@femiadewuyi1917 while we are not able to control how others protect their information, we can protect how our information gets accessed. For example, if someone contacts you via WhatsApp pretending to be a close friend, and maybe asking for money or asking you to send them a code you received, verify with that friend through an alternative channel. You can call them on a different number, call someone who is in direct contact with them, or similar and verify that they are indeed asking you for money or the code. Like we say in the industry: zero trust until verified.
Thanks for sharing these tips. Please share a bit more about what to do whan a close friend or someone with my personal information gets hacked.
@femiadewuyi1917 while we are not able to control how others protect their information, we can protect how our information gets accessed. For example, if someone contacts you via WhatsApp pretending to be a close friend, and maybe asking for money or asking you to send them a code you received, verify with that friend through an alternative channel. You can call them on a different number, call someone who is in direct contact with them, or similar and verify that they are indeed asking you for money or the code. Like we say in the industry: zero trust until verified.
Thanks for all these tips
Glad you like them!