That's a profound realization! Developing the courage to make decisions, regardless of the outcome, is a cornerstone of personal growth. It reflects a mindset of learning and evolving through experiences.
How wonderful! I didn't learn it until my late 30s. I was always a victim until I got tired of suffering and began to explore "why"? What a life changing revelation ❤. It's been a beautifully painful journey full of rewards and healing.
That sentence has no meaning, because "best" can be whatever. If you make a choice, realize it's a bad choice and correct your path because of it, then you haven't made the "best" out of it in the contextual meaning of the word.
From someone who started to suffer from choice fatigue in college, I finally realized that it is usually best to simply make the decision that is best based on the information I had at the time and not ruminate on it long. You can cause yourself so much unnecessary and prolonged suffering from debating over choices; pick one and be brave enough to face the consequences.
Unbelievably I am pretty much faced with all 3 dilemmas right now... and I even was contemplating a house that was right next to a train tracks recently (thankfully choice was made for me and it went off the market, i didnt want to live near a train track)... It is spookily on point! Always at the right time these videos, thanks!
Happiness doesn’t come from perfect choices, as every decision has its pros and cons. Choose decisively and live fully, rather than obsessing over right or wrong.
I am truly sorry for people who are overwhelmed by choices and get stuck trying to make decisions. I had a close friend who I eventually moved away from because she was perennially stuck and unable to make hard choices and change her life (immediately or eventually for the better). She said herself that she's a dreamer. I'm not like that. I am very confident about decision-making, research and analyze a lot, and decide fairly quickly. I almost never regret choices once I've made them, recognizing they may not be perfect but they're good enough and I can live with the results. Perfectionist tendencies are the death of effective decision-making and ability to move forward. A lot of people are in the perfectionist camp.
It has nothing to do with her dreaming though. It has been built around the dismissive reaction she got from those closest to her when she did anything. Tone is seriously important.
@@somuchbaloney6283 In the end, I couldn't help my friend. She was just too scared and paralyzed to make changes. She couldn't do any hard, necessary work. Not surprisingly, she has perfectionist tendencies. We're talking about a 40-year pattern! I no longer respected her, so I stopped seeing her regularly. We still keep in touch by text. By contrast, I have another close friend who is timid, introverted, unadventurous, doesn't handle change well - and yet, she has been able to take courses and make changes in her life for the better. I respect her, and we're still close friends. 😀
Thank you, School of Life! After torturing myself for several months for not being able to make a decision that appears to be the hardest of my life so far - this video actually seems to make the drop hight felt a bit smaller. Your videos really are a gift.
This is mind-blowing just finished my therapy session an hour ago and we were actually discussing this topic. The timing of this.Love you, The School of Life. Thanks for feeding us food for thoughts.
I have just tasted massive failure in my 5 year qualification program and now they kicked me out. This video is almost feel like it was made for me. Thanks.
I took the job offer. Things might not go well at the new place but I will never know if my job could be any better if I don’t take opportunities when I’m confronted by them. It won’t be life changing in the sense people usually mean, but it literally will be life changing and sometimes that’s all we need: fresh scenery
We rarely, if ever, have all the information we need to make "the best decision"; fact is to do so we would need a crystal ball. So, assess what information you have, cross your fingers, pray, knock wood, whatever is your inclination and then decide..
I don't know what type of voiceover this is, but I love how it's calm like in a storytelling way, comforting. They always manage to conclude the videos in such a way that feels like a hug and makes you feel hopeful.
we hyperfocus on our choices because they are the only realms in which we feel control. it’s really nice to feel in control and really disheartening to not. and it can be really hard to accept how little agency we have i hope to imbibe the final point here that in the end it’s all gonna end up ambivalent anyway
I am amazed how seldom the subject of decision making is discussed. To me it is deeply interesting on many levels. For me so many choices seem 50/50. When I'm really sure I want something or to do something I'm overjoyed to be free of painful ambiguity.
To me, there are only difficult choices to be made if you make it to be that way. And im sure not everyone on this planet can explain the total reasoning within their choices...but then again, we're always making choices and manifesting whether we realize it or not; and thats a super crazy concept...although i believe it to be very true and its par for the course when you really take the time to think about it.
I recently had to make a huge decision. A life inflection point as you may say. Took me 3 months to decide. Turns out I didn’t trust myself that much in making decisions. Because for so long, I let someone decide for me; my ex for 9 years. “Any choice can be the right one. As long as you’re willing to embrace it.” I’m learning to trust myself more.
