John Fenn When angels or the Holy Spirit speak to you

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 161

  • @lindaorr976
    @lindaorr976 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    The morning that my husband died I heard an audible voice inside of me as clear as a bell that said, “ today someone you know will see Jesus Christ”. I’ve always known in my knower that this was the Holy Spirit. I’ve never heard it again but I ran into the hospital and started whispering to my husband who was in a coma, “ Fly away today because you’re going to see Jesus”! He died a few hours later. I’ve never been the same and I ask the Holy Spirit living in me every day to let me hear his voice again clear like that but I sure haven’t. And I would love to it made me so happy!

    • @jediineducation
      @jediineducation ปีที่แล้ว

      sounds like holy spirit doesnt talk irrelevant.

  • @danielmcguinness6192
    @danielmcguinness6192 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I studied the Gospels at school. Twenty years later I was stressed and took up breathing exercises taught at a Buddhist Temple. I went home, locked the doors and was doing the exercises and I heard a loud voice. '' You're not leaving me Jim are you. you're not leaving me.''. What was that all about. From time to time at night I would read my school bible and put it under my pillow. Since then I have given myn life to Jesus and I have had several supernatural experiences since then

  • @mickvictor
    @mickvictor 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Just wanted to let you know that even 2 years after posting this video, it is still blessing people. Like myself. Love you brother. There must be a reason you showed up in my feed.

  • @daleharding7843
    @daleharding7843 ปีที่แล้ว

    I heard God say to me. I'm here. I am listening.

  • @fredrickakinard5469
    @fredrickakinard5469 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I heard an audible voice. I was not working and I had a little tent in my backyard that I went in to pray and study my bible. The bills started coming in and I was walking around the patio
    crying out to the Lord asking what was I to do about paying the bills. I heard a booming voice that came from the sky that said what are you afraid of read Matthew 6:26. I slid into the tent opened my bible to see what the scripture was, I will never forget it "Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they?"

  • @timmyjohnson2099
    @timmyjohnson2099 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I can't believe it took years to find this man, how long has he been on social media. I enjoy his teachings.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hi Timmy, thanks for your kind words - I've been doing the videos roughly 3 years. Feel free to email me anytime at if I can be of service, answer questions, and such. Hope you've also signed up for my weekly email teachings on our site - - thanks again, John

    • @lufizzkids7103
      @lufizzkids7103 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      My exact thoughts

    • @lufizzkids7103
      @lufizzkids7103 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      SuperHouseChurch I feel like I have a lot to catch up on in such a little time

    • @repentorperish6414
      @repentorperish6414 ปีที่แล้ว

      Took me longer writing this in June 2023...I guess I had some maturing to do...

    • @Crocus801
      @Crocus801 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      September 2024 such an amazing teacher! I love hearing about his amazing encounters with the Lord!

  • @janetsampson1779
    @janetsampson1779 6 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    John, the earlier experience that I mentioned I feel I have to tell you more about because it's an amazing story,my brother and I back in the seventies played in a rock band professionally together and we were playing in clubs across Canada and one night we were playing in a club and this heavy set bearded man asked us if we wanted to go to his store to see some home made guitars that he had,well playing in a band in some small town can get pretty boring at times and because we had nothing to do after we had finished for the night my brother and myself along with another guitar player in our band decided to check out these guitars,well John when we entered this store and walked to the back of it it felt like I was walking through invisible mud,I could actually feel a weight on me,we got to the back of his store and then he brought out the guitars,he then told us that he wanted to put a band together,dress the band up in robes and he had a very unChristian name that he wanted to give the band,the three guitars that he showed us were very well made but they were shaped like snakes and weird things and that's when I started shaking inside,vibrating and I heard very firmly in my head get out!,get out!,get out!,I looked at my brother and all he did was nod at me and then we immediately left the store without saying a word,my brother and me are both Christians but our other guitar player who was there wasn't and he felt absolutely nothing but my brother and me sure did,I remember saying to my brother on our way back to the club,"Jimmy,did you feel that!,he's really there!",meaning the Holy Spirit and he said that yes he did,John,this experience actually strengthened our faith because we knew without a shadow of a doubt that if that man had offered us millions of dollars we wouldn't have taken it,I know it sounds unbelievable but this experience really did happen to us,I had never felt anything like that before and I have never felt anything like that since,a few months ago I was talking to my brother about it and he said you know Bob we must never forget about this and we must always remember it,I said for sure Jimmy,I couldn't forget it even if I wanted to,John,it was a once in a lifetime experience. Bob.

    • @TazHall
      @TazHall 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That happens to me fairly often. Lots of red flags last year in particular.

    • @avoiceinthewilderness9864
      @avoiceinthewilderness9864 ปีที่แล้ว

      I believe you!

  • @billking3923
    @billking3923 ปีที่แล้ว

    It’s a strange experience to sense an invisible angel and be able pinpoint their physical location. Their presence truly has the energy of an anointed person.

  • @carolineannmurrell9561
    @carolineannmurrell9561 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you ... I have been there .... when I travailed out of my body... now i understand this .... it gives me so immediate feeling that Jesus loves me .. continues to move me every day. ... The Holy Spirit must shake his head an smiles .... there goes My child again.... I know He is always with me.... thank you once again for your message.... be blessed brother in Christ amen

  • @scottduggan2056
    @scottduggan2056 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Love your work John; been following your ministry for the past 2-2.5 years and you are truly a Man of GOD! Glory to Him for providing great teachers such as yourself in these end times! GOD Bless!

  • @daleharding7843
    @daleharding7843 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent post John. Thank you😁

  • @vond7495
    @vond7495 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for sharing that insight about angels. I experienced something 30+ yrs ago and I've never doubted that in some way it was God loving me enough to warn me of impending danger. But, now....I feel it was my guardian angel warning me....and that makes me smile from ear to ear. Here is the story below.
    Barely awake, I get up just after daylight one morning, staggering, holding to the walls, half asleep to go to the bathroom and as I did I mentally heard a rhyme of sorts (for the lack of a better explanation) repeating itself over and over in my mind. I go back to bed and fall straight back to sleep. Later that morning, I get up and go about my business and the rhyme begins to repeat itself...over and over. I really couldn't make sense of it, as to why that was coming to I tried to ignore it. It would go away for a while but then return. As I was getting ready to head out to my, mostly all day, college classes, it starts again. Frustrated with it, I abruptly stopped what I was doing and repeat it out loud....."Bad Roads, Bad Curve, Bad Judgement." I said, Lord, are You trying to tell me something ?? When I did that, I never heard those words again all day.
    I attended my classes throughout the day and as the evening wore on I finally finished my last class at 8:00 pm. Tired, hungry and wanting to get home to my family. I hurriedly got to my car, just to discover that I'm nearly out of gas. So now, I have to make a detour and run to the gas station before heading home. In the meantime, it begins to gently rain. I'm in a hurry so I begin to travel a little faster than I normally would....the rain begins to come down a little harder and the roads become a little slick....but I don't let up on the gas pedal....I just want to get home. About a third of the way home I notice my car lights shining down on the wet, winding road in a curve. Immediately, I hear those words again, Bad Roads, Bad Curve, Bad Judgement. I suddenly know why I began hearing those words more than 12 hrs ago....I was being warned of a wreck that could happen. I immediately slowed the car WAY down and took my time getting the rest of the way home. I truly believe after hearing you today that it was my guardian angel that spoke those words to me that day. All because God loves us so much that He takes the time to watch over our safety and help us when we need Him.

  • @colleenbrinkman5145
    @colleenbrinkman5145 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This was so wonderful...I learned volumes

  • @janetsampson1779
    @janetsampson1779 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I believe I've heard from God twice in my life,the first time was many years ago when the Holy Spirit told me to leave a place and it was accompanied by a shaking in my spirit,inside I was vibrating but outside I appeared normal,my brother who was with me also felt it,the second time was a few years ago when I was on a rant with God complaining and asking God for things for about an hour and suddenly a soft gentle voice inside me interrupted me with "what do you give me?",it was the perfect answer and it completely shut me up,it was different from where my chain of thought was at the time and it did not sound like a loudspeaker. Bob.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Hi Bob - cool experiences, and sorry that loudspeaker grabbed the focus of attention, and it did admittedly to most people communicate only the idea of loud - a loud speaker is also clear, concise, precise, and dominating enough to get one's attention.
      That's why along with loudspeaker I said clear, concise, etc, and I intended people would hear the whole description rather than single out 1 element - but I understand and will learn from this - soft and gentle voice inside you that was clear, concise, to the point - that was the Holy Spirit for sure - thanks for sharing! John

  • @marionkadwell1693
    @marionkadwell1693 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much. I absolutely know I have a guardian angel. A year ago I was walking up flights of stairs with my 3 year old grandchild when I got dizzy and I knew I was going to fall and I was terrified that my grandson would get hurt. I pushed him to the landing and as I was falling I felt this feeling of protection like I was enveloped in an an egg is the best way to described it. When I finally reached the ground I immediately jumped up. It didn’t hurt and I had no bruises. By the way the steps were concrete! I knew in an instant that I felt this presence. This has happened many times but finally after 64 years of life iI recognize it!

