This is sooooo great... giving up loving the power of the darkness, coming into the light of the glorious gospel!!! It's soooo freeing, and we Overcome satan, by the blood of the Lamb, Word of our testimony, OUR TESTIMONY when we drop our pride, MAKES WISE other people stuck in the dark also!!!! Been uploading more testimonies myself, and some of those old TBN shows! :)
I can't imagine your daily battle, but with God on your side, I am sure He is your strength and help. God bless you as you move forward in life. I can not understand your pain, as I did not go through this in my life. I think you are so brave and courageous to share your story . I am sure those who have similar trauma can find hope in Jesus Christ through your story.
I have a similar story, but kept the secret from 6-7 years old. I had told my husband, but NEVER disclosed the person, and at the right age I shared the same "general" story with my daughter. A few years ago, after years of wondering if ANYTHING had ever happened to my NIECE. We went out for tacos one evening and I SOOO tried to just speak in general terms about how pervasive the problem is and how many people have been affected. I started speaking on how I think God/nature puts a 6th sense in girls to just know when a situation just "isn't right" and asked her if she had ever been in that position, to which she said no. Just a few moments later she asked the same of me. I said oh, yes. That was it until going to the car she asked if it was Grandpa (my father) and I replied in my standard answer I would always say......"oh, no, not MY dad. I had NEVER said anything had ever happened to me, and I'm old enough to have been around many many fathers growing up in a smaller town being involved in more activities than I could count, and many close friends. Well, the next day the WHOLE family had blown up, I wasn't being spoken to and it has ruined our family and broken my mom's heart. I flew home hysterical and have gone through the darkest times. How do I get rid of the guilt? My mother so wishes I would have never spoken. I'm sorry for this novel of a comment, but it isn't a story for everyone. I lost my husband way too young and I just can't help but carry the guilt of ruining my once close family. I do love my older brother and forgive, but "It never happened " Thank anyone who reads this and has any words for me. ❣🙏
i know Im asking the wrong place but does anybody know of a way to get back into an Instagram account? I stupidly forgot my login password. I would love any help you can give me.
Jules8 I do hope that things have gotten better for you over these last couple years.I just read your blog today.Im not sure why you shpuld bear any guilt by opening were trying to protect your should protect the innocent one....but it is something that most families dont want to deal with...Most families have dark secrets that noone wants to look at. More often than not,I believe. But just saying to you today,God watch over you ,give you peace ,strength and joy.
First of all, Stand for the Truth and for JUSTICE . GOD IS JUST, and God is Truth. If your nice was raped by her Grandpa or your older brother, it is a crime to hide that from the justice, in the name of family ,which is a selfish way to see it. Do speak to the police for the sake for your Nice. Not doing it makes you a complice, a partakers of the rape.
I do, too. And...I don't. If the abuse had been dealt with serving the abuser with justice. PRISON. Abuse would not have continued on down thru the generations. Report it to the authorities!! Do not cover it up!!! The victim would be relieved knowing where the fault belonged. Counseling would help the healing process. The abuser would have his deeds out in the open. LIGHT!! Don't hide it, excuse it, or forgive it before it is dealt with and there is demonstrable repentance. God forgives only when we repent ..... and if we forgive. Forgiveness demonstrates to our God and ourselves that we know who God is and it's not ourselves. We cannot judge. That's God's job. Avoiding dealing with criminal behavior is judgement. It's taking control where it should be turned over to God. Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars. Report it!!
I relate to the language you and the women that joining you on you show and I love it ! I hope to see and hear more shows like I hope this becomes the norm .
who would of ever thought of the scandel at tbn and now at Daystar what a shame it just shows us that we have all fallen short of the glory I have the father we are all sinners and we are all none Worthy of God's grace and his Mercy so never forget that. I watch both of these networks for years and I know these people weren't perfect I knew they were sinners and now 10 to 20 years later the truth is now coming out cuz anything done in the dark will come to the light praise the Lord and I don't really like to say it in those terms because that's what TBN uses praise the Lord in the wicked things that went on at TBN. If you're not aware of what went on go and do your research with this lady here that is the wife of one of the Brenda crouch
People seem to have forgotten that what happened to Jonathan and Suzy child happen to Paul Couch Jr. and his daughter. The hypocrisy that Joni interviewed and had Paul Crouch Jr. on her her show the Joni Table Talk and he shared his testimony, story to them. And Joni ignoring her own Mishandling’s is truly SAD. She Living in Her OwN World outside of Reality! ignoring her own Mishandling’s is truly SAD. She Joni is Living in Her OwN World (Outside of Reality)! I can’t find that episode but if you do some more digging I know you will find it. But I did manage to pull up Paul Crouch He’s Wife Brenda and amazingly she was able to share her testimony of SA from her own father and the healing Brenda received from Speaking Out what was once done in the dark now brought to the Light! Just flabbergasted hell Joni allows everybody to share their testimonies as well as their victory through Christ and sharing what was done in the dark come to light and then she suppresses her own family issues and insist on Keeping it in the DARK. BUT She Joni will need to Trend Lightly Cause The LORD will Handle her and everyone involved accordingly.
