Nitai Pada-Kamala gateway to Goloka ❤🙇. Srimati Radharani only accept one who has got mercy of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Gauranga Mahaprabhu only accept one who has got mercy of Lord Nityanand Prabhu. Always pray to Nityanand Prabhu for his mercy and blessings.💙🙏🙇
(1) nitāi-pada-kamala, koṭi-candra-suśītala je chāyāy jagata jurāy heno nitāi bine bhāi, rādhā-kṛṣṇa pāite nāi dṛḍha kori' dharo nitāir pāy The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are a shelter where one will get the soothing moonlight not only of one, but of millions of moons. If the world wants to have real peace, it should take shelter of Lord Nityananda. Unless one takes shelter under the shade of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, it will be very difficult for him to approach Radha-Krsna. If one actually wants to enter into the dancing party of Radha-Krsna, he must firmly catch hold of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. (2) se sambandha nāhi jā'r, bṛthā janma gelo tā'r sei paśu boro durācār nitāi nā bolilo mukhe, majilo saḿsāra-sukhe vidyā-kule ki koribe tār Anyone who has not established his relationship with Nityananda Prabhu is understood to have spoiled his valuable human birth. Such a human being is actually an uncontrollable animal. Because he never uttered the holy name of Nityananda, he has become merged into so-called material happiness. What can his useless education and family tradition do to help him? (3) ahańkāre matta hoiyā, nitāi-pada pāsariyā asatyere satya kori māni nitāiyer koruṇā habe, braje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pābe dharo nitāi-caraṇa du'khāni Being maddened after false prestige and identification with the body, one is thinking, oh, what is Nityananda? What can He do for me? I don't care. The result is that he is accepting something false to be truth. If you actually want to approach the association of Radha-Krsna, you must first achieve the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When He is merciful toward you, then you will be able to approach Radha-Krsna. Therefore you should firmly grasp the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. (4) nitāiyer caraṇa satya, tāhāra sevaka nitya nitāi-pada sadā koro āśa narottama boro dukhī, nitāi more koro sukhī rākho rāńgā-caraṇera pāśa The lotus feet of Nityananda are not illusion; they are a fact. One who engages in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda is also transcendental. Always try to catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. This Narottama dasa is very unhappy, therefore I am praying to Lord Nityananda to make me happy. My dear Lord, please keep me close to Your lotus feet.
The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are the primary object of all devotees so, hold on to His Lotus feet and pray for His Mercy. Hare Krishna. Jai Nityananda!
sorry to be so off topic but does anybody know of a way to get back into an Instagram account?? I was stupid lost my login password. I love any assistance you can give me.
LYRICS: (1) nitāi-pada-kamala, koṭi-candra-suśītala je chāyāy jagata jurāy heno nitāi bine bhāi, rādhā-kṛṣṇa pāite nāi dṛḍha kori' dharo nitāir pāy (2) se sambandha nāhi jā'r, bṛthā janma gelo tā'r sei paśu boro durācār nitāi nā bolilo mukhe, majilo saḿsāra-sukhe vidyā-kule ki koribe tār (3) ahańkāre matta hoiyā, nitāi-pada pāsariyā asatyere satya kori māni nitāiyer koruṇā habe, braje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pābe dharo nitāi-caraṇa du'khāni (4) nitāiyer caraṇa satya, tāhāra sevaka nitya nitāi-pada sadā koro āśa narottama boro dukhī, nitāi more koro sukhī rākho rāńgā-caraṇera pāśa WORD FOR WORD TRANSLATION: Nitai Pada Kamala TRANSLATION 1) The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are a shelter where one will get the soothing moonlight not only of one, but of millions of moons. If the world wants to have real peace, it should take shelter of Lord Nityananda. Unless one takes shelter under the shade of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, it will be very difficult for him to approach Radha-Krsna. If one actually wants to enter into the dancing party of Radha-Krsna, he must firmly catch hold of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. 2) Anyone who has not established his relationship with Nityananda Prabhu is understood to have spoiled his valuable human birth. Such a human being is actually an uncontrollable animal. Because he never uttered the holy name of Nityananda, he has become merged into so-called material happiness. What can his useless education and family tradition do to help him? 3) Being maddened after false prestige and identification with the body, one is thinking, oh, what is Nityananda? What can He do for me? I don't care. The result is that he is accepting something false to be truth. If you actually want to approach the association of Radha-Krsna, you must first achieve the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When He is merciful toward you, then you will be able to approach Radha-Krsna. Therefore you should firmly grasp the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. 4) The lotus feet of Nityananda are not illusion; they are a fact. One who engages in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda is also transcendental. Always try to catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. This Narottama dasa is very unhappy, therefore I am praying to Lord Nityananda to make me happy. My dear Lord, please keep me close to Your lotus feet.