  • @krystal6612
    @krystal6612 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I BELIEE GOD SPOKE to me the other day. My older brother Matthew's fiance amber has a horrible very aggressive stage four brain cancer. She's on chemo and radiation treatment everyday. I saw her the other day and she showed me all her hair that she had lost:( she looked swollen and so sick. She's is only 43. I went home balling and felt so heavy hearted and was praying 🙏 🤲🏼 all of a sudden I was doing something amd I heard loud and clear BUY AMBER A WIG. HER son has his high school graduation on June 16th. And she had said I am going to try to get a wig to wear to his graduation. It was LOUD AND CLEAR! AND IM DOING IT!!! PLEASE PRAY FOR HER. MY LIL BROTHERS FIANCE ALSO HAS AGGRESSIVE BREAST CANCER AND HAS TO HAVE A DOUBLE MASECTOMY ON JUNE 8TH. ITS SO SAD. PLEASE PRAY FOR HEALING, STRENGTH, GOOD HEALTH, AND LOVE FOR THEM.

  • @fluffymims9772
    @fluffymims9772 ปีที่แล้ว

    You were on a mini bike??? Were you ever that small? No wonder you wrecked ❤😂😇👍🏼

  • @patriciaj5756
    @patriciaj5756 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    There are so many people on TH-cam claiming that God told them this or God told them that and they do it on a regular basis. What is sad about this is that thousands of people are following them. Saints are not reading the word of God they are running to (TH-cam) to get a word from the Lord and thereby being deceived. Everything that is going to happen or that has happened is already in the word of God. It is dangerous to your Christian walk to follow people or depend on the God saiders on TH-cam to shape your life by. Thank God for this video clearing this up.

  • @donsheilaalways4875
    @donsheilaalways4875 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great teaching for me tonight brother John. I have been praying for God to help me understand why I do not hear from
    him as much as I use to or as much as I think I should. You sure helped me understand this a lot better. May God bless you and your family. in Christ Love

  • @dissolvethevoid
    @dissolvethevoid 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Makes sense the Spirit is the link to everything withthose that have Him indwelling. Pretty amazing the Spirit is everywhere at the same time. So it became apparent to me the only concern we should be moved by is the Spirit... The enemy can't touch us.

  • @Wise4HarvestTime
    @Wise4HarvestTime 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Great clarification. Every Spirit lead Christian should hear this. It would really clarify our communication to one another

  • @misssymeeefamily6260
    @misssymeeefamily6260 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You’re giving me so much clarity. Thank you!!❤️

  • @vegaschick4eva375
    @vegaschick4eva375 ปีที่แล้ว

    😂🔥🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂😂😂🔥🔥-Ur daddy Lucifer is calling each of u by name 😂😂😂😂

  • @Cyara248
    @Cyara248 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Such a big wonderful blessing. Thank you so much.

  • @Kim-Dalton
    @Kim-Dalton 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This message was a blessing. Thank you for sharing.

  • @lilanthikosalalawyer8486
    @lilanthikosalalawyer8486 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow. I learn a lot. Thankyou. Love you from Srilanka. 🥰🙏♥️🙏

  • @Acadian.FrenchFry
    @Acadian.FrenchFry 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have heard a very clear voice like this once after I had an event where I had a bad health issue and was struggling to breathe. It was heart related. Anyway, after this event and I was finally able, I took a shower and heard this very clear kind of loud voice in my head that only said one word, "Thessalonica" . That was it.. I am not really sure what this meant.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hi UzeHerName - thanks for sharing this. So after you heard this, did you look up Thessalonica, either in the NT or history? I've been there - it is a seaport not far from Berea and Philippi, with the main Roman road that runs east-west just north of there and with good Roman roads to and through it. Being a seaport it linked major parts of the eastern Empire with Rome...
      So the question is - are you a connector, are you international as the city was? Paul was surrounded by people who rose up violently against him, were you at that time surrounded by unbelievers who were against you?
      There are lots of reasons that city could have spoken to you at that time - it is a connecting city, it was international, it was prosperous, and it was where a riot arose because of Paul preaching Jesus, causing him to leave town due to the assault on Jason's house (See Acts 17:1-) for more information.
      And that He said the city name rather than the 2 letters to the Thessalonians in the NT, 2 of the earliest interesting....
      Thoughts? John Fenn,

    • @Acadian.FrenchFry
      @Acadian.FrenchFry 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I will send you an email tonight (I'm on California time), as I would very much like to understand this. I will say quickly (if this helps) that it was odd that I got the name of the city, as I literally would have never thought of that word on my own. It's never been something I have even thought about. So when I heard it, my response was almost comical because I repeated it out loud in this confused response like, "Thessalonica??"
      I know nothing about it. I did try and read about the church reading commentaries online, but nothing really stood out. I just know that there is something He wants me to do or understand that's related to it. It's been about 8 mos since that happened (I have to look back to be sure of when that was) and it has not left me, but I feel frustrated that I do not understand. I'm a home body, not a traveler, we live in a small community in the mountains. Not sure if that info is significant or helps. I really appreciate you getting back to me about this.

  • @missynoll2088
    @missynoll2088 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great explanation! Thank you and God Bless!

  • @skerich7056
    @skerich7056 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for this .

  • @repentorperish6414
    @repentorperish6414 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pastor John....I don't know if you still see these comments. I'm a new sub...I heard an audible voice inside my heart/belly area back in 2020 saying my name 3 times Satan wants to..... then my husband starting coughing.

  • @marytina6179
    @marytina6179 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    ur a blessing thanx fo clarity

  • @susansmith-Bibleresearch4674
    @susansmith-Bibleresearch4674 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awwwww, thank you. Good info. Now I see the difference on different times I was spoken to.

  • @rosaliehouk9322
    @rosaliehouk9322 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love your verse John 14: !!!!!

  • @rosaliehouk9322
    @rosaliehouk9322 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you soo much! That is so comforting and I'm so blessed to have you for pastor. I will continue to seek and learn how He speaks to me! Part of my concern has been a strong sense He is returning very soon and worry of any being left behind, especially children, even spouse whose faith I can't understand. GBY!!! :-)

  • @elainepope6834
    @elainepope6834 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you!

  • @ursulapsaila7771
    @ursulapsaila7771 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm new to your channel and don't know how I came across your video . Thanks for sharing and for clarification !!!
    Mine goes like this : few days ago I've heard an audible strong but not harsh voice that said :
    " I AM " , I've heard more than once . It is sooo strong and meaningful !!!!

  • @atpeacewithGod1
    @atpeacewithGod1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amen! Great word 🤗

  • @rickeystinson6014
    @rickeystinson6014 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @MrMichaelSStuart
    @MrMichaelSStuart 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I feel like I am NOT good at hearing God clearly and directly.

  • @fredrickakinard5469
    @fredrickakinard5469 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Some years ago I had lost my job and the bills started coming in. I had a mahe s

  • @pilgrim7779
    @pilgrim7779 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Awesome message! I heard an audible voice one time and I always thought it was the Holy Spirit. Long story short, I kept having these weird, random thoughts popping into my head that I was having a difficult time dealing with and so one night before I went to bed I asked the Lord in prayer why I keep having these random, weird thoughts. The next morning as I was getting out of my bed I heard a clear, whispering voice (coming from my closet right next to my bed) say, "Because you are corrupted but I will raise you incorruptible"! Was this most likely my guardian angel delivering a direct message from the Lord?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      HI Pilgrim, thanks for writing - The Holy Spirit does as I mentioned, sound like an audible voice because He is so clear, concise, and precise - but inside though at first it is hard to tell if His voice was in you or just outside - that is how overwhelming but gentle He is.
      But when a person is sure of the direction, it is usually an angel, 'your' angel, delivering a message - the thing to do is to think through your life and see if there were situations you heard similar things from the same 'voice', times of searching, danger, potential danger, direction....
      The other possibility is that the Lord came and stood there for that moment to deliver the Word personally...

  • @bseriesonlyhondasintegras1883
    @bseriesonlyhondasintegras1883 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I hope u can help me make sense of something that happened to me when I was 13yrw old. I received christ as my personal saviour and as I was praying I felt a presence like someone standing behind me and as soon as I said " I except christ as my personal savior " I felt something come inside my body from behind me. Then I tried many times to repeat the situation to see if I would have the same experience as I had the 1 time ( as many kids would do at 13yrw old ) I felt a presence with me everyday for years to come at 15yrs old I was curious just to see if this felling about the presence was just me or not and all I said was "go" and it left I never felt it again . I don't know what I did . I hope nothing really bad as I ment no harm by it. I was a curious kid. Fast forward I'm 37 now I was baptized at 33 after I decided to completely give my life to the Lord. I felt my whole body shake as I'm professing my love for christ Jesus in front of my new church family. And as soon as I said the last question. " yes I wish to be baptized " my body became still. (I was not nervous at all but my body was trembling ) I was then baptized I felt very calm and I felt very much at peace. But I still have not felt that presence again like I did all these years ago before I said to it "go" like I said I mentioned nothing by it is was just a young kids trying to figure out really what is this . But now I'm concerned that I may have offended God or something and it's been bothering me ever since. My pastor said I wouldn't worry to much about it. But I loved that presence I never felt alone. Now I'm just wondering if I offended God somehow. It's really bothing me. If u have any advice or if u can help me somehow be at peace I'd be very appreciated thank u God bless

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hi B - thanks for writing. The fact you are concerned tells us the Holy Spirit hasn't left you. From what it sounds like you felt the Holy Spirit come to you when you were 13 and that's what you sensed. You may not experience the Holy Spirit the same way as when you were 13 because that was the born again experience - it is a once a lifetime thing - so don't look for it again.
      What you can do is seek the baptism with the Holy Spirit and ask for that infilling, a very different Presence will come upon and in you with that - Acts 10: 44, 19: 6, etc...
      If you will enter into deep worship you will once again find that presence...and then rest in that peace and His presence...very powerful. You can go to our web site if you like and find some good, quiet, worship...go to, across the top find 'worship', and click...scroll down, select a track and worship...soak...blessings, John

  • @CC-it4up
    @CC-it4up 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Omg i finally found my answer after all this years wow.....This is exactly what happen to me i knew seen’s i was 19yrs old via a dream later in my future at 34yrs old something was going to happen to me but i had no idea what,. i had no knowledge of Godly stuff.

