You are a national treasure, introduction was superb! I listened to the intro twice. Well thought out answers - entertaining, informative, and an AOS dig - the perfect recipe for any Warhammer video. For a future Q&A - What is your favorite Warhammer character, sculpt, and which model is (if any) still on your wishlist?
Thanks! Yes- models! I didn't talk about those- that would be a very long video just in itself. But I might do a 'top 10 models of all time' with a commentary on each. Favourite character and model on wishlist would also be very good questions!
What an excellent video Dr. Blaxill! Particularly loved the second half of the video, with the scholarly broader approach to the hobby and its history as well as your personal trip. Thanks for including my comment, even though it wasn't a very simple question. I will make sure to phone in again when we're all ready for a follow up. I too believe that TOW is in the hands of people who respect its past and am a lot less worried about its future than when I first laid eyes on a Slaughterbrute
Bro does she have a sister? 6:35 if brevity really is the soul of wit than you are wittier than I. Your answer resonates perfecly with me, but I think I'd need an hour of rambling to get it all out. It's so nice to hear something you yourself feel put so succinctly!
thank you for reading my question! You eloquently put into words what i think many admirerers of older works feel. I am also playing the old word at the moment, after all. I am glad the old world is good enough warhammer to have something contemporary to play, discuss, bicker and grumble about, in the best way, and you made me consider that. I also admire your style of wargaming. Punks not dead after all it seems.
Yes. Punk's eternal status is better described as 'not dead' than alive. Yes, chat and bickering is what makes the world go round. If the current thing is at least good enough to do that, then its good enough as far as I'm concerned. The ruckus of complaint is healthy- the silence of acquiescence is the premonition of death.
A good listen as ever. Nice to see Andy 2D6 get a mention, his journey with the Dwarfs has been entertaining and instructive, always worth a watch. He's clearly a nice bloke and is very good at explaining what goes on in his games. To some extent just at the moment I feel his extreme experiments with the line are a bit of a distraction - the other Dwarf player who plays in the same tournaments runs a deathstar that starts in marching column but of course goes wide as the game progresses and he wins the things. Doesn't get discussed as 'linehammer' in the same way though it obviously is and he's very clear that it can't be successful if you can't go wide, think there's a tournament this weekend where you're limited to ten wide and he said he's taking something else. Tend to agree that there probably won't be major official changes to get infantry back into the game other than perhaps objectives or whatever. Still think it's interesting to discuss though as people are obviously house ruling some things and there are clearly tournaments prepared to do the same to some extent. After the last time we discussed this in comments I think I agree that the game is clearly more like 6th than 8th, but am still minded to think that the main problem (i.e. the game ending up looking all wrong) isn't really down to things from either. I guess it's more a matter of disagreement about what the solution(s) should be and as far as I can tell 6th Ed people look more at what they see as wrong with the lists while 8th Ed people look more at what's wrong with the rules (want to bring back Step Up etc). Oversimplified I know and I'm sure everyone would be able to find things to change about both, but I guess those are the ways those editions solved the 'problem' in their own ways. As far as Warhammer having entered 'the mainstream' is concerned I don't know if it truly has or ever will, but am prepared to believe it might have done. Not sure how much that has to do with GW's own actions though, would have thought a lot of it becoming more 'socially acceptable' for want of a better term is down to things like the success of the Lord of the Rings films (there would have been an effect even if GW hadn't got involved with a game), probably also Harry Potter, Superhero films taking over the film industry etc - general trends towards not being expected to 'grow out of' certain things in the way that was expected back in the 80s. Putting that to one side it's obviously been a much bigger and more commercially minded company than the one that existed when I bought WD91 for a very long time. And there were already people who were saddened by White Dwarf going increasingly and soon exclusively GW right back then.
As ever such a thoughtful comment. Yes, the dwarfs are very much where it's at with linehammer and their recent success has served to bring it back into focus. Although really it is more the horror of what it looks like. As you say, the messy look of OW on the table has got nothing to do with the 6th or 8th divide particualrly. Both of those systems produced armues which looked fine on the table. I think the 6th edders being more into the army lists being balanced as their hobby horse can derived from the genesis of that edition and the limitations on characters and more prescriptive core/special/rare allowances. It's also equally true of 8th ed- that game was built for tournement players, so its keenest disciples are likewise those who cared a lot about a clean ruleset. Well indeed! In the late 90s I don't think any sci fi and fantasy was particualrly mainstream, but the next decade saw some parts of 'geeksphere' become grearly more mainstream than others. LOTR was a big step in that direction, ditto the birth of superhero movies. This happened with anime in a big way too. I recall that in a couple of years, university sci-fi/fantasy/anime socieities transformed from being cadres of black t shirt dudes (I was one) to something a lot more diverse (including girls!) with many more people who were otherwise quite 'normal' rather than lifers. HOWEVER I don't think wargames - until some years later and then only with 40k - ever really transfomed culturally in this way.
@@DrBlaxill I tend to think of the infantilisation of the film industry to be something of a cultural disaster while no longer necessarily being supposed to be ashamed of being interested in wargames is a positive. And that's even though I think the former has something a bit to do with the latter! We all have our biases of course. The growth of the 'Graphic Novel' in the late 80s/early 90s must also have a place in this sort of thing. I'd be interested to know what you think of the new Empire models? The wizards certainly seem to me to have something of properly old Warhammer's sense of fun in terms of the ideas while the execution is obviously modern. In a way I think they're exactly what new Old World models ought to be like. I'm still never going to love them as they're that bit clean and cold compared to the old metal stuff that means so much to me, but that's hardly the point. I do think people getting into Old World without existing models are in a bit of a strange place though as it doesn't look like there will be full new ranges for the various factions so what are they supposed to buy if they want a consistent look?
I like to build my Warhammer The Old World and 40k armies around a theme, win or lose about having fun. The talk about points comes down to what is right for your game table for example, my table size (44" x 60" inch) and with 3-4 hours to play the game 1,500 points is good. Great video like always and can't wait for the next one.
Always good to hear from the good DOCTOR! Telling the truth about this lovely game. You are a window to the past AND a window to the future! Thank you. 🙏 more please …
Oh I did get a mention! Just finished this over breakfast. I feel honoured for the recognition but I do remember those games we played so clearly ten years on.
@Dr Luke Blaxill : what Core Army you would like to see if the will ever make new ones and what Arcane Jurnal Army would you like to see? (For me it would be Dogs Of War and Bretonnia sea patrol or Bretonnia/undead from mousillon Thank you for your fantastic videos. Make me happy every time
I think I'd like to see another faction with strong parallels to a real nation/kingdom. Grand Cathay would be my first pick as I'd like to see a warhammer rendition of the 'far east'. Although I would also quite like to be an Araby faction in some form- although there are still fewer threads in old lore to bring them back.
