i guess im randomly asking but does anyone know a way to log back into an Instagram account?? I was stupid forgot my password. I love any assistance you can give me!
Pink Floyd is a big part of my life. I say they explain everything to you the World. I love your album everything I was young child, Now I understand I Love You.
Para mí el mejor grupo de la historia de la música sin ninguna duda, los descubrí con Ummagumma , a partir de ahí cada disco se superan , no me canso de escuchar su música.
Diego Fernando É isso cara, que album perfeito fala ae. Caso tu veja a minha resposta, da um ligue no som que começa a tocar em 17:00, o máximo na moral.
Any one seen the stereoscopic 3d rendering at the end of aThe Wall movie? When its all static just sitting there vibrating the possibility of being smashed... . ... .. ... ..
conosco todos los discos de floyd.y esto tiene aire de ser gr abaciones que nunca salieron.pero no es e endlles river porque yo lo tengo.igual esta muy bueno.
👍music very well. FLOYD всегда был актуален.
I cry everytime i hear this tribute.This is what i go to when i feel down.It has helped me so much.Thank you so much
Llevo escuchando pink Floyd 40 años y siempre es un placer oir su música
Great, No words can describe this feeling.
Excelente Música gracias por compartir Saludos
very calming and hypnotic
Thank you, Lewis
You're very welcome always
The greatest music. Space and time music.
Pink Floyd is my life . Something for Which it is worth living.........
all of pink Floyd is the best group ever in the would thank you for sharing peace
Thank you very much, Knut.
I'm from honduras and I live in the united states,and I'm listening pink floyd in paris thanks God for my life and David Gilmour
Thank you Mr. David Gilmore ❤
Verry good music
Amazing music, as always ♡ I just listened to this album during a hard exam and it really boosted my productivity and kept the stress low. Thanks!
That´s awesome to hear. Thak you so much. I hope you did well.
@@magicdweezel I did, thank you :)
Muy bueno!!! Aquí el sonido todo atraviesa y se degusta a plenitud.
Muchas gracias, Marcelo.
Lo escucho todos los días ye relajo y me olvidó de todos los problemase gusta grasias
Muchas gracias, Nelson
1st part has >7 milion views, 6th part has > 50.000 views
Only real Pink Floyd Lovers have reach here.....
Pink Floyd 4ever and ever
Terrefic, Marvellous, Aweome Extraordinary are PINK FLOYD! WHAT MUSIC! Thanks a lot for loading it for Pink Floyd's fans
I would like if these guys keep doing tributes
Pink floyd was and is a legendary band that should have homages
Thank you very much, Rodrigo
As I told my kids:
"One does not listen to Pink Floyd,
you EXPERIENCE Pink Floyd!"
The greatest truism ever ❤️ ♥️ 💖 💙 💓 💕 ❤️ ♥️ 💖 💙 💓 💕 ❤️ ♥️ 💖 💙 💓 💕 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
would be good to have one of wet stormy rainy night this kind of music
Yes, that´s right....hahaha
I listen to his music every night before I go to sleep it puts me to sleep
Cuando todo falta ,,,aquí esta pink floyd,,,
Gracias, Francisco
Bellissime melodie di suoni rilassanti e leggeri come piume al vento.
Most beautiful! Cannot be beat nor replaced. Never heard an "Equal", even near
Doesn't matter what I'm doing while vibing this entire album but **this one** is amazing wonderful touched by Creator
Thank you very much
i guess im randomly asking but does anyone know a way to log back into an Instagram account??
I was stupid forgot my password. I love any assistance you can give me!
@Mitchell Maverick instablaster =)
Emprendiendo vuelo, tonos musicales que te llevan al infinito!!!
Muchas gracias, Fernando
Thanks Beb. X
Thank you for listening, Janine
Mi piace Ascoltare questo brano la notte
Grazie mille, Marco
Excellent album
Thank you very much, Paulo
Pink Floyd is a big part of my life. I say they explain everything to you the World. I love your album everything I was young child, Now I understand I Love You.
That is the way. The only way for ones who can!
Panta rei
Pink Floyd is and Will be the Best rock progresiv Band. I love them
>> 12:07 wash away all the pain hate revenge cry ------------------- feel the new birth of a soul -------- and start a new start --------
😎 saben un astronomo deven oir Enless river mientras hacen su trabajo me imagino el momento fenomenal 💥
Hahaha. Buena idea. Muchas gracias.
yet another genuine album.....from the "greats" of yesteryear where quality of listening music becomes alive and a real pleasure to liston to!
no cansan ni descansan quieren superarse pero no pueden son insuperbles unicos.