  • @vegaschick4eva375
    @vegaschick4eva375 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @MichelelovesJesus
    @MichelelovesJesus 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very helpful, thank you!

  • @Jeremiah33.3
    @Jeremiah33.3 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    John, soon after I was baptised as a born again Christian, I experienced an attack from the enemy. One night a demon tried to leap onto me as I lay in my bed. I knew to call out the Lord's name for protection but I was made paralysed. I tried to speak but nothing would come out. In that instant as I struggled with this, an audible voice calmly spoke to me in my mind and said "say it in your mind!" It repeated that over a few times. I know it was definitely not my own voice bcoz I was too busy freaking out over not being able to move or speak! Straight away, I did as the voice told me and as soon as I did that, the demon just disappeared. It all seemed to happen so quickly. That was four years ago and I've never been attacked like that again.
    John, I'm puzzled though...can demons hear our thoughts? I'm assuming, from what you have conveyed here, that it was the Holy Spirit who provided those instructions to help me. Is that correct? Thank you for this video. God bless you, brother.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Hi Trudy Who, thanks for writing, hope I can help.
      First, that was the Holy Spirit who told you to just say it in your mind - I had a similar or related experience the first time I encountered a demon talking to me, through a teenager who was part of our youth group. I was giving her a ride home after a meeting and suddenly she began to say no one loved her, everyone hated her...
      So I just naturally told her the Lord loved her, that I loved her as a sister in the Lord...and then suddenly the voice shifted almost gravelly like, saying 'No one loves me...' and such...then through no effort on my own at all, up from within me I heard myself say, 'Come out of her right now and enter her no more!' I said that and immediately she fell limp and quiet against the far door of the car.
      Suddenly I realized it was the Holy Spirit within me who using my voice, commanded it to come out of her. She later described hearing within her a hissing, gnarly, voice saying those things...and then it went out and she was in peace and ministered to by the Lord.
      So that in essence is what happened to you - we are commanded to cast demons out, so the Spirit will move us to speak, whether out of our spirit or openly and verbally to be heard - many times I've been in meetings or talking to someone and I realized they had a demon so I silently took authority over the thing and commanded it to be quiet or leave (usually the person wanted them so I couldn't overrule their host, being a person, but I could tell them to shut up).
      Demons cannot read your mind - family spirits are called in the Old Testament, familiar spirits, because they have hung around a family maybe for generations, using up one generation after the other, so they know you well and know what 'buttons' to push, so to speak.
      And that is why people often have the craziest thoughts flow through the mind and we wonder where it came from - because they don't know our thoughts they sometimes just suggest random thoughts, a shot in the dark.
      Good questions...blessings, John Fenn -

    • @Jeremiah33.3
      @Jeremiah33.3 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi John, thank you for addressing my questions. Much appreciated.

  • @user-mz3ii1os1b
    @user-mz3ii1os1b 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great sound common sense...😊

  • @sifujedi
    @sifujedi 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks , informative

  • @beckylangley4833
    @beckylangley4833 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    God has spoke to me while I slept several years ago I filed for Disability and I was so afraid I mean laterally terrified I have severe anxiety and depression I was maybe 30-35 years old sorry I have severe memory loss cause of my disability going back to what happened I went to sleep and God came to me he told me not to fear you are going to get it and you will find out on a certain date I can't remember the dates now I'm sorry I've forgotten anyway I told my then husband about it I thought he was going to hit the floor when it happened when God talked to me I knew without a dought that it was him I couldn't see him but I heard him and I felt him all.around me I can't describe his voice the voice was everywhere

  • @cindychull
    @cindychull 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I feel a fear that he is coming real soon and I don't feel Worthy

    • @michellelyon7046
      @michellelyon7046 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I feel I am not worthy as well.

    • @AnnaMarianne
      @AnnaMarianne 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Don't fear, because we are not given the spirit of fear. And remember that our salvation isn't in what we do or are, but in what Jesus has done for us, and what he has achieved. Don't look at yourself, look at Jesus. All the things that trouble your heart, bring them to Jesus in prayer. Don't pull away because you feel shame or fear - it's the enemy trying to keep you away from praying and spending time with the Lord. If you don't feel worthy, don't turn *from* God because of that - turn *to* God and ask for worthiness, for wisdom, for strenght, for ability to understand truth and discern the lies... he is rich and gives to those who ask. So pray and read the Bible. And look at Jesus and his work, not at yourself or your emotions.

  • @pippinbaker8440
    @pippinbaker8440 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pastor John,I think ive only heard once,a voice, all the other times, i thoughts come, and i start to write the words they are silent but i m hearing? them so when the message is ended, i read it, no having to change it it is a perfect letter, Is that the HOLY SPIRIT ,Jesus or God, it is always edifying never evil stuff, and when I get reprimanded I KNOW I feel basd and sometimes cry ,like a child n say sorry repent ask forgivness Please tell me, thank you so much In His perfect love.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Pippin, thanks for writing. Hebrews 5:14 says 'Strong meat is for those who by reason of use have trained their senses to discern between good and evil.'
      'By reason of use' means trial and error - you have to apply yourself and be determined that you will get better and better at it.
      In John 12: 28-30 Jesus says, "Father, glorify your name" and there came a voice from heaven saying, "I have both glorified it and will glorify it again." Some that stood by said it thundered. Other said an angel spoke to Him. But Jesus said, 'This voice didn't come for my sake, but for yours...'"
      Notice it was the Father speaking audibly to the whole crowd - but some were so dull of hearing they thought they heard thunder. Others recognized it as supernatural, but didn't know the Father's voice, but thought maybe an angel. But the apostle John at least, heard it accurately as he recorded the gospel for us.
      His voice is from the spirit down inside, and sort of floats across your mind, not initiated by you. But not of your own doing at all. Trial and error.
      Relax, walk with Him, apply yourself, look for the Father's involvement in your life...and keep talking to Him. I have cd and DVD on what Jesus taught me about how to hear the Father's voice, from my 10/1/1986 visitation, the first teaching visitation I have had with Him.
      If interested email me at

  • @rosaliehouk9322
    @rosaliehouk9322 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    TY again!! That was so timely! It clarifies and reveals something about another question that has been of concern. When I read that His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him, I think I must not be a sheep because I haven’t heard as you described an audible voice within that I’m aware of. So can it be that even though it may be vague it still represents His Voice??? TY so much for your teaching!!

  • @kittyeroland3148
    @kittyeroland3148 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have had audibles. One time the word was Obidiah spoken 3 times. Which means servant of the Lord

  • @lindabsearcy
    @lindabsearcy 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Do you believe that people can have dreams every night a dream that has a message. It seems like some people on TH-cam claim they have multiple dreams a night from God which all have a message. I don’t negate the ministry of dreams but I can count on one hand the ones that were really from God and not from my thoughts. Am I wrong?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      HI Linda - I think you're right. In scripture spiritual dreams are few and in between, and immediately understood or within a short time are interpreted by someone else. Also, in NT times in which we live, we have the Holy Spirit within who communicates directly with us as a first priority. Guiding, speaking, showing, and things in our spirit that our minds pick up on - discern, perceive, witness - plus the Holy Spirit able to speak directly to us, and angels as well. So dreams are a small part of a larger mix - if you hear of someone whose life focuses just on one element to the exclusion or near exclusion of all the others, is in error and off balance. Also, every spiritual dream in the scripture was concise, rather short - even Pharaoh's 7 fat cows and 7 fat ears of grain followed by 7 starving cows and 7 thin grains...and Nebuchadnezzar's dreams as well - those are some of the longest, yet still short, concise, and readily understood or interpreted (Joseph and Daniel being there in each case to give the meaning). You aren't wrong! John Fenn

    • @lindabsearcy
      @lindabsearcy 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      SuperHouseChurch Thanks so much Pastor John. We have friends who think they speak for God simply because they have a dream every night. It should be the exception in my opinion to things you and He have been talking about. In my experience when I do have a dream it’s usually warning me about the future. Thanks so much for answering.