нитаи-пада-камала, коти-чандра-сушитала, дже чхайайа джагат джурайа хено нитаи вине бхаи, радха-кришна паите наи, дридха кори’ дхаро нитаир пайа (1) Лотосные стопы Нитая источают удивительно приятную прохладу, словно миллионы лун. Их тень облегчает страдания целой вселенной. О брат! Без помощи Нитая невозможно приблизиться к Радхе и Кришне. Поэтому крепко держись за Его лотосные стопы. се самбандха нахи джа’ра, вритха джанма гело та’ра, сеи пашу боро дурачара нитаи на болило мукхе, маджило самсара-сукхе, видйакуле ки корибе та’ра (2) Тот, кто не установил отношений с Нитьянандой Прабху, живет впустую. Такой человек ничем не лучше животного. На его устах нет имени Нитая, поэтому он все глубже и глубже погружается в трясину иллюзорного мирского счастья. Так какой же смысл в его образованности и знатном происхождении? аханкаре матта хоийа, нитаи-пада пасарийа, асатйере сатйа кори’ мани нитаийер каруна ха’бе, врадже радха-кришна па’бе, дхаро нитаийер чарана ду’кхани (3) Забыв о лотосных стопах Нитая, человек под влиянием ложных представлений о жизни теряет рассудок и принимает иллюзию за реальность. Тот же, на кого Нитай прольет Свою милость, сможет войти во Врадж и приблизиться к Шри Радхе и Кришне. Поэтому крепко держись за лотосные стопы Нитая. нитаийер чарана сатйа, тахара севака нитйа, нитаи-пада сада коро аша нароттама боро духкхи, нитаи море коро сукхи, ракхо ранга-чаранера паша (4) Стопы Нитая - высшая истина, и служение им вечно. Поэтому не теряй надежды и всегда молись, чтобы обрести прибежище у Его лотосных стоп. «Нет никого несчастнее Нароттамы! О Нитай, сделай меня счастливым. Укрой меня под сенью Твоих стоп, нежных, как розовые лотосы».
Hay suprema gracia en los dos hermanos Nitay y gourachandra Ellos son la joya de los avatares Un proceso gozoso han dado Adora,adora a chaytania nitay ,con toda fe y firmeza, Los placeres deja y prueba el néctar De cantar Hari hari Mira mi hermano, en el mundo no hay tan gran misericordia, Los animales lloran,se ablandan las piedras Al escuchar sus glorias En el mundo sumido ,no estoy atraido, No hay en mi ya esperanza, Sufro asi de yama ,su justo castigo Dice lochana das....... Por misericordia me visito en el sueño .....
-Caitanya Caritamrta describes how the happiness of Lord Nityananda is so overwhelming and so intoxicating that he becomes drunk. He is drunk by that happiness, and one knows well that a drunk man cannot see clearly. So in this case, Lord Nityananda does not see clearly who is fallen and who is not fallen! It is too complicated. He gives mercy to everyone. He does not select anymore. It is Lord Nityananda who does not select, who just gives out the mercy regardless, due to his intoxicated state of ecstasy. Therefore Lord Nityananda is the most merciful. ------
1) The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are a shelter where one will get the soothing moonlight not only of one, but of millions of moons. If the world wants to have real peace, it should take shelter of Lord Nityananda. Unless one takes shelter under the shade of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, it will be very difficult for him to approach Radha-Krishna. If one actually wants to enter into the dancing party of Radha-Krishna, he must firmly catch hold of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. 2) Anyone who has not established his relationship with Nityananda Prabhu is understood to have spoiled his valuable human birth. Such a human being is actually an uncontrollable animal. Because he never uttered the holy name of Nityananda, he has become merged into so-called material happiness. What can his useless education and family tradition do to help him? 3) Being maddened after false prestige and identification with the body, one is thinking, oh, what is Nityananda? What can He do for me? I don't care. The result is that he is accepting something false to be truth. If you actually want to approach the association of Radha-Krishna, you must first achieve the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When He is merciful toward you, then you will be able to approach Radha-Krishna. Therefore you should firmly grasp the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. 4) The lotus feet of Nityananda are not illusion; they are a fact. One who engages in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda is also transcendental. Always try to catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. This Narottama dasa is very unhappy, therefore I am praying to Lord Nityananda to make me happy. My dear Lord, please keep me close to Your lotus feet.
