Please etubers መልስልኝ የቴሌግራም channelህ ላይ የሚመልስልኝ የለም bussiness Administration in Digital Marketing በ MA ደረጃ የት ነዉ የሚሰጠዉ??? በጣም አድናቂ ነኝ subscribe ካረኩ አንድ ሳምንት ቢሆነኝ ነዉ best you tube channel in Ethiopia so far keep up your good work
Miki , the fact that you are explaining things from your heart is a testament to your work. A lot of TH-camrs can talk about something but I've never seen one go as deep as you. Thanks for all of things!!!
What an excellent & practical explanation!! It takes me almost two days following this video and the document to create an upwork profile in data entry skill. I wish you all the best, Thank you!!
It's a very useful course for us, it's the first one for us. I haven't found an Ethiopian TH-camr who made a clear video at a high level. Thank you. 🙏❤️👍
Thank you, Mikyas, for generously sharing your expertise in this field. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and your dedication to excellence is commendable. Keep up the outstanding work, brother!
Thank you Mike it is really amazing to find such kind of dedicated people these days. What you do is very helpful and inspiring, It really helped me. Bless up brother🙌🙏
እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ ወንድሜ! I followed your steps and I got a job in the Upwork and life got better now. I wanna thank you so much and so proud of you for your positivity and knowledge.🥰🥰
bro, you are a genius. the strategies you gave us to make ourselves approachable is so incredible. I have just created an upwork account this week, made so many mistakes learned from them and still learning and exploring still. Your videos inspired me to get into this thing and is making me look forward to it. But I am goddam sure applying the techniques and strategies can make me a good freelancer and Be who I want to be. After Victory, I will be back for the testimonial. I promise. Thanks in advance, brother. May God protect you and your Family from any Evil !
Hey Mikiyas, how are you? Thanks so much for sharing this course. It was so so helpful. I wish you all the success in the world. 🙏🙏 I have a question. I finished all the process today. But Upwork is asking me to verify my identity by uploading photos of me and my national ID. What should I do?
Appreciate your effort to help us and I have a question in the skills section best high paying skills you said web design and web development is good one and also you say front end and back end development is also good, so what is the difference between those. pls if you can do a video on road map for web design and development
i have just come across your channel recently can't believe how much i have grasped so many vital skills from your channel within this short period of time . God bless you bro .
What a brilliant man!! I have never seen such a tutor! I already registered on upwork, completed all forms (100% completed profile), as well as get PayPal account due to your clear videos. Keep this incredible work for your young fellow citizens!!
this is the most best and interesting topic and content i never seen before 10ks to you etubers and your team keep it up hope u doing a gr8 impact in this generation
I strongly pray to God for his blessing you a trillion+ times for you clean and positive thinking and practical support at such a young age. It is truly a hope for the country and beyond - እግዚአብሄር ገንዘብም እውቀትም ለሚሰጠው ያውቃልና ጨምሮ ጨምሮ እድሜ ጤና ሃብት እውቀቀት ይስጥህ። አንተ መቼም አትጠግብና ግራ አይገባህም because you know how to share it. I downloaded the guide in both languages and will be using it and የምደርስበትን will show you. My first born is your age and already shared her. You don't know how many you are helping in and out. Thank you so much son.
I have seen a lot of u tube video 0n the u tube but Don't think I get like this video ever again, like Jest clear and I see very strong team work on the back ,that are thankful for u , actually a good work that was seen not expressed by talking know u show me that . I see every single course on focus tanks bro GBU
Thank you very much, my friend. Your generosity in sharing your valuable experiences is truly appreciated. Keep being a remarkable individual. Thank you. It's very heplful tutorial. Keep-up
I have no word bro, it so exuberated depiction, and you are a great professional, I recommend everyone to follow this man because he is responsible and most of his Works are neat and to the point
Thank you brother Mike. you are best dedicated person. What you do is very helpful and inspiring,I loved all your videos. It really helped me. I am happy for you.
Thank you, Mikiyas, its really amazing explanations clear and to the point. I appreciate your help, keep up the good work hope so to apply what I have learned from this video and get a job. May God reward you with everlasting happiness.