    • @lindalehmkuhl7106
      @lindalehmkuhl7106 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Hello Linda. Ten years ago I might have agreed with you. However, in 2012 I was given a word that God was going to give me a "Daniel Anointing." Didn't think much of it because I wasn't someone who had many dreams or even remembered them. However, in 2015 I started having vivid, specific dreams and began keeping a journal then going to the bible to see what the symbols meant or where they were found in the bible. I prayed and sought God following each night's messages like a bread crumb trail day after day. The dreams began simply at first and using the bible gave clear messages for the direction and decisions my family needed to make. Now 3 years later, I humbly admit that I have done the things Daniel did in the bible...Interpreted other people's dreams and even experienced another person's dream and dream interpretation/message from God. Daniel did these things to serve God and I do too. Yes. I test every spirit and word against the Word of God and ask for scripture and confirmations regularly. I spend extended time in the presence of the Holy Spirit and have become His student. Almost daily I receive dreams. Sometimes as many as 10 in a night. I remember them, almost every detail, every word, every bible verse I'm led to etc., no kidding. These dreams have led to a deep relationship with Jesus and God the Father as well as Holy Spirit. Through obedience and dedication to this time spent with Holy Spirit; God has done amazing things for me and my family. We have had physical, emotional and mental healing, supernatural provision, and amazing answers to prayer including direction to the Kingdom purposes God has destined for our family. I understand your skepticism, because if it weren't happening to me I wouldn't get it either. But please remember that just because this may not be the way Holy Spirit interacts with one person does not mean it is not the way Holy Spirit interacts with another. Proverbs 25:2 says "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter." Acts 2:17 says "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." It's happening. As long as these dreams lead people to a closer relationship with God and align with the bible please do not be quick to discount them. Acts says God would POUR out His Spirit and it's a deluge! I'm just a humble teacher, wife, mother who is just a vessel He pours into. God is speaking to His children in many ways, I've just learned how to listen. Be Blessed!

    • @cindychull
      @cindychull 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      SuperHouseChurch have you watched Rhonda Epson channel? She dreams every 🌃 nite and inly talks about The Rapture?

    • @lindabsearcy
      @lindabsearcy 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cindy Hull Yes I have. Thanks.

  • @CharleneFreedInChrist
    @CharleneFreedInChrist ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi John! I encourage you to compare Mark 13:11 with Matt 10:20. I stumbled across it a while back and would love to hear your thoughts if you get this message! I enjoy your videos very much! :)

  • @sourclam904
    @sourclam904 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a question regarding healing. When one prays to be healed in the name of Jesus, and God didn't heal them of a certain disease... does that mean that it was just not in God's will? For example, Paul was not healed of his thorn in the flesh. Is it just that simple? Thank you for your ministry as it is a blessing in my small group home church.

    • @pearladams4817
      @pearladams4817 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is a very important question Devon. I have prayed about a particular challenging situation for years without getting the answer I desire. What God told me before the ordeal started was that He will make a way where there seemed to be no way and that He will sustain me with love and strength each day. I believe that God could allow us to go through trials to serve certain purposes depending on our callings and personalities. The writer of Psalm 119 said in verse 71, "It was good for me to be afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes." In Paul's case, he was afflicted to keep pride from him because of the abundant revelations he received from the Lord. Frankly, I don't know why the Lord hasn't given me victory over what I'm going through but I know that it must be for my own spiritual edification. More importantly, God wants us to trust His providence even when we don't understand the "whys" of things.

  • @JEY-discipledcities
    @JEY-discipledcities 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I've had the Holy Spirit speak to me what seemed audible. But, most of the time it's that "Still small voice" - 1 kings 19:12. So I will have to disagree with you on that point. God speak in many ways and in many forms. But MOST of the time it's that still small voice. So if people require a "load speaker in your head" then 99% of your people will disqualify His voice when He speaks.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi John, thanks for writing. You're looking at a tiny slice of information out of years of teaching on the subject through 44+ years of walking with the Father - like visiting Central Park and then drawing the conclusion all of the USA is exactly like that - if you watch on, or if you want any of my series on the ways the Father communicates with us, let me know, my gifts, as they may help you expand your perspective. And if you think I was saying the Holy Spirit speaks as the most often, you missed the point as per the above. Most of the time He communicates as Jesus taught and as we see in the NT.
      When the Lord appeared to me on 10/1/86 to teach me some of these things, He said "The NT uses words like perceive, discern, witness, and know to describe the process by which the mind picks up on what the Father is communicating in your spirit."
      And if you care to learn more you'll find Jesus said in John 16:13 that Spirit of Truth will 'guide you into all truth, for He will not speak of Himself, but only what He hears. And He will show you things to come. As I teach, of those 3 things mentioned, guide, speak, and show, only 1 is verbal. The others are non-verbal and/or visual.
      If you'd like more I'm happy to send you some series, my book Pursuing the Seasons of God, which details some of the early visitations including the above paragraph, and more...just let me know. My email is and I would encourage you with anyone, not just me, don't take anyone's single message and draw sweeping general conclusions - for you're only standing in Central Park....blessings, John - my email is if I can send you MP3 or DVD or cd's books - happy to help and thanks for the comment! John

    • @JEY-discipledcities
      @JEY-discipledcities 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have to apologize. I am more in agreement with you than it appeared in my response. I got interrupted before I finished my response and finished listening to your teaching. I have been a bible teacher since the early seventies. I have been called of the Lord to start home Bible studies for those people who believe but don't go (or can't go) to church. Also, the Lord gave me the almost impossible task of breaking down denominational barriers that have divided the church for centuries. I would like to comunicate with you more as I am very interested in your CWOW ministry. I have a facebook page under John Elery Young. Thank you much.

  • @pln8503
    @pln8503 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cornelius was having a vision when he saw the angel of YHWH approaching, whom he called the Master.
    Shimon, in the state of being in the Ru'ach, saw a vision. All in the vision a voice came to him whom he called the Master.
    Then the Ru'ach says to him to go with them.

  • @rosaliehouk9322
    @rosaliehouk9322 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The scripture in Job was made known to me not long ago and I did have relief at the time as I took it as a word that they would be saved and felt that I should trust it to God and not be so concerned. Then I went back to look at it again and I'm trying to confirm that is indeed what I understood or be sure that is the message it gives.I'm not as I said very practiced in hearing and so concerned as to their destiny that I don't want to not be thorough in my understanding about this scripture,
    So I am asking you if you can confirm that what I'm hearing is the truth of this scripture. Not sure if it's right and if I continue to confess as a promise or how I deal with it going forward? Do I continue praying for them or indeed trust it is true and rest in God's promise? Hope this helps with understanding what I'm dealing with. I trust God but hesitant trusting my understanding of this scripture!!! Thank you again for any comment you may have, love in Christ. Rosalie

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      HI Rosalie, Thanks for this clarification, it really helps. You are making this too complicated, and are in such fear you are doubting the integrity of the peace God gave you on the matter it sounds like.
      Concerning Job 22 and what Eliphaz told his friend Job, it is a statement that a righteous person by their life, by their example, is a witness and help to those in need, and that God because of the one who walks with Him, will deliver those they love.
      To say it another way to paraphrase the verse, "He will deliver the guilty, and they will escape, because you are righteous, and for your sake because you walk with God, He will show them mercy."
      I would suggest just letting that be your word from Him to you that they will come to Him at some point - whether you are alive to see it or not, He is faithful. He is giving you a word for their lives, so rest in that - be at peace with that.
      Here is an example in scripture of the same type of thing:
      In Acts 13: 44-49 Paul and Barnabus are opposed when they try to reach the Jewish people about Jesus, and Paul says this: ‘This is what the Lord commanded us, saying: I have placed you as a light for the Gentiles, So that you may bring [the message of eternal] salvation to the end of the earth.’”
      When Paul says "...the Lord has commanded us, saying...he is actually quoting Isaiah 49:6 in a prophecy about the Messiah - Jesus. When originally written it was about the Messiah - not Paul.
      But the Lord can pull any verse He wants from the original context in order to tell us it also applies to us and our situation - that is what He has done with your verse from Job 22 concerning the adults and their children you wrote about.
      For me, the very first time I heard the Lord Himself speak to me, He told me to turn to a particular verse that in context, was Him speaking to His disciples. It was John 14:26. But that day He pulled it out of context to apply it to me.
      That is what He did for you and that verse - and that is the understanding of that verse - for your sake, because you walk with Him, He will deliver them and they will escape - and of course He loves them too, but He is telling you that your life for Him is pure, and your prayers have been heard, and He will deliver them to Himself at some point - and rest in that, be at peace, allow His peace to rest upon you - continue to pray for them, but from that position of peace and assurance, not our of fear, for He has told you it is done. Blessings, John

    @BEERFEST07 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a question. If we are a spirit, living in a body, and we have a mind, why do we pray to the Father and not the Holy Spirit? God is a spirit, but He's not the same spirit as the Holy Spirit? I'm confused.