Nitai Pada-Kamala gateway to Goloka ❤🙇. Srimati Radharani only accept one who has got mercy of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Gauranga Mahaprabhu only accept one who has got mercy of Lord Nityanand Prabhu. Always pray to Nityanand Prabhu for his mercy and blessings.💙🙏🙇
By the causelessmercy of. Nitjananda one get the mercy of. Gouranga, by the mercy of. Gouranga one get the mercy of. Rhadh. Govinda
nitāi-pada-kamala, koṭi-candra-suśītala
je chāyāy jagata jurāy
heno nitāi bine bhāi, rādhā-kṛṣṇa pāite nāi
dṛḍha kori' dharo nitāir pāy
The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are a shelter where one will get the soothing moonlight not only of one, but of millions of moons. If the world wants to have real peace, it should take shelter of Lord Nityananda. Unless one takes shelter under the shade of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, it will be very difficult for him to approach Radha-Krsna. If one actually wants to enter into the dancing party of Radha-Krsna, he must firmly catch hold of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
se sambandha nāhi jā'r, bṛthā janma gelo tā'r
sei paśu boro durācār
nitāi nā bolilo mukhe, majilo saḿsāra-sukhe
vidyā-kule ki koribe tār
Anyone who has not established his relationship with Nityananda Prabhu is understood to have spoiled his valuable human birth. Such a human being is actually an uncontrollable animal. Because he never uttered the holy name of Nityananda, he has become merged into so-called material happiness. What can his useless education and family tradition do to help him?
ahańkāre matta hoiyā, nitāi-pada pāsariyā
asatyere satya kori māni
nitāiyer koruṇā habe, braje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pābe
dharo nitāi-caraṇa du'khāni
Being maddened after false prestige and identification with the body, one is thinking, oh, what is Nityananda? What can He do for me? I don't care. The result is that he is accepting something false to be truth. If you actually want to approach the association of Radha-Krsna, you must first achieve the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When He is merciful toward you, then you will be able to approach Radha-Krsna. Therefore you should firmly grasp the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
nitāiyer caraṇa satya, tāhāra sevaka nitya
nitāi-pada sadā koro āśa
narottama boro dukhī, nitāi more koro sukhī
rākho rāńgā-caraṇera pāśa
The lotus feet of Nityananda are not illusion; they are a fact. One who engages in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda is also transcendental. Always try to catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. This Narottama dasa is very unhappy, therefore I am praying to Lord Nityananda to make me happy. My dear Lord, please keep me close to Your lotus feet.
The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are the primary object of all devotees so, hold on to His Lotus feet and pray for His Mercy. Hare Krishna. Jai Nityananda!
Gauranga nityananda ,great help ..
Hari boll
sorry to be so off topic but does anybody know of a way to get back into an Instagram account??
I was stupid lost my login password. I love any assistance you can give me.