Please etubers መልስልኝ የቴሌግራም channelህ ላይ የሚመልስልኝ የለም bussiness Administration in Digital Marketing በ MA ደረጃ የት ነዉ የሚሰጠዉ??? በጣም አድናቂ ነኝ subscribe ካረኩ አንድ ሳምንት ቢሆነኝ ነዉ best you tube channel in Ethiopia so far keep up your good work
Ena ahun clinte agncha neber gn ahun techmari lemaggnet apply lemaleg sfelg contact yalegn 2 bcha new mn larg ebakh ena ahun contact new chgra 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Selam I did register. What next step
Next sela bet coin
በጣም ግልፅ በሆነ መንገድ ነው ያስተማርከን በጣም እናመሰግናለን ።በኦንላይን ስራ መስራት ፈልጌ ብዙ ጊዜ ትክክለኛ መረጃ የሚስጥ ሰው አላገኘሁም ነበር ።እግዚአብሄር ከዚህ በላይ እውቀቱን እና ቀና ልብህን ይጨምርልህ❣
የዚህ ዓለም ሰው አደለህም ብሮ መልካምነትህ ብቻ ይበቃል እውነት የአብዛኛው ሀበሻ ችግር ከሱ ማደግ በላይ የጓደኛው ማጣት የሚያስደስተው ነው አቦ ተባረክ❤
የምር ምን አይነት ሰው ነህ.... ያወቁትን ማሳወቅ ትልቅነት እንደሆነ የገባህ ሰው፡፡ Thank you so much bro keep it up.
Thanks dear 🙏
አንተን ለመግለፅ ቃላት የለኝም። እግዚአብሄር ከዚህ በላይ እውቀቱን ይጨምርልህ። ተባረክ!!!!
ሰው በጠፋ ሰዓት ሰው ተገኘ, ትልቅ ሰው ነህ 🙏 እድሜ ይስጥህ.
Amen teda
video editing፦100%👏
content creation፦👌👏👐
with cool Explanation፦😎👏
you are amazing buddy👏
keep it up the good work👍
Thank you for recognizing what I do. 😍
እመኑኝ የኢትዮጵያ ስራ አጥ ወጣቶች በዚህ ልጅ ትምህርት /ስልጠና ባለ ገንዘብና ደሞዝተኛ ይሆናሉ።
በጣም ትክክል👍
Betam tikikil
I feel the same
100% 🥰🥰🥰
tewu gen letaselekesugn new 😭
I've never seen TH-camr explain it in detail like you. You are the first one.thank you so much. I have no words to describe you, thank you.
ምርጥ ባለሙያ ነህ ወንድሜ። ከብዙ ልፋት በኋላ አገኘሁህ እግዚአብሔር ከክፉ ይጠብቅህ። በቪዲዮ ኤዲቲንግ ዙሪያ ብትሰራ ብዙ ሰው ተስፋው ይለመልማል
በእግዚአብሔር የተባረክ ልጅ ነህ ዕውቀቱን ጨምሮ ይስጥህ
ሰአትህን ጊዜህን ጨርሰህ ለምትሰጠን ትምህርት ምስጋናዪ ይድረስህ 😊😊ኑርልን😍😍
Zu 😍😍😍
Contact me on telegram @promikemunroe
@@etubersእሺ ወንድማለም❤
@@etubersi start video 10 sec ago
የመጀመሪያ እንደሆንኩ አስባለሁ miki
ሰላም ሚኪ በቅድሚያ ስለሰጠህን ጠቃሚ መረጃ ከልብ እናሙሰግናለን ❤ ግን "up work wright review " ላይ copy past ማደርገውን discretion ላይ አይከፍትልኝም 😢ተባበረኝ
በጣም ነው የማመሰግነው በርታ ከዚህ የበለጠ ብዙ ነገሮችን እንደምታሳየን እርግጠኛ ነኝ 👍
I have no word to say Miki
እግዚአብሄር ዘመንህን ይባርከው ወንድማለም።
ሰራ ብሰራበትም ባልሰራበትም ቅንነትክ ይበቃናል Please be always positive. Oky keep it up
Addis tnx 🙏🙏
አንተ መልካም ሰው ነክ ቀና ሰው የሰውን እድገት የምትፈልግ የተባረክ እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ
አንተን ለመግለፅ ቃላት የለኝም ሚኪ ተባረክ
Miki , the fact that you are explaining things from your heart is a testament to your work. A lot of TH-camrs can talk about something but I've never seen one go as deep as you. Thanks for all of things!!!