Brenda is speaking truth at so many levels of marital abuse. Identity is the key….in CHRIST. I pray that NO ONE thinks that there was anything that a person could do or say to MAKE a man abuse her like what Brenda went through. Her husband made his choices. Amazing testimony!
If she could forgive her father for what he had done I could do the same I have to learn to forgive people pray for me to forgive quickly and forget the past
What is impossible with humans is possible with God and Jesus went to the cross, not just to be devoured. Whoever comes into the light is light. @@pattypierce8189
Maybe you are right. maybe youre not. That's because nobody goes in front of the camera to get devoured. Why are people more interested in satisfying their need for revenge than in genuine repentance? After all, everyone knows that people get worse in prison. I don't know of any prison where people are raised to be better people. Most prisons employ exactly the same abusive methods/punishments that the perpetrators themselves use to abuse weaker fellow human beings. Darkness can never create light. Please think about it. Don't you ever want to go to jail, incognito, without anyone knowing you're not a criminal? I wish you a good time there and hope that your character will be truly sanctified there. I'd love for you to testify here on this channel afterwards about how you enjoyed it and how it changed you for the better. And last but not least - I'm not a criminal - but I have one in my family and I know all the consequences and all the seemingly right arguments. It's not helpful. God is merciful and HE can change anyone. But people also have their part to play.@@KoolT
Oh she's the wife of Paul Crouch Jr. of TBN. She said it at the end of the video. So yes she is related to the TBN Crouch Family. Thank you Paul for even trying to find out.
Separate the sin from the sinner. Sure. Be set free. Forgive. But....justice should be served to protect our society . Christians should raise a solid, firm standard against criminal behavior. If a pedifile slips thru the system and skips justice, the road to repentance and restoration is blocked. Sadly, Christians go to sloppy agappy, and help cover up criminal behavior.
Please put me on your pray list I was one who went thought the same thing from the age of 5 till I left home at 16 him and his friend there toke advantage of me there was attempt I'm alive also I have lost my virginity by the time I seen fifth grade all kinds of things were John it was physical abuse will going on in the home would you please pray for me I feel so far away from God Christina got married it was a lot of physical abuse I felt like there was nobody out there to love me please pray for me
You're in my heart. Sometimes it helps not to feel, but to think. It will help you to say: God loves me and he will help me. Don't listen to these feelings. When you fall, you're in pain because you've bruised yourself. But we wash the wound, bandage it and do everything to make it heal quickly. Go with people who are good to you. Don't stay alone...
Turn him in. Don't hide it from the authorities and family and friends . Report it!!! Stand up against abuse!!!! You don't need anyone in your life that covers up criminal behavior to protect what? Their phony life? Shame on those who don't take measures to protect you. Honey, REPORT it to the authorities. The abuser won't receive you. Dust your feet off and go toward those who value YOU. If you want to hide, hide yourself in God. He is your strong tower!! His love will carry you through to a life filled with protection, deliverance, provision, validation, abundant life. ❤ Go forth in Jesus Christ. That's how God deals with sin. Light kills dark. Turn off light and dark returns. It's just that simple. Simple, not easy. God will champion you. He's on your side. He will restore YOU. I just don't get the people who go first to restore the abuser. Let justice be served and if and when he repents, God will restore him. God loves him, too. He loves everybody but some refuse his love and spend eternity in hell. So tragic. Not your fault. Let God deal with it.
I recalled a memory of a relative and sonic asked my older sister's and they said same relative did same to them at a lake. I had known ot happened but back then people didn't say anything BC we thought he was SLOW LEARNER like Forrest Gump. But he was married.
She still seems extremely conflicted because it was her father. They should have had a professional Christian psychologist instead of girls giving their well intentioned but unprofessional opinions because this could be very confusing and contradicting for victims of abuse.
@@KoolT I think the greatest harm is done by people who are full of bitterness and hatred and who take out their own resentment on other people. Isn't it nice that Jesus has so much grace with us all? God bless...