Dr. Blaxill is right about everything. Just like he is about things that are original not necessarily being better. I think an interesting story about unique characters, even if based in a familiar fantasy environment is far more relatable and cultural and powerful than say 40k where everything is dark and dreary all the time and it's so far removed from reality there is so little relatability or actual culture.
If one could make something original without any loss of relatability or cultural resonance then it probably *is* better from first principles. But that's very rarely the case. Different genres of literature and arts also have different premiums that are places on originality. I don't think that 'originality premium' in swords and sorcery fantasy is particularly high. If anything the overlaps between myth/history/foundational writers helps entrench some ideas they share. I feel I have a richer conception of elves in my mind because I have read Warhammer, Tolkien, and Shannara (and many others). And on some levels they reinforce each other.
P.S. I was inspired by this video to go out yesterday and buy a copy of the Old World rulebook, I'll soon be joining the wonderful club I recently discovered at Mythicos Studios in Randolph, New Jersey! 😁 Thank you Doctor Blaxill.
As always quality comment. So my question - I know you had tried Warhammer Armies Project. What are your thoughts on that ? (And with some personal risk - thoughts on the sort of people who prefer that to other WFB incarnations?). Keep up the excellent and thought provoking fandom
The best analogy I’ve heard for TOW is that whilst GW marketing were sitting around they realised the new teenagers coming in couldn’t afford the full list of required models, so they brought back an avenue for Dad to collect whilst still paying for all the new 40k releases his son needs. Completely agree that it hasn’t gone mainstream and I don’t think it will. Down in Australia we are having regular 30-40 player single day events that are slowly growing by 4-6 players each quarter. That’s healthy for a specialist game. The average age is 40, but critically the average income is high? That seems like the most important leading indicator? Anecdotally, I feel like everyone is running GW bought fresh new models with only a handful bringing older armies back or having their own resin printer (a whole other class of gamer as you say). Loved the discussion.
Yes- Dadhammer I suspect. Few in number, but with high spending per capita. I think this is rather confirmed by the demographic makeup of this channel- by far the largest demographic is 35-44. 5% 55+ and 0% less than 24. And 100% male needless to say.
Loved it. Now i need more. And I have a one for the rules department. Would applying logic fix Close Combat in TOW? What i mean is if defenders can't respond to attacks due to the piles of bodies of their fallen comrades (as it is written in the rulebook) would't the same pile of bodies limit the attackers in killing more than the number of models in a front rank? Maybe static CR from ranks etc. played bigger part and made units less wide but deeper? On the other plus side it would get rid of that 8th ed. spectre hoovering over The Old World .
Plausible enough idea. Personally I want to resurrect the spectre, kneel before her, and have her whip me. But for the mass audience, we probably need to reconstruct the spectre while simultaneously keeping it with the stake through its heart.
@@DrBlaxill fair enogh and please mind that as an Empire player i was enjoying 8th a lot too. But here we are and we must do what we can with the tools given. I enjoy Your content very much, please keep it coming :)
Begone or die is an unusual way to wrap up a video, but it works! Really enjoyed listening to your account of how you found yourself playing Old World and your experiences with Fantasy and Games Workshop along the way. Surprisingly touching.
Thanks. I think everyone (or everyone older at any rate where water has passed under the bridge) has an interesting story on why they are here. I've never heard a dull one!
An enjoyable hour, I was especially delighted to know Flight of Dragons captured your imagination too, I rarely hear it mentioned, Lodoss.. another guilty pleasure I enjoy rewatching.
@@ellesse3862 didn't just capture my imagination- FOD helped form it! I'm entirely unable to view it objectively, I degenerate into emotion now whenever I even watch a clip from it.
@@josephjustice4553 I can nearly recite the entire film's script- branded on my mind at a young age. I particularly like 'save for the length of a dream, or the flash of an inspiration'
Great video mate, really enjoyed listening to your impression of the game, and that even with its flaws like any edition of Warhammer you’re engaging in now of Warhammer. If you ever head to Australia for a holiday it would be great to catch up over a game and lunch. Keep up the great videos, some more tournament reports or game reports would be brilliant.
Another great video. I don't know whether it counts as a question but your understanding of the history of the real world time period from 8th edition of Warhammer fantasy to the Old World, including the reaction to first edition AoS, the 9th age and Warhammer Armies Project would be interesting. It is so easy to in retrospect frame this time as the 'gap' between editions however that is anachronistic? I fear the zeitgeist of this time is lost to history. Another interpretation is it seems that the wargaming hobby's greatest opportunity for decorporatization was royally blundered?
Absolutely- although inevitably what the real zeitgeist was in periods of uncertainty (between editions) is always lost to the mists of time because, when milestones on a timeline are added, they vanish into a sea of grey and it can be quite hard to recall what the vibe was ay a particular moment when the future was uncertain. Good question though!
Dr Blaxill I thoroughly enjoyed that entire session. Interesting questions and answers, with a great second half. Please do so again. I think many newer players will get a lot out of it. Both in the 'magic' of our interest and in the practical discussions on play. Punks! Not a dying breed! 🦝
I think Chaos works as both a regional nation and the corruption of people from the realms of men. Theres a great story in Thunder and Steel about an Empire officer who is captured by a Chaos warhost, has to fight to survive and is marked by Tzreentch which begets his pilgrimage to the North and includes these great scenes that reveal just the slightest glimpses into the culture of the Chaos Wastes.
I think this is the sensible nuanced view. I think the present arrangement does permit such stories within fiction, but for the wargame there probably has to either be the 'nation' or 'cult' theme for the actual army lore and focus rather than both- because a wargame's lore needs very clear aesthetic mannifestation.
@@DrBlaxillI'd love to see that delineation in a future army of infamy, similar to how Wolves of the Sea represents Norscan tribes, there could be a "Corrupted/Cults" list with chaos worshiping former Empire types in the classic style you described, something to make standard chaos warrior infantry compelling to field (I find them quite boring now).
I really enjoyed listening to the Blacillhammer bit. A lot of that is kind of how I feel about ToW giving me the opportunity to get into the hobby in a way I wasn't able to as a kid. I wonder what terrible rites we have to preform to get GW to release a collectible artbook for Warhammer Fantasy like they did years ago.
