like the people of Colo who were living a peaceful existence for thousands of years and following their own system of religion. What a way to justify Christianity in Fiji and conversion by force similar to modern ISIL. To label Fiji, "The Cannibal Islands" is unjustified and plain racism. In 1972, a plane carrying members of the Uruguay national rugby team crashed high in the Andes. The world was sympathetic to discover that good Catholic boys resorted to eating their dead mates in order to survive. Do we paint all Uriguatyans with the same brush??? And would God send them to hell??? It is also naive to question where God was during tribal wars, cannibalism and so forth. This is to suggest that the creator of the universe who breathes life into every living thing was not present in the lives of the itaukei since he created them. The devil uses those questions to put doubt into believers. The great question put forward to exclusive religions like Christians is “ Will those who have never heard of their Jesus the man be saved? This question is relevant to millions of indigenous peoples who were and are existing in their countries and worshipping God in spirit and through the natural world he gave them. Instead of criticising the bad in itaukei cultures and religions it is best to look at the many wonderful things which God created in them. After all they too were created by the Word and in the image of God. Therefore when we see indigenous we must view them also as the likeness of God living in harmony with each other, with nature and their cultures which God intended.
@Will Tamani.Good piece of history.Can I add my little 2 cent piece. Christianity started through the Apostles and not the English people.The time of the Romam Empire changed,influenced the Original message of Christ to a form of Roman tradition,Roman Catholicism that dominated Christisnity from 325AD ( council of Nicea) until the year 1517 AD.The Romans diluted the core message Jesus preached.Jesus only taught Kingdom Authority,Power,dominion by the Holy Spirit to every believers in Christ.The hierarchy in Christianity like Reverends,Bishops,Cardnals is a Roman concept.The Apostles have no ranks amoung them.1517 was the year of Christian reformation ,protestantism through Martin Luther.He died in 1546 but King Henry the Eighth had started the Church of England from the Christian Reformation. Through one of the Prayer cell group,influenced by the Church of England,birthed the John Wesley movement. The reformation of Christianity continues today transforming Christs church from Glory to Glory preparing Gods people for His return as scripture says in Revelation 19:7-8 Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife (us,the church)has made herself ready.” And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. The last reformation of Christianty in this last days before Christ established His Kingdom on earth is called Kingdom reformation.The only message Jesus preached was the Kingdom of God,hidden through the ages.Kingdom isThe Original Intention of Elohim God in creation for man to represent God on earth so that Gods Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven through humans.( the Lords prayer). God used the British reformers to uncover the hidden treasures,the hidden pearls Jesus said in Mathew 13. Jesus said in Matthew 13:44-46 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 12:28 But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Na Kalou e tiko ena veiyasana kecega qai bera mai na lotu sa tiko rawa na Kalou...a nei Jiova ko vuravura ya vei ka kece sa sinai kina ya veivanua kei ira era tiko kina
E rogorogo vinaka tu na vakamacala ni dau vakaisulutaki tu na bula ena veidokai kei na veivakaturagataki. Totoka na nodra vakamala na turaga na i Talatala ni tau malua tu qai matata vinaka.
Totoka na taro se a tiko evei na Kalou e na gauna e ra veikanikani tiko kina noda qase..(nanuma de "Omnipresent" na Kalou levu qoka) Ia na taro ya e rawa ni tarogi talega e na gauna oqo.."Ni da sa Lotu se vakararamataki" ia se caka tikoga na laba, na kucu kei vei tovovakasisila tale eso..tiko evei na Kalou.. se Kalou cava e da qarava tiko?
Ominipresent vei IRA era digia mera Qaravi Koya. Ena gauna ya E duatani tale a Qaravi tu ... O Tura E Qarava na Vula Ia na Luvena KO Eparama E Qarava na Omnipresent Kei na Omnipotent
@Eseroma Nabuka na Kalou e bula tiko mai I liu sara se bula tiko ga qo ka tawa mudu. Na gauna oqo se bula tikoga na Kalou ia nai vakarau ni tamata ya dua kevaka me se bucina e lomana nai valavala ca ena valavala ca e na laba ena kucu baleta ni susuga se bucina tiko e lomana nai valavala ca. Ia sa ka bibi meda vakarautaka ka solia noda bula vua ka sureti koya me mai liutaka noda bula yadua. Ke sega eda na laba eda na lasu eda na mateni vosavosa ca tikoga.
