I’ve been running an ISR for the last two years and it’s been bothering me so much lately. I’m looking to put ITBs on my car and not have the ISR drown it out. Was it worth switching to this exhaust ?
YES! This actually made quite a big difference, i can actually hear my music now lmao. Now my next sound related issue is the wind buffeting off my hardtop / the trim along it 😂
What did you do to to black out taillights?
I’ve been running an ISR for the last two years and it’s been bothering me so much lately. I’m looking to put ITBs on my car and not have the ISR drown it out. Was it worth switching to this exhaust ?
How is the commute now? Helped a bit with the droning?
YES! This actually made quite a big difference, i can actually hear my music now lmao. Now my next sound related issue is the wind buffeting off my hardtop / the trim along it 😂