I believe the weight sensor is a Piezo transducer, perhaps you could power the device and view the waveforms generated at different loads with a digital scope, cheers.
Mine still works so not allowed to take it apart yet. Neat to see the inners of one to see what might be salvageable parts for other projects. Keep tearing things apart.
I believe the weight sensor is a Piezo transducer, perhaps you could power the device and view the waveforms generated at different loads with a digital scope, cheers.
Yes! That's what I was trying to remember. Thank you
@@BasementElectronics All the best with your analysis.
Mine still works so not allowed to take it apart yet. Neat to see the inners of one to see what might be salvageable parts for other projects. Keep tearing things apart.
I can tell you're itching to though 😂
Thanks for watching. I already have my next victim on the bench
Interesting project but it seems audio is broken?
Thanks for letting me know. I'll try to re-upload it tonight.
I watched and I don't see a problem with the audio. I will admit to too many shots of the back of my head though
@@BasementElectronics Yes, now it works for me as well, in the first tries it was only some very quiet bubbling... Weird, sorry for the noise!
Great to hear. Thank you for watching
Nope. Audio weird, but still helpful
Your head is getting in the way
Yeah, that's something I've been trying to solve. I even made fun of this in my last April 1st video 😄