যত পাপী আর দুরাচারী হলেই এরকম ভক্তি মুলক গানকেও আনলাইক করতে পারে।
nitāi-pada-kamala, koṭi-candra-suśītala
je chāyāy jagata jurāy
heno nitāi bine bhāi, rādhā-kṛṣṇa pāite nāi
dṛḍha kori' dharo nitāir pāy
se sambandha nāhi jā'r, bṛthā janma gelo tā'r
sei paśu boro durācār
nitāi nā bolilo mukhe, majilo saḿsāra-sukhe
vidyā-kule ki koribe tār
ahańkāre matta hoiyā, nitāi-pada pāsariyā
asatyere satya kori māni
nitāiyer koruṇā habe, braje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pābe
dharo nitāi-caraṇa du'khāni
nitāiyer caraṇa satya, tāhāra sevaka nitya
nitāi-pada sadā koro āśa
narottama boro dukhī, nitāi more koro sukhī
rākho rāńgā-caraṇera pāśa
1) The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are a shelter where one will get the soothing moonlight not only of one, but of millions of moons. If the world wants to have real peace, it should take shelter of Lord Nityananda. Unless one takes shelter under the shade of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, it will be very difficult for him to approach Radha-Krsna. If one actually wants to enter into the dancing party of Radha-Krsna, he must firmly catch hold of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
2) Anyone who has not established his relationship with Nityananda Prabhu is understood to have spoiled his valuable human birth. Such a human being is actually an uncontrollable animal. Because he never uttered the holy name of Nityananda, he has become merged into so-called material happiness. What can his useless education and family tradition do to help him?
3) Being maddened after false prestige and identification with the body, one is thinking, oh, what is Nityananda? What can He do for me? I don't care. The result is that he is accepting something false to be truth. If you actually want to approach the association of Radha-Krsna, you must first achieve the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When He is merciful toward you, then you will be able to approach Radha-Krsna. Therefore you should firmly grasp the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
4) The lotus feet of Nityananda are not illusion; they are a fact. One who engages in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda is also transcendental. Always try to catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. This Narottama dasa is very unhappy, therefore I am praying to Lord Nityananda to make me happy. My dear Lord, please keep me close to Your lotus feet.
@Matthew Bridger thx for information it actually works
এত অপরূপ গলা কিরতানিয়াস এর সত্যি চোখে জল চলে এলো 🧡🧡🧡
Amazingly and transcendentaly sung. Thank you Kirtaniyas 🙏 for bringing the spirit of Narottama dasa live.
нитаи-пада-камала, коти-чандра-сушитала,
дже чхайайа джагат джурайа
хено нитаи вине бхаи, радха-кришна паите наи,
дридха кори’ дхаро нитаир пайа (1)
Лотосные стопы Нитая источают удивительно приятную прохладу, словно миллионы лун. Их тень облегчает страдания целой вселенной. О брат! Без помощи Нитая невозможно приблизиться к Радхе и Кришне. Поэтому крепко держись за Его лотосные стопы.
се самбандха нахи джа’ра, вритха джанма гело та’ра,
сеи пашу боро дурачара
нитаи на болило мукхе, маджило самсара-сукхе,
видйакуле ки корибе та’ра (2)
Тот, кто не установил отношений с Нитьянандой Прабху, живет впустую. Такой человек ничем не лучше животного. На его устах нет имени Нитая, поэтому он все глубже и глубже погружается в трясину иллюзорного мирского счастья. Так какой же смысл в его образованности и знатном происхождении?
аханкаре матта хоийа, нитаи-пада пасарийа,
асатйере сатйа кори’ мани
нитаийер каруна ха’бе, врадже радха-кришна па’бе,
дхаро нитаийер чарана ду’кхани (3)
Забыв о лотосных стопах Нитая, человек под влиянием ложных представлений о жизни теряет рассудок и принимает иллюзию за реальность. Тот же, на кого Нитай прольет Свою милость, сможет войти во Врадж и приблизиться к Шри Радхе и Кришне. Поэтому крепко держись за лотосные стопы Нитая.
нитаийер чарана сатйа, тахара севака нитйа,
нитаи-пада сада коро аша
нароттама боро духкхи, нитаи море коро сукхи,
ракхо ранга-чаранера паша (4)
Стопы Нитая - высшая истина, и служение им вечно. Поэтому не теряй надежды и всегда молись, чтобы обрести прибежище у Его лотосных стоп. «Нет никого несчастнее Нароттамы! О Нитай, сделай меня счастливым. Укрой меня под сенью Твоих стоп, нежных, как розовые лотосы».
Jai Nitai thank you for this beautiful bhajana!!!
