Title: Maru Batsu! Saiten no Tatsujin! (O/X! Grading Tatsujin!) Objective: Grade Don-chan's homework. There are three sections (or two if you play on Kantan): Kanji Aptitude, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. Controls: Use Left, Don (tatacon), or O (button) to mark with a Maru (Circle, correct) | Use Right, Ka (tatacon), or X (button) to mark with a Batsu (Check, incorrect) Goal: Take the least time to grade. >99 Seconds and you will fail the game. Marking a question right when its wrong and vice versa will waste your time. Recommended for: Those that have aptitude in the Japanese Language To all the donders that attempt this, good luck! Ranks: Japan's Number One Genius Intelligent Professor School's Number One Average of the class Empty-Headed
Its actually the opposite, Tetsuo is helping with Don's homework, but it doesn't go as far as solving the problems, its just "is it correct or wrong" kind of thing lol
Title: Maru Batsu! Saiten no Tatsujin! (O/X! Grading Tatsujin!)
Objective: Grade Don-chan's homework. There are three sections (or two if you play on Kantan): Kanji Aptitude, Mathematics, and General Knowledge.
Controls: Use Left, Don (tatacon), or O (button) to mark with a Maru (Circle, correct) | Use Right, Ka (tatacon), or X (button) to mark with a Batsu (Check, incorrect)
Goal: Take the least time to grade. >99 Seconds and you will fail the game. Marking a question right when its wrong and vice versa will waste your time.
Recommended for: Those that have aptitude in the Japanese Language
To all the donders that attempt this, good luck!
Japan's Number One Genius
Intelligent Professor
School's Number One
Average of the class
As someone learning Japanese this could be a good ability test lol
4:06 So funny
i want a taiko drum to help me with my maths xD
Its actually the opposite, Tetsuo is helping with Don's homework, but it doesn't go as far as solving the problems, its just "is it correct or wrong" kind of thing lol
To be honest I don't even know myself at this point
The minigames also similar to Nobita's test from Doraemon
@@irisyaytchannel3304I guess that was a reference.
Me dont know Japanese language be like 🙂
2 + 1 is 8???
The circle is correct
The checkmark is incorrect
*They're in Japan so the correct/incorrect marks will be different than the American marks*
ummmmmmmm, you need more think to win HARD, NORMAL