Some of the best worldwide Hard rock bands copied their Mušiča concepts.. They were Light years ahead of their time... Respect.. The best Hard And heavy band from this land. In the history... Sleep well ma dogs of war....
Would you be so kind to list some of those worldwide Hard rock bands that copied this? I really want to know and it seems you have already done your research, so why not share it with others?
Uuff, vedno me spomne na odhod na služenje..
Non stop smo poslušali.
I was born in 1967. Yes. Remember Pomaranča. je to
Odlicn komad, me prime vsake tolk cajta in ga moram slisat :D
Moj prvi koncert 🤘
Odlično !
Some of the best worldwide Hard rock bands copied their Mušiča concepts.. They were Light years ahead of their time... Respect.. The best Hard And heavy band from this land. In the history... Sleep well ma dogs of war....
Would you be so kind to list some of those worldwide Hard rock bands that copied this? I really want to know and it seems you have already done your research, so why not share it with others?
@@MrMasterOdin he's bullshitting but it's still a cool song
najbardziej niedoceniona piosenka na świecie/most underrated song in the world
all Ok,but the band's name.
Orange -PomaranČa
Clockwork Orange,movie from 1971.year in ex-yu titled Paklena pomoranča inspired band.