    @JAYANDKREE 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What if i hear someone one from the outside call me name

  • @lindabsearcy
    @lindabsearcy 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Follow up. How do I get an increase in God speaking to me?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi Linda, I can only speak through the grace given me, so that means I would be happy to send you, my gifts, some of my series - I did a series called 'How to be Led by the Spirit' from the 10/1/86 visitation where the Lord taught me to hear the Father's voice and how He communicates - snippets of which I've shared on YT and FB videos - if you email me at I can email you links, send you a loaded thumb drive with MP3 format, or street address where my Assistant can send you cd's and the dvd I have on the subject - let me know how I can help, John Fenn,

  • @StRyanRain
    @StRyanRain ปีที่แล้ว

    I just hear mostly evil voices on the outside how can I love God if he’s doing this to me with angels. I don’t think his grace is sufficient.

  • @ALL4SCUBA05
    @ALL4SCUBA05 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is it possible that something other than Our Father, Son, Holy Spirit or an angel has spoken? In other words something evil deceiving us? If so, will we know it’s not from God?
    Or perhaps it is our own thoughts and we think it’s from God?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi 'all' - yes, it can be our own thoughts and our own imaginations, and even our own spirit. For instance, if we are considering a piece of land to buy, because we are from Him we have a natural creativity and can see in our heart all the things that land could become. If we are in Christ and have a heart for ministry, we can see a ministry center there - and that is of ourselves.
      But many take that imagination out of their spirit as being God, and then get confused when it doesn't work out.
      Also, as we see in the life of Jesus, Satan can put temptation before us. Also, Peter's suggestion that Jesus not go to the cross, mentioned in Matthew 16, was sourced in Satan, which Jesus recognized, though Peter did not.
      My experience has been the more I get to know His voice and the ways of communication, the enemy's voice and my own thoughts become more distinct and recognizable for what they are - just because I know Him well.
      Truly Hebrews 5:14 enters in this process: Strong meat is for those who by reason of use have trained their senses to discern between good and evil.
      That's it in a nutshell, a life-long training...for those who want to train the senses..... Blessings, John

    • @ALL4SCUBA05
      @ALL4SCUBA05 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      SuperHouseChurch Thank you. I have some training to do. Blessings to you and family

  • @biblebus1080
    @biblebus1080 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hah! I just got done posting on another of your video that I have "audibly heard God's voice". I should have watched this video first. But if you wanna "quiz" me, I'm all for it. 🙃

  • @robeyreddzz4568
    @robeyreddzz4568 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    when I pray do I pray to jesus or the father? I've always thought the father and son are one and when I pray I say dear jesus. what should i be doing? thanks pastor

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi Robey, thanks for writing. Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." This indicates Jesus is the way, but the Father is our destination.
      The Father reconciled the world to Himself (II Corinthians 5: 17-19). This is why Jesus said in John 16:23-27 to pray not to Him, but to the Father: "In that day (after the cross) you'll ask me nothing, but what you ask the Father in my name..."
      Also note Jesus instructed us in the Lord's prayer to ask the Father: "Our Father who is in heaven...."
      Also note there are no prayers in the NT to Jesus - none at all.
      We ask the Father in prayer...hope that helps, John
      Feel free to email me at anytime if I can answer questions...

  • @rosaliehouk9322
    @rosaliehouk9322 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pastor John still learning about how to hear HS and my concern for adult children and their teen children. One scripture I ran into in study of His promises concerning this, possibly is in Job, 22:30. This study as I understand is saying they may be blessed by my cleaness of hands! That is a little concerning because unless it means my hands ( in Christ ) that's intimidating. I realize I may be off on different levels and I'm asking you please for understanding! Also I'm looking at other promises if you have wisdom for me concerning this. These teens are not being taught by parents or churched so I'm believing for their innocence in salvation. I have taken them when they were younger but it's not my privilege to be their parent, I'm grandmother to 3 and great grand to one. I want to do whatever is right in Gods sight for their sake!
    As well as the parents!!! My sincere thanks if you can respond! :-)

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Rosalie, thanks for writing. I'm not 100% sure what you're saying, but I believe you are concerned for their walk with the Lord - and looking for promises in the Word concerning them.
      Let's step back for a moment your study and allow me to ask if the Father has every given you peace about them, any word, peace, any assurance concerning them? At any time in the past or present, down in your spirit, have you sensed peace He has them under His control?
      Depending on your answer, we can go in a couple of directions - let me know please! Looking forward to learning the answer, John ( is my email)

  • @eyem4freedom
    @eyem4freedom 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yes- Jesus himself said pray to the Father!!! Even elders and church leaders pray addressing Jesus (this really annoys me)... I'm not saying we should not talk to him, but he said when you pray SAY... OUR FATHER.....

    • @Acadian.FrenchFry
      @Acadian.FrenchFry 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes very important thing to clarify. I see a lot of confusion here and have been confused over it myself

  • @cindychull
    @cindychull 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    All my dreams are about Future end of the World. All the Mountains on Fire, balls of light in the Skies. Going into a empty Church with dirt and cobweb's, tidal waves. None are good. One for instance I was standing in Business I owned 35 years ago. 3 Men walked up to me one Like my Dad when he was young. He asked the 2 who I was they said this is your Daughter, he said no I don't know her. I said Daddy don't you remember me and he got right in my face and looked in my eyes. His face was really Bright, then he said if she cleaned up a bit she could be my daughter. Do you think these dreams are from the Enemy to scare me

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi Cindy, thanks for writing, and here are some key principles to determine if a dream is from God.
      First, James 3: 15-18 tells us the wisdom from above is pure, peaceful, easily approached. The wisdom from the world is fear, confusion, envy, strife, evil.
      An example would be Paul in Acts 27:10, who was a captive of Rome about to board a ship, and he says: "Sirs, we should not leave now, for I perceive the voyage will lead to us losing the ship, the cargo, and even our lives."
      The Father was showing him the devil's plan - to kill them all. But if you read the chapter you'll see they fasted 14 days, and an angel stood before Paul and told him the Father had assured he would be brought before Caesar, and the Father had given all 276 men would live - with some conditions like staying with the ship until it breaks up, etc.
      Point is, Paul received something in his spirit about the loss of ship, cargo, and their lives - but that revelation of what could be, still left Paul in peace.
      That is the wisdom from above - even if the news is bad, that bad news is enveloped in the peace of God - even if the Father is showing you a revelation of the devil's plans that if left unchanged, would happen.
      So ask yourself - does each dream leave you with peace? If yes, then some or all is from the Lord. If not, the dream is a product of something else - your own fears enhanced by the spirit of fear. I don't know what sites you visit online, but what you describe is pretty common, and very often (especially women for some reason) visit sites loaded with fear and conspiracy theories and the fringe - all with spirits of fear attached, then they latch themselves onto a person's mind, and then the dreams come. As I said, I don't know about your habits and situation - but even a home situation with fear in the atmosphere can lead to dreams with fear and no peace.
      So...peace and comfort, from God. Fear, confusion, evil - not from God.
      Additionally, in the Bible every person who had a dream from God either immediately knew the meaning, or within a short time the Father brought someone to interpret the dream. Pharaoh had Joseph, Nebuchadnezzar had Daniel, and in the NT those who had 'night visions' knew exactly the meaning right away.
      Hope that decide based on those Biblical guidelines. And if a spirit of fear is attached, Jesus said to cast them out - simply command it to leave you in Jesus' name, and then don't go back to whatever opened the door for it.
      Let me know - blessings. John Fenn

    • @cindychull
      @cindychull 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      SuperHouseChurch Do you Believe we are living in the very last days? I listen to Midnight Oul and Rhonda Epson they think they're going to be Raptured up any minute and then everyone that's no Holy and pure ate left here for Hell to break loose. Do you believe in Planet X? It's very important to know if there's a Planet X. Could you ask JESUS?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hi Cindy, Thanks again for writing - According to Acts 2:17-21 the Day of Pentecost started God's 'time clock' of the last days. When asked what they were seeing with the 120 speaking in tongues, Peter answered: "God says, 'In the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, (young and old, men and women..." So that started the last days.
      Peter then supplies the end of the time God calls 'the last days', but saying this: "The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon (red) to blood, with the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord, and all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved."
      The term 'the day of the Lord' is a Jewish reference to the coming of Messiah, used some 300x in the Bible in one form or another if memory serves. The sun darkened and the moon red like the blood at that time, is the direct link and confirmation about the 'day of the Lord' found in what Jesus said of His return in Matthew 24: 29-30 where He says the same thing - sun dark, moon to blood, at the day of the Lord.
      So yes, we've been in the last days since Acts 2:4.
      The Bible also uses a term for the last of the last days, which is, 'the latter years'. That is what we are in. Those days can be seen from Ezekiel 35-37 that have to do with Israel becoming a nation again. Also, in Luke 20:24 and Romans 11:25 Jesus says Jerusalem will be controlled by Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles has ended. Paul said blindness in part has happened to Jewish people concerning who there Messiah is, until the time of the Gentiles draws to a close.
      So both those things - when did Jerusalem become Jewish controlled - that was 1967. So according to Jesus, that event marks the start of the end of the time of the Gentiles.
      On what Paul said, when we see blindness starting to lift off the Jewish people about Jesus being Messiah, then we know the time of the Gentiles is drawing down. That blindness started to lift in the mid-1960's, and Messianic believers (Jewish believers in Jesus) continues to grow in Israel and around the world. Therefore we know we are in the latter years.
      So yes, we are in the end times. As to planet x, no, ignore that and stay away from such silly things. Yes the Lord has talked to me about some of those things, and His instructions were to let those who are so willingly distracted be so, for that is their story, "But as for you; You must be about the Father's business."
      So that's what I those who genuinely want help, and let the others get caught up in distractions like that. When we stand before Him, He isn't going to be concerned with the things so many concern themselves with - Did we grow in love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, long-suffering? Did we give water, food, clothes to our brothers and sisters in need? Did we visit them when they were sick or in prison? (Matthew 25: 34-40, character traits He is looking for at His return).
      Cindy - James 3:14-16 says the wisdom from the earth is sense-based, causes fear, confusion, strife. He then says the wisdom from above is pure and peaceful.
      Examine yourself - what you listen to and read and dialogue with - does that produce in you peace, or fear and confusion? Very simple, grow up, stay away from the tantalizing junk that causes fear and confusion, and feed off that which produces godly peace and assurance.
      That's my advice..."When I was a child, I talked like a child, thought like a child, reasoned like a child. But when I grew up I put the childish things behind me." I Corinthians 13:11 - a lot of people in the body of Christ need to grow up and focus on the character of the spirit and fruit of the Spirit in our lives that He is looking for.
      Surround yourself with healthy people - and let the rest go their way. Hope that helps. John Fenn