Hare Krishna parbhu radhe radhe
निताई-पद-कमला, कोटि-चंद्र-सुसीताला
जे चय जगत जुरय
हेनो निताई बिने भाई, राधा-कृष्ण पाइते नै
दृधा कोरी' धरो निटैर पय
से संबंध नहीं जा'र, बृथा जन्म गेलो टा'र
सेई पसु बोरो दुराकार निताई
न बोलिलो मुखे, माजिलो संसार-सुखे
विद्या-कुले की कोरिबे तार
अहंकारे मत्ता होइया, निताई-पद पसरिया
असत्येरे सत्या कोरी मणि
नितायेर कोरुना हाबे, ब्रेजे राधा-कृष्ण पाबे
धरो निताई-चरण दुखनि
निटैयेर कैराना सत्य, ताहारा सेवक नित्य
निताई-पद सदा कोरो आसा
नरोत्तम बोरो दुखी, निताई मोरे कोरो सुखी
राखो रंगा-कारनेरा पासा
Bhaj Nitai Gaur Radhe shyam jap Hare Krishna Hare Ram
Kirtaniyas you are great
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna Ji 👏 Apko Koti Pranam Mera 👏 Jai Sri Nitai Gouri Ji 👏 Jai Sri Swami Prabhupad Ji 👏 Apko Koti Pranam Mera 👏
Beautiful voice probhu
Jai Sri gaur nitai 🙌🙌🙌.. very nice ... vaishnav chorne sastang dandwat pranaam 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jai nithayi...... Hare Krishna... Hare Rama....
❤❤ জয় নিত্যনন্দ জগত গুরু গৌর ভক্ত বাঞ্চাকল্পতুরু আমাদের প্রভু সীতানাথ আদৈত্য শ্রী বাস গৌর আমাদের গদাধরের প্রেন গো গৌর আমাদের গদাধরের প্রেন
Hare krishna ...jai srila prabhupada
Hay suprema gracia en los dos hermanos
Nitay y gourachandra
Ellos son la joya de los avatares
Un proceso gozoso han dado
Adora,adora a chaytania nitay ,con toda fe y firmeza,
Los placeres deja y prueba el néctar
De cantar Hari hari
Mira mi hermano, en el mundo no hay tan gran misericordia,
Los animales lloran,se ablandan las piedras
Al escuchar sus glorias
En el mundo sumido ,no estoy atraido,
No hay en mi ya esperanza,
Sufro asi de yama ,su justo castigo
Dice lochana das.......
Por misericordia me visito en el sueño .....
Nice prabhu lovely kirtan
Amala kirtan prabhu's voice I think.....??
Nitai gour prabhu ki jay....
jai nitai jai niata......................vojoni tai nitai vojo....vojo nitai nitai vojo....hori bol
Radhe Radhe Radhe Syam!!
Jai nitai gaur hari bol, raaadhe raaadhe ❤️💓 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hare Krishna .. Sri Sri Gaur Nitai Ki jai...
Jai nitai amar prananitai. Koli kal. Amar nitai prabhu namai udhar haya jaba amar nitai sakalar nitai
🙏🙏🙏हरे कृष्ण🙏🙏🙏
🙏🙏🙏राधे राधे🙏🙏🙏
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa
Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma
Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Ji 🙏😊
Dandwat Pranam Ji 🙌🌹
Hare Krishna Hare Ram
জয় নিতাই 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jai jai nitai gaur haribol..
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Hare Krishna
Amazing. Haribol so much bhakti.
I feel like to dance in this sankirtana❤
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ISKCON Desire Tree
Nitai Pada Kamala
Teachings to the Mind
(from Prarthana)
nitai-pada-kamala, koti-candra-susitala
je chayay jagata juray
heno nitai bine bhai, radha-krishna paite nai
dridha kori’ dharo nitair pay
se sambandha nahi ja’r, britha janma gelo ta’r
sei pasu boro duracar
nitai na bolilo mukhe, majilo samsara-sukhe
vidya-kule ki koribe tar
ahankare matta hoiya, nitai-pada pasariya
asatyere satya kori mani
nitaiyer koruna habe, braje radha-krishna pabe
dharo nitai-carana du’khani
nitaiyer carana satya, tahara sevaka nitya
nitai-pada sada koro asa
narottama boro dukhi, nitai more koro sukhi
rakho ranga-caranera pasa
(1) The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are a shelter where one will get the soothing moonlight not only of one,
but of millions of moons. If the world wants to have real peace, it should take shelter of Lord Nityananda.
