HOLY TRINITY AYR: Remember O Thou Man by Thomas Ravenscroft sung by R. Thom

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2025
  • HOLY TRINITY AYR invites you to share with us in our worship as we listen to Rosie Thom who has recorded the beautiful 17th century carol Remember O thou Man by Thomas Ravenscroft. Thank you to her for recording this for you to listen to, to ponder and of course enjoy, and thanks also to all who have been involved in developing new ways for us to worship together.
    Holy Trinity is a welcoming, friendly, open and inclusive church in Ayr, with a strong musical tradition and robed choir. Holy Trinity is part of the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway in the Scottish Episcopal Church.
    We have resumed services in Holy Trinity, Ayr and of course we are worshipping in accordance with the guidance from both the Scottish Episcopal Church and the Scottish Government. This will mean that there will be changes to the things we do; but we give thanks that we are one again able to gather together for worship and share in fellowship - socially distanced of course!
    The services we are currently able to hold are:
    Sunday 10:30 a.m. Eucharist
    Wednesday 11 a.m Eucharist
    In these difficult times we invite you to share in this. Although at this time we cannot gather together for worship, we are always, through God's Holy Spirit, united in Christ's body. As we worship him, wherever we may be, we can be assured of his love for us and his presence with us.
    Holy Trinity Church, Fullarton Street, Ayr

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