The timing of this... I am an expat living in South Korea, 21 years old, now graduated and found a job which I am commuting to daily these days. I look at my colleagues and they are much older, much experienced in both hard& soft skills. while I speak some four languages (which I assume why they picked me during two interviews), I feel like "I don't speak the language of corporate life" just yet. I was having a hard time to choose if I should really stay, if this is really for me, or maybe spend some more time figuring myself out without the burden of Korea's rather hard corporate life..
my mentor once told me there must be a practical choices for risks, life is not what we intended to or perhaps majority does. we will never really knew what future holds until it becomes the present. whether that risk is worth it or not, impractical or not, beautiful or not.
i have a long time had a break from school of life, but found that I can watch these movies again if a double the speed of the videos and greatful for the content
Time is the only resource. Do SOMETHING. Anything. Even if you're mostly uncertain, it's better to accomplish a task so that something gets done rather than wait until some unknown moment that will probably never arrive. "Tomorrow" is a dangerous word. Especially when it is preceded by "I'll do it". 😉 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ "Time is the only resource for which no creature may bargain..." --DD1 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨
That's an interesting perspective - if it's hard to make a choice - the options are somewhat similar. If something is clearly better or worse - the choice is easy.
Decision making has always been hard for me, even if it's just deciding what to order at a restaurant. Recently I was reading a book (Real Self Care by Pooja Lakshmin) and there was a quote along the lines of "Is there any decision you feel you wouldn't be punished for?" and I was just like....oh.... yeah that.
I was just thinking about a very serious life decision and am very happy to discover that the perspective provided here lives up to its title! Fascinating video too! Reminds me a bit of the classic *I SPY* picture books!
Hard choices often feel agonizing because we believe there is one perfect path that guarantees happiness or avoids misery. But the truth, as explored in my book, Wisdom and Reflection, is that most options we agonize over have both joys and challenges. Whether it’s a partner, a property, or a job, every choice carries both beauty and difficulty. Understanding this can free us from the illusion of a 'perfect' decision. Joy and pain coexist, and no matter what we choose, we are never far from either. The key is to find peace in the balance. Sometimes, the best choice is simply to choose." - Arshak Andriasov (Wisdom and Reflection)
Decision fatigue is real! This film offers valuable insights into making calm and rational decisions. Embracing uncertainty and accepting imperfection can be incredibly liberating!
Tough decisions only appear tough when all options seem equally good, so they´re all good. There is a Ted Talk and tough decisions by some asian women named Wong I think.
But you can not know, if these bad decisions were bad or good for your life. One bad thing could have prevented ten other bad things from happening. Or different decision might be even worse, you just can't know. Maybe it isn't about good or bad, maybe we need to find peace?
This is such a refreshing perspective on decision-making. It’s easy to get caught up in the belief that there’s one ‘perfect’ choice, but your explanation reminds me of something that often guides me: the importance of embracing the flow of life and accepting imperfection. Every path has its joys and challenges, and true freedom lies in understanding that perfection isn’t the goal-balance is. What’s a choice you’ve made recently where this perspective brought you clarity and peace?
What's the name of the boardgame used in this video? Thank you! And also very true that everyone's life will have bad days, weather in relationships, at home or at work, we can't avoid them but we can make the best out of them. It all comes down to thoughts -> decissions -> actions -> habbits.
But does it mean we should take the easy pathways as they are easy and not challenging. Is taking higher roads, working hard not going to help me have a better life ? Well then we will stop pushing or aiming for smthg bigger.
I’d say having goals or directions is good and healthy, but yes, sometimes decisions come with challenges. Especially if we try to live up to our values, the path isn’t always easy, but worthwhile nevertheless. Working too hard and chasing our goals is counterproductive though (and exhausting). Trusting and allowing might be a better choice. Good luck to you.🍀
Anyone ever loved two people at the same time and couldn't decide? Did you make a decision eventually? Or will I literally feel like this till the day I die? 😅
I learned at a young age that getting into the habit of making decisions-whether good or bad-is essential to living a life filled with growth.
That's a profound realization! Developing the courage to make decisions, regardless of the outcome, is a cornerstone of personal growth. It reflects a mindset of learning and evolving through experiences.
