I’m very interested in trying Tom’s Studio Wren/Lumos pens which come with a variety of tips and are meant to be refillable. I would say this pen reminds me of the Kuretake fillable pen…
I had one of the Kakkimori fine tip pens like this and made the mistake of putting a light ink in. I was able to pop the back off by putting a craft knife just under the edge. Then I flushed the wick in the sink, let it dry, and re-filled with darker ink. Might be worth a try? That brush looks nice!
Interesting. Just like Tom’s Studio pens.
I’m very interested in trying Tom’s Studio Wren/Lumos pens which come with a variety of tips and are meant to be refillable. I would say this pen reminds me of the Kuretake fillable pen…
I had one of the Kakkimori fine tip pens like this and made the mistake of putting a light ink in. I was able to pop the back off by putting a craft knife just under the edge. Then I flushed the wick in the sink, let it dry, and re-filled with darker ink. Might be worth a try? That brush looks nice!
That’s what I’ve been contemplating so thank you for sharing your experience! I’m going to do that! 🙌🏽 The pen itself is great so I want to save it.
The website states the pen can be rinsed and reused.
Thanks for pointing that out - it does state that you can get several uses in, with the same ink colour. I may try dipping it in a darker blue.