Was on a similar call with a girl from the US once. She loved postmodern Scifi and oversized shoulderpads, if you know what i mean. Well she had huge moodchanges, from stable to megalomaniac. And i have been taken with her on those "manic rides"... It was exausting. So now i am with a loving partner, reminding me a little bit of my mother. It speaks to my Lizardbrain beeing with her, even though she doesn't really supports those animalistic tendencies. What can i say, you allways return to the good things from your past!
Great video good doctor and thank you for answering my question! If I can submit a question for next time, you've said before that you think TOW is one of the best editions for narrative play, why do you say that compared to even the older "HeroHammer" editions?
Well this is one punk, that is really enjoying playing Old world. As hobbyist and warhammer fantasy fan since the 90's. I know it needs some work, but it's only been 10 months. And my group and I are really enjoying it at 3k pts. Hope it takes off and can only get better. Great video and well done Dr. Keep up the good work sir!
It’s interesting and a bit absurd to see people raising the idea of Warhammer going ‘mainstream’ as if it’s some scary new thing. Warhammer went mainstream in the 90s. You could buy it in Toys R Us. There were adverts for related games on TV. It was quite literally marketed at children! I was one of those children! (EDIT - Just heard you basically make this same point!) It’s also weird to me that people think that ‘gatekeeping’ is a thing that even exists as a thing they can partake in, in say, 40k. It’s no secret that GW make lots and lots of their money from people being casually interested, buying a few kits, maybe moving on to other hobbies. So called ‘tourists’ are an essential, maybe even majority part of their whole business model. Equally, the ‘lore’ as it is, isn’t some holy hallowed scripture, immutable and sacrosanct, to be guarded and kept safe from invaders. Neither is it being ‘eroded’ by modern ‘woke’ politics. It’s dynamic and changing to match consumers, as it always has been, because fundamentally it’s a setting developed by dudes in Nottingham to sell toy soldiers with. The strange little fringe groups bleating about gatekeeping have literally no creative control or power to affect anything games workshop does. GW is probably confused and bemused by them, if they even know they exist. Meanwhile, Warhammer world and our local games clubs are full of kids getting exciting about painting their first space marines, or playing Lord of the Rings or AoS, just as I was all those years ago when I bought Heroquest from Morrisons, or bought random blister packs of miniatures from Toymaster. They need some perspective. Warhammer is for everyone.
Warhammer being alive is good, tow being around is good... even if only because of these videos! Jokes aside I could not bring myself around to playing tow for a few reasons. Regardless, I do what I can to support it for all the reasons stated in the vid. Just as a veteran crusader refusing to go back to the sacred land, just this one more time.
There is certainly a disconnect I feel between enjoying talking about the game and yet far preferring other editions. Having a YT channel to talk about it is something I enjoy and has providing a major stimulus for playing it.
I got into Warhammer Fantasy in late 90s. Bought from a local hobby store. Always felt like a niche hobby I had joined. Definitely a sold out vibe today…especially 40l/Sigmar.
Absolutely- they *are* the truth- and there are not multiple truths on top of each other! Like the grail- there is only one. Its 'competitors' are false!
That was smashing, thank you. Would you ever consider sharing some tips for beginners to the game? Army composition, deployment, anything that might help
A fine video. What is your take on the Warhammer conference (which focused exclusively on 40k) held earlier this year at Heidelberg University, and do you think TOW would benefit from a similar conference if and when they make it happen? My take was that their range of topics was eclectic, perhaps not quite what was expected or strictly necessary, but also a couple of gems that had much overlap with TOW and other fantasy based games (Perhaps answering my own question by mentioning the overlap?).
Intriguing! I think if the game got a LOT larger then there absolutely would be an interesting space for this. Or maybe more realistically a 'Warhammer Fantasy' panel at a conference otherwise about 40k. I have occasionally thought of pursuing some research into 80s warhammer as a serious academic project although others (like Jordan Sorcery) have got much further than I have.
If you want more Dr. B on warhammer in the interim I can be found sometimes on my friend @D6Wounds channel sometimes, for example on his Spirit of the Game podcast
Warhammer 40k is Dune + Lovecraft + Starship Troopers + Generic Anime + Aliens + Terminator. Honestly, Warhammer 40k is just as derivative and generic as Fantasy ever was. How could anyone not see that?!?
All of those things helped influence and create 40k, not sure there are many people who would claim otherwise, but there's a bit more to it, and 40k has it's own path and story(ies) now. Oh, and by a bit more, I mean the story has moved so far beyond it's sources and inspiration. The way 40k is so easy to recognise demonstrates that.
@@GarethNewtonWilliams I get what you're saying, it's derivative, but it's also something on its own. Also it's something a lot of people love; being derivative doesn't take that away from anyone! I'm not sure I agree that being easily recognized stops it from being derivative... for example, the transformers ripped of the go-bots; recognizably doesn't erase that.
For next time, I would be interested to hear you lay out thoughts on other gaming systems. Kings of War is the obvious competitor, but also anything else such as Turnip28 or even actual historical games.
I 3d print my armies so I can afford to use the really cool old sculpts. Took me a few years to assemble a 500 point Battlemasters Empire army. Took like 2 days and far far less money to print the next 2500 points 😅
Im agreeing of the majority of your perspectives and insights except I can’t see the problem with skirmishes - they play like 3rd to 7th edition and ancient battles , they should behave differently to the ranked blocks and that works mostly fine (though the rules could be written clearer). Having too many units being allowed to skirmish on this edition is the bigger problem for them
Dr. Blaxill, Master of all Punks, Destroyer of AOS fanboys, First among the slaves to darkness, the lost, the damned, I salute you. I agree with 99% of all your analisys. The one % of disagreement is that I think the real decline came earlier, if i'm not wrong in 2001, starting with the boom of the LOTR game.
Absolutely there is a big changing of ways then. Certainly could be considered a major moment of decline if viewed a certain way. Although I think of it more as going over a sharp set of points and onto some different track.
@@DrBlaxill it''s difficult to have a proper discussion not using my language, apologies for butchering yours. I perfectly got your point but the trauma of having half of the White Dwarf LOTRized Is still too strong. It's interesting go back and analyze wargaming history but i'm too involved too be able to be impartial .
@@AmmiraglioMurray Oh your tribute was beautiful punk ;-) I remember that time well. It was particularly annoying when LOTR went on the front cover and it literally was two magazines in one.
I like linehammer as far as it should promote larger battles far above 2000 pts, but the game just doesn't scale well on a 6x4 table. The lines wouldn't look so bad with something like 100 entities per unit. But you know, how much money are you spending on this hobby, and if you had such a high point game, the efficient thing to do is split one large unit into multiple single rank lines or just take that large character allotment and have more stacked monsters.