    • @cindychull
      @cindychull 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      SuperHouseChurch Thank you so much, im going to stop watching that Garbage. Listening to you gives me Peace, all those that only talk about the RAPTURE makes me scared. I don't think we should dwell on talking about being out of here we need to be helping people learn about the Word. I think they're all scared about seeing all these things coming to pass, and they knows it's going to happen and they might have to live threw it. Im afraid we are going to be here and we are going to have to have Faith that he will protect us. This is going to be a falling away.
      Thank you for answering my questions, and I hope you continue talking to the LORD.

  • @alexandermcmillan2070
    @alexandermcmillan2070 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Never speaks to me I feel like I'm not here

    • @shulamite7625
      @shulamite7625 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Alexander Mcmillan Don't give up. Seek and ye shall find. I can't tell you what I've been through in seeking the Lord. Sometimes sobbing all night. You must have faith. That was one of my issues. Until I relaxed and believed that He loves ME, I could not please Him. He loves you! Speak to Him with excited expectation of hearing Him. Pay attention to all that is happening to you. He's there in the midst of everything.

  • @mkin6370
    @mkin6370 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Continued from “What the Lord and angel said”. Seems our pastor has a close friend who hears from the “Holy Spirit” regularly, and has sold many books, and CD’s on the subject. Made it through the 1st two CD’s which were difficult for me (not biblical), and on the 3rd she started talking about getting a revelation from the book “The Shack” I quickly hit the eject button, but didn’t throw the CD out the window because I didn’t want to litter. I would much prefer to just walk away, which I’m accustomed to doing, but for some reason I think the Lord would prefer I challenge the pastor; not sure about this, confrontations are not my cup of tea - people say I am very crass, and don’t know how to sugar coat things (my wife is one of those people), I’m not a nice person, kind maybe in certain ways, just not nice. A prayer in regards to me not using rude, crude, or sarcastic language during this adventure would be greatly appreciated. One more question if I may; do you consider Matthew 24:6-31 to be a chronological depiction of the events to come? My apologies for the long response(s), Jon

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Jon, Thanks for writing. Considering your sarcastic comment about not wanting to litter or you'd have tossed the cd out the window, it sounds like your friends' assessment might be close to home, lol.
      I just wonder why you think it is your place to correct your pastor?
      You're a prophecy motive person by personality, not a prophet, but your motive and personality are along those lines. These people see things right and wrong, cut and dried, and expect perfection of themselves, life, those around them, and their spouses. They naturally lack diplomacy, tact, and are good at perceiving when someone is off base, or spiritually off, or have ulterior motives and agendas.
      They have a hard time with others speaking into their lives because they want to correct the whole world and set it straight. Paul said in Romans 12; 3-8 of them to move in their personality 'proportion to your faith', Modern terminology would be only correct as far as you have the right to do so - not beyond the influence of your own faith.
      These people;e are often the artists, love nature, are tender hearted once you get to know them, but once you cross them they remember it. They tend to be roller coaster emotionally, up one minute and then down another time. They like order, work projects until they are completed and hate things undone and incomplete. They don't naturally go with the flow, but like to know what is where and when and why.
      Their sarcasm is based on hurt and arrogance, the arrogance coming because they think more highly of themselves than they should, usually because they don't allow the Lord or their spouses to humble them be them actually accepting 100% what those spouses have to say - they always hold back the idea they are right no matter what.
      That is why they have a hard time understanding a pastor's heart, a 'soft' heart, even accusing another of not liking confrontation or being soft or afraid because they don't like confrontation, when in fact very often that is not true - others just use tact and diplomacy and consider a person's heart.
      In the natural, you have no authority to speak to the pastor unless you are an elder - assuming by the very terminology you are in the auditorium system rather than house church - you can talk to him, but he won't due to that system accept much of what you say. So what's the point other than your drive to correct everything that isn't right in someone's life or belief.
      So you know you have an issue with biting sarcasm, yet you freely admit you heed none of those observations - proving arrogance and self-righteousness in your own eyes. I'd say a dose of seeing the Lord is in order, true revelation, and letting your wife have true impact into changing you and your manners. If others and your wife say you are rude, then you are. Change!!! That is God's voice to you asking you to deal with yourself.
      As to Matthew 24: 6-31 I would go back to the questions the disciples asked, which Matthew 24:3 records: 1) When will these things be? (the temple destroyed) and 2) What are the signs of your coming and the end of the age?
      Luke recorded the answer to the first question in 21, Jesus explaining the events from roughly Pentecost to the destruction of the temple in the year 70. Concluding in v24: "Jerusalem will be trodden down of the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles will be fulfilled."
      That of course was from the year 70 to 1967 when Israel re-took the city. So we are in the time of the end of the Gentiles.
      Jesus' statement in Matthew 24 lays out a roughly sketch of the answer to question 2 they asked. Verses 5-8 describe the start of the end of the age, with v8 starting it off fully, going until v15 which is Daniel's 9: 27 mid-point of the 7 year peace treaty, when anti-Christ enters the new temple and breaks the treaty.
      In v15-24 Jesus talks about the events of that mid-point, sharing that prayers can change the season of year and day of the week that event occurs, in v20: Pray it does'n happen in winter nor on the Sabbath.
      In v21 He uses the term for that 2nd half of the 7 year period as 'Great Tribulation'.
      Remember the context is within Rosh haShanah and the Days of Awe which lead to Yom Kippur. Rosh haShanah which is what Paul taught, includes a catching away of believers in Messiah before the Days of Awe start. There are some 300 references in the Bible to that time frame Jesus outlines from Matthew 24: 8-31 - so understanding it outside of knowing Rosh haShanah can only lead to confusion.
      But yes, it is a rough sketch of some of the events of that time frame.
      Hope all that helps...John

    • @mkin6370
      @mkin6370 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi John, just dropping a line, sent a couple of emails to to your attention, let me know if you don't receive them, may His Joy be with you.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      We had issues with our connect@ mail, since June 25 we discovered - they weren't getting to us. My email is - since then we've had them retrieved by cyber-sleuths, pulled out of the trash bin of the 'net, but I'm therefore a month or more behind in seeing them - anything since June 25 was lost, and only recovered last week.

    • @mkin6370
      @mkin6370 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi John, did you receive an email with the subject line "Mkin63 for Mr. John Fenn", it was sent on Monday to the address listed above?

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Elizabeth, thanks for the great question. No, is the short answer.
      The long answer is that in John 13: 16 Jesus stated 3 ways the Lord or Father communicate to us: Guide, speak, and show. Only 1 of those is verbal.
      The Bible uses different words to communicate the non-verbal ways the Father or Lord communicates to us - words like witness (Romans 8:17), discern, perceive (Mark 2:8, Luke 8: 46), and so on.
      These are things our mind picks up on - we have the Spirit of truth within, so when someone says something not right it won't 'sit right' with us, or we feel grieved down in our spirit - that is the Father or Lord letting you know it isn't right.
      We have the Spirit of truth within - so when we say something we shouldn't and feel that grievance down inside, that is communication from Him that we missed it. have been hearing from the Holy Spirit all along, often before we get saved for it is the Spirit who draws us to the Father in the first place. The trouble is you have been thinking you have to hear a verbal, words, message from Him.
      But by far He communicates Spirit to spirit, that is from His Spirit to our spirit which is inside us, by ways our mind picks up on, but are not words.
      I will say this however - if you dwell on those feelings, that witness, something you perceive or discern, very often it will become more clear and even like some words floating up out of your spirit.
      Another element of these non verbal ways according to John 13: 16, is 'show you things to come' - that is visual. Often the Holy Spirit will give us a 'mini-vision' or image that floats up out of our spirit into our mind, and we see that - often for someone else's benefit in a prophecy or impression we have of a friend as we pray for them - and we have this image that floats into our mind...
      An example would be John 1: 43-51 where Jesus said He saw Nathanael sitting under the fig tree before Philip invited him to come meet the Messiah. Jesus didn't say the Father told Him, He said He saw him under the tree - non verbal, but visual communication from the Father....
      Hope these things help. If you email me at I can upload my first book to you, which has some of my earlier visitations that will help you understand more. Blessings, John

  • @Castedlots
    @Castedlots 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I heard a voice tell me on the edge of a dream, "The betrothal needs to be acknowledged" and made a video about it. But what about the "Still small voice"?