How wonderful! I didn't learn it until my late 30s. I was always a victim until I got tired of suffering and began to explore "why"? What a life changing revelation ❤. It's been a beautifully painful journey full of rewards and healing.
@ hope you’re having a wonderful life! I’m just 27 and wish to make the most of my time here on this planet.
I’m happy you did. I didn’t, which has led me to a life filled with doubt, fear and stagnation.
@@SjorsHoukes i wish your happiness 🤪 god give all your problems to me
The key to life is not always making the best choice...but making the best of the choices you make.
That sentence has no meaning, because "best" can be whatever. If you make a choice, realize it's a bad choice and correct your path because of it, then you haven't made the "best" out of it in the contextual meaning of the word.
Love the name!😂
Make the choice you can live with, and live with it
Oh damn I had to screenshot this. God like knowledge right here.
Thats a great one thx
There's relief in knowing there is no perfect
In short: choose your joy, choose your pain, for you are never far from either.
From someone who started to suffer from choice fatigue in college, I finally realized that it is usually best to simply make the decision that is best based on the information I had at the time and not ruminate on it long.
You can cause yourself so much unnecessary and prolonged suffering from debating over choices; pick one and be brave enough to face the consequences.
Not only is this exactly what I needed right now, but one of the examples is precisely what I’m going through.
It's the house next to the railroad right? Right?
Unbelievably I am pretty much faced with all 3 dilemmas right now... and I even was contemplating a house that was right next to a train tracks recently (thankfully choice was made for me and it went off the market, i didnt want to live near a train track)... It is spookily on point! Always at the right time these videos, thanks!
me too
Me too
Comforting reminder for those predisposed to analysis paralysis.
The privilege of having choices!
Yes, and sometimes it’s the tyranny of choices. I look at two boxes of serial and stare at 20 boxes of serial.
Happiness doesn’t come from perfect choices, as every decision has its pros and cons. Choose decisively and live fully, rather than obsessing over right or wrong.
I am truly sorry for people who are overwhelmed by choices and get stuck trying to make decisions. I had a close friend who I eventually moved away from because she was perennially stuck and unable to make hard choices and change her life (immediately or eventually for the better). She said herself that she's a dreamer.
I'm not like that. I am very confident about decision-making, research and analyze a lot, and decide fairly quickly. I almost never regret choices once I've made them, recognizing they may not be perfect but they're good enough and I can live with the results.
Perfectionist tendencies are the death of effective decision-making and ability to move forward. A lot of people are in the perfectionist camp.
It has nothing to do with her dreaming though. It has been built around the dismissive reaction she got from those closest to her when she did anything. Tone is seriously important.
@@somuchbaloney6283Agree. I was criticized a lot and in childhood and have difficulties with that.
@@somuchbaloney6283 In the end, I couldn't help my friend. She was just too scared and paralyzed to make changes. She couldn't do any hard, necessary work. Not surprisingly, she has perfectionist tendencies. We're talking about a 40-year pattern! I no longer respected her, so I stopped seeing her regularly. We still keep in touch by text.
By contrast, I have another close friend who is timid, introverted, unadventurous, doesn't handle change well - and yet, she has been able to take courses and make changes in her life for the better. I respect her, and we're still close friends. 😀
On any one day you can massively change the direction of your life.
- Jim Rohn
This is my favourite quote.
Thank you, School of Life! After torturing myself for several months for not being able to make a decision that appears to be the hardest of my life so far - this video actually seems to make the drop hight felt a bit smaller. Your videos really are a gift.
This is mind-blowing just finished my therapy session an hour ago and we were actually discussing this topic. The timing of this.Love you, The School of Life. Thanks for feeding us food for thoughts.
I have just tasted massive failure in my 5 year qualification program and now they kicked me out.
This video is almost feel like it was made for me. Thanks.
“Anyone we end up with is going to have their dispiriting sides” Tell me about it, Mr. de Botton
I have always struggled with 'keeping my options open'. Always had too many. Finally learning to commit to the flow.
I took the job offer. Things might not go well at the new place but I will never know if my job could be any better if I don’t take opportunities when I’m confronted by them. It won’t be life changing in the sense people usually mean, but it literally will be life changing and sometimes that’s all we need: fresh scenery
We rarely, if ever, have all the information we need to make "the best decision"; fact is to do so we would need a crystal ball. So, assess what information you have, cross your fingers, pray, knock wood, whatever is your inclination and then decide..