Thank you very much , Robert
@@magicdweezel Absolutely adore this. Big Gilmour fan!!!
No one can even stand in the shadow of Pink Floyd
A beautiful musical jurney
Para mí el mejor grupo de la historia de la música sin ninguna duda, los descubrí con Ummagumma , a partir de ahí cada disco se superan , no me canso de escuchar su música.
I read Stephen Kings Dark Towers books to Ur Floyd Tribute. Well done 👏 thank U 💖🏆
My pleasure, Darren
I am only in 6 of 6. 14 in and 2 thumbs up. looking forward to the first 5. wish I had money. Big Floyd fan. You have done a tribute very well
Thank you very much, Mark
Пинк Флоид любимая группа. Я Россиянен с 16 лет слушаю, мне уже 68.
очень приятно, спасибо большое
Lo mejor de lo mejor en otro mundo estos tema
It's very amazing
como pueden ser tan buenos????? hay que saber hacer las cosas bien hechas . fantastico inmejorable.
just great, love the sound of mu new Infinity Kappa 8.1, Kappa is made for Pink Floyd lolz thnxss
Thank you very much
Grasias mi mente con la música se olvida .mis problemas y mi corazón está lejos un lugarconfor
I love all this tributes. Thank you.
Muy bueno
Muchas gracias, Antonio
Maybe it isn't PK,but it's wonderfull!!
Thank you so much Alejandro
muito belo!!!! fantástico esse som, não canso de ouvir.
Diego Fernando É isso cara, que album perfeito fala ae. Caso tu veja a minha resposta, da um ligue no som que começa a tocar em 17:00, o máximo na moral.
pink floyd e um tesão
Isto é MÚSICA, coisa que a MPB está longe de alcançar. Isso te eleva em outras dimensões.
you are greater than Floyd. it even took a while to set in because I couldn't see someone else aking this type of stuff. it is great!
This is good yes, but never Greater than Floyd, Never....
Thank you, Danijela
@@magicdweezel 💕🇭🇷
just dropped 10 drops lsd 25 loving you syd barett forever loved rip in the arms of eternal now om
I love shrooms.
Built any fjords lately?
Pink Floyd 4ever and ever!
Ancárgel Miguel es mi protector 💜
Bom de mais de se escutar
Obrigado, Abdulgafar
Love the part that begins 16.40 on this album
Bliss Vibz!
Nyl yoo,soon my friend.
Музика Бест!Пінк Флойд Форева! Тяжко! Всі спогади... Все теперішнє... Україна -Київська Русь -Київ
Any one seen the stereoscopic 3d rendering at the end of aThe Wall movie? When its all static just sitting there vibrating the possibility of being smashed... . ... .. ... ..
U guys may be interested in synthwave music! Its is severely overlooked
Ok, Now in english. This is MUSIC, something that the brazilian pop music is far away to reach.
دواء نيشان
navegar dentro de tu mente, en tu nave imaginaria te ejercita tus sentidos.
conosco todos los discos de floyd.y esto tiene aire de ser gr
abaciones que nunca salieron.pero no es e endlles river porque yo lo tengo.igual esta muy bueno.
música pra viagem nada de avião pé na estrada rio x Porto alegre vamos
Listen to guitar and add your own words,,,,in any language
when will you " set the controls for the heart of the sun " ? :-)
Good shit
How did you guys make this?
I passed your name around. Hope it helps. Love this shit!
No son Pink Floyd ni esa musica pertenece al album The Endless River. Abajo dejo el enlace al verdadero
this shit is so cool. Floyd couldn't even do shit like this
Во первых, земля точно не шар, во вторых, и звезды, и солнце, и луна не где то там, а рядом.
esquusita mucica
Este no es el disco de Pink Floyd
Sergio Sanchez co ty pierdolisz
pinlk floid in pompey
pink floyd in pompey
o k
flid in pompey
That's my Favorite
Ma sono veramente i Pink Floyd?
A lot of background hiss. :(
licentia meditatie eu time 71710052019
Mungkin ini yang dimaksud gambaran surga yang indah dibawahnya sungai-sungai yang mengalir tak berujung... / @bushroni.bushroni. 1 / Indonesian Cinta
terima kasih