*[Timestamps below]* A new survival adventure for Aki!! 🤩Our RUST heroes tackle the Norse lands in quite a flammable start 20:20 , 41:48 , 42:52 , 1:17:30 , 1:44:58 , 1:51:40, but now they set up, they delved in a dungeon 3:24:20, they killed trolls 6:55:10 and they employ travel magic 6:52:10! Looking forward for more adventures ☺ Thank you Aki, Toitoi, Aria, Lam, Reika, Nenemaru and Middle for the fun night! I wish you all a nice rest!! 🥰 1:42 start 3:45 game start 5:12 dynamic entry 7:38 Middle-sensei in session 10:45 greyling 15:03 oh yeah, watch out for the tree 17:43 Middle-san down! 18:40 welcome back 20:40 , 22:46 crispy friends🔥 └24:20 and a crispy Aki🔥 26:42 help! 28:59 watch out! 32:33 cool skybox!!! 34:01 Toitoi in pain somewhere 37:12 ORA!!!! 43:25 no cookable items 49:58 , 55:30 crispy meat 53:10 many foes! 56:20 slowy slowly 1:02:40 AAAHH the table!! 1:06:30 low health? No Problem! 1:11:33 tunic for Aki 1:15:18 BGM on 1:19:05 more cooking places 1:27:20 , 1:28:50 , 1:37:10 , 1:40:28🏹 1:32:13 when in doubt. hammer 1:41:39 1 bed for each 1:43:40 zzzzzzzzzzzzz 1:44:00 🔥Good Morning!!🔥 1:59:55 fall damage 2:06:00 , 2:17:02 *EIKTHYR* 2:12:42 using the trophy 2:21:52 watch out! 2:25:07 Mining!! 2:26:29 full inventory 2:32:16 Eikthyr too close to the house └2:34:03 THE HOUSE!!!!😱 2:35:39 house rebuilding 2:46:44 Nenemaru? 2:52:05 completing the wall 2:53:08 higher ladder 2:57:12 complete! 3:15:42 IKZ! 3:18:22 Aria found a troll! ├3:19:30 fighting the troll └3:22:00 victory 3:24:05 *DUNGEON* ├3:25:20 Nenemaru dead! ├3:27:03 Lam down! ├3:29:05 parry tips ├3:31:00 more skeletons ├3:31:15 pain Nenemaru ├3:31:51 kiting plan ├3:32:30 scream!! ├3:33:20 hello! ├3:33:50 Lam and Aki down! ├3:38:15 bringing in friends ├3:38:53 recovery ├3:40:32 Surprise!! and Aki down again ├3:44:42 Aki bait time ├3:45:15 laughs ├3:49:54 parties everywhere! └3:53:11 a pick works too 3:55:40 settling at the dungeon 3:59:20 good night, Nenemaru! 3:59:34 heeeelp! 4:39:03 chased by dwarves 4:40:57 Ne! 4:46:33 vs the beehive 4:49:25 , 7:54:13 not close at all to drowning!🌊 4:58:22 okaeri! 5:08:51 BGM is back 5:16:51 hit by her own tree 5:31:43 boarding the boat 5:32:16 boat driving 5:48:30 smooth landing 5:50:25 Eikthyr buff 5:52:02 more cooking └5:53:07 , 6:02:18 🔥 5:57:17 the ladies in danger 6:11:06 working the land 6:14:33 , 6:17:00 Vomit attack!! 6:20:49 cart! 6:24:20 adding aesthetics 6:57:42 good night, Lam! 7:12:19 good night, Aria! 7:16:57 home invasion? and Aria summoned to defend! └7:18:20 AkiBait at work again 7:21:57 Bone collector Toitoi at work 7:24:40 good night for real now, Aria! 7:29:10 , 7:40:31 mogu mogu 7:37:00 Eeeeeee?! 7:43:35 fight! 7:47:12 otototototototo 7:56:30 good night and closing thoughts
i dont understand a thing she said but i hope she enjoyed it and looking forward to play more valhiem. the game gets better and better after each biome.