    • @LorraineParis1
      @LorraineParis1 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Angie Framke If you mean Still Small Voice on you tube. I used to listen to her a long time ago, but something just not feel right. Best way to hear from Lord read your bible and ask him all your questions and ask him to show his truth. Jeremiah 33:3 Pray to not be deceived and show you who is for you and not against you. We can't hear from God just listening to people all the time. Pray about everything you hear to the Lord for truth!💖😇💖

    • @Castedlots
      @Castedlots 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      LorraineParis1 Thanks and I agree. I did not mean the channel, although I investigated it and it was false. I meant the way people say they hear from the Holy spirit, like you have to be in silence to hear but that is not how it was for me. I believe it it also mentioned that way in scripture. Who knows, maybe were all different. Thank you for the good advice, I take it. :)

    • @marting4907
      @marting4907 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes the scripture is psalm 46:10 be still and know that I am God. The bible says we will know a tree by its fruit. I hear the Holy Spirit exactly how John says. Still small voice tells you her way she hears the
      Lord. In which I can say has brought me closer relationship with Jesus. God bless.

    • @theresam6864
      @theresam6864 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Martin g, I agree with you. I have listened to Still Small Voice channel for over two years now. I have grown closer to the Lord than ever before because of her channel. It is not a false channel. I thank the Lord for leading me to her.

    • @marting4907
      @marting4907 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Theresa M , Yes I never knew that I could have such a deep and truly rewarding relationship with the Lord. I know the Lord speaks on her channel and there isn't another like it. May the Lord Jesus continue to bless you sister .

  • @danieldominguez1113
    @danieldominguez1113 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    This question is very odd but after hearing so many people that claim Jesus visited them , they quote his words and it's always king james type English, is this true? Does he have any accent. It's not important at all I'm just curious

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi Daniel, actually your question is very good, and thanks for writing. I can answer it for you.
      The difference is between translation and interpretation. For instance, the gift of tongues and interpretation is just that - not the gift of tongues and translation.
      A translation means a word for word, verbatim exact duplicate of what is said. Translation is very important in international work, diplomats, documents and contracts and such. You want a translation for those uses.
      An interpretation is not exact, but allows for culture, the person's background, accent, educational level, and so on to convey the general meaning of a message.
      That is why very often a prophecy or interpretation of tongues, especially for those not experience with such, will often have poor grammar, slang, or use King James English or other translation of the Bible that person is used to.
      When a person has a visitation, especially if they aren't used to it, they often will try to interpret what they saw and heard into words that sometimes aren't quite right. The general idea may be accurate, but it is expressed through religion, grammar, culture, and so on.
      A for instance would be the portrait of Jesus the little girl painted when she was 8, and also some of the things the little boy who was 4 at the times, said he saw in heaven.
      The little girl painted what she thought Jesus looks like, but is SO wrong - he is not caucasian handsome and all trimmed up. And the little boy said in heaven every person has wings - wrong.
      But they were children, and communicating what they saw has to be taken through the eyes of children and their church background, the input of others, and so on.
      That is the underlying principle. But to answer your question you can now guess the answer - no, He speaks in perfect language and dialect according to the person He is talking to.
      How a person repeats what they hear or sense - most people feel in their spirit His words so they interpret not translate, what they saw or heard.
      By contrast when I have a prophecy for a person, it is most often that I actually hear and therefore translation (repeat) exactly what I hear. Much like Agabus in Acts 21: 11 who merely repeated what he heard the Holy Spirit say concerning Paul.
      I hope that helps...John Fenn,

    • @danieldominguez1113
      @danieldominguez1113 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@CWOWI Thanks for this in depth reply

    • @danieldominguez1113
      @danieldominguez1113 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@CWOWI What is your opinion on doctrines like Calvinism?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      HI Daniel, thanks for writing again. Calvinism is a misunderstanding of free will. The Greek word 'predestined' which we take to mean locked into a course of life that cannot be changed, meant nothing of the sort in scripture nor in Paul's time.
      "Proegno", translated 'predestined' in Romans 8: 29, simply means 'to know before', or to know ahead of time as we might say it.
      There is no destiny locked in with its use, it simply means God knew before who would be His, for based on what He knew, He made provision for those who would want Him.
      Blessings, John

  • @pln8503
    @pln8503 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is no scriptural basis for the belief that each and every believer has a guardian angel. If you want to use Mattityahu 18:10 as an example, then that would be taking the witnessing words of Yahuwshua ha Mashiach out of context.
    Yahuwshua is simply speaking concerning these little ones at that moment, saying "their"; but it is intended in a general sense.
    The heavenly angels are about doing YHWH's will and are before His Face always. YHWH is able to administer His messengers wherever is needed for His purposes, and since YHWH is who the whole world exists in, then YHWH sees all and knows all.
    We would have to go to the "fabled" source of the belief that we all have an individual angel at our beck and call 24/7, because it is not scriptural.
    YHWH gives His angels charge over whom He will, to do what He wills. He will use His angels to carry out His will, just as He uses us (who are walking out their salvation with fear and trembling) to carry out His will.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thanks, LOL - I have to laugh at this. Of all the things in the world to be concerned with, THIS is your hot topic?!
      Having met my angel and having seen angels of other people, families, and over churches, I'll stick to what I believe the Word to say and what I've seen when with the Lord.
      But don't let it bother you - not a deal breaker that I believe angels are given to families and individuals and you don't.
      But I offer some thoughts for you to consider if you are so inclined, or others reading this:
      First, that Judaism then and now teaches each person has a guardian angel - as recently as Rabbi Trapp (d 2010) back to ancient Chabad - Judaism 101 we might say. Easily sourced. Commonly believed.
      The idea of assigned angels is in scripture, at least on a national level even if you reject the gospel account - I am happy the Father has assigned Michael to guard Israel (Daniel 12:1), that He told Israel He had assigned an angel to guild them in the wilderness, and I'm also happy from The Revelation 2 and 3 He assigns angels to churches that He starts.
      God does a lot of assigning angels to nations and churches, why does it seem strange to you that He doesn't take it further, to individuals?
      So we see from ancient times the belief in personal angels, and national ones, carried into the NT - so that what Jesus said about the children's angels beholding the face of the Father, is consistent with what other Rabbi's of the day and previous millennia through the centuries taught. So your assertion above is poorly founded historically, culturally, and scripturally.
      I offer this as well - The presence of the counterfeit proves the existence of the true.
      What I mean is this - the OT teaches demons can be 'familiar spirits', which means demons hang around and know people in families, they are familiar with them, using up generations of people - thus the designation. You've no doubt seen how spirits say, of cancer or some addiction, affected the grandparents, then parents, then children - so you see that in the Word and see it played out in the natural. If you've not seen this or thought about it, I'd suggest you haven't much experience with demons, witchcraft, etc. I have. From a tribal level with natives in Panamanian jungles, to witches and more in the US. Lots of experience.
      How is it then, you seeing this practice and pattern of familiar spirits in the demonic, that demons are clearly assigned to people, do you not entertain the possibility that counterfeit proves the true? Satan cannot create but only perverts that which already is, proving by his perversion using demons that the God's practice of assigning angels to people through their families and generations?
      Some thoughts to consider - like I said, such a minor issue I am left wondering why you felt the need to make your assertion in the first place? But once you opened the door, I wanted to offer some thoughts. Interesting. Blessings, John