Vnaa v/levu nai Talatala, nai vaamacala emuni vaaraitaa tio, ni levu na veikanikani, buto2 tu nai tovo ni Tamata, sei vei na KALOU ena gauna oya? Noqu vaamacala ni KALOU sa tu oti tu, baleta ni o koya a Bula tu na vura2 eda tio Ina qo, ia na rarama else Bera ni yaco Mai I Viti na gauna ma
Amen in Jesus name
Veivaluvaluti tale e caka mai na Tokalau e Loma , se yaco tu ga qo
Vinaka kevaka o ni tukuna ni tu ivei na kalou na gauna e liu nira se veivaluvaluti ka veikanikani tiko o ira na Noda qase, kena balebale e a Sega ni tu vata kei ira na noda Qase na Kalou na gauna ya ko vuni kena caka tu nai tovo ni Valu, na veikanikani.
Ia vacava na gauna qo ni sa tiko na Lotu, sa qai levu na kisi ni kucu, na laba, na dau yalewa, na dautagane, na lasa, na viavialevu.
Na taro ga. E cava e sa tiko vata kei keda na kalou na gauna qo se a Sega mai na gauna ya ka Sega talega na gauna qo.
Dina sara ga maumau nona i talatala lasu tiko
@@SanailaRosadria vulica vnka nomu itukutuku
By indoctrinating the Fijian with a British religion and history, the British produced obedient little Pacific islanders subjected to the Queen and worshipping her version of God including that of the Pope. Methodism is a British religion and a classic example of a church (Wesleyan) started by an Englishman John Wesley who never set foot in Fiji and died in 1871. Joseph Smith (1805) was an American religious leader, was the founder of a unique American sect, the Mormons, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This religion was associated with polygamy (many wives) and he was assassinated in 1844. Around this time, Ellen G White and her band of Millerites were involved in the Advent religion and later founded the SDA church, she died in 1915. The early twentieth century was when modern Pentecostalism began on January 1, 1901 when the first recorded modern person to speak in tongues, Agnes Ozman, a student at Charles F. Parham's Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas. She spoke in tongues (actually, the story is that she spoke in "Chinese", and did not speak English again for several days). The Assemblies of God churches find their origins from the Azusa Street revival meetings that took place in Los Angeles, California as late as 1922. It was led by William J. Seymour, an African-American preacher.
Muhammad was a man born in Mecca and died in AD632 . Most of his early life was spent as a merchant and at age 40, he began to have revelations from Allah that became the basis for the Koran and the foundation of Islam. Siddhartha Gautama later known as The Buddha was born around BC483 in India, a philosopher, mendicant, meditator, spiritual teacher, and religious leader who as the founder of the world religion of Buddhism died aged 80. He was most famous for introducing vegetarianism into the diets of Indians but was believed to have died eating is his favorite pork belly dish to prove to followers the evils of meat-eating.
Na Qase Levu's explanation of the Vanua is correct and spirituality was the center of our grandfathers' existence. The British Empire knew that by crushing the religion of indigenous peoples in countries like Fiji, they could dominate them and then assume their lands and resources. The evidence is in all the former colonies today. Na ivalu ni lotu that occurred in Fiji after 1874 at the start of British colonialism is just a varnished term of describing the cultural genocide imposed by colonial military forces on itaukei tribes like the people of Colo who were living a peaceful existence for thousands of years and following their own system of religion. What a way to justify Christianity in Fiji and conversion by force similar to modern ISIL.
To label Fiji, "The Cannibal Islands" is unjustified and plain racism. In 1972, a plane carrying members of the Uruguay national rugby team crashed high in the Andes. The world was sympathetic to discover that good Catholic boys resorted to eating their dead mates in order to survive. Do we paint all Uriguatyans with the same brush??? And would God send them to hell???
It is also naive to question where God was during tribal wars, cannibalism and so forth. This is to suggest that the creator of the universe who breathes life into every living thing was not present in the lives of the itaukei since he created them. The devil uses those questions to put doubt into believers.
The great question put forward to exclusive religions like Christians is “ Will those who have never heard of their Jesus the man be saved?
This question is relevant to millions of indigenous peoples who were and are existing in their countries and worshipping God in spirit and through the natural world he gave them.