(Timestamp / ネタバレ注意)
00:01:41 スタート
00:02:28 VALHEIMとは
00:03:43 ゲームスタート
00:05:13 寧々丸さん、といさん、アリアさん、ミドリさん、れいかさん合流
00:07:11 らむちゃん参加
00:09:54 赤い石の説明
00:15:38 空を見るメンバーたち
00:17:42 ミドリさんダウン
00:18:40 2日目
00:20:37 ミドリさんダウン
00:22:08 家作成開始
00:22:47 といちゃんダウン
00:26:48 モンスタに襲われるアキロゼ
00:40:06 といちゃんダウン
00:47:38 一人だけ服を着ていないアキロゼ
00:48:40 3日目
00:52:25 川発見
00:58:42 拠点到着
01:02:40 作業台を破壊するアキロゼ
01:11:48 服を着るアキロゼ
01:18:00 間違えてといちゃんを殴るアキロゼ
01:18:40 4日目
01:19:39 ボスの説明
01:40:08 アキロゼ「たきぼ?」
01:43:38 メンバーで睡眠
01:43:55 5日目【起床】
01:55:08 ミドリさん「こはく」
01:57:06 アキロゼ「ぺろんちょ」
02:05:46 ボス召喚(エイクスュル)
02:06:51 らむちゃんダウン
02:07:51 討伐
02:12:40 犠牲の石に捧げるメンバーたち
02:13:57 6日目
02:16:48 ボス召喚(エイクスュル)
02:18:07 寧々丸さんダウン
02:18:30 討伐
02:21:20 拠点作成開始
02:25:07 掘りすぎるといちゃんとアリアさん
02:32:13 ボス召喚(エイクスュル)
02:34:05 メンバー「家がー!!」
02:34:28 寧々丸さんダウン
02:35:09 討伐
02:37:38 れいかさんオフライン
02:37:43 ハンバーガーヘイストの説明
02:42:55 燃えるアキロゼ
02:43:57 7日目
02:59:05 家完成
03:03:06 拠点へ
03:05:01 拠点到着
03:11:54 起床 8日目
03:15:40 黒い森へ
03:18:58 黒い森到着
03:20:04 らむちゃんダウン
03:20:48 ミドリさん、寧々丸さんダウン
03:21:59 トロル討伐
03:24:05 ダンジョン突入
03:25:18 寧々丸さんダウン
03:27:03 らむちゃんダウン
03:28:29 ミドリさんダウン
03:31:18 寧々丸さんダウン
03:33:48 らむちゃん、アキロゼダウン
03:38:51 アイテム回収
03:40:47 アキロゼダウン
03:41:55 9日目
03:43:40 アイテム回収
03:55:10 拠点へ
03:56:22 次のボスの話
03:59:19 家到着寧々丸さんオフライン
04:11:55 10日目
04:23:42 海へ
04:29:40 ミドリさん合流
04:38:31 ミドリさんダウン
04:41:56 11日目
04:44:56 ミドリさん合流
04:51:19 海拠点作成開始
05:11:56 12日目
05:31:15 海拠点完成
05:32:00 いかだで戻り
05:41:55 13日目
05:48:25 陸地到着
05:51:05 拠点到着
06:01:22 アリアさん「トロール?」
06:11:56 14日目
06:14:25 吐き散らかすアリアさん
06:16:56 吐き散らかすアリアさん
06:41:56 15日目
06:52:06 ワープ開通
06:52:18 ワープ(海拠点へ)
06:52:59 ワープ(拠点へ)
06:57:40 らむちゃんオフライン
07:11:55 16日目
07:12:09 アリアさんオフライン
07:16:50 拠点にレイド
07:17:07 アリアさん通話開始
07:24:52 アリアさんオフライン
07:34:41 ワープ(海拠点へ)
07:36:55 アキロゼダウン
07:37:23 ワープ(海拠点へ)
07:37:44 アイテム回収
07:41:08 東へ探索
07:41:55 17日目
07:42:16 青銅の剣をもらうアキロゼ
07:44:37 といちゃんダウン
07:50:25 引き返し
07:54:49 ワープ(拠点へ)
07:56:29 お疲れさまー
07:56:46 雑談(アキロゼの成果の話、次いつできるか、VALHEIM気になっていた話、海賊王目指す話、次の目標の話など)
08:04:00 スパチャ読み
08:05:16 おつたーる🍎&ED
*[Timestamps below]*
A new survival adventure for Aki!! 🤩Our RUST heroes tackle the Norse lands in quite a flammable start 20:20 , 41:48 , 42:52 , 1:17:30 , 1:44:58 , 1:51:40, but now they set up, they delved in a dungeon 3:24:20, they killed trolls 6:55:10 and they employ travel magic 6:52:10! Looking forward for more adventures ☺
Thank you Aki, Toitoi, Aria, Lam, Reika, Nenemaru and Middle for the fun night! I wish you all a nice rest!! 🥰
1:42 start
3:45 game start
5:12 dynamic entry
7:38 Middle-sensei in session
10:45 greyling
15:03 oh yeah, watch out for the tree
17:43 Middle-san down!