PJ Video Stuff born again christians are not under generational curses Jesus took on His Precious Body our curses and our sickness and ofcourse our sins.Isaiah 53:4 (KJV) Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
We have the victory through Christ, that victory isn't automatic, you stand on the name of Christ and take it. It's foolish to think the devil doesn't go somewhere just because we don't want it to. We have to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
It is unfortunates that someone who is invited to explain her book is unable to be open. Throughout the interview she was so locked up there was nothing to learn. This tell me her book would be the same. What was the goal to come up to public talk when you are not ready to share your experience ? She kept analytical instead of sharing the Truth. I feel i wadted 30.minutes here😡
Perhaps, she didn’t want to divulge more truth than she did, so as not to spoil the book. But, I did hear her as still protecting herself and rightfully so.
That’s THE answer to trying to find a way to forgive yourself…Jesus forgave you. As you begin to receive that, even not initially believing it, and continue to let Him break that. The enemy wants you to spin and spin in the lie that “ I can’t forgive myself”.
Don't you have anything better to do than stand in judgement of Christian women who love the Lord and share with others real life situations and how to overcome them by putting your trust in Christ Jesus? Don't be a thorn in the body of Christ.
This is sooooo great... giving up loving the power of the darkness, coming into the light of the glorious gospel!!! It's soooo freeing, and we Overcome satan, by the blood of the Lamb, Word of our testimony, OUR TESTIMONY when we drop our pride, MAKES WISE other people stuck in the dark also!!!! Been uploading more testimonies myself, and some of those old TBN shows! :)
So beautiful Thank you Brenda for sharing! You are beautiful in every way !
Thank you so much for your testimony It really touched me. God has blessed you.
I can't imagine your daily battle, but with God on your side, I am sure He is your strength and help. God bless you as you move forward in life. I can not understand your pain, as I did not go through this in my life. I think you are so brave and courageous to share your story . I am sure those who have similar trauma can find hope in Jesus Christ through your story.
Thank you for this video it’s June 21,2023.
I have a similar story, but kept the secret from 6-7 years old. I had told my husband, but NEVER disclosed the person, and at the right age I shared the same "general" story with my daughter. A few years ago, after years of wondering if ANYTHING had ever happened to my NIECE. We went out for tacos one evening and I SOOO tried to just speak in general terms about how pervasive the problem is and how many people have been affected. I started speaking on how I think God/nature puts a 6th sense in girls to just know when a situation just "isn't right" and asked her if she had ever been in that position, to which she said no. Just a few moments later she asked the same of me. I said oh, yes. That was it until going to the car she asked if it was Grandpa (my father) and I replied in my standard answer I would always say......"oh, no, not MY dad. I had NEVER said anything had ever happened to me, and I'm old enough to have been around many many fathers growing up in a smaller town being involved in more activities than I could count, and many close friends. Well, the next day the WHOLE family had blown up, I wasn't being spoken to and it has ruined our family and broken my mom's heart. I flew home hysterical and have gone through the darkest times. How do I get rid of the guilt? My mother so wishes I would have never spoken. I'm sorry for this novel of a comment, but it isn't a story for everyone. I lost my husband way too young and I just can't help but carry the guilt of ruining my once close family. I do love my older brother and forgive, but "It never happened " Thank anyone who reads this and has any words for me. ❣🙏
i know Im asking the wrong place but does anybody know of a way to get back into an Instagram account?
I stupidly forgot my login password. I would love any help you can give me.
I do hope that things have gotten better for you over these last couple years.I just read your blog today.Im not sure why you shpuld bear any guilt by opening were trying to protect your should protect the innocent one....but it is something that most families dont want to deal with...Most families have dark secrets that noone wants to look at.
More often than not,I believe.
But just saying to you today,God watch over you ,give you peace ,strength and joy.
First of all, Stand for the Truth and for JUSTICE . GOD IS JUST, and God is Truth. If your nice was raped by her Grandpa or your older brother, it is a crime to hide that from the justice, in the name of family ,which is a selfish way to see it. Do speak to the police for the sake for your Nice. Not doing it makes you a complice, a partakers of the rape.
You did NOTHING wrong. You did NOT ruin your once close family. I'm sorry but your family isn't close if they don't or never protected you
@@henrikkeegan2760 yes this is the wrong place.
Am so glad I came in on this conversation quite by chance
Love this testimony
I do, too. And...I don't. If the abuse had been dealt with serving the abuser with justice. PRISON. Abuse would not have continued on down thru the generations. Report it to the authorities!! Do not cover it up!!! The victim would be relieved knowing where the fault belonged. Counseling would help the healing process. The abuser would have his deeds out in the open. LIGHT!! Don't hide it, excuse it, or forgive it before it is dealt with and there is demonstrable repentance. God forgives only when we repent ..... and if we forgive. Forgiveness demonstrates to our God and ourselves that we know who God is and it's not ourselves. We cannot judge. That's God's job. Avoiding dealing with criminal behavior is judgement. It's taking control where it should be turned over to God. Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars. Report it!!