I don't know what type of voiceover this is, but I love how it's calm like in a storytelling way, comforting. They always manage to conclude the videos in such a way that feels like a hug and makes you feel hopeful.
I’m not sure if you’ll read this School of Life - … but thank you for these short films. ADHD doesn’t apply to me when you’re teaching 🤘
Its about choosing to live happy everyday despite the circumstances
I heard a quote which goes by , " It's not about making the right decisions , It's about making the decisions go right "
We should appreciate the days of our youth when we have plenty of free time and make use of this little time for learning as well
we hyperfocus on our choices because they are the only realms in which we feel control. it’s really nice to feel in control and really disheartening to not. and it can be really hard to accept how little agency we have
i hope to imbibe the final point here that in the end it’s all gonna end up ambivalent anyway
The bad thing is we have not much control. The good thing is we have not much control. 😅
Visuals are REALLY well done! Congrats!
I am amazed how seldom the subject of decision making is discussed. To me it is deeply interesting on many levels. For me so many choices seem 50/50. When I'm really sure I want something or to do something I'm overjoyed to be free of painful ambiguity.
To me, there are only difficult choices to be made if you make it to be that way. And im sure not everyone on this planet can explain the total reasoning within their choices...but then again, we're always making choices and manifesting whether we realize it or not; and thats a super crazy concept...although i believe it to be very true and its par for the course when you really take the time to think about it.
Great video. Wonderfully written & the "board game" style of presentation works great for the topic. :)
For someone who has no gray area, this is really helpful. Thank you!
I recently had to make a huge decision. A life inflection point as you may say. Took me 3 months to decide.
Turns out I didn’t trust myself that much in making decisions. Because for so long, I let someone decide for me; my ex for 9 years.
“Any choice can be the right one. As long as you’re willing to embrace it.”
I’m learning to trust myself more.
I literally just made one decision out of the three discussed in the video and pondering on the other two!!!
The timing of this... I am an expat living in South Korea, 21 years old, now graduated and found a job which I am commuting to daily these days. I look at my colleagues and they are much older, much experienced in both hard& soft skills. while I speak some four languages (which I assume why they picked me during two interviews), I feel like "I don't speak the language of corporate life" just yet. I was having a hard time to choose if I should really stay, if this is really for me, or maybe spend some more time figuring myself out without the burden of Korea's rather hard corporate life..
my mentor once told me there must be a practical choices for risks, life is not what we intended to or perhaps majority does. we will never really knew what future holds until it becomes the present. whether that risk is worth it or not, impractical or not, beautiful or not.
This is basically the premise of the poem "A road less traveled" from Robert Frost
Thank you for your recommendation! Have never read it and truly liked it ❤
Right in the feels, but needed that. Love this content, love the comments. Thx all!
You are my hero! ❤
Very well timed, as always ! The school of life, you have done it again 👏 ❤
i have a long time had a break from school of life, but found that I can watch these movies again if a double the speed of the videos and greatful for the content
Time is the only resource. Do SOMETHING. Anything. Even if you're mostly uncertain, it's better to accomplish a task so that something gets done rather than wait until some unknown moment that will probably never arrive.
"Tomorrow" is a dangerous word. Especially when it is preceded by "I'll do it". 😉
"Time is the only resource for which no creature may bargain..." --DD1
So timely, perhaps will always be but thank you for this!
This video is the most reasonable way to say, "Do anything in your choices, it will have goods' AND bads' both. Cant have just one"
Buy the stock, take the ride. Don’t chase a salary when young, take risks. Don’t be normal
The animation is just an epic I love how you use every single element to produce the idea
That's an interesting perspective - if it's hard to make a choice - the options are somewhat similar. If something is clearly better or worse - the choice is easy.
0:33 We had that Apple II growing up, as a handy down. Double 5.25" floppy drives and a whole lot of floppy diskettes. Pre-modem.
Do it or don't do it, you're going to regret both
This is actually pretty helpful. I feel better.
"The choice may have been mistaken, the choosing was not"
Thank you
There is no "perfect" choice. But if you look carefully and see one which has more good than bad, perhaps that's the one worth following.
I thought this video would be about being able to finally choose which table I want to sit at in a cafe, but this is much deeper than I expected🗿
corner table
I'd like to to have the trouble of not being able to choose between two houses.
Thank you.
