Not a big fan of either of these characters, but they’re both pretty good. Definitely ready to move on from True Shikai Ichigo and his SA3 in melee Stern Ritter GQ. Endless boost from Gremmy is nice for melee Soul Reaper GQ, too. Definitely gonna do 3 steps, don’t know if I want to go 10.
Liltotto is looking promising an mid month character receiving an ex attack is crazy
True 👍
True 👍
Yeah I'm skipping... They don't call it mid month for nothing ‼️‼️ saving orbs for EOY
Oh thanks
i really want lilotto but i need to skip her for the eoy ... she is my favourite of the bambis to
Was so tempted when I first heard of them coming out. However, after game play, I feel no urge.
Not a big fan of either of these characters, but they’re both pretty good. Definitely ready to move on from True Shikai Ichigo and his SA3 in melee Stern Ritter GQ. Endless boost from Gremmy is nice for melee Soul Reaper GQ, too. Definitely gonna do 3 steps, don’t know if I want to go 10.
I wish Liltotto was in her normal uniform, but I'm still going 25 steps.
Damn your devoted. You a big gremmy or toto fan?
14:05 😂 The meteor present 🎁 . The skip is massive.
yea im skipping i did one multi on oetsu tenjiro banner instead and got oetsu so I can easily save till eoy
I did 6 steps on Oetsu, to get Unohana(unfortunately i didnt get it.)
I got: Nanao, Toshiro , Ouetsu.
I'm gonna save for eoy banner.
Her kit: sa1 vacuum vortex like aw ichigo sa1
Sa2 960 aoe
Sa 3 full screen
3 steps for me, I have over 9.000 orbs so I can afford it.
Thanks Klab easiest skip in months, are they premium pool ?
no theyre tybw seasonal units
@ still easy skip too niche in there useage
damn so it is actually Liltoto im gonna hold my L on this one. that being said easy skip
Did 5 steps on oetsu banner and got manga tybw Byakuya, yeah i shouldn't summoned ngl
Hard skip, plus 100% they clearly for the new game mode GQ which is boring now, lost count on GQ units since anniversaries.
I heard eoy were leaked 💀
Who were they
@@kevin11wilson fullbring bankai ichigo, jugram, bankai yama
@@Thxrsday_ really ?💀
@@kevin11wilson some guys in discord
@ Ya, they’re going to be broken so Im happy