Such a powerful testimony!!! God bless you Brenda 💜🙏🏼✝️
I relate to the language you and the women that joining you on you show and I love it ! I hope to see and hear more shows like I hope this becomes the norm .
Thank you, I needed to hear this , & buying book
This is so good! 🙏🏾🙌🏾
Thank you for the encouraging word
who would of ever thought of the scandel at tbn and now at Daystar what a shame it just shows us that we have all fallen short of the glory I have the father we are all sinners and we are all none Worthy of God's grace and his Mercy so never forget that. I watch both of these networks for years and I know these people weren't perfect I knew they were sinners and now 10 to 20 years later the truth is now coming out cuz anything done in the dark will come to the light praise the Lord and I don't really like to say it in those terms because that's what TBN uses praise the Lord in the wicked things that went on at TBN. If you're not aware of what went on go and do your research with this lady here that is the wife of one of the Brenda crouch
People seem to have forgotten that what happened to Jonathan and Suzy child happen to Paul Couch Jr. and his daughter. The hypocrisy that Joni interviewed and had Paul Crouch Jr. on her her show the Joni Table Talk and he shared his testimony, story to them. And Joni ignoring her own Mishandling’s is truly SAD. She Living in Her OwN World outside of Reality!
ignoring her own Mishandling’s is truly SAD. She Joni is Living in Her OwN World (Outside of Reality)! I can’t find that episode but if you do some more digging I know you will find it. But I did manage to pull up Paul Crouch He’s Wife Brenda and amazingly she was able to share her testimony of SA from her own father and the healing Brenda received from Speaking Out what was once done in the dark now brought to the Light! Just flabbergasted hell Joni allows everybody to share their testimonies as well as their victory through Christ and sharing what was done in the dark come to light and then she suppresses her own family issues and insist on Keeping it in the DARK. BUT She Joni will need to Trend Lightly Cause The LORD will Handle her and everyone involved accordingly.
Thank-You for sharing Your life❤
This episode is so incredible!!!
Brenda is speaking truth at so many levels of marital abuse. Identity is the key….in CHRIST. I pray that NO ONE thinks that there was anything that a person could do or say to MAKE a man abuse her like what Brenda went through. Her husband made his choices. Amazing testimony!
If she could forgive her father for what he had done I could do the same I have to learn to forgive people pray for me to forgive quickly and forget the past
They need to Arrest pedophiles they do sooooo much damage
"Revenge is mine, I want to repay!" But after jail , there mustbe a chance for a new beginn. We are human beiings - not cruel animals...
@@KoolTthey used to do worse to them...
Thank God that Jesus heals the broken hearted.
Precious sister 💖
If you are abused in any way, please also pray for your children + break that spirit that has entered your family, break it over your unborn kids
Powerful story.
They are Gods children also I never thought of it that way Thanks Brenda for the Testimony
I believe daystar should blow child abuse wide open by interviewing the abusers and let people know the lord can heal them too.
Do you really think that is possible ? It isnt.Nobody is going on camera to be devoured.
They need JAIL FIRST. DAMAGES kids too much.
This would being a really big testimony and would break so many chains... Light brings light!!! The curse can stop.
What is impossible with humans is possible with God and Jesus went to the cross, not just to be devoured. Whoever comes into the light is light. @@pattypierce8189
Maybe you are right. maybe youre not. That's because nobody goes in front of the camera to get devoured. Why are people more interested in satisfying their need for revenge than in genuine repentance? After all, everyone knows that people get worse in prison. I don't know of any prison where people are raised to be better people. Most prisons employ exactly the same abusive methods/punishments that the perpetrators themselves use to abuse weaker fellow human beings. Darkness can never create light. Please think about it. Don't you ever want to go to jail, incognito, without anyone knowing you're not a criminal? I wish you a good time there and hope that your character will be truly sanctified there. I'd love for you to testify here on this channel afterwards about how you enjoyed it and how it changed you for the better. And last but not least - I'm not a criminal - but I have one in my family and I know all the consequences and all the seemingly right arguments. It's not helpful. God is merciful and HE can change anyone. But people also have their part to play.@@KoolT
Is she from TBN?
Who is Brenda crouch? Related to tbn crouch?