Thank youuuu I needed this video
The key can be to make a good intent and than follow the gut feeling may be... Every choice has a cost that you will have to pay with time .
U explain correctly what's going on with my life rn
There are no perfect solutions. Everything is a Trade-Off - Thomas Sowell
Thanks ❤❤
Decision making has always been hard for me, even if it's just deciding what to order at a restaurant. Recently I was reading a book (Real Self Care by Pooja Lakshmin) and there was a quote along the lines of "Is there any decision you feel you wouldn't be punished for?" and I was just like....oh.... yeah that.
The key to life is not always making the best choice
Getting into MMA has helped me with decision making.
However, I am open to other avenues for improvement
Buzzword this week
Or rather
I've learnt and then heard this term one more time in 24 hours.
This didn’t help me decide at all, if anything it made trying to decide between A and B harder 😩
I'm burnt out on making choices.
Kierkegaard and existentialism. Recommended for everyone
I always flip a coin and then either blame or thank fate.
Thank you for stating Israel's crimes so clearly and calmly
I was just thinking about a very serious life decision and am very happy to discover that the perspective provided here lives up to its title!
Fascinating video too! Reminds me a bit of the classic *I SPY* picture books!
try to make do with what you have in whatever situation you find yourself in.
Yay a new video
Hard choices often feel agonizing because we believe there is one perfect path that guarantees happiness or avoids misery. But the truth, as explored in my book, Wisdom and Reflection, is that most options we agonize over have both joys and challenges. Whether it’s a partner, a property, or a job, every choice carries both beauty and difficulty. Understanding this can free us from the illusion of a 'perfect' decision. Joy and pain coexist, and no matter what we choose, we are never far from either. The key is to find peace in the balance. Sometimes, the best choice is simply to choose."
- Arshak Andriasov
(Wisdom and Reflection)
wait... so how was it to conquer again? 😢
Dont make choices when you are upset
The joys of having free will 🤔
Read Annie Duke - How to decide
Decision fatigue is real! This film offers valuable insights into making calm and rational decisions. Embracing uncertainty and accepting imperfection can be incredibly liberating!
Tough decisions only appear tough when all options seem equally good, so they´re all good. There is a Ted Talk and tough decisions by some asian women named Wong I think.
You are best
I regret many decisions I made in my life
But you can not know, if these bad decisions were bad or good for your life. One bad thing could have prevented ten other bad things from happening. Or different decision might be even worse, you just can't know. Maybe it isn't about good or bad, maybe we need to find peace?
This is such a refreshing perspective on decision-making. It’s easy to get caught up in the belief that there’s one ‘perfect’ choice, but your explanation reminds me of something that often guides me: the importance of embracing the flow of life and accepting imperfection. Every path has its joys and challenges, and true freedom lies in understanding that perfection isn’t the goal-balance is.
What’s a choice you’ve made recently where this perspective brought you clarity and peace?
This should've been released before the US election. Because it applies to presidential candidates
Despite who or whatever just annoyed you earlier , you’re still on a spinning rock flying thru space smaller than a barnacle unable to see particles
Me when I have overwhelming choice paralysis and fear of failing and wasting time, money and effort:
Get well soon, voice guy
Dont follow the crowds best decision ever
What's the name of the boardgame used in this video? Thank you! And also very true that everyone's life will have bad days, weather in relationships, at home or at work, we can't avoid them but we can make the best out of them. It all comes down to thoughts -> decissions -> actions -> habbits.
i wish i could give 10 thumbs up
what purpose ego serves, whats good ego look like
Video diving into the deep stuff. Meanwhile, I can't choose a simple color palette for a design. 😔
This explains a loy
every decision is 50% wrong:)
But does it mean we should take the easy pathways as they are easy and not challenging. Is taking higher roads, working hard not going to help me have a better life ? Well then we will stop pushing or aiming for smthg bigger.
I’d say having goals or directions is good and healthy, but yes, sometimes decisions come with challenges. Especially if we try to live up to our values, the path isn’t always easy, but worthwhile nevertheless. Working too hard and chasing our goals is counterproductive though (and exhausting). Trusting and allowing might be a better choice. Good luck to you.🍀
I guess voting is the exception to the mentality of this video 😂 where if feels both (or most) options are bad and therefore a hard choice for many
Just right 🎉❤😅
Anyone ever loved two people at the same time and couldn't decide? Did you make a decision eventually? Or will I literally feel like this till the day I die? 😅