Dr Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere CBE

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2020
  • Dr Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere CBE, has had the great honour of interacting and sharing ancient teachings with 150 + Nations, throughout the Americas, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Great Britain, East Asia, the South Pacific, Europe, and more recently, Alaska.
    As a renowned Wisdom Keeper, a Tohuna Tipua ( Sower of the Sacred Seeds of Knowledge, and Keeper of the Secrets) who like her kinsmen, the Kahuna from Hawaii, is a cosmic force who chose to be born into an ancient Maori Lineage, including the Kura Huna (Mystery School in the Twelfth and Uppermost Heaven). As an Educationalist, this Tohuna Tipua, has represented New Zealand, internationally, several times. This Great Grandmother, and Revered Elder, upholds the Spirit of Oneness, Peace, Love, Joy and Truth, with the whole of Creation. One of her many aims in life, is to help people remember who they truly are, as both Celestial and Terrestrial Beings, if they have forgotten.
    On October 17th 2016, she was delighted to receive insight, assuring her, that children who are born from this time onwards, and future generations, are going to remember who they truly are. She will be the last Tohuna Tipua from her lineage, because of these revelations. Her knowledge base reaches back over 12, 000 years to Hawaiiki (also known as Mu), the largest continent in the world, before there was a break down of gas chambers, and most of the continent went under water.
    Honoured as a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 1996, for her contribution to Education in New Zealand, and the British Commonwealth, Dr Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere CBE, continues to share her expertise internationally.
    As the Eternal Spirit of Rongo-ma-tane a Mareikura (Archaea Amethyst) Dr Pere the “Keeper”, is also linked into the “Keeper” of Rongo-ma-tane’s Twin Flame, Tumatauenga, a Whatukura, (Archangel Zadkeil). The Mareikura and the Whatukura, uphold Kahukura (the Violet Flame) as One, because for the first time in the history of Creation, both “Keepers” are in on the Terrestrial at the same time. As an Eternal Spirit having a physical journey, she tries to keep a balance between her Celestial and Terrestrial state of being.
    Dr. Pere was guided to share her language and teachings with Non Maori people, particularly in regard to their total well being; living with nature, including indigenous plants, and tuning in with their Guardians the Patupaiarehe (Celestial, Terrestrial Star Beings, like herself). She shared her knowledge about the plants particularly, with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber a renowned Medicine Woman of Cherokee and Russian descent.
    Dr Pere was honoured by the Cherokee Nation as White Eagle Medicine Woman Of Peace in 1984, and felt that Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber a person with exceptional gifts, could help her to get the healing energies of New Zealand plants right out across Papatuanuku (Earth Mother, the Standing Place of the Rainbow Bridge).
    Franchelle founded First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® of which Dr Pere agreed to become the Official and Spiritual Patron and Guardian in Perpetuity.
    Walking on the New Threshold with the understanding that the whole of Creation is going to return to the perfection that it is in the Uppermost Heaven, by 2038, if not before; helps to keep Dr Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere, walking steadfastly Onward and Upward.
    So Be It.
    Dr Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere CBE
    Produced by Ariki Archives Ltd

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