Im going to wikipedi and try to figure it out🤔
@@pAusten 👍
Oh she's the wife of Paul Crouch Jr. of TBN. She said it at the end of the video. So yes she is related to the TBN Crouch Family. Thank you Paul for even trying to find out.
@@mhba9047 She is the second wife of Paul Crouch Jr.
@@vickyCA1643 10-4
Who is Brenda crouch
Separate the sin from the sinner. Sure. Be set free. Forgive. But....justice should be served to protect our society . Christians should raise a solid, firm standard against criminal behavior. If a pedifile slips thru the system and skips justice, the road to repentance and restoration is blocked. Sadly, Christians go to sloppy agappy, and help cover up criminal behavior.
Didnt her dad pastor a church in OKC ?
Oh, is this a gossip column? And it's so public, too... 🤔
I have had the same questions, thank you for clarification...@@bevfitzsimmonds3382
Please put me on your pray list I was one who went thought the same thing from the age of 5 till I left home at 16 him and his friend there toke advantage of me there was attempt I'm alive also I have lost my virginity by the time I seen fifth grade all kinds of things were John it was physical abuse will going on in the home would you please pray for me I feel so far away from God Christina got married it was a lot of physical abuse I felt like there was nobody out there to love me please pray for me
You're in my heart. Sometimes it helps not to feel, but to think. It will help you to say: God loves me and he will help me. Don't listen to these feelings. When you fall, you're in pain because you've bruised yourself. But we wash the wound, bandage it and do everything to make it heal quickly. Go with people who are good to you. Don't stay alone...
Turn him in. Don't hide it from the authorities and family and friends . Report it!!! Stand up against abuse!!!! You don't need anyone in your life that covers up criminal behavior to protect what? Their phony life? Shame on those who don't take measures to protect you. Honey, REPORT it to the authorities. The abuser won't receive you. Dust your feet off and go toward those who value YOU. If you want to hide, hide yourself in God. He is your strong tower!! His love will carry you through to a life filled with protection, deliverance, provision, validation, abundant life. ❤ Go forth in Jesus Christ. That's how God deals with sin. Light kills dark. Turn off light and dark returns. It's just that simple. Simple, not easy. God will champion you. He's on your side. He will restore YOU. I just don't get the people who go first to restore the abuser. Let justice be served and if and when he repents, God will restore him. God loves him, too. He loves everybody but some refuse his love and spend eternity in hell. So tragic. Not your fault. Let God deal with it.
Joni interrupts the guests too much. They loose their trail of thought.
Is Brendas father in law Paul Crouch?
I recalled a memory of a relative and sonic asked my older sister's and they said same relative did same to them at a lake. I had known ot happened but back then people didn't say anything BC we thought he was SLOW LEARNER like Forrest Gump. But he was married.
Stupidity is no defense against punishment.
Rachel has an awful voice -- and she interrupts.
She still seems extremely conflicted because it was her father. They should have had a professional Christian psychologist instead of girls giving their well intentioned but unprofessional opinions because this could be very confusing and contradicting for victims of abuse.
Anyone would be conflicted. It's normal... it's grief. They did well. Listen to their answers.
Yes correct, alcoholics do much Damage PAUL DRANK A LOT and so did Jan.
@@KoolT I think the greatest harm is done by people who are full of bitterness and hatred and who take out their own resentment on other people. Isn't it nice that Jesus has so much grace with us all? God bless...
PJ Video Stuff born again christians are not under generational curses Jesus took on His Precious Body our curses and our sickness and ofcourse our sins.Isaiah 53:4 (KJV)
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
We have the victory through Christ, that victory isn't automatic, you stand on the name of Christ and take it. It's foolish to think the devil doesn't go somewhere just because we don't want it to. We have to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
It is unfortunates that someone who is invited to explain her book is unable to be open. Throughout the interview she was so locked up there was nothing to learn. This tell me her book would be the same. What was the goal to come up to public talk when you are not ready to share your experience ? She kept analytical instead of sharing the Truth. I feel i wadted 30.minutes here😡
Perhaps, she didn’t want to divulge more truth than she did, so as not to spoil the book. But, I did hear her as still protecting herself and rightfully so.
I feel I have wastetd my time reading this post too.... Where is your heart human?
That’s THE answer to trying to find a way to forgive yourself…Jesus forgave you. As you begin to receive that, even not initially believing it, and continue to let Him break that. The enemy wants you to spin and spin in the lie that “ I can’t forgive myself”.
That' s true, but it feels different.. @@KoolT
False teachers
Don't you have anything better to do than stand in judgement of Christian women who love the Lord and share with others real life situations and how to overcome them by putting your trust in Christ Jesus? Don't be a thorn in the body of Christ.