Unless one takes shelter under the shade of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, it will be very difficult for him
to approach Radha-Krishna. If one actually wants to enter into the dancing party of Radha-Krishna, he must
firmly catch hold of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
(2) Anyone who has not established his relationship with Nityananda Prabhu is understood to have spoiled
his valuable human birth. Such a human being is actually an uncontrollable animal. Because he never uttered
the holy name of Nityananda, he has become merged into so-called material happiness. What can his
useless education and family tradition do to help him?
(3) Being maddened after false prestige and identification with the body, one is thinking, nOh, what
is Nityananda? What can He do for me? I don't care.î The result is that he is accepting something false to be
truth. If you actually want to approach the association of Radha-Krishna, you must first achieve the mercy of
Lord Nityananda. When He is merciful toward you, then you will be able to approach Radha-Krishna. Therefore
you should firmly grasp the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
(4) The lotus feet of Nityananda are not illusion; they are a fact. One who engages in the transcendental
loving service of Nityananda is also transcendental. Always try to catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
This Narottama dasa is very unhappy, therefore I am praying to Lord Nityananda to make me happy. My
dear Lord, please keep me close to Your lotus feet.
by His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
This is a very nice song sung by Narottama dasa Thakura. He advises that nitai-pada, the lotus feet of
Lord Nityananda (kamala means "lotus," and pada means "feet"), are a shelter where one will get the
soothing moonlight not only of one, but of millions of moons. We can just imagine the aggregate total value of
the soothing shine of millions of moons. In this material world (jagat), which is progressing toward hell, there
is always a blazing fire, and everyone is struggling hard without finding peace; therefore, if the world wants
to have real peace, it should take shelter under the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, which are cooling like
the shining of a million moons. Juraya means "relief." If one actually wants relief from the struggle of
existence and actually wants to extinguish the blazing fire of material pangs, Narottama dasa Thakura
advises, "Please take shelter of Lord Nityananda."
What will be the result of accepting the shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda? He says, heno nitai bine
bhai: unless one takes shelter under the shade of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, radha-krishna paite nai-it
will be very difficult for him to approach Radha-Krishna. The aim of this Krishna consciousness movement is
to enable us to approach Radha-Krishna and associate with the Supreme Lord in His sublime pleasure
dance. Narottama dasa Thakura advises that if one actually wants to enter into the dancing party of Radha-
Krishna, he must accept the shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
Then he says, se sambandha nahi Sambandha means "connection" or "contact." Anyone who has not contacted
a relationship with Nityananda is understood to have spoiled his human birth. In another song also,
Narottama dasa says, hari hari bifale janama gonainu: anyone who does not approach Radha-Krishna through
a relationship with Nityananda has uselessly spoiled his life. Britha means "useless," janma means "life," ta’r
means "his," and sambandha means "relationship." Anyone who does not make a relationship with Nityananda
is simply spoiling the boon of his human form of life. Why is he spoiling it? Sei pasu boro duracar. Sei
means "that," pasu means "animal," and duracar means "misbehaved" or "the most misbehaved."
Without elevation to Krishna consciousness through the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, life is
simply spoiled in the animal propensities of sense gratification. Narottama dasa says that ordinary animals can
be tamed, but when a human being is animalistic, having only animal propensities, he is most horrible, for
he cannot be tamed. Ordinary cats and dogs or even a tiger can be tamed, but when a human being goes out of
his way and neglects to take to the human activity of Krishna consciousness, his higher intelligence will simply
be misused for animal propensities, and it is very difficult to tame him. The enactment of state laws cannot make
a thief an honest man-because his heart is polluted, he cannot be tamed. Every man sees that a person
who commits criminal offenses is punished by the government, and also in scriptural injunctions punishment
in hell is mentioned. But despite hearing from scripture and seeing the action of the state laws, the
demoniac cannot be tamed.