I've seen the first claim (although more euphemistically as 'doing really well). But not the second- that would be very interesting. Don't suppose you recall where you read/heard that?
Dear Doctor, as a twin brother of General von Löwenhacke I ask myself on a daily base: how did it happen that the creators of the ToW rule-set didn‘t foresee the mess they made by pushing rules into Linehammer, Dragon-Herohammer and ridiculing infantry units?! Is ToW finally written by Old World haters and AoS-submissive? 😅 Please let me know your opinion on what went wrong… 🧙🏼♂️🍀👍🏼
Good idea. 'What went wrong'. Thats a very good idea for a video actually- and also one that would be a bit more 'populist' than some of my other stuff to get some more casuals to look at the channel.
I think the why is fairly obvious. GW didn’t put half the investment into Old World that they would have done for prior editions of WHFB. GW didn’t expect the game to sell majorly and I think didn’t want to allocate a big team to it. TOW 1st edition is a bit like a big BETA IMHO. Hopefully we’ll get something a lot more polished soon.
TOW just feels like a beta test , it’s far less polished than any other edition of WHFB (as far as I remember) and it was probably designed using a far smaller team of any previous edition. Hopefully we’ll get a very polished edition next.
@@adamsboringvids Absolutely agreed. It's clearly an extremely low budget product, and this might explain why it took as long as it did and is as ragged as it is.
As someone who has truly tried to get into it: AoS has no real lore. It is a collection of fairy tales that are disjointed and ask for a suspension of disbelief more powerful than a blackhole. it's like the ancient greek stories "Zeus had a headache, so his daughter said "here put a knife in your head" and out walked a god". like, they have continents that literally eat each other and people are meant to live there? The sun is also.. where the elves live? And there's a moon... but there are 7 planets... or something? It's moronic.
OMg flight of dragons!?! No one else has ever heard of that! Amazing@! Also taped off the tv (in Aus) and My bro and I watched it dozens of times! Loved it!
lol. Well, I was being chartiable. I must admit I can't really relate to the ultra high fantasy God-level tales. But then I've never been very fond of similar with Norse or Greek Gods- but at least those have strong cultural resonance. AOS stuff I have generally read in passing sounds like it is written for younger children and just had my mind wondering elsewhere in a few minutes. However I should say its lore has supporters so perhaps there are parts of it I've not encountered that are much better.
id push back against your characterisation of scifi and fantasy. imo gene wolfe makes a unique case for their relationship to eachother and the 'real world
I have a feeling like TOW is part of an underground movement within GW. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking. But it certainly feels as if there were forces inside the company that were hoping for TOW to fail so that they could be proven right in blowing up Fantasy.
@@earnestwanderer2471 maybe! Which is one of many reasons why even critical men like me must unreservedly answer the question of whether TOW being here is a good thing with 'You Bet!' No good being locked in the slammer punks! Even with the lowest HP leaf blower were back on the streets- the place where we can do damage!
Sure warhammer has a lot taken from Tolkien - but Tolkien took a lot from Norse mythology. And Norse mythology was inspired by different cultural exchanges. Everything is burrowed and tweaked.
Sure they borrowed from a lot of fantasy but their orcs, goblins, elves etc. are as unique to them as Tolkien's were to him. When I was a teenager back in the 80s, I found them to be weird and too far beyond what I was used to. Now, I absolutely LOVE old GW's crazy view on the well trodden fantasy tropes. The wild, goofy, and dark, very 80s metalhead take is addictive. But I should say I am not really interested in anything after the couple army books from 5th you can use in 4th.
I always love your tabletop videos BUT... if your royal family audience would see you do intros like this... they would look down onto you PUNK! Please go on like this!
You are a national treasure, introduction was superb! I listened to the intro twice. Well thought out answers - entertaining, informative, and an AOS dig - the perfect recipe for any Warhammer video. For a future Q&A - What is your favorite Warhammer character, sculpt, and which model is (if any) still on your wishlist?
Thanks! Yes- models! I didn't talk about those- that would be a very long video just in itself. But I might do a 'top 10 models of all time' with a commentary on each.
Favourite character and model on wishlist would also be very good questions!
@@DrBlaxill Excellent idea, Top 10 would be an interesting video. Looking forward to seeing this!
What an excellent video Dr. Blaxill! Particularly loved the second half of the video, with the scholarly broader approach to the hobby and its history as well as your personal trip.
Thanks for including my comment, even though it wasn't a very simple question.
I will make sure to phone in again when we're all ready for a follow up.
I too believe that TOW is in the hands of people who respect its past and am a lot less worried about its future than when I first laid eyes on a Slaughterbrute
Yours was an excellent question, I don't think I would have thought of that point otherwise- many thanks!
Ah, always a good day when there's a new Dr. Luke video!!
Bro does she have a sister?
6:35 if brevity really is the soul of wit than you are wittier than I. Your answer resonates perfecly with me, but I think I'd need an hour of rambling to get it all out. It's so nice to hear something you yourself feel put so succinctly!
Holy hell that opening!! I love you.
If Old World have future ... this man is in it
I can have future too?
@@valheffelfinger6521 if you ask nicely I'll let you in
The Doctor is IN
Hell Raiser
LOL!!!!!!! Your caller blew up your phone!!! And we punks are thrilled to have you back for another video! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"Age of sigmar you are not even man at all." Truer words have never been said.
It's all plastic toys. 🤷♂️
@@mogwaiman6048 My toys are ALL LEAD
@@DrBlaxillhaha true.
thank you for reading my question! You eloquently put into words what i think many admirerers of older works feel. I am also playing the old word at the moment, after all. I am glad the old world is good enough warhammer to have something contemporary to play, discuss, bicker and grumble about, in the best way, and you made me consider that.
I also admire your style of wargaming. Punks not dead after all it seems.
Yes. Punk's eternal status is better described as 'not dead' than alive.
Yes, chat and bickering is what makes the world go round. If the current thing is at least good enough to do that, then its good enough as far as I'm concerned. The ruckus of complaint is healthy- the silence of acquiescence is the premonition of death.
A good listen as ever. Nice to see Andy 2D6 get a mention, his journey with the Dwarfs has been entertaining and instructive, always worth a watch. He's clearly a nice bloke and is very good at explaining what goes on in his games. To some extent just at the moment I feel his extreme experiments with the line are a bit of a distraction - the other Dwarf player who plays in the same tournaments runs a deathstar that starts in marching column but of course goes wide as the game progresses and he wins the things. Doesn't get discussed as 'linehammer' in the same way though it obviously is and he's very clear that it can't be successful if you can't go wide, think there's a tournament this weekend where you're limited to ten wide and he said he's taking something else.