  • @Darthsmoothie
    @Darthsmoothie 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey John.
    One thing I don’t know what to do with now is this.
    I’ve never heard an actual voice inside but I’ve had what I guess you’d call the witness of the Spirit and with it thoughts download into my mind that I can put to very specific words, several sentences or paragraphs sometimes.
    I don’t mind not saying “God spoke to me” if I didn’t hear the “audible” voice but are you saying that he does not communicate detailed thoughts to us other than thru his “audible” voice?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hi Jerry, thanks for writing, hope I can help. The Lord often moves from the vague to the specific. This can be seen in many passages ranging from the woman with the hemorrhage condition in Mark 5 touching Jesus, but He only felt a vague sense of power leaving Him, and her having to provide the specifics of her condition and what happened, to this:
      In John 12: 29-31 Jesus prayed, "Father, glorify your name", and the passage continues: "There came therefore a voice from heaven saying, I have both glorified it and will glorify it again." When those heard it, some said it thundered, others said an angel spoke to Him. But Jesus said, 'This voice did not come for my sake, but for yours sakes...'"
      This shows the growth in sensitivity to the Father we must grow in. The Father spoke audibly, but some only heard thunder. Let that sink it. The Father spoke clearly, audibly and many heard it - but some heard only thunder. That is often how we are at the start of our walk.
      The next group recognized something supernatural had happened, but mis-applied it in their assumption: An angel must have spoken to Him. They heard more than thunder, they heard a voice, but couldn't tell if it was the Father or an angel.
      But clearly Jesus and John, who wrote down what happened, heard clearly.
      The vague to the specific. My suggestion and what I did and do is this: When you receive that vague witness or download or whatever the next time - focus on it. Like an image coming into view out of a fog, words will emerge and become clear - if you stay there, dwell on it.
      Once you get used to that, then He can in the future jump right to the specific voice- or maybe it is that we grow to become accustomed to His dwell on it.
      Another example is that years ago, 1985-86 I was an Associate Paster and held 'healing school' every Monday afternoon from 1-3 at the church. About 15-20 would meet, I'd teach about healing, and then prayer. Often I would receive words of knowledge or wisdom for a person, and then give it...
      But after the meeting I would be rolling the meeting over in my mind, and more revelation would come about those words I gave. And I was hard on myself because I could have shared so much more revelation in the meeting if only I had been ore sensitive.
      But when I went to the Lord about it thinking I was so dull of hearing, He told me His word is incorruptible, so there is life in each word He speaks - He explained it from a logos vs rhema point of view - rhema being the specific word God speaks to a person.
      He told me there is life in each specific word, and THAT i actually what man is to equate with our daily bread, each word that proceeds out of the mouth of God to us.
      So He said because those words of knowledge and wisdom are alive, there is much more life in them, so it cannot help but provide more revelation as I dwelt on them - so it wasn't me per se, but more in terms of dwelling on what was already spoken to me.
      He described it as a meal that is nutritious - it takes time for the body to get the full nutrition out of that meal - you taste it initially, and that is what we do so often, just taste and run with a word from God. But He encouraged me to not just taste it, but to digest it, spend time dwelling on each word, and that specifics will be revealed from the vague.
      So that's what I share with you - you are there - just spend time and realize once you do, that is a voice you are hearing in your spirit man, not just a witness or feeling or something you discern - but out of the vague, comes His voice....hope that helps, John

    • @Darthsmoothie
      @Darthsmoothie 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      John, thank you so much. Yes, that helps immensely!
      It's also kind of funny because as I was reading your reply I realized that, to an extent that's what I have already been doing, I just hadn't thought about it that way. I guess I've always thought of it as something that was just instantly there but now that I think about it, it HAS always been like a little thread or a vague impression and I would start to pull on and follow it, often through speaking back to the Lord what I thought he was saying and/or typing or writing it out and it was over the course of a little bit of time - a few minutes usually - that it would coalesced into very specific and detailed thoughts.
      But that's often within a sitting. I should probably dwell much more throughout the day and further but I guess I never thought about that.
      This is bringing back a 20+ year old memory I have of telling someone - or actually asking them if it was this way - if hearing from God was like sitting in the sun. Because I had asked God something and then gotten a vague impression that, as I stood there I began to have a sense of direction - like an image on a Polaroid. I may have been wondering if it was me or God, but I remember using the analogy that you can run out into the sunlight and back in and it makes no difference, but if you go sit under the sun for a while your skin starts to warm up and if you're there long enough it starts to brown.
      Thanks so much for the answer, John, this is life-changing.

  • @vegaschick4eva375
    @vegaschick4eva375 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @vegaschick4eva375
    @vegaschick4eva375 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @vegaschick4eva375
    @vegaschick4eva375 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @vegaschick4eva375
    @vegaschick4eva375 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @alanthomas6438
    @alanthomas6438 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    please stay off face book, all you do is give them all your information, who, where ,what your thinking etc...

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks Alan - that is something I've wrestled with. We are a house church network in dozens of nations, and many of those nations I can't say or otherwise have to leave off anything we do on the web. On the other hand since what I'm on FB for is ministry, I'm more concerned if someone accused me of being a believer in Jesus, would there be enough evidence to convict me? I hope so.
      But in a visitation the start of this year the Lord came to me and actually talked to me about AI - and what He said I've shared some in our web conferences and in my monthly e-newsletter, the rest I left off. He did say He gave the technology to bless people, but " will be used against my people." And I suspect already is in some parts of the world.
      So there is no escaping it - the days of total interconnectedness (AI) is upon us - for example, in theory, if you went into a box store, then went to another store, then went to a bank, then to a restaurant, in theory if someone wanted to track you or predict where you are going next, AI would tie all those independent surveillance and security cameras together to pin point you.
      So in light of all that, it makes FB seems like a has been, a tiny, tiny sliver in the sea of ability to track and predict one's actions. On the one hand we can't escape it in the west at least, and on the other hand so what if they do. I've lived over 44 years walking with the Father and Lord and they've done me know wrong, so I'm not going to start denying them now...
      One of the things the Lord said in January was that I would not recognize the country in 2, and 5, and 7 years from now. Those represent different things that will happen between those points on the calendar...interesting days ahead! John

  • @kevinn.1746
    @kevinn.1746 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    The holy spirit and angels are the same.
    Citizens of a country are referred to as "the British" or "the Americans" or "the Africans".... Now these are millions of citizens from those nations being called by ONE title.....under the mandate of a citizen...
    Its the same with the kingdom of heaven......Angels make up the kingdom, They are 'holy' and they are 'spirit'.......simply putting it.
    They have been there from the beginning and the ones who have been sent to minister to humans and have always carried the mandate of comforting , guiding and revealing truth....
    This is contrary to the Trinity doctrine, but an in depth look at scripture proves it

  • @benprofessab1496
    @benprofessab1496 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Loleeone
    @Loleeone 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can't call the Holy Spirit "him"...that is a manipulation by the translators...should be "she"....the third person of the "family".

    • @smilejb1234
      @smilejb1234 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      John, can you clarify on this? Thanks!!

    • @eyem4freedom
      @eyem4freedom 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @cindychull
      @cindychull 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      eyem4freedom The Holy SPIRIT is a SPIRIT, not him or her

    • @eyem4freedom
      @eyem4freedom 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The bible clearly describes God as man-like, the Holy Spirit and Jesus of course was in the form of a MAN. He said if you have seen me, you have seen the Father. He also referred to the Holy Spirit as he, and the WORD said let's make man in our image. God is a not a man (in human, flesh form) however- to take the bible as anything else is twisting it.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hi lolee1, Actually, you are incorrect. Translations are based on original manuscripts, one of which a very good friend of mine had been working on shortly before he died (old age). Before any translator gets involved, there is the original. Even in our day as ancient manuscripts are being dusted off museum archive shelves and read with new technology, bringing back to life ink long faded and such, seen from time to time in the news.
      If you like history and related information, I would recommend Thomas Cahill's "How the Irish Saved Civilization". It isn't a Christian book, but a very good tracing of the fall of Rome and how Christians in Rome realized the great archives of Rome would be destroyed as it fell.
      So they whisked the documents off to the furtherest reaches of the Roman Empire, Ireland. From there they began translating from original documents things like the writings of Socrates and Aristotle, Homer, the writings of Paul and what became our New Testament - in fact we know of ancient Greece and Rome largely because these early Christians had the foresight to value all writings of the ancients.
      From there came the famous Irish beehive hovels in which those who dedicated themselves to preserving the originals and translating them into Irish first took place, with a bit of Latin as well. That is known as the Book of Armagh and was compiled at our NT between 410AD and set in place as our NT by mutual agreement, by 600AD.
      The Latin version, called the Vulgate, was in this same time frame - all by these people and their co-workers who so valued scripture and history they had the integrity to record, copy and translate from the originals.
      Fast forward 2000 years to our day, and archaeologists and those digging through old museum and school archives continue to find slivers and pages of the ancient originals, which corroborate the works of those early Irish Christians.
      This is just off the top of my head here this morning - you have believed a lie, lolee1. If you do not believe history, then look to the body of the Hebrew Bible as well - there are many elements in Hebrews that DO bring out the feminine voice in the writings, for women came from God's personality too - For instance, 'roach', which is Hebrew for the Holy Spirit, is a feminine noun.
      But that is where the error starts, by people who ignorantly see that and think that means the Spirit Himself is female. There is a difference between gender, and grammatical gender.
      For instance, in English a ship is called 'she'. Sometimes a car is named a 'she' - "She won't start this morning, old girl...200,000 miles on her and she finally died" might be something one would say of their car. That is grammatical gender.
      (Technically speaking, English doesn't have grammatical gender, but you get my point)
      In Hebrew it is used to bring out elements of one gender or the other, not an assignment of gender.
      That's the misunderstanding. The Father created male and female, and to do so He took of His own personality. If you read Genesis carefully you'll see that Genesis 5:2 says "In the day in which they were created He called their name Adam."
      They were one because Adam had been created whole, and by the time Eve came along the Lord had long since stopped creating, so He took from Adam 1/2 of his being to create Eve - thus he was split in two, his other half walking towards him with the Lord it tells us. That is why he exclaimed 'Flesh of my flesh (being of my being)...'
      He called their name Adam, because they two made up the one original He had made.
      The Lord is like that - He has both feminine and masculine traits as He is Creator - amazing grace. Hope this helps clear up your confusion. John Fenn,

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