Rest in piece to one of the greatest uk hardcore producers who created one of the best kick and bass sounds we have ever heard, gone but never forgotten ❤
I remember being at a hardcore night in Coalville at the emporium I was about 21.... I was about 6 hours in, absolutely done in.... sitting on the stairs no energy.... wanted to go. Then this choon came on and revived my night. Loved it since that moment. RIP to a legend. 🙏👌💙❤
@@Jabarri74 Hi Glad You Like This Tune I Am So sorry 😔To Hear You Are Suffering Try To Stay Strong And Never Give up Things Will In time I hope Get better for you 🙏🙏
Rip squad e aka Wayne Donnelly sorry 😔 you were suffering with your demons but god has a beautiful guy up there in heaven I know you are looking down on all of your fans from all around the world that loved u ♥️and miss you do much thank you squad e for your mega talent and for being one of the greatest hatdcore DJs that we will ever see rip sweetheart we love you so much Wayne Donnelly aka rip squad e least you are not suffering anymore you were a beautiful guy xxxxxxxxx ♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐💐💐💐💋💋💋💋💋
Don't forget it will be a sad day on Friday this week it will be the sad passing of the beautiful DJ Squad E 🙏🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐💐gone but we will never forget him his legacy will live on and on my condolences to his beautiful family and friends ♥️u Wayne Donnelly xxxxxx 💕💕💕💋💋💋💋💋
Rest in piece to one of the greatest uk hardcore producers who created one of the best kick and bass sounds we have ever heard, gone but never forgotten ❤
I remember being at a hardcore night in Coalville at the emporium I was about 21.... I was about 6 hours in, absolutely done in.... sitting on the stairs no energy.... wanted to go. Then this choon came on and revived my night. Loved it since that moment. RIP to a legend. 🙏👌💙❤
0:34 That is one of the best melodies I've ever heard! Sounds so good. This is one hell of a song.
Listen: Fantasy Triki Disco - W&W
2024 Anyone Else Listening to this Massive Hardcore Tune ?? 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yeah I am today, loads of bangers on my playlist because why not. I'm 50 suffering and docs won't help so just geting hammered and enjoy the music
@@Jabarri74 Hi Glad You Like This Tune I Am So sorry 😔To Hear You Are Suffering Try To Stay Strong And Never Give up Things Will In time I hope Get better for you 🙏🙏
@@nadine4062 Music like this always helps. Ty for your kind words
@@Jabarri74 You're welcome Keep Positive
Yeah man 👊🏻
Legendary remix! RIP - and thanks for introducing me to UK Hardcore...
RIP This is the first tune I heard from him.
Rip to a legend 🙏🙏🙏
Rip squad e aka Wayne Donnelly sorry 😔 you were suffering with your demons but god has a beautiful guy up there in heaven I know you are looking down on all of your fans from all around the world that loved u ♥️and miss you do much thank you squad e for your mega talent and for being one of the greatest hatdcore DJs that we will ever see rip sweetheart we love you so much Wayne Donnelly aka rip squad e least you are not suffering anymore you were a beautiful guy xxxxxxxxx ♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐💐💐💐💋💋💋💋💋
.2022 here i am. Greetings from Turkey.
--'> At the same time from Amsterdam.
0:40 love it!
the best mix up I love it. RIP
Tricky disco!!!!
rip skoud e we love your music evan when we die 😢😢😢✌️🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️
Thanks for uploading
anyone have this in higher quality?
0:00-0:22 Z a j e b i s t e ! ! !
Great Work!
Don't forget it will be a sad day on Friday this week it will be the sad passing of the beautiful DJ Squad E 🙏🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐💐gone but we will never forget him his legacy will live on and on my condolences to his beautiful family and friends ♥️u Wayne Donnelly xxxxxx 💕💕💕💋💋💋💋💋
Awesome tune
I find this on 2024. FIREEEEE
happy 16th birthday to this video
C'mon mer! This is tricky this is tricky
RIP Squad-E
2020 anyone?
@@melolasan4750 this is happy hardcore lol nightcore was not even around when this was released lol
Nostalgia is real on this one. Love it
2099 and beyond probably
Still a tune
Rest Easy
2024 anyone??
RIP squad e 😇
I’ve been jamming to this since 2016, tiktok sucks dik
same brah fuark mirin fuarrrk brahhh yeaaaa
2022 still here
Bro this is the HEard I heard before My S9 Broke lol
Rest in peace fam x
Still here in 2022?
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa brahhhhhhhhhhhhhh its fuaaaaaaaaarrking zyzz brahhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I know this music from ROLOX hahahaaha
is that Zero Suit Samus
2024 anyone ?
Every year 👆👆👆👆
This is my jam
Dolly: Came From UVB-76 Aboba Hijack!
HTID at its finest
Hell yeah
Das Video ist so alt wie ich 😂
How does speeding up the original song make it a "Remix"....
take your meds man
lol to be fair he rearranged the various sections.
He added a beatiful sounds on 0:34 2:01 here too
нашёл наконец то
Im aries and ello
Привет 2024
Я ж не один делил который тут от флайнфлатагарда?
haha naw, it's got a different groove
why are people saying RIP?
Squad-E, who did this remix, has passed away.
@@esprod1342 aww what a shame, thank you for explaining
Zyzz won Aryans lost
Trust me, it’s a lot more than that
@@OfficialDJWolve He rearranged the parts, for instance launching the song with the drop, and called it a remix. Still, rest in Peace Squad-E.
All the remixer did was speeding the song up, didn't he?
No? Listen to the original. 😂
this is HTID.. clearly you don't what HTID is..
The original is shit, if you were wondering ;)
zesram sie
Terrible remix
terrible rem-ACKKKKK
Dolly: Came From UVB-76 Aboba Hijack!