Tend to agree that there probably won't be major official changes to get infantry back into the game other than perhaps objectives or whatever. Still think it's interesting to discuss though as people are obviously house ruling some things and there are clearly tournaments prepared to do the same to some extent. After the last time we discussed this in comments I think I agree that the game is clearly more like 6th than 8th, but am still minded to think that the main problem (i.e. the game ending up looking all wrong) isn't really down to things from either. I guess it's more a matter of disagreement about what the solution(s) should be and as far as I can tell 6th Ed people look more at what they see as wrong with the lists while 8th Ed people look more at what's wrong with the rules (want to bring back Step Up etc). Oversimplified I know and I'm sure everyone would be able to find things to change about both, but I guess those are the ways those editions solved the 'problem' in their own ways.
As far as Warhammer having entered 'the mainstream' is concerned I don't know if it truly has or ever will, but am prepared to believe it might have done. Not sure how much that has to do with GW's own actions though, would have thought a lot of it becoming more 'socially acceptable' for want of a better term is down to things like the success of the Lord of the Rings films (there would have been an effect even if GW hadn't got involved with a game), probably also Harry Potter, Superhero films taking over the film industry etc - general trends towards not being expected to 'grow out of' certain things in the way that was expected back in the 80s. Putting that to one side it's obviously been a much bigger and more commercially minded company than the one that existed when I bought WD91 for a very long time. And there were already people who were saddened by White Dwarf going increasingly and soon exclusively GW right back then.
As ever such a thoughtful comment. Yes, the dwarfs are very much where it's at with linehammer and their recent success has served to bring it back into focus. Although really it is more the horror of what it looks like. As you say, the messy look of OW on the table has got nothing to do with the 6th or 8th divide particualrly. Both of those systems produced armues which looked fine on the table. I think the 6th edders being more into the army lists being balanced as their hobby horse can derived from the genesis of that edition and the limitations on characters and more prescriptive core/special/rare allowances. It's also equally true of 8th ed- that game was built for tournement players, so its keenest disciples are likewise those who cared a lot about a clean ruleset.
Well indeed! In the late 90s I don't think any sci fi and fantasy was particualrly mainstream, but the next decade saw some parts of 'geeksphere' become grearly more mainstream than others. LOTR was a big step in that direction, ditto the birth of superhero movies. This happened with anime in a big way too. I recall that in a couple of years, university sci-fi/fantasy/anime socieities transformed from being cadres of black t shirt dudes (I was one) to something a lot more diverse (including girls!) with many more people who were otherwise quite 'normal' rather than lifers. HOWEVER I don't think wargames - until some years later and then only with 40k - ever really transfomed culturally in this way.
@@DrBlaxill I tend to think of the infantilisation of the film industry to be something of a cultural disaster while no longer necessarily being supposed to be ashamed of being interested in wargames is a positive. And that's even though I think the former has something a bit to do with the latter! We all have our biases of course. The growth of the 'Graphic Novel' in the late 80s/early 90s must also have a place in this sort of thing.
I'd be interested to know what you think of the new Empire models? The wizards certainly seem to me to have something of properly old Warhammer's sense of fun in terms of the ideas while the execution is obviously modern. In a way I think they're exactly what new Old World models ought to be like. I'm still never going to love them as they're that bit clean and cold compared to the old metal stuff that means so much to me, but that's hardly the point. I do think people getting into Old World without existing models are in a bit of a strange place though as it doesn't look like there will be full new ranges for the various factions so what are they supposed to buy if they want a consistent look?
I like to build my Warhammer The Old World and 40k armies around a theme, win or lose about having fun.
The talk about points comes down to what is right for your game table for example, my table size (44" x 60" inch) and with 3-4 hours to play the game 1,500 points is good.
Great video like always and can't wait for the next one.
Counterpoint, all units can be made to fit any theme you can think off. All themes in any game so it's doesn't matter.
Always good to hear from the good DOCTOR! Telling the truth about this lovely game. You are a window to the past AND a window to the future! Thank you. 🙏 more please …
Yes- the man of then and the man of now simultaneously!
I wasn't expecting the Ms Piggy cameo and her strong opinions on sixth ed.
@@steelchaffinch12 Ms Piggy lives on a collectivized farm
you are mentioned in the final section!
Oh I did get a mention! Just finished this over breakfast. I feel honoured for the recognition but I do remember those games we played so clearly ten years on.
@Dr Luke Blaxill : what Core Army you would like to see if the will ever make new ones and what Arcane Jurnal Army would you like to see? (For me it would be Dogs Of War and Bretonnia sea patrol or Bretonnia/undead from mousillon
Thank you for your fantastic videos. Make me happy every time
I think I'd like to see another faction with strong parallels to a real nation/kingdom. Grand Cathay would be my first pick as I'd like to see a warhammer rendition of the 'far east'. Although I would also quite like to be an Araby faction in some form- although there are still fewer threads in old lore to bring them back.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dr. Blaxill you are a genius that intro was hilarious 👌
Dr. Blaxill is right about everything. Just like he is about things that are original not necessarily being better. I think an interesting story about unique characters, even if based in a familiar fantasy environment is far more relatable and cultural and powerful than say 40k where everything is dark and dreary all the time and it's so far removed from reality there is so little relatability or actual culture.
If one could make something original without any loss of relatability or cultural resonance then it probably *is* better from first principles. But that's very rarely the case.
Different genres of literature and arts also have different premiums that are places on originality. I don't think that 'originality premium' in swords and sorcery fantasy is particularly high. If anything the overlaps between myth/history/foundational writers helps entrench some ideas they share. I feel I have a richer conception of elves in my mind because I have read Warhammer, Tolkien, and Shannara (and many others). And on some levels they reinforce each other.
P.S. I was inspired by this video to go out yesterday and buy a copy of the Old World rulebook, I'll soon be joining the wonderful club I recently discovered at Mythicos Studios in Randolph, New Jersey! 😁 Thank you Doctor Blaxill.
@peterhoodiman3897 magnificent! Great that there is a club within reach that has some OW at it and you can go on an adventure!
Excellent video Dr Blaxill, thoroughly enjoyable!
