Oooh, I just gasped seeing this in my subscription box! I love this song so much, it's probably an unhealthy amount, if I'm honest lol, however, along with 'Tap Tap', it's only my second favourite song of theirs because 'Flower Wind' will never be taken off the top spot. But this song always puts me in a good mood. Even if I'm already in a good mood, it puts me in a better mood. And this performance was wonderful. I was curious who was gonna do whose original parts, and they did them really well. Well done, lads! Also got to mention, Aoi's high note gave me goosebumps. Took me by complete surprise! (If you pause at 2:48, Nokkuso becomes Mickey Mouse.)
この奈良公演にいた方で教えて頂きたいのですが、どうしてぷんちゃんは曲のイントロと歌い出し部分、疲れてる?苦しそうなのでしょう。Shine on Youの前MCでしたか?笑い疲れてしまったとか。歌い出し前半で軽くとみたんをどつく🤣姿も見れるし。毎回この動画見る度に?ってなっています。 凱旋公演だったし、みんなに茶化されたとか?
ライブでみるShine on youがいちばん好きです!
3:50 あおいくんの高音でビックリ!!!凄い!!!
Oooh, I just gasped seeing this in my subscription box! I love this song so much, it's probably an unhealthy amount, if I'm honest lol, however, along with 'Tap Tap', it's only my second favourite song of theirs because 'Flower Wind' will never be taken off the top spot. But this song always puts me in a good mood. Even if I'm already in a good mood, it puts me in a better mood. And this performance was wonderful. I was curious who was gonna do whose original parts, and they did them really well. Well done, lads! Also got to mention, Aoi's high note gave me goosebumps. Took me by complete surprise!
(If you pause at 2:48, Nokkuso becomes Mickey Mouse.)
Tomitake takes over so many strong vocal parts these days, I hope he's not putting too much pressure on himself.
Shine on you大好きありがとう!!!とみたんかわいいwww奈良二日間で声カスカスのとみたんを思い出したwwwww
この奈良公演にいた方で教えて頂きたいのですが、どうしてぷんちゃんは曲のイントロと歌い出し部分、疲れてる?苦しそうなのでしょう。Shine on Youの前MCでしたか?笑い疲れてしまったとか。歌い出し前半で軽くとみたんをどつく🤣姿も見れるし。毎回この動画見る度に?ってなっています。