ያወቁትን ማሳወቅ በጎነት ነው ፈጣር ረጅም እድሜ ይስጥክ
I am a software architecture and senior developer with 6+ years of experience working on international project and platform.
በጣም ላመሰግን እፈልጋለሁ። ብዙ ጥያቄዎችን ግልፅ በሆነ እና አጠር ባለ መልኩ ስለ አቀረብክልን አመሰግናለሁ።
What an excellent & practical explanation!!
It takes me almost two days following this video and the document to create an upwork profile in data entry skill.
I wish you all the best,
Thank you!!
Sera agenehe ende be data entry upwork ley
@@SafiyaAhmed-g3g nop alagegnhum
እኔ ከዚ በፊት እሄንን ሙሉ መመርያና አሰራሩን የሚያሳይ ቪዲዮ እንዲዘጋጅ ከጠየቁት አንዱ ነበርኩ። ዛሬ በ ልኡል እግዚአብሔር ፈቃድና አንተም በቃልህ መሰረት ቪዲዮውን ስላዘጋጀህልን ደስ ብሎኛል።
እና 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 ጎበዞች ብያቹሃለው ላንተና ለመላው የዚ ቻነል የስራ ባልደረቦች በሙሉ፡ አመሰግናለው!!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
ግልፅ በሆነ መንገድ ነው የሰራኸው በጣም ቅን ሰው ነህ። ተባረክ ወንድሜ
ወንድሜ ስለሰጠህን ትምህርት ከልብ እናመሰግናለን እግዚአብሔር ከዚህ የበለጠ እውቀትና ጥበብ ያድልህ።አንተ የልጅ አዋቂ ነህ።ደግሞ ከሌሎች ለየት የሚያደርግህ ሁሉንም ነገሮች በተግባር እያሳየህና እያስረዳህ መሆኑ በጣም የሚያስደንቅ ብቃትህ ነው።ብዙ ወጣቶች የአንተን ዩቲዩብ እያዩ ገቢ የሌላቸው እንዲኖራቸው ያላቸው ደግሞ ገቢያቸውን እንደሚጨምሩ እርግጠኛ ነኝ።
It's a very useful course for us, it's the first one for us. I haven't found an Ethiopian TH-camr who made a clear video at a high level. Thank you. 🙏❤️👍
I will try my best to be the best 😍
He is my first Real man in the youtube
Thank you, Mikyas, for generously sharing your expertise in this field. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and your dedication to excellence is commendable. Keep up the outstanding work, brother!
How to get cover leter
you are so genuine , smart and man
የምር በጣም ቃላት አጠረኝ ትለያለህ
ማሻ አላህ ወንድማች በጣም ጎበዝ እስቲ ለኛም ለመዳም ቅመሞች የሚሆን ነገር ጠቁመን እኔ በትርፍ ሰአቴ ለመስራት ብዙ ግዜ ፍላጎት ነበረኝ ወላሂ የመዳም ኩሽና ስልችት ብሎኛል
Thank you Mike it is really amazing to find such kind of dedicated people these days. What you do is very helpful and inspiring, It really helped me. Bless up brother🙌🙏
Simply you are a humble. keep going bro
ወንድም እግዚአብሄር ጤናህን፣ እድሜህን፣ ህይወትህን እና ጉልበትህን ይባርክልህ ፡፡ ለሰፀኸን ትምህር በጣም አመሰግናለሁ፡፡
ላንተ ቃላት የለኝም!!!!
እባክህን ስለ dropservicing video ስራልን
እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ ወንድሜ! I followed your steps and I got a job in the Upwork and life got better now. I wanna thank you so much and so proud of you for your positivity and knowledge.🥰🥰
Great job!