"Buuuut... I'd ask you to consider a few things, punk." - Dr. Blaxill (11:46)
As always quality comment. So my question - I know you had tried Warhammer Armies Project. What are your thoughts on that ? (And with some personal risk - thoughts on the sort of people who prefer that to other WFB incarnations?). Keep up the excellent and thought provoking fandom
The best analogy I’ve heard for TOW is that whilst GW marketing were sitting around they realised the new teenagers coming in couldn’t afford the full list of required models, so they brought back an avenue for Dad to collect whilst still paying for all the new 40k releases his son needs.
Completely agree that it hasn’t gone mainstream and I don’t think it will. Down in Australia we are having regular 30-40 player single day events that are slowly growing by 4-6 players each quarter. That’s healthy for a specialist game. The average age is 40, but critically the average income is high? That seems like the most important leading indicator? Anecdotally, I feel like everyone is running GW bought fresh new models with only a handful bringing older armies back or having their own resin printer (a whole other class of gamer as you say).
Loved the discussion.
Yes- Dadhammer I suspect. Few in number, but with high spending per capita. I think this is rather confirmed by the demographic makeup of this channel- by far the largest demographic is 35-44. 5% 55+ and 0% less than 24. And 100% male needless to say.
@ my question then is are we, perhaps, the geriatric league in the lineup? Or, are your numbers representative of GW customers holistically?
Loved it. Now i need more. And I have a one for the rules department. Would applying logic fix Close Combat in TOW? What i mean is if defenders can't respond to attacks due to the piles of bodies of their fallen comrades (as it is written in the rulebook) would't the same pile of bodies limit the attackers in killing more than the number of models in a front rank? Maybe static CR from ranks etc. played bigger part and made units less wide but deeper? On the other plus side it would get rid of that 8th ed. spectre hoovering over The Old World .
Plausible enough idea. Personally I want to resurrect the spectre, kneel before her, and have her whip me. But for the mass audience, we probably need to reconstruct the spectre while simultaneously keeping it with the stake through its heart.
@@DrBlaxill fair enogh and please mind that as an Empire player i was enjoying 8th a lot too. But here we are and we must do what we can with the tools given. I enjoy Your content very much, please keep it coming :)
🎯Absolutely agree. I got myself excited there- what would 8th ed look like if she were a dominatrix, lol
Begone or die is an unusual way to wrap up a video, but it works!
Really enjoyed listening to your account of how you found yourself playing Old World and your experiences with Fantasy and Games Workshop along the way. Surprisingly touching.
Thanks. I think everyone (or everyone older at any rate where water has passed under the bridge) has an interesting story on why they are here. I've never heard a dull one!
Great video as always!
An enjoyable hour, I was especially delighted to know Flight of Dragons captured your imagination too, I rarely hear it mentioned, Lodoss.. another guilty pleasure I enjoy rewatching.
@@ellesse3862 didn't just capture my imagination- FOD helped form it! I'm entirely unable to view it objectively, I degenerate into emotion now whenever I even watch a clip from it.
Soar in the purple light! In the sky and in my mind! Gorbash! Come here my friend! 😊😊😊 So epic!
@@DrBlaxillMe too. ❤
@@josephjustice4553 I can nearly recite the entire film's script- branded on my mind at a young age.
I particularly like 'save for the length of a dream, or the flash of an inspiration'
Better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all... That's some Gor-shite right there!
"I am a man of Now" - says the historian. ^^
I am also a man of Later too
Man listening to how you got into the hobby was awesome. Thanks for sharing! 😊
I realise now I missed off quite a few other infleucnes, including various JRPGs and the British TV show Knightmare
Dr. Blaxill thank you for the video. You gave me a new angle of perspectiv!
Great video mate, really enjoyed listening to your impression of the game, and that even with its flaws like any edition of Warhammer you’re engaging in now of Warhammer.
If you ever head to Australia for a holiday it would be great to catch up over a game and lunch.
Keep up the great videos, some more tournament reports or game reports would be brilliant.
Another great video. I don't know whether it counts as a question but your understanding of the history of the real world time period from 8th edition of Warhammer fantasy to the Old World, including the reaction to first edition AoS, the 9th age and Warhammer Armies Project would be interesting. It is so easy to in retrospect frame this time as the 'gap' between editions however that is anachronistic? I fear the zeitgeist of this time is lost to history. Another interpretation is it seems that the wargaming hobby's greatest opportunity for decorporatization was royally blundered?
Absolutely- although inevitably what the real zeitgeist was in periods of uncertainty (between editions) is always lost to the mists of time because, when milestones on a timeline are added, they vanish into a sea of grey and it can be quite hard to recall what the vibe was ay a particular moment when the future was uncertain. Good question though!
Great vid again. Fantastic entertainment 👏 keep them coming 👌
Dr Blaxill I thoroughly enjoyed that entire session. Interesting questions and answers, with a great second half.
Please do so again. I think many newer players will get a lot out of it. Both in the 'magic' of our interest and in the practical discussions on play.
Punks! Not a dying breed! 🦝
I think Chaos works as both a regional nation and the corruption of people from the realms of men. Theres a great story in Thunder and Steel about an Empire officer who is captured by a Chaos warhost, has to fight to survive and is marked by Tzreentch which begets his pilgrimage to the North and includes these great scenes that reveal just the slightest glimpses into the culture of the Chaos Wastes.
I think this is the sensible nuanced view. I think the present arrangement does permit such stories within fiction, but for the wargame there probably has to either be the 'nation' or 'cult' theme for the actual army lore and focus rather than both- because a wargame's lore needs very clear aesthetic mannifestation.
@@DrBlaxillI'd love to see that delineation in a future army of infamy, similar to how Wolves of the Sea represents Norscan tribes, there could be a "Corrupted/Cults" list with chaos worshiping former Empire types in the classic style you described, something to make standard chaos warrior infantry compelling to field (I find them quite boring now).
I really enjoyed listening to the Blacillhammer bit. A lot of that is kind of how I feel about ToW giving me the opportunity to get into the hobby in a way I wasn't able to as a kid.
I wonder what terrible rites we have to preform to get GW to release a collectible artbook for Warhammer Fantasy like they did years ago.
7:58 reminiscent of Stillmania but extended to cover a set piece battle
Was on a similar call with a girl from the US once. She loved postmodern Scifi and oversized shoulderpads, if you know what i mean. Well she had huge moodchanges, from stable to megalomaniac. And i have been taken with her on those "manic rides"... It was exausting. So now i am with a loving partner, reminding me a little bit of my mother. It speaks to my Lizardbrain beeing with her, even though she doesn't really supports those animalistic tendencies. What can i say, you allways return to the good things from your past!
Absolutely. I am not convinced men ever really 'grow up' and are still bewitched by the past's siren. Or at least, all those I have known!