What are they doing? Nitai na bolilo mukhe. Since they do not know who Nityananda is, they never say the
names of Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya. Majilo samsara-sukhe. Majilo means "becomes absorbed."
They become absorbed in so-called material enjoyment. They don’t care who Lord Caitanya and Nityananda
are, and therefore they go deep down into material existence. Vidya-kule ki koribe tar: if one has no
connection with Nityananda, and if he does not come to Krishna consciousness, his vidya, or his so-called
academic education, and kula, birth in a high family or great nation, will not protect him. Regardless of
whether one is born in a very big family or nation or has a very advanced academic education, at the time of
death nature’s law will act, his work will be finished, and he will get another body according to that work.
Why are these human animals acting in this way? Ahankare matta hoiya, nitai-pada pasariya. They have
become maddened by a false concept of bodily life, and thus they have forgotten their eternal relationship
with Nityananda. Asatyere satya kori mani: such forgetful persons accept the illusory energy as factual.
Asatyere refers to that which is not a fact, or, in other words, maya. Maya means that which has no existence but
is a temporary illusion only. Persons who have no contact with Nityananda accept this illusory body as factual.
Narottama dasa Thakura then says, nitaiyer koruna habe, braje radha-krishna pabe: "If you actually want
to approach the association of Radha-Krishna, you must achieve the mercy of Lord Nityananda first. When He
is merciful toward you, then you will be able to approach Radha-Krishna." Dharo nitai-carana du’khani.
Narottama dasa advises that one firmly catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
Then again he says, nitai-carana satya. One should not misunderstand and think that as he has caught hold
of maya, similarly the lotus feet of Nityananda may also be something like that maya, or illusion.
Therefore Narottama dasa confirms, nitai-carana satya: the lotus feet of Nityananda are not illusion; they are a
fact. Tahara sevaka nitya: and one who engages in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda is
also transcendental. If one engages in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda in Krishna consciousness,
he immediately achieves his transcendental position on the spiritual platform, which is eternal and
blissful. Therefore he advises, nitai-pada sada koro asa: always try to catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
Narottama boro dukhi. Narottama dasa Thakura, the acarya, is taking the position that he is very
unhappy. Actually, he is representing ourselves. He says, "My dear Lord, I am very unhappy." Nitai more
koro sukhi: "Therefore I am praying to Lord Nityananda to make me happy." Rakho ranga-caranera pasa:
"Please keep me in a corner of Your lotus feet."
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Jay nitay Hare krishna
Nice bhajan Vijay!
-Caitanya Caritamrta describes how the happiness of Lord Nityananda is so overwhelming and so intoxicating that he becomes drunk. He is drunk by that happiness, and one knows well that a drunk man cannot see clearly. So in this case, Lord Nityananda does not see clearly who is fallen and who is not fallen! It is too complicated. He gives mercy to everyone. He does not select anymore. It is Lord Nityananda who does not select, who just gives out the mercy regardless, due to his intoxicated state of ecstasy. Therefore Lord Nityananda is the most merciful. ------
Oh Nitai - the absolute truth about our Lord Nitai
Very inspiring
Nitai Pada Kamala 🌀🙏😭😭😭
Hare Krishna 🙌🙌🙌🙌👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Very blissful and attractive
Jai Nitai Chand (Nityananda Mahaprabhu)
Jai Nimai (Gaurango Mahaprabhu)
Nitai Gaur Sitanath Premanande "Hari Hari Bol"
Beautiful I want name of signers. I want more songs. Jai Nitai chand
The kirtaniyas they're called. The prabhu singing is named Vijay Krishna
Hare krishna
Jai. Nitai
Jai nitai gaura 🙏🙌
Jai Nitai.. Jai Nimai...
Hare bol
Jay nitai
supreme song jiii.