Instead of criticising the bad in itaukei cultures and religions it is best to look at the many wonderful things which God created in them. After all they too were created by the Word and in the image of God. Therefore when we see indigenous we must view them also as the likeness of God living in harmony with each other, with nature and their cultures which God intended.
It is not a British religion
There are many gods and goddesses but Yaweh is the The God of gods
matata toka qo.. Facts
@Will Tamani.Good piece of history.Can I add my little 2 cent piece.
Christianity started through the Apostles and not the English people.The time of the Romam Empire changed,influenced the Original message of Christ to a form of Roman tradition,Roman Catholicism that dominated Christisnity from 325AD ( council of Nicea) until the year 1517 AD.The Romans diluted the core message Jesus preached.Jesus only taught Kingdom Authority,Power,dominion by the Holy Spirit to every believers in Christ.The hierarchy in Christianity like Reverends,Bishops,Cardnals is a Roman concept.The Apostles have no ranks amoung them.1517 was the year of Christian reformation ,protestantism through Martin Luther.He died in 1546 but King Henry the Eighth had started the Church of England from the Christian Reformation.
Through one of the Prayer cell group,influenced by the Church of England,birthed the John Wesley movement.
The reformation of Christianity continues today transforming Christs church from Glory to Glory preparing Gods people for His return as scripture says in
Revelation 19:7-8 Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife (us,the church)has made herself ready.” And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
The last reformation of Christianty in this last days before Christ established His Kingdom on earth is called Kingdom reformation.The only message Jesus preached was the Kingdom of God,hidden through the ages.Kingdom isThe Original Intention of Elohim God in creation for man to represent God on earth so that Gods Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven through humans.( the Lords prayer).
God used the British reformers to uncover the hidden treasures,the hidden pearls Jesus said in Mathew 13.
Jesus said in Matthew 13:44-46 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Matthew 12:28 But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
mamamre nomu vakamacala
totoka qai matata
Na Kalou e tiko ena veiyasana kecega qai bera mai na lotu sa tiko rawa na Kalou...a nei Jiova ko vuravura ya vei ka kece sa sinai kina ya veivanua kei ira era tiko kina
E rogorogo vinaka tu na vakamacala ni dau vakaisulutaki tu na bula ena veidokai kei na veivakaturagataki. Totoka na nodra vakamala na turaga na i Talatala ni tau malua tu qai matata vinaka.
Titobu- vinaka Vunivola Levu
Vinaka saka na veivakararamataki nai Talatala
Totoka na taro se a tiko evei na Kalou e na gauna e ra veikanikani tiko kina noda qase..(nanuma de "Omnipresent" na Kalou levu qoka) Ia na taro ya e rawa ni tarogi talega e na gauna oqo.."Ni da sa Lotu se vakararamataki" ia se caka tikoga na laba, na kucu kei vei tovovakasisila tale eso..tiko evei na Kalou.. se Kalou cava e da qarava tiko?
Ominipresent vei IRA era digia mera Qaravi Koya.
Ena gauna ya E duatani tale a Qaravi tu ...
O Tura E Qarava na Vula Ia na Luvena KO Eparama E Qarava na Omnipresent Kei na Omnipotent
@Eseroma Nabuka na Kalou e bula tiko mai I liu sara se bula tiko ga qo ka tawa mudu. Na gauna oqo se bula tikoga na Kalou ia nai vakarau ni tamata ya dua kevaka me se bucina e lomana nai valavala ca ena valavala ca e na laba ena kucu baleta ni susuga se bucina tiko e lomana nai valavala ca. Ia sa ka bibi meda vakarautaka ka solia noda bula vua ka sureti koya me mai liutaka noda bula yadua. Ke sega eda na laba eda na lasu eda na mateni vosavosa ca tikoga.
@@mikaeledau6840 I support ur opinion..
Vnaa v/levu nai Talatala, nai vaamacala emuni vaaraitaa tio, ni levu na veikanikani, buto2 tu nai tovo ni Tamata, sei vei na KALOU ena gauna oya? Noqu vaamacala ni KALOU sa tu oti tu, baleta ni o koya a Bula tu na vura2 eda tio Ina qo, ia na rarama else Bera ni yaco Mai I Viti na gauna ma
Vinka nai vamacala
Me toro mada moamoa
Titobu nomuni vakamacala Talatala
Vinaka Talatala
Tamata lasulasu.
Vinaka Vakalevu