Great video good doctor and thank you for answering my question! If I can submit a question for next time, you've said before that you think TOW is one of the best editions for narrative play, why do you say that compared to even the older "HeroHammer" editions?
Well this is one punk, that is really enjoying playing Old world. As hobbyist and warhammer fantasy fan since the 90's. I know it needs some work, but it's only been 10 months. And my group and I are really enjoying it at 3k pts. Hope it takes off and can only get better. Great video and well done Dr. Keep up the good work sir!
Interesting. Are you finding 3000 points a squeeze on the table?
I could listen you for hours. Long live true warhammer
@@luis2864 many thanks. Oh you and in other less subterranean domains where I lurk.
It’s interesting and a bit absurd to see people raising the idea of Warhammer going ‘mainstream’ as if it’s some scary new thing. Warhammer went mainstream in the 90s. You could buy it in Toys R Us. There were adverts for related games on TV. It was quite literally marketed at children! I was one of those children! (EDIT - Just heard you basically make this same point!)
It’s also weird to me that people think that ‘gatekeeping’ is a thing that even exists as a thing they can partake in, in say, 40k. It’s no secret that GW make lots and lots of their money from people being casually interested, buying a few kits, maybe moving on to other hobbies. So called ‘tourists’ are an essential, maybe even majority part of their whole business model.
Equally, the ‘lore’ as it is, isn’t some holy hallowed scripture, immutable and sacrosanct, to be guarded and kept safe from invaders. Neither is it being ‘eroded’ by modern ‘woke’ politics. It’s dynamic and changing to match consumers, as it always has been, because fundamentally it’s a setting developed by dudes in Nottingham to sell toy soldiers with. The strange little fringe groups bleating about gatekeeping have literally no creative control or power to affect anything games workshop does. GW is probably confused and bemused by them, if they even know they exist. Meanwhile, Warhammer world and our local games clubs are full of kids getting exciting about painting their first space marines, or playing Lord of the Rings or AoS, just as I was all those years ago when I bought Heroquest from Morrisons, or bought random blister packs of miniatures from Toymaster.
They need some perspective.
Warhammer is for everyone.
Nice work, Dr.x
"You are old now and cant get back your youth." Nail on the head right there. 😢
Warhammer being alive is good, tow being around is good... even if only because of these videos! Jokes aside I could not bring myself around to playing tow for a few reasons. Regardless, I do what I can to support it for all the reasons stated in the vid. Just as a veteran crusader refusing to go back to the sacred land, just this one more time.
There is certainly a disconnect I feel between enjoying talking about the game and yet far preferring other editions. Having a YT channel to talk about it is something I enjoy and has providing a major stimulus for playing it.
@@DrBlaxill You are doing a good job, here and there ! Congratulations!
I got into Warhammer Fantasy in late 90s. Bought from a local hobby store. Always felt like a niche hobby I had joined. Definitely a sold out vibe today…especially 40l/Sigmar.
Great video. You vocalize the thoughts that many greybeards have in their heads (and those thoughts are the truth and nothing but the truth!)
Absolutely- they *are* the truth- and there are not multiple truths on top of each other! Like the grail- there is only one. Its 'competitors' are false!
If John Lydon called you up and your opener was 'Hello punks !' it would actually be quite accurate.
But Dr Blaxill, I like my hermetically sealed bubble...
That was a fun intro. (The part bout 6th ed players stung a lil bit.) Anyhoo on with it!
1:30 oof that triple burn, with aos players incinerated 😂
That was smashing, thank you. Would you ever consider sharing some tips for beginners to the game? Army composition, deployment, anything that might help
Interesting idea. I tend to think of myself as appealing to veterans and greybeards, but I do find people getting into the game interesting.
Question for Dr Blaxill, what are your favorite classic punk records?
There is definitely something more to say about (especially) 80s metal and warhammer. Most obvious example being Bolt Thrower's World Eater!
A fine video. What is your take on the Warhammer conference (which focused exclusively on 40k) held earlier this year at Heidelberg University, and do you think TOW would benefit from a similar conference if and when they make it happen? My take was that their range of topics was eclectic, perhaps not quite what was expected or strictly necessary, but also a couple of gems that had much overlap with TOW and other fantasy based games (Perhaps answering my own question by mentioning the overlap?). for those who are unaware of the conference
Intriguing! I think if the game got a LOT larger then there absolutely would be an interesting space for this. Or maybe more realistically a 'Warhammer Fantasy' panel at a conference otherwise about 40k. I have occasionally thought of pursuing some research into 80s warhammer as a serious academic project although others (like Jordan Sorcery) have got much further than I have.
Rewatching because I want more content
If you want more Dr. B on warhammer in the interim I can be found sometimes on my friend @D6Wounds channel sometimes, for example on his Spirit of the Game podcast
Dr Blaxill, I miss you.
Warhammer 40k is Dune + Lovecraft + Starship Troopers + Generic Anime + Aliens + Terminator. Honestly, Warhammer 40k is just as derivative and generic as Fantasy ever was. How could anyone not see that?!?
All of those things helped influence and create 40k, not sure there are many people who would claim otherwise, but there's a bit more to it, and 40k has it's own path and story(ies) now. Oh, and by a bit more, I mean the story has moved so far beyond it's sources and inspiration. The way 40k is so easy to recognise demonstrates that.
@@GarethNewtonWilliams I get what you're saying, it's derivative, but it's also something on its own. Also it's something a lot of people love; being derivative doesn't take that away from anyone! I'm not sure I agree that being easily recognized stops it from being derivative... for example, the transformers ripped of the go-bots; recognizably doesn't erase that.
I just love the hate for the linehammer. I will miss it when it is gone (the outrage, not the lines)
I started with the 4th edition box set too, love those monopose minis so much I’m now rebasing my elves for TOW
the monopose elves (especially the spearmen, for my money) are superb.
For next time, I would be interested to hear you lay out thoughts on other gaming systems. Kings of War is the obvious competitor, but also anything else such as Turnip28 or even actual historical games.
Good idea. I have played enough KOW to have an opinion about it (although out of date) and also T9A (also a little out of date)
I 3d print my armies so I can afford to use the really cool old sculpts. Took me a few years to assemble a 500 point Battlemasters Empire army. Took like 2 days and far far less money to print the next 2500 points 😅
I didn't realise Miss Piggy was so into Warhammer
Im agreeing of the majority of your perspectives and insights except I can’t see the problem with skirmishes - they play like 3rd to 7th edition and ancient battles , they should behave differently to the ranked blocks and that works mostly fine (though the rules could be written clearer). Having too many units being allowed to skirmish on this edition is the bigger problem for them
Dr. Blaxill, Master of all Punks, Destroyer of AOS fanboys, First among the slaves to darkness, the lost, the damned, I salute you. I agree with 99% of all your analisys. The one % of disagreement is that I think the real decline came earlier, if i'm not wrong in 2001, starting with the boom of the LOTR game.