Is it true bro?
Very excellent explanation if you continue this way you will lift up a generation financialy keep it up the good work. Bless you!
thank you mickey you are better than any of the ethiopian youtubers
ምንድነው ግን ወንድሜ ወንድሜ ትመስለኛለህ? ወንድም ኖሮኝ ሳይሆን መልካምነትህ!❤
bro, you are a genius. the strategies you gave us to make ourselves approachable is so incredible. I have just created an upwork account this week, made so many mistakes learned from them and still learning and exploring still. Your videos inspired me to get into this thing and is making me look forward to it. But I am goddam sure applying the techniques and strategies can make me a good freelancer and Be who I want to be.
After Victory, I will be back for the testimonial. I promise.
Thanks in advance, brother. May God protect you and your Family from any Evil !
Gobez lij geta yebarekeh
Your entire presentation was inspiring and very clear. Thank you so much!
It's the best tutorial lesson I had ever learned a lot of honest and precise information how to work in Upwork platform.
Thanks. Mikiyas
This guy is legit
ሰላም ወንድሜ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ upwork ከፈትኩ የአንተን ቪዲዮ እያየሁ እና ግን TH-cam video script writing ስራው እንዴት እንደሚሰራ ከቻልክ ብትነግረኝ ብሰራ ትንሽ ያግዘኛል ለልጄ ወተት መግዣ ግን በድጋሜ አመሰግናለሁ
አዎ እባክክ እርዳን
Eshi enate 😍
How can I get that document please tell me
አግዚአብሄር ይባርክህ ወንድም እንደ አንተ አይነቱን ፈጣሪ እንዲያበዛልን እጸልያለሁ!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
በጣም እናመሰግናለን 😊😊
ግን ብኣካል ብታስተምረን ደስ ይልናል 🎉🎉🎉
Hey Mikiyas, how are you? Thanks so much for sharing this course. It was so so helpful. I wish you all the success in the world. 🙏🙏
I have a question. I finished all the process today. But Upwork is asking me to verify my identity by uploading photos of me and my national ID. What should I do?
me too
Appreciate your effort to help us and I have a question in the skills section best high paying skills you said web design and web development is good one and also you say front end and back end development is also good, so what is the difference between those. pls if you can do a video on road map for web design and development
Thanks 🙏
You have such a blessed soul.....clear and articulate and taking this much time to help others make thier living...keep it up brother..!!!!!!
Miki I have no word to express your maximum ability and exprience.Thank you.
I don't see on description the documents
It's there see it carefully
በጣም አሪፍ ማብራሪያ ነው ክብረት ይስጥልኝ ሌላ 1 ቪደኦ ብትሰራልን ደስ ይለኛል በግራፊክስ ዙሪያ 1 ስራ መርጠክ እዴት እደሚሰራ ብታሳየን
YOUNG MILLIONAIRE thank you so much Miki wish you all the best and Berta
i have just come across your channel recently can't believe how much i have grasped so many vital skills from your channel within this short period of time . God bless you bro .
ሳልዋሽህ ደስ አትለኝም ነበር..
ነገር ግን
የምር ምርጥ ነህ!!!
I lack a word,to express your bright explanation tnxs alot
bro i am melek and i am here to learn upwork i hate school i am not helping my parents by going to school so i need to work thanks mike teacher
A Lot of thanks! dear Mikiyas, for sharing practical experience without any reservations.
Our pleasure!
best boy of Ethiopia. I just like your Genuineness
What a brilliant man!! I have never seen such a tutor! I already registered on upwork, completed all forms (100% completed profile), as well as get PayPal account due to your clear videos. Keep this incredible work for your young fellow citizens!!
Thanks 😍
How is it? Did you get any jobs?
this is the most best and interesting topic and content i never seen before 10ks to you etubers and your team keep it up hope u doing a gr8 impact in this generation
Thanks man ! Love the fact you are detail oriented
Profile mistakes" I can do all things" "አስር ያባረረ አንድ አይዝም አለ ያገሬ ሰው" true stay focused on a thing has better out come😊 tanks you are good bless you.