Hare krishna all of you really hurt taching kirtan love❤ you 🙏
জয় নিতাই 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jai Nityanand prabhu ki 🙏💐
জয নিতাই
Nitai er Charan satya; Nitai pada sada karo aash
Hari haribol
হরে কৃঞ🙏🙏
Jay Nitai
Shree Harivansh 🌺🌺🍎🍎
jay Nitai , Daya karo ...
nitāi-pada-kamala, koṭi-candra-suśītala
je chāyāy jagata jurāy
heno nitāi bine bhāi, rādhā-kṛṣṇa pāite nāi
dṛḍha kori' dharo nitāir pāy
se sambandha nāhi jā'r, bṛthā janma gelo tā'r
sei paśu boro durācār
nitāi nā bolilo mukhe, majilo saḿsāra-sukhe
vidyā-kule ki koribe tār
ahańkāre matta hoiyā, nitāi-pada pāsariyā
asatyere satya kori māni
nitāiyer koruṇā habe, braje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pābe
dharo nitāi-caraṇa du'khāni
nitāiyer caraṇa satya, tāhāra sevaka nitya
nitāi-pada sadā koro āśa
narottama boro dukhī, nitāi more koro sukhī
rākho rāńgā-caraṇera pāśa
Hare Krishna ....
Who's voice is this ??
Plz plz upload more kirtan of this voice.... or give name of this singer ...
Vijay Krsna
Pls search KIRTANIYAS nd find more rendition of Vijay Krsna
It's from iskcon Delhi 💓💓
Jai Srila Prabhupada
Nitai padakamal ki jay
Hari bol
Jai Nitai ❤
Джай Джай Джай Нитьяананда прабу
Jai Sri Sri gaur nitai
Jay Nitai🙏❣️
Nityananda ki jay
Very sweet voice
Jay Nitai Gauranga 🥰🤩
Very Very Very Very Excellent Song
Jai Nitai 🙏🙏💙❤
Radhey radhey
Can you get lyrics for this song
nitāi-pada-kamala, koṭi-candra-suśītala
je chāyāy jagata jurāy
heno nitāi bine bhāi, rādhā-kṛṣṇa pāite nāi
dṛḍha kori’ dharo nitāir pāy
se sambandha nāhi jā’r, bṛthā janma gelo tā’r
sei paśu boro durācār
nitāi nā bolilo mukhe, majilo saṁsāra-sukhe
vidyā-kule ki koribe tār
ahaṅkāre matta hoiyā, nitāi-pada pāsariyā
asatyere satya kori māni
nitāiyer koruṇā habe, braje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pābe
dharo nitāi-caraṇa du’khāni
nitāiyer caraṇa satya, tāhāra sevaka nitya
nitāi-pada sadā koro āśa
narottama boro dukhī, nitāi more koro sukhī
rākho rāṅgā-caraṇera pāśa
(From ,,Vaishnava Song,, APP)
1) The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are a shelter where one will get the soothing moonlight not only of one, but of millions of moons. If the world wants to have real peace, it should take shelter of Lord Nityananda. Unless one takes shelter under the shade of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, it will be very difficult for him to approach Radha-Krishna. If one actually wants to enter into the dancing party of Radha-Krishna, he must firmly catch hold of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
2) Anyone who has not established his relationship with Nityananda Prabhu is understood to have spoiled his valuable human birth. Such a human being is actually an uncontrollable animal. Because he never uttered the holy name of Nityananda, he has become merged into so-called material happiness. What can his useless education and family tradition do to help him?
3) Being maddened after false prestige and identification with the body, one is thinking, oh, what is Nityananda? What can He do for me? I don't care. The result is that he is accepting something false to be truth. If you actually want to approach the association of Radha-Krishna, you must first achieve the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When He is merciful toward you, then you will be able to approach Radha-Krishna. Therefore you should firmly grasp the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda.
4) The lotus feet of Nityananda are not illusion; they are a fact. One who engages in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda is also transcendental. Always try to catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. This Narottama dasa is very unhappy, therefore I am praying to Lord Nityananda to make me happy. My dear Lord, please keep me close to Your lotus feet.
Atmamugdha song
Soothing soulful heart touching
Jay shri Krishna
Reverencias a ti, el Gran Nitai.
Jai Maha Provhur Jai
Hare Krishna
Joy radhe krishna.
Joy Joy Radha Krishna Jir Joy , Mahaprabhur Joy .
Jai nitai
Nitai. Goraharibol
Jay Nityananda Balarama!
Heart touching songs.
Master prince 🤴💜