Absolutely there is a big changing of ways then. Certainly could be considered a major moment of decline if viewed a certain way. Although I think of it more as going over a sharp set of points and onto some different track.
@@DrBlaxill it''s difficult to have a proper discussion not using my language, apologies for butchering yours.
I perfectly got your point but the trauma of having half of the White Dwarf LOTRized Is still too strong. It's interesting go back and analyze wargaming history but i'm too involved too be able to be impartial .
@@AmmiraglioMurray Oh your tribute was beautiful punk ;-)
I remember that time well. It was particularly annoying when LOTR went on the front cover and it literally was two magazines in one.
@@DrBlaxillI was there (elrond vibe) punk!
I wonder if the disappearance of punk isn't related to a broader disappearance. What is the punk of 2024?
Building cobhouses and living off grid?
I like linehammer as far as it should promote larger battles far above 2000 pts, but the game just doesn't scale well on a 6x4 table. The lines wouldn't look so bad with something like 100 entities per unit. But you know, how much money are you spending on this hobby, and if you had such a high point game, the efficient thing to do is split one large unit into multiple single rank lines or just take that large character allotment and have more stacked monsters.
The new TOW tablescale... 18x2 Tables..
@@TheFGS I was thinking 8x6 with those suspension contraptions that they used in Honey I Shrunk the Kids.
Oh give it time!
OMG you went after Frank Herbert!
Not sure we should be assuming TOW will get a second edition
GW has said on multiple times it has been selling well and a big part of their best fiscal year so far.
Too true sir- it's not a given!
I've seen the first claim (although more euphemistically as 'doing really well). But not the second- that would be very interesting. Don't suppose you recall where you read/heard that?
It might not, the game is being undercut by alternative miniature options.
Dear Doctor, as a twin brother of General von Löwenhacke I ask myself on a daily base: how did it happen that the creators of the ToW rule-set didn‘t foresee the mess they made by pushing rules into Linehammer, Dragon-Herohammer and ridiculing infantry units?! Is ToW finally written by Old World haters and AoS-submissive? 😅 Please let me know your opinion on what went wrong… 🧙🏼♂️🍀👍🏼
Good idea. 'What went wrong'. Thats a very good idea for a video actually- and also one that would be a bit more 'populist' than some of my other stuff to get some more casuals to look at the channel.
I think the why is fairly obvious. GW didn’t put half the investment into Old World that they would have done for prior editions of WHFB. GW didn’t expect the game to sell majorly and I think didn’t want to allocate a big team to it. TOW 1st edition is a bit like a big BETA IMHO. Hopefully we’ll get something a lot more polished soon.
No I made a 8ft.x 5ft. Table lol
Welcome back Dr
W take after W take
TOW just feels like a beta test , it’s far less polished than any other edition of WHFB (as far as I remember) and it was probably designed using a far smaller team of any previous edition. Hopefully we’ll get a very polished edition next.
@@adamsboringvids Absolutely agreed. It's clearly an extremely low budget product, and this might explain why it took as long as it did and is as ragged as it is.
As someone who has truly tried to get into it: AoS has no real lore. It is a collection of fairy tales that are disjointed and ask for a suspension of disbelief more powerful than a blackhole. it's like the ancient greek stories "Zeus had a headache, so his daughter said "here put a knife in your head" and out walked a god". like, they have continents that literally eat each other and people are meant to live there? The sun is also.. where the elves live? And there's a moon... but there are 7 planets... or something? It's moronic.
OMg flight of dragons!?! No one else has ever heard of that! Amazing@! Also taped off the tv (in Aus) and My bro and I watched it dozens of times! Loved it!
lol. Well, I was being chartiable. I must admit I can't really relate to the ultra high fantasy God-level tales. But then I've never been very fond of similar with Norse or Greek Gods- but at least those have strong cultural resonance. AOS stuff I have generally read in passing sounds like it is written for younger children and just had my mind wondering elsewhere in a few minutes. However I should say its lore has supporters so perhaps there are parts of it I've not encountered that are much better.
There is a lot of lore. The Lumineth do occupy Hysh. The realms of Hysh and Ulgu provide the day and night cycles for the other realms.
id push back against your characterisation of scifi and fantasy. imo gene wolfe makes a unique case for their relationship to eachother and the 'real world
I have a feeling like TOW is part of an underground movement within GW. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking. But it certainly feels as if there were forces inside the company that were hoping for TOW to fail so that they could be proven right in blowing up Fantasy.
@@earnestwanderer2471 maybe!
Which is one of many reasons why even critical men like me must unreservedly answer the question of whether TOW being here is a good thing with 'You Bet!'
No good being locked in the slammer punks! Even with the lowest HP leaf blower were back on the streets- the place where we can do damage!
It's a specialist design studio game with a lower overhead cost.
Sorry doc you will never find her again
Sure warhammer has a lot taken from Tolkien - but Tolkien took a lot from Norse mythology. And Norse mythology was inspired by different cultural exchanges. Everything is burrowed and tweaked.
Sure they borrowed from a lot of fantasy but their orcs, goblins, elves etc. are as unique to them as Tolkien's were to him. When I was a teenager back in the 80s, I found them to be weird and too far beyond what I was used to. Now, I absolutely LOVE old GW's crazy view on the well trodden fantasy tropes. The wild, goofy, and dark, very 80s metalhead take is addictive. But I should say I am not really interested in anything after the couple army books from 5th you can use in 4th.
@@Mordante69totally agree regarding orks n goblins. Tolkien’s and GW’s elves and dwarves are much more heavily inspired by Norse mythos.
@@RaVNeFLoK Yes, though proper Tolkien elves are so rare these days that Warhammer Fantasy elves are original again :v
Hear hear, meta fucking sucks. The most fun way to play anything is to do what you think is fun and to take that to its very best.
I always love your tabletop videos BUT... if your royal family audience would see you do intros like this... they would look down onto you PUNK!
Please go on like this!
Yes, I doubt they would approve. Have to get all my anger out so I can be servile and respectful when I talk about the monarchy.
The game is overrated. It's more useful for bringing back out of production models and introducing some new ones in my opinion.