Ohhh, my God ,this is literally spoon feeding ❤❤❤
I don't know how to thank you, and I am glad to find your channel Mikiyas
Bless you
I strongly pray to God for his blessing you a trillion+ times for you clean and positive thinking and practical support at such a young age.
It is truly a hope for the country and beyond - እግዚአብሄር ገንዘብም እውቀትም ለሚሰጠው ያውቃልና ጨምሮ ጨምሮ እድሜ ጤና ሃብት እውቀቀት ይስጥህ። አንተ መቼም አትጠግብና ግራ አይገባህም because you know how to share it. I downloaded the guide in both languages and will be using it and የምደርስበትን will show you. My first born is your age and already shared her. You don't know how many you are helping in and out.
Thank you so much son.
Waw thanks 😊
I have seen a lot of u tube video 0n the u tube but Don't think I get like this video ever again, like Jest clear and I see very strong team work on the back ,that are thankful for u , actually a good work that was seen not expressed by talking know u show me that . I see every single course on focus tanks bro GBU
Thank you very much, my friend. Your generosity in sharing your valuable experiences is truly appreciated. Keep being a remarkable individual. Thank you. It's very heplful tutorial. Keep-up
No words have the power to express my deep feeling. I can only say "Thank you dear Mike!"
Win glad i could help!🙏🙏
I am really appreciate you and I would like to thank you. God bless you bro
Thank you Mik. I have great respect for you. B/c you gave to us all you know it
I appreciate that
mike Eth wust endzi detail sele sraw yemiyawera sw mebzat albtt ,tebareki mann, big respect
This is game changer mentor brother thank you. This is the first time when i trust online tutorial
Amazing you are what such a kind person you creat really."Young Millioner" keep it up thank you very much 🙏
I have no word bro, it so exuberated depiction, and you are a great professional,
I recommend everyone to follow this man because he is responsible and most of his
Works are neat and to the point
Mike I have no words for you just God bless you and thanks❤
Thank you very much 💯💯👌👌 especially because it’s in Amharic.
I have successfully get the thing that I need. Thanks my Brother.
Wow, amazing video. Thank you man
I admaired you because u give clear course thank u
You uncovered the bright fure of life, I can say.Thank you.
Young Millionaire! Thank you Mikias for your willingness to support young Ethiopians!
Paste yaregewn keyet agegehew tell me pls🙏
What you need to ask me?@@NAT_NATI
Withdraw ማድረጊያ መንገዶችን አዘጋጅቼ ጨርሼ ባለኝ ነጻ ሰዓት ምን ዓይነት ኦንላይን ስራ ልስራ ባልኩበት የመጀመሪያ ፍለጋዬ ላይ youtube አንተን recommend ስላደረገኝ ደስ ብሎኛል። ክሰብስክራይብ ጋር ምስጋናዬን አቅርቢያለሁ በርታ።
I know am late but just want to give it a try
Young Millionaire 🔥🔥
Thank you so much for you bro comprehensive guide end explanation
Thank you brother Mike. you are best dedicated person. What you do is very helpful and inspiring,I loved all your videos. It really helped me. I am happy for you.
You are very welcome
Thanks bro,gn endanth bedem stepun tebke reviewed eylai beatam bzubgize nw yemokerkut eski mefthe sti🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Miko i don't know what I've to say...... i loss for words to thank you....... Thank you so match for what You doing...... just keep it up!
Thank you too!
What a wonderfull explanation, thank you soooo much miki.
You're very welcome!
Thank you, Mikiyas, its really amazing explanations clear and to the point. I appreciate your help, keep up the good work hope so to apply what I have learned from this video and get a job. May God reward you with everlasting happiness.
Betam enameseginalen mik you are genuine TH-camr I follow ur videos always ❤❤❤
You are absolutley speechless.
Thanks bro.
Mikiachene betralene give us more solution for your country people love you God bless and keep you
thank you bro, I have got a lot of ideas and you inspire me to work as freelancer and solved a long time problem thank you ! keep it up.
Great to hear!
YOUNG MILLIONAIRE❤. You are Incredible Thank you
Imagine this work is success i live my future life 🎉🎉