18:40 welcome back
20:40 , 22:46 crispy friends🔥
└24:20 and a crispy Aki🔥
26:42 help!
28:59 watch out!
32:33 cool skybox!!!
34:01 Toitoi in pain somewhere
37:12 ORA!!!!
43:25 no cookable items
49:58 , 55:30 crispy meat
53:10 many foes!
56:20 slowy slowly
1:02:40 AAAHH the table!!
1:06:30 low health? No Problem!
1:11:33 tunic for Aki
1:15:18 BGM on
1:19:05 more cooking places
1:27:20 , 1:28:50 , 1:37:10 , 1:40:28🏹
1:32:13 when in doubt. hammer
1:41:39 1 bed for each
1:43:40 zzzzzzzzzzzzz
1:44:00 🔥Good Morning!!🔥
1:59:55 fall damage
2:06:00 , 2:17:02 *EIKTHYR*
2:12:42 using the trophy
2:21:52 watch out!
2:25:07 Mining!!
2:26:29 full inventory
2:32:16 Eikthyr too close to the house
└2:34:03 THE HOUSE!!!!😱
2:35:39 house rebuilding
2:46:44 Nenemaru?
2:52:05 completing the wall
2:53:08 higher ladder
2:57:12 complete!
3:15:42 IKZ!
3:18:22 Aria found a troll!
├3:19:30 fighting the troll
└3:22:00 victory
3:24:05 *DUNGEON*
├3:25:20 Nenemaru dead!
├3:27:03 Lam down!
├3:29:05 parry tips
├3:31:00 more skeletons
├3:31:15 pain Nenemaru
├3:31:51 kiting plan
├3:32:30 scream!!
├3:33:20 hello!
├3:33:50 Lam and Aki down!
├3:38:15 bringing in friends
├3:38:53 recovery
├3:40:32 Surprise!! and Aki down again
├3:44:42 Aki bait time
├3:45:15 laughs
├3:49:54 parties everywhere!
└3:53:11 a pick works too
3:55:40 settling at the dungeon
3:59:20 good night, Nenemaru!
3:59:34 heeeelp!
4:39:03 chased by dwarves
4:40:57 Ne!
4:46:33 vs the beehive
4:49:25 , 7:54:13 not close at all to drowning!🌊
4:58:22 okaeri!
5:08:51 BGM is back
5:16:51 hit by her own tree
5:31:43 boarding the boat
5:32:16 boat driving
5:48:30 smooth landing
5:50:25 Eikthyr buff
5:52:02 more cooking
└5:53:07 , 6:02:18 🔥
5:57:17 the ladies in danger
6:11:06 working the land
6:14:33 , 6:17:00 Vomit attack!!
6:20:49 cart!
6:24:20 adding aesthetics
6:57:42 good night, Lam!
7:12:19 good night, Aria!
7:16:57 home invasion? and Aria summoned to defend!
└7:18:20 AkiBait at work again
7:21:57 Bone collector Toitoi at work
7:24:40 good night for real now, Aria!
7:29:10 , 7:40:31 mogu mogu
7:37:00 Eeeeeee?!
7:43:35 fight!
7:47:12 otototototototo
7:56:30 good night and closing thoughts
Valheim is a great fit for Aki! The boss battles, raiding, and the beautiful base building!
Thank you for the super fun stream, Aki!🍎
i dont understand a thing she said but i hope she enjoyed it and looking forward to play more valhiem. the game gets better and better after each biome.
面白くないわけなし(๑•ᴗ-๑)♡ ̑̑✧
次回も楽しみ( ´›ω‹`)🎶
おつたーる 🍎
美しい ありがとう 